Queen of the Death Star🖤

By MinisterofMovies

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Imagine instead of Rey escaping the forest fight that night of Han Solo's death, she was taken captive by Kyl... More

Chapter One- A New Plan
Chapter Two- Only The First Day
Chapter Three- A New Feeling
Chapter Four- The Force Senses All
Chapter Five- Leia's Deal
Chapter Six- That Rare Evening
Chapter Eight- Everything Sweet
Chapter Nine- Who Is A Scavenger's Family?
Chapter Ten- Mother and Son
Chapter 11- Summit of Supreme Leader Snoke
Chapter Twelve- Torn Apart
Chapter Thirteen- Both Truths In The Same Night
Chapter Fourteen- Hiding and Entering the Darkness
Chapter Fifteen- Love is Worth Dying For
Chapter Sixteen- Goodbye Our Princess
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Red, Blue, Green - Our Last Hope
Chapter Nineteen- It's Ben, not Kylo
Chapter Twenty- I'm coming

Chapter Seven- She Who Was Possessed

147 2 2
By MinisterofMovies

In this chapter I give the name of the Delivery Woman- PLEASE DO NOT STEAL HER CHARACTER. She is completely my own creation and you have no right to use it.

Thank you :)

Rey settled down after laughing at Hux for about half an hour.

Kylo left her on the sofa after he had covered her with a soft blanket. Her eyes were almost closed when she saw Ren leaving his chambers and closing the door as quietly as possible behind him.

"There really is a Ben Solo" was Rey's last thought before her eyes flickered shut.


It was silent in the halls of the Death Star, nothing stirred. No one was around so Kylo did not bother himself by wearing that metal prison of a mask.

Something that Kylo did miss about Ben Solo was that he could not watch anything like the fire-coloured sunrises that blazed over the horizon like a gigantic phoenix visiting its nest. And so, he walked in stillness around the ship.

Ren was climbing the steps back up to his chambers a few hours later when a loud crash came from behind him. The man spun around with his lightsaber burning red. It was the food delivery girl.

"Lillia. What are you doing here?" said Kylo, immediately unsettled.

The girl, Lillia, came closer. She had a look of a murderer in her eyes.

Kylo became concerned.


The woman opened her mouth slowly as she came even closer, she hissed like she was being controlled. Ren's eyes had a swirl of fear.


"You will come to an end. Kylo Ren is no longer worthy of this life." She hissed out the words. Possessed.



The woman lashed out and tore the skin off Kylo's shoulder. It bled heavy. Ren held his breath to stop the pain.

Lillia lashed out again holding a knife in between her fingers. She cut it across Ren's face it left a long wound full of blood.

Just as the woman tried another attack, Kylo moved his lightsaber and pushed her down the stairs. He ran after her as she tumbled down.

When he reached the bottom of the steps the woman was not lying down on the ground but was floating in mid-air; her eyes red and her body cloaked.

She fell to the ground suddenly after letting out an unearthly screech and Kylo Ren launched his sabre into her chest.

The world fell silent. Lillia lay dead on the ground, chest in flames, eye wide open. Kylo was drenched with his own blood and pain being the only thing that he could feel.

Ren could suddenly see Rey in front of him. She was awake lying on the sofa. Rey saw the dead woman and her breath shook. Kylo could say nothing but stare, terrified.

Before he knew it, the connection was lost, and Rey was sprinting down the stairs next to Kylo. She froze when she saw Lillia lying there. Rey was lost for words.

Finally, she found them.



Rey stopped. She hadn't even looked at Kylo, only the lightsaber hanging out of Lilla's body. But she did see him then.

The man was flooded with blood. His shirt was torn, and his shoulder wrecked. A huge cut went across his face and dripped down his clothes and onto the floor. Kylo had uneven breaths and his eyes were full of terror and unusual slight tear drops.

He was completely shattered.

"Snoke did this" he said quietly as Rey covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at the man's appearance. "or someone did, Lilla wouldn't do this."

Rey reached out and her fingertips touched Kylo's shoulder. He jerked back from the pain and grabbed his arm.

"What happened, Ben?" she asked finally.

"She attacked me."

The hadn't even tried to shake off the question.

"What do you mean. Like after you attacked her?" said Rey.


Rey could see that this wasn't the time.

"Come back inside, Ben" Rey said.

She lightly took Ren's gloved hand and pulled him back up the stairs by his finger. She opened the door and sat him down of the green sofa. When the girl had a damp cloth in her hands, she looked at his shoulder.

Rey knew all about medicine and healing, that's what happens when you live alone in a dessert full of danger and hazards.

"Right, Ben don't move" she said as she touched down with the cloth onto his open wound. Kylo jammed his teeth together and squinted as he tried to stop a cry of pain from escaping his lips. He was mostly unsuccessful.

This wasn't going to work. Pieces of his shirt were stuck in the cut and making it worse.


"Yes" he responded through gritted teeth.

"This isn't going to work unless I can see your entire shoulder" Rey said, nervous. The worst thing that could happen now was if Kylo was angry.

"Whatever" he said.

Rey was surprised, she did not expect that! But to be honest she hadn't been expecting a lot of the things that had happened.

Kylo couldn't move his arm so Rey lifted his shirt from his body and laid it on the floor, it had a huge slash were Lillia cut him.

This was something that Rey never expected she would do even in a million lightyears.

She held onto his wounded arm and pressed it against Kylo's cut, while with the other hand she wrapped her hand under his second shoulder to keep him steady.

Rey found out two answer that night; why Kylo's shirt was so big and how he could lift a piece of furniture that was heavier than a Wookie's helmet. The man must have been stronger and more muscular than the most substantial block of iron.

Dawn was on the rise when Rey had cleared up Kylo's face and removed any further blood pools. It was going to leave a scar. Secretly, as Rey traced her hands over the wound to clean it, Kylo had a desire to know if she would still think he was handsome even with it staining his face.

"If you ever dump that ask of yours at least people will know that there was a reason you wore it" Rey had said.

Kylo had only nodded.

He was in a trance; Rey had sat next to him, seen his shirtless, pretty much seen him try and hide a couple of tears that came with the pain.

Men were called to clear away Lillia's body and all was back to normal, well almost.

It had happened again; Rey and Kylo had seen each other without being physically in sight of the other. It was getting more complicated.

Who was making these connections?

What had possessed the delivery woman?

What was this new feeling between Kylo and Rey?

Was it what they thought it was?

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