11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

3》Trigger Feel

484 18 2
By JeonMina_05

Almost time of lunch but still there is no her appereance. These morning she just rush out after shouting at him that she had problem at her own boutique. As boss, he need to know the strong reason why. As fiancee, he might accompany her.

But after all she had her own permanent job. As temporary assistant maybe not busy as a designer. But at least tell him when she will be back. Miss her? Hell not yet. He just curious only. His staff who near his office can be called his team on his cases he handle.

They always help him and do what he ordered. The team also get to closed with Mina. As well she not arrogant nor cold at all. Her face was like that and because she smart and calm, her attitude more to be chill and relax.

But her temper cant be tested as she had her limit. Being a savage at same time can trigger people feeling but she dont care if she was right. But Wonwoo more to be had long patient than her.

Mingyu also start to get lunch with Tzuyu as the excuses he give to Wonwoo are just to get know his fiancee more. And he know what Mingyu will do if his annoyed side come.

The lunch usual he keep and still Mina still not back. His team try to convince him to eat but what he said just bring bread and coffee only. He not text her as she will reply. He call? No if she will pick up. Can say they had their level ego? Kind of.

3 hours more before work time end, finally she back and first thing she do are just seat at her office. While Wonwoo straight to her office and peek if people stalk them.

"Where you go?"



"Im just there and i already told that."

"Quit for that question as i ask you actually was why took you so long?"

"Okay i tell you! First my boutique had a problem and i need to solve it until lunch. When i was about to go back here my car broke down. Taxi was so busy on afternoon so i just walk with this hell high heels and take a bus. Satisfied?"


"What you want me to explain more, Jeon Wonwoo?"

"25% is why you not call me or even text me?"

"For what sick i need to?"

"Ah for what you said to? One im your boss and you just dash out from office. Two im your fiancee can help by take you there. Three but not last at least call or text if anything happend."

"Did you think you are my bodyguard or what? I can handle myself."

"No ome said you cant. For now you must know that you had a guy to be handled you."

"As i wish this world had no man."

"And as i wish you wont exist if your dad not exist."

"You really clever mocking people huh?"

"At least you the first one."

"Tch! Go back to your work."

"Before i leave, after work i drive you home. Bye."


He rush out from her room and she grin her teeth. Wonwoo not even care getting glare from her but more to smile in secret. Mina hufft and start to do her work while mumbling nonsense about him.



"Mr. Kim Mingyu, did you not work?"

"I am but now not as im not busy."

"Well i am. And why you here?"

"Just to give you this."

A little candy from his hand was point to her. She frown and take it while looking at him.

"Are you sick? Just because this candy, you here?"

"Yeah and for another reason."

"Can you straight to the point? I had more work to do."

"Did you free this weekend?"

"Weekend of course day off. What you think im like Mina who busy 24 hours?"

"Cool! This friday i will take you out. Bye!"


He wave at her and out from hospital. She get pissed to it and try to hold her burn inside. His annoying side to her really test her but at same time it push her tension a while.

When she dont see his appereance, she continue her work as the candy in her hand was open and eat it. Strawberry but sweet.


Mina out from her house to go for her boutique as tofay was weekend. She not gonna trap herself inside house if her busy work not called her to come. As she dont use to breakfast, she skip it.

When she close the gate, she turn to walk but stop after she saw Wonwoo standing while lay at his car playing his phone.

"What you doing here?"

"Oh your mom text me yesterday."

"And? For what?"

"Simple, your car will be done today and she told me to be your driver today."

"There is lot taxi and a lawyer had his part time, impressive."

"Try mocking but nah still wasted. Get in, i will drive you."

"What if i dont want?"

"Try to play hard i see. Mina, im not a soft guy that will play along to it. Get in."

She roll her eyes and get inside his car. As he drive the wrong way, she still not say anything and wait what will he take her. What exactly he going are just cafe.

"You want to out or not?"

"Did you lost, Mr. Jeon? I work at boutique not at cafe."

"Ah yes i know that and here to breakfast."

He leave her and just get in cafe while she squeel in frustation. She stomp his car out and get in while queue behind him. Suddenly a random guy come in and stand behind her.

Not in her realise that the hand wondering behind her almost touch her back but Wonwok had his own instinct. He pull her to stand front him. She turn and speak to him eventhought his face look like nothing happend.

"What are you try to do?"


"First you push me to get breakfast and now you pull me to stand front you?"

"Will talk about this later, now...."

He hold her head in just one hand and swing her head to face infront as no one front her. She quickly go counter and take her order.

When they was eating, Mina just eat cookies and hot milk but Wonwoo try to make her late more as he order bread toast, hot coffee and pie. She cross her arms and glare at him.

"Mind explain what happend a while?"

"Ah about that! Turn to seasoning side."

She turn and saw the guy who stand behind her a while was try to touching woman back and even had his phone camera recording woman skirt. She was about to stand but he prevent her by pulling her down.

"You are lawyer and you suppose to do something?!"

"I am now."

"The hell-"

He point his finger to his lips as sign her to shut her mouth. She groan and wondering her eyes to out window. When Mina was paying, she dont even care that Wonwoo alreday go or not. Instead he just go to one of worker and whisper something.

In car to her boutique, silence always leading and Mina not even want to had a word with him. He dont even want to talk so both had their own time.

"You can go now."

"As i am. I will stay at your boutique."

"Wonwoo. Are you trying to play my patient?! Now there is no right to you controll or whatever you be to me!"


"Day ago you fired me with unreasonable question and try to be like a protective fox. A while ago a man behind me try to record woman in cafe but you not even take any step to stop him. And now you want to stay my place as you dont even had anything to do. Are you a possessife man or trying to crush my timelife as fiancee."

"Are you done?"

He cross his arms and look at her. She suddenly feel a bit nervous and hold her self to not be overmad again. He suddenly come closer to her and she keep slide edge door.


"Take off your seatbelt, wolf girl. I will explain at inside."

She flustered and quickly out from his car. As they get in, her worker quickly bow to her and suprise that a guy behind her follow her. Her worker not many but can count as 5 people there. Where other many? She had many boutique and this place was main building to CEO and she is.

As they enter her office Wonwoo wondering around and obeserving her design of room. Simple but enough to bring feminine vibe in here.

"Your room was not bad at all."

"Thank you and you sure staying here like nothing?"

"Not being stone but i need to lend your laptop a while."

"I will just give the rare one since the one i use now was important."

"Im not complain but is there internet inside?"

"No but this building had strong wifi."

She give him her another laptop. Rhey do their own job until her assistant call her on phone table. So she just push rhe button and let her speak.


"Miss Mina! The planned project at Busan fashion competition suddenly gone! And all fabric and branded logo was stealed!"

"What?! Gather the all team and we will solve it today!"

"Ndae Miss Mina!"

"Wonwoo dont go anywhere!"

She rush from her office to meet her team leaving Wonwoo alone. He chuckle and shake his head.

"Huh. Like im a kid playing around."

But he got bored staying seat for long. So he get up and go to where she was now. He saw how serious she us talking with her team and he observing her face as he think she is impressive as leader.

"Jack and Arron, you order a new fabric from overseas but a near one."

"But Miss, it will take to long!"

"Arron, believe me the near country a fastest delivery but this time try to persude them to be more quick. Jack will help you finf another fabric. Make sure the six type of fabric was order from two different country, Jack."

"Yes copy that Miss."

"Well done. As for Lucy and Victor, you had another branded logo you draw?"

"We had but we not coolor it yet! Victor keep it at another pendrive she hold."

"Good! Change the logo you uad now as new one but this time, i give you chance to style it by yourself."

"But are you sure?! Busan fashion competition are one of list that can lead us to another level."

"Victor i trust all of you guys. We have been together for 3 years. And im sure you guys had own skill that i always proud of. Now for Hannah, call every sponsor and keep meeting with them to accept our boutique."

"Yes Miss!"

"As all fine now, You may start and this time make sure all we do now keep safe and not gonna get steal again."

"Alright Mis Mina!!"

All rush to start their work as some of them run to take all color paper and glitter with glue, scissor and many stuff. Some of them too was busy discussinv on laptop. Mina sigh and go back to her office.

But before she can go, she suprise as Wonwoo stand beside meeting room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Just wondering around."


She take her seat at her office and busy with her laptop. So was Wonwoo but this time he try to talk to her as she keep ruffle her hair like hell frustation.

"I conpliment you."


"Well Mina, as boss we had to lead our team well and i always be to our lawyer team. But so far i watch you handling the problem ago, i think if im not at office you can handle them too."

"Since when did you know to praise people?"

"Since you be my fiancee. Im proud of you."

"Huh thank you."

Sheflutter a while but still manage her straight face. But Wonwoo can feel it. He just chuckle and do his work. Her assistant keep get in her office to handle the sponsor and some of the her team also get in to show their work.

Her busy on weekend just until lunch. So now was 2 pm and she decide to go back home.

"Im done. We can go home now."

"Finally! If i had free time i will go here."

"Im not gonna prevent you. So lets go."

"Yeah but first lunch must be our priority as i was starve like hell."

She roll her eyes and just get out as her woker also bow to her. But Victor suddenly ask Wonwoo who he is.

"Who are you with Miss Mina?"

"Im Jeon Wonwoo as lawyer."

"As Vicky alreday ask your name, what you to Miss Mina?"

"Im her fiancee."

He go out from her boutique leaving her worker suprise.


"Where you gonna take me?"

"We will go to watch movie."

"If you want to do what dating couple do, im not gonna interest by it."

"You wont feel if you dont try. So when you being my fiancee, you need to do all things with me. But when you nkt being mine, you can do anything except dating another guys."

"Does it sound as you trying to control me?"

"No! Im not. Tzuyu, as you should know that im just want to protect my future wife. Because when we keep our meeting together, we might always remind in our mind."

"Such a sweet words. Anyway dont even try to bring me to the diguisting place like you know whatever couple go sweetly."

"I try to not so now just follow me. Im sure you gonna enjoy it."

She silent and they arrive at mall. As everyone see they like true couple and even talking about them. As they at theater cinema, they choose to see Marvel movies.

Mingyu enjoying the movie but Tzuyu stone while her eye glue without even turn her head to see Mingyu. As they done, they go to arcade and even to funfair.

Mingyu not notice that she quitely observing him. For her, she not actually  be a empty soul girl and same like Mina. Its just they not enjoy all of this when they were teenage so they keep feel that all normal people do was new to them.

' He not bad at all. Annoying but not bad at all. How can he had fun time without problem he hold. Does he never feel burden as i heard he dont have parents. Why he look too strong endure the pain? '

"Earth to Tzuyu? You there?"

"Oh what? You had problem?"

"No but you are. Let me gues....emmm hah! You must hungry! Lest go lunch!"

He pull her hand and feel a but heat on her face while feel his warm hand. As they eat, he keep eating harsh amd she just judging him inside as he torally dont have manners.

Gladly, he eat not fell any food or crumbs down. But the way he eat totally like a guy who starve one week. She eat her food slowly as nothing to be rush off. After all their activites they do, Mingyu sent her home.


"You back?"

"Well at least my work end well."

"I see Wonwoo this morning and im sure he take you and send you take your car."

"Yes and how about your dating?"

"Dating haha! Is fiancee hang out like that called dating?"

"Thats what normal people do. As couole out, there is nothing weird about it. Im sure you experienced new with Mingyu."

"So was you. Getting in car with a man who actually your boss and fiancee at same time."


"Bro! Im gonna sleep over at your house!"

"Im never prevent you but as-"

"As usual im sleeping at your living foom. There is no sweet thing if i sleep with you."

"Eww im not gay. Im a healthy guy after all."

"Hey! Im healthy too okay! Did you think im enggage to a gay one?"

"Tzuyu are woman? Thats new."

"You! At least i had fun date with her while you and Mina not having it."

"She same age like you but matured. Of course do that anytime when we want. But as you know me that im not gonna into this unless she want."

"Well if she. But i see Mina actually not easy girl but when with you, im sure you can break her perspective life."

"Mina and Tzuyu had their own story that we dont even know. So im planning if we just slowly dig their secret so we can know how to change their life."

"Well if its work, the first list i want from her was see her sincere smile. Im sure their secret hold their happiness."

"They avoiding all question that had past time and they even not into what normal people do."

"Yeah as they can open their self more to us. As fact we are their fiancee so we might had right to know their story before married."

"Your point was possible this time."

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