11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

15.6K 926 305

In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

2》The Violence

544 22 1
By JeonMina_05

They both dont care. Really not. Evryone dont know that they are fiancee and not even single words out from their mouth saying they are enggage. Is like they know what they need to do.

Wonwoo often see her come to work earlier but just put the note at his table as it was his scheduals. She not talk much and every her work was perfect and neat. Her reputation in a month was totally good.

A knock was heard and Mina show up. Wonwoo try to be soft with her as Mina always talk short and dont even had any reactions she gave instead just cold and straight. Wonwoo feel she was himself in second version.

"Yes Mina?"

"You ready? 15 minutes the court will be start."

"Yes i am. You need to come too."

She nof and take her file. Wonwoo take his court clothe and head to the second courtroom where many people there. Mina just behind him and wear her mask to prevent people know her.

2 hours arguing mouth with their side partner, Wonwoo win the cases. They head out and many media try to shoot him but Mina smart pull him to go back door court.

"If you dont any media come to you  use a back door. Main door only a enter lawyer not always for exit one."

"Copy that. Since Mingyu busy, i wanna take you lunch."

"Im not hungry yet."

"You not but you will when we get there."

He pull her to get in his car. When they was eating, none of them try to talk and just busy with their own world. But Wonwoo seem wanna talk to her something. She can sense it as he keep glancing.

"If you want to ask just do it. Im not a monster."

"Sorry. Im just wanna know how did you have your last name?"

"Simple im born at Japan and my dad are Japanese. I see you are older than me."

"Im just 27."

"And im 26. There is no further age gap to wondering off."

"Why you take lawyer degree when you know you will be designer?"

"I was about to be like you but i dont have intuation to talk much. As i dont like staring at those bunch of files 24 hours so i think better draw something than read."

"The Black Swan?"

"I learn ballet for 11 years and it was just hobby. The name was just a random."

"About Tzuyu?"

"She born Taiwan but her father was Hongkong. But as well now we had korean dad."

"Basically miss Park had 3 husband?"

"No. She divorced our dad and marry our Lee dad when i was 9 and Tzuyu 7."

"Well Mr. Ler Jong Suk...."

"You really had many qurstion on your mind to me."

"Well you are my fiancee and assistant. Its the right thing if i know about you little because one day we will live in one roof."

"I see you had a point."


Tzuyu out from her office room and was about to go out. But suddenly Mingyu show up. She not react much and straight forward ask him.

"What are you doing here?"

"As Wonwoo lunch with your sister, why not we go out lunch too?"

"Im a quick eater so im sure you will bored with me."

"Its okay. Its not wrong time to know our fiancee. We might had seperate house if we just dont know each other."

"I take that as excuses. Well im simple so what ever you do im not gonna make it biggy problem."

"I see you really are simple. So shall we had our first lunch?"

"And i take that as first polite attitude."

She walk first and Mingyu just chuckle behind. Tzuyu not a person who reject man like that but she just be what ever she want to do. When she dont want than no one can push her. Man who chasing her was wastes as she always throw her savage words.

"Mind if i asking?"

"Ask what you want."

"Okay miss doctor. Any work that have you experienced?"

"I did. As accountant money bank."


"I hate math and number. Doctor more chilling."

"Age of you and me?"

"Im 24 and as i see you must be 26."

"How did you know?"

"Google had many things useful. And your a successful engineer and your age totally same like Mina."

"Does you two really closed?"

"What wuestion of that? We are sister."

"I know like a closed much or any another sibling?"

"We closed much and no need any people in our life again."

"Well you look not Korean."

"Im mixed and so was Mina. She hald Japanese and im half taiwanese. Same mom dufferent dad."

"But Mr. Lee-"

"He was our korean dad and only tge last one. Our dufferent dad divorced and that the end."

"Okay i get it."

"You really had lot question."

"I did and fiancee need to know more."

"Excuses accepted."


They at their own office. And after their lunch they back to their own work. But there is one girl suddenly come to Wonwoo office. Mina seems unbothered and play with her phone as her work done.

"Mr. Wonwoo!"

"Sarah? What gotten you here?"

"Our building had celebration for 20th years lawyer. You need to join us and be a part of speech being boss of second section."

"You see im just civic lawyer but why i need be there."

"Cause you are our leader and you must be there."



"The time end?"

"12 am."

"You may go."

Sarah want to talk more but seeing jis unbothered face, she get disappointed. As she get out, she glare at Mina and she seems not notice but she did. She dont card and used to the glare eyes around here.

Suddenly a phone table ring, she glance at Wonwoo akd he usher her to get in. She did and just cross her arms. Wonwoo not even gonna tell her about manner to him but let her be what she one.

"Tonight we had celebration."


"So you need to attend with me."


"Mina, for all detailed im your boss and you are my assistant. The party end 12 but i just gonna done my speech then we back home."

"What im gonna do there? Being stone?"

"Look just attend and wait until my speech done. Im gonna pick you."

"No need i can drive."

"You dont but i want. End of talk. You may go."

She hold her patient as she lose of arguing mouth with him. She go out from his office and play her phone. She really hate kind of party. Its loud and annoyed her ears. Smell and sound making her crazy and hoping it end quick.


"Yah. Why you out from car?"

He head up as he at her infront house. He stun a while see her wearing peach pink gown. Its suits her and he raise his eyebrow when she still standing infront him.

"Of course waiting you and sounds rude to just stay inside car. Well get in, party will start 15 minutes."

She get in and silence fill in the car. But this time Mina start the talk with him.

"You like this party?"

"Not much. I hate sound of crazy beat sound and i can drink but still not at the place like club."

"Why you being lawyer?"

"Oh we back the basic question?"

"Answer me."

"Fine just i love the busy work. No love or affection on my life so im happy choosing this typical job."

"Exactly you dont have any interest of love."

"Yes im not. Its not just hate but it annoye me."

"You ever been in love?"

"On highschool but you know monkey love not stay long. What about you?"

"Trying to put reverse card on me?"

"Asking wont be wrong turn."

"Well love or affection had many type and i didnt believe your words saying you hate it."

"And why is that?"

"Because you love once for your family. Second for yourself. And third to your own family as you really found tour destiny."

"The third one was gonna happend once and i seem dont care about it."

"I know you gonna say it. Believe me once you found your soulmate, you need to keep her well if not she gone and you wont find a same like her."

"Huh like im gonna looking for it."

"Why not?"

"Dont realise? You my fiancee and what others? Need to find second wife to complete words soulmate?"

"How can you sure our enggagement will stay?"

"Im not sure but you see, we had another 10 months. So there is time to find another man in your life."

"Man with sweet talker like you really easy to find a new."

"What do you mean?"

"Loyal man only learn to make his girl stay but a sweet talker just gonna hurt it in just no time."

She get out from his car as they already arrive. He cant understand what he said but ignore it a while. He see many worker or staff there fill the building to celebrate the party.

He roam inside and see Mina standing at edge of hall. Trying to ignore all people around her while drinking her juice. The straight face was show how she dont care people stare at her.

But he feel that he need to be there. So he go to her and just pull her hand to infront stage. When he give a speech, Mina really can feel many eyes on her as Wonwoo keep glancing at her.

When he done, he get down the stage and stand beside her.

"You want everyone know that we had something by glancing like that?"

"I see nothing problem coming. Why not if people think we had something. We fiancee and not biggy to talk."

"Easy for you because media not your safe priority."

"As well a famous designer like you really people chasing. But for me they just bunch of crazy. There is nothing to be worried of."

"Im not worried but lets just say who the one always annoyed when everyday getting flower or chocolate or even flirty wink from worker."

"Now try to mock me?"

"Im not but if you think it is then up to you. You can just announce that you really dont like it to others and give strong reason."

"Really? Dont regret cause i can do it know."

"Oh i challenge you."

He smirk and leave her a while to stage. He take the mic and announce to people making them suorise and some of them clapping.

"Hello everybody! As for short announce, the lady who are my temporary assistant was my fiancee and our marriege will had anytime if we ready. Thank you."

All cheering for him and some of them are girls who glaring at her. When he get down and stand beside her. She was glaring at him.

"I said ralking about girls avoiding you not our status!"

"Thats it! The strong reason and its enough one to make them understand."

"I see you had chance to be reporter."

"Oh believe me, im good at everything wolf girl."


The phone ringing and it was unknown number. She hestitate to open but not going to be rude so she pick up.


"Ah Tzuyu is picking up finally."

"Who are you?"

"We met for second and now forget me?"

"Second not million. Tell  me who are you before i hang up."

"Relax im just joking."

I caunt to three. One.."

"Okay okay..."


"Stop i will answer...."


"Im Kim Mingyu. The fiancee of yours."

"How did you had my number?"

"Just guess it."


"Nah she is my cousin fiancee."


"Absolutely not that rock guy."

"My mom?"

"No she too kind."

"The hell is it?"

"Cool your temper, i get it in my way. Its not stalking but sire you that a fiancee need to had each number."

"What are you wanna talk about this night time?"

"Ah just gonna say that tomorrow we will lunch with Wonwoo and Mina."

"You can just text me."

"I like hearing voice than moving my finger. Well then goodnight!"

He hang up and she just shake her head before continue her job at laptop.

"Chou Tzuyu fiancee of Kim Mingyu. Im annoyed guy for you but will make sure yiu fall to me. Sounds psycho but im not. Its just destiney need to get close more."

He smirm while laying on his bed. The way he heard her voice enough to make cant stop thinking about her.

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