In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid...

By aweshesugly

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As a new additon to the BAU team, you are happy that you get along with the team just fine. But you worry eve... More

Chapter 1 -And so it begins
Chapter 2 -First Case First
Chapter 3 -Butterflies
Chapter 4 - Feelings
Chapter 5 - Killer Cupid
Chapter 6 - Taken
Chapter 7 - Right where it hurts
Chapter 8 - Kiss Me
Chapter 9 - Cuddle Buddies
Chapter 10 - Calling the Shots
Chapter 11 - Boss of Me
Chapter 12 - Make You Mine
Chapter 13 - First Date
Chapter 14 - Possesive
Chapter 15 - Duty Calls
Chapter 16 - Family Business
Chapter 17 - Call Me
Chapter 18 - Spencer
Chapter 19 - Court is Adjourned
Chapter 20 - Prisoner
Chapter 21 - Cutting Ties
Chapter 22 - Watched
Chapter 23 - Lost and Found
Chapter 24 - Karma
Chapter 25 - Betrayal
Chapter 26 - Partner in Crime
Chapter 27 - My Angel
Chapter 28 - Life and Death
Chapter 29 - After Life
Chapter 30 - Miss Me?
Chapter 32 - Unfortunate Events
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Birthday Boy
Chapter 35 - October Scorpios
Thank You💕/ Announcement👁👁

Chapter 31 - Irresistable

1.1K 26 106
By aweshesugly

This chapter is a bit long. I got a bit too excited ahaha but I hope you enjoy it cuties.

Xoxo, M

Warnings: fingering, degradation

Everyone looked at you in shock as you walked further into the room, their mouths hanging open at the sight of their supposedly dead partner.

You instantly looked for the person you had been wanting to talk to the most during these past three months, not even thinking that it might hurt Spencers feelings if you didn't approach him first.

"Penny" you whispered as you began to approach the beautiful bubbly blonde, she opened her arms to you and began hugging you tight.

"Im so sorry, Penny! Please dont hate me! Im sorry I did that to you, I never wanted to hurt you I swear!" you cried into her shoulder as she stayed quiet, hearing her as she was holding back the tears.

She let go of you and looked into your eyes, "Listen to me! I could never ever hate you, you hear me!" she yelled out as she wiped your tears and hugged you once more.

"But why the hell did you fake your death?!"

"I had no choice!" you said turning towards the team. "I-I really had no choice, I just wanted to protect you... all of you. I couldn't live with myself if one more person got hurt because of me!"

Morgan began to approach you, a serious look on his face as he examined yours.

"Man did I miss you!" he exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around you, his eyes welling up with tears as he held on tight.

As he let you go Emily approached you, then JJ, and boy did JJ sure miss you. She almost squeezed the baby outta you.

"You owe me several drinks, Miss Y/N" Emily shouted as she started to cry tears of joy.

"Yes, of course! Whatever you want just say it!" you responded with a smile.

And finally, you started to make your way towards Spencer. He was standing silently in the corner, his arms wrapped around himself as he watched you interact with the rest of the team.

"Spencer.." you whispered when you got close enough to him, "C-Can we go talk somewhere private?"

"Whatever you have to say, I dont want to fucking hear it!" he said bluntly as he began to walk out of the room, you instantly began to follow him. You had waited way to fucking long for this. You couldn't wait for him to calm down and decide to finally listen, it had to be right now!

"Spencer!" you screamed as you tried to follow him into the bullpen, he quickly ran to the elevator, clicking on any button to make the doors close.

You beat him to it, running towards the doors and stepped inside right before they even began to close.

"I need to fucking talk to you!" you began to speak breathlessly.

"Y/N! I dont even want to fucking look at you right now!"

He was avoiding eye contact with you, and man did that really pissed you off right now. But you decided to stay calm and try and be understanding.

"First of all, look at me!" you spoke calmly at him, trying to a civilized and mature conversation . He wouldn't budge, making you grow angrier by the second, "Spencer would just fucking look at me!"

He finally turned to you as he heard your voice shake, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.

You hated that this was the way he was going to find out he was going to be a father, angry and full of resentment. You didn't blame him really, but he definitely wasn't making it easier.

"What Y/N! Whats so god damn important that you wont leave me the fuck alone!"

"You know what! Fuck you!" you said as you placed your pointer finger on his chest.

"I just wanted to let you know that Im fucking pregnant!"

You watched his face turn white as you screamed the oh so joyous news to him, not caring enough to stop and let him process what you were saying.

"And before you ask, yes Spencer! Its yours!"

"Y/N... I-I"

"You what?!"

"How do I know its mine?"

Your mouth dropped as soon as those poisonous words came out of his mouth, your heart began to beat faster and faster as your anger filled up your entire body. You felt like you were going to punch the living daylights out of him.

"What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Y/N, I-Im sorry! I didn't mean to say that!"

"No, its fine. It's completely fine! Im just another fucking whore anyways right? That's what I always was to you!" you screamed louder than ever before, not really caring about if anyone could hear you.

"No! That's not true! I-I didn't mean to say that, I swear! I love you.." he whispered the last part with puppy dog eyes that just made you want to choke him.

"Aww, you love me? Did you also love me when you had your dick in her mouth?" you said in the bitchiest way possible as you clicked the button for the elevator doors to open.

"Y/N, please. I-I love you and I know you love me too" he whispered to you with a shaky voice, trying to grab your arm as you backed away from him.

You closed your eyes as you tried holding back the tears, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that you still loved him.

"If I ever told you that I loved you just know that I fucking regret it."

He stayed completely silent after that, the words you chose to say had hit him exactly where it hurt.

Spencer was always afraid of you falling out of love with him. He just never expected it to actually be his fault that your relationship crumbled.

The elevator doors finally opened, you stayed behind and waited for him to get the hell out.

"Im sorry that I caused you so much pain, Angel. I promise that I will never do it again, and I will spent the rest of my life trying to make it up to you" he whispered to you as he stepped out.

The elevator doors closed once again. The feeling of absolute loneliness hitting you once more as you felt yourself grow weak. You thought this was going to be such a beautiful moment, now it will forever be laced with pain and broken promises that he had made to you. The promises of unconditional love and support he so quickly forgot about.

You made your way back to the 4th floor, faking a smile as you approached the team. This wasn't going to ruin your first night back, you werent going to let it.
One week later...

It had been a week since you had, as you liked to say, resurrected from the dead.

You had been staying at Emilys apartment, it had been.... chaotic to say the least.

Spencer had tried to call you multiple times after your argument, you didn't answer of course. You just held this overwhelming grudge towards him, you had a good reason to just absolutely loath him but you just... you were still madly in love with him.

"Ugh! Y/N youre so stupid!" you cursed at yourself for even having empathy for him.

"What's wrong?" asked Emily concerned as she walked into the living room, you still hadn't told anyone else about the pregnancy, but maybe Emily was a good place to start.

"Emily... Can you keep a secret?"

Her eyes widened at the question, a smirk began to creep up on her face as she made her way to sit next to you. "Nope! But do tell!"

"Emily, Im serious!"

"Oh.... Of course hun, what's up?"

"Okay, I- Oh shit this is really hard" you admitted with a laugh. "Um, Emmy. Im pregnant."

"No fucking way!" she screamed as she pulled you into a bear hug, a fit of giggles coming out of you as she laid kisses all over your face.

"My sweet Y/N is having a baby! Does Penny know?!"

"No, she doesn't. And I dont want anyone else to find out just yet, I just figured im living with you. You deserved to know."

"I am so unbelievably happy! Im gonna be an aunt!! Oh my god, Reid is going to be a dad!"

You laughed a bit before a frown appeared on your face once more.

"Whats wrong hun?" asked Emily noticing your change in expression.

"Nothing, I just- I wish Spencer had a reaction like that..."

"What do you mean? Is he not happy?"

"Well he asked me how I am so sure its his."

"What?! That bitch!"

You laughed once again at the tone she used to insult him.

"Im serious Y/N, thats a dick move!"

"I know, but.... I guess im choosing to believe that he was just in shock so I don't completely detest him."

"I think you guys should talk about it some more, dont you think?"

"Emily, I just dont think I can bring myself to be alone with him" you confessed shyly.

"What If you didnt have to be?"

Five hours had passed since you let Emily know of your little "situation". During this time she planned a whole dinner that was supposedly to celebrate your return and had invited the whole team, including Dr. Reid himself.

The team agreed immediately and had gotten reservations at the Chat Noir, Emily remembered it was one of your favorites.

"Cmon Y/N, we are going to be late!" Emily shouted from the living room as you added the final touches to your look for the night.

"Im coming! Im coming, my gosh!" you complained while stepping out of the room and waiting for her gaze to lay upon the gorgeous dress she had let you borrow.

"Woah! You look hot as hell!"

You blushed as you turned to look at yourself in the mirror, watching yourself and admiring the red satin dress that hugged your chest beautifully. It was a bit loose from the bottom, making it hard to see your baby bump as you walked and had a slit on the side.

"Thanks Em! You look absolutely gorgeous yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. Lets go! We are five minutes late already!" she scolded you as you headed towards the couch and grabbed your purse.

"Okay, okay. Im ready!"

The car ride there was filled with music and non-stop laughter, Em was really helpful when it came to calming your nerves.

"So Y/N, what's the plan?"

"The plan is.... That there is no plan and I will go with the flow."

"Okay, just remember... Stay calm, get to the point, dont get distracted."

"Got it!" you responded as Emily began to pull into the restaurants parking lot. She parked right next to Garcias car, you took in a deep breath as you began to step out of the vehicle.

"Y/N, everything is going to be fine!" she affirmed while locking her arm in with yours, you smiled and walked into the restaurant with her by your side.

You both looked around, trying to find the team at one of the large tables.

You finally spotted them, walking up to the long table and watched as they all waved at you both with excitement. There were only two empty seats left. Of course, Emily beat you to the one next to Morgan, making you have to sit right next to Spencer.

As you went to sit down, everyone stared at your sexy red dress, like you knew they would. You caught Spencer sneak a peek at your cleavage. Normally that would make you very happy, it still did but it came with a hint of annoyance.

"Y/N, I have to be honest. You look good enough to eat right now" Morgan said raising his eyebrow. You laughed at his comment and thanked him. Penny and JJ also took a turn complementing you, making you feel like the belle of the ball.

"Spencer, what do you think about the dress?" asked Garcia, clearly noticing how quiet he was being.

You looked down at your empty plate as you waited for his answer.

"Hmm, she's worn better" he said as he sipped a bit of his water. You looked up and stared at him in amazement, did this bitch really just-? The audacity!

"Asshole" you whispered as you took Spencers glass and brought it to your lips, leaving a stain of your lipstick on it.

You felt his eyes go to you for a second, quickly pretending that you didnt get his attention.

The waiter finally came to your table to take your orders, you were starving! Everyone was looking at their menus and discussing what to eat as you silently selected your meal. You closed the menu and looked around at the fancy decorations, reminding you of the house in Paris.

As everyone was still deciding on what to get, you felt something beush against your leg. You flinched, realizing that it was Spencers hand. You slapped it away and continued daydreaming.

You felt his hand on your leg once more, he began to draw little figures on it as he pretended to look at his menu. You looked up to his face, getting angry as he ignored your gaze. You thought that maybe he was trying to make amends without alerting the team.

Well, this simply wasn't good enough for you.

You slapped his hand away once more, looking around at the team to make sure they were distracted enough for you to get closer to Spencer.

You leaned in bit, pretending you were just resting your arm on the table.

"Don't fucking touch me" you whispered, hearing him clear his throat at your words.

He began to try and make your legs touch, making you laugh each time he got closer and you would move. He waited until the waiter was taking your orders to mumble something in your ear.

"Y/N, Bathroom. Now!" he whispered in an authoritative tone that drove you crazy, pretending that it didnt have an effect on you, you turned to him with an annoyed look on your face.

"Uhhh, no!" you whispered back and turned around to the waitor. "Can I have a chicken alfredo please! Oh! and a Pepsi!"

Everyone finished ordering and began to talk about how we should all take a vacation. You were listening attentively as there was talk off Hawaii, you're favorite state.

As you were wrapped up in the conversation , you felt Spencer get close to you once more. "Please, I really need to talk to you...."

You turned back and looked at his sad expression, rolling your eyes and whispered a "fine" as you headed towards the bathroom. You decided to wait for him in the mens room, just for shits and giggles.

He finally walked in and stared into your eyes as he walked towards you.

"Hey Angel" he murmured as he got close enough to touch your arm.

"Reid, dont Angel me... We came here to talk. So, talk."

"I am so sorry for the way I reacted, I truly did not mean to say that to you! I know I dont deserve to be forgiven, but please let me try and save us.."

You looked into his honey eyes as you tried to decide if giving him a chance was even worth it, but even if you did you just couldn't give in that easily. It wasn't in your nature to forgive him just like that, not after causing you that much pain.

"I dont know Reid-"

"Please" he interrupted you as he brought his hands up to your face. You tried to be strong, you tried to listen to every instinct that implored you to not forgive him, but once his lips crashed into yours, that familiar feeling of absolute desire came running back to you.

He swiped his tongue on your bottom lip, begging for access as your hands found their way to his hair.

You opened your mouth and groaned as he deepened the kiss, his hands making their way down your body as you began to back up into a stall. He broke the kiss and began to grab harshly on your ass, eliciting a small moan from you.

"I missed you so fucking much" he murmured in your ear before he began laying sloppy kisses onto your jaw and neck, feeling his hands go up your dress as he did so.

You began to rock your body against his, feeling intense pleasure as his hardened dick pressed on your clit.

"Oh, Fuck!" you cursed quietly, afraid that anyone at the restaurant could hear you.

"Did you miss me, Angel?" he asked softly as he picked you up and pressed you against the stall door.

"Not really" you responded with a bratty tone.

He then put his fingers into his mouth, circling them with his tongue and brought his hand down to your slit.

"Hmm, I dont like it when you lie Angel?" he cooed as he removed your underwear and slid one of his fingers in between your folds as his thumb circled your now sensitive clit. Your breath hitched at the feeling, remembering how fucking good this man could make you feel.

"Ah! Oh my god!"

"Dont you like it when I finger fuck you like this, Angel? You seem awfully quiet.."

He whispered as he removed his fingers from you and tried to remove his pants with one hand. He finally did so and revealed his erection to you, feeling powerless as he teased you with it.

"The thing is Y/N, if you weren't already pregnant, I swear that I would've made sure you were after tonight."

And with that said he finally slammed into you, mercilessly sliding his dick in and out of your already soaking slit. You covered your mouth to prevent any loud moans to come out of you, watching Spencer smile at his effect on you.

"You are still.. a piece of shit!"

Your words only made his strokes go quicker, hitting your g-spot each time.

"And you're a lying bitch!" he responded through a moan, your eyes began to roll to the back of your head as the familiar feeling began to bubble up in your stomach.

"Ah! Spencer!"

"You like huh? You like it when I call you a little fucking bitch?"

"Dont stop! Holy shit dont stop!"

"Are you gonna cum for me, Angel?"

"Ah! Yes, Ye- AH!"

"Shhh, everyone outside is going to hear how you sound when you cum all over my cock, we wouldn't want that. Or would we?..."

"Fuck you" you whispered with all your strength and felt his strokes begin to falter.

"Ah! Shit!" he moaned out as he finished inside of you, letting your body fall slowly to the ground as you both tried to catch your breath.

"This still doesn't mean we are back together and its NEVER going to happen again, understood?" you instructed as you breathed heavily.

"Whatever you say, you fucking bitch."

You looked up at him and watched him give you a wink and a smirk, you smiled and felt yourself blush at his action.

Man were you fucked.

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