korrasami - truly

By angrybuffgirl

152K 3.4K 6.9K

( modern au ) asami thought she had made it so difficult to be loved, but she didn't want to be loved. in her... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
author's note

chapter eight

4K 116 170
By angrybuffgirl

Asami did go over to Korra's apartment that Saturday evening at eight o'clock. She came over the following Tuesday as well, and the Thursday and the Friday. Basically any evening that Asami didn't have something extremely important to work on, she would visit her friend. Spending time together almost became a daily thing. 

Most of the time when Asami went over, Korra would still be working on her big project, and the heiress would often find herself either distracting Korra or helping her. Whatever the situation was, whether they sat in silence while Asami read and Korra worked, they were lost in another one of their long conversations, or they were just watching a movie together, the two women couldn't imagine spending their evenings elsewhere. 

However, the nights that Asami wasn't at Korra's, she was actually quite lonely. Before befriending her, she never noticed how quiet her workshop or apartment were. She grew bored and tired of the silence with herself too quickly. Sometimes she would call up the guys and ask if they wanted to come over, and they always did of course, so she appreciated that greatly.

But still, even when they were there with her, she still felt a piece of loneliness hanging on. 

Thankfully as of now, she didn't feel that.

"Hey, green eyes!" Korra had gotten quite comfortable with this nickname, and the engineer didn't mind one bit.

"Yeah?" She called out in response, without looking up from her book. 

"Do you know where I put Varrick's notes?" The tanned woman sped walk into the living room from the dining room, frantically moving around in a search. "I- I put them in a little pile, they're sticky notes, all different colors. Have you seen them?" 

Asami giggled to herself. "You left them on the kitchen counter."

"Oh, thanks!" She was about to take off until she heard Asami turning another page in her book. "What are you reading?" 

"A book, the same book I've been reading for the past three days." 

Korra didn't find this as much of an answer. So instead, she jumped over the couch from behind, landing not so gracefully on the cushions. The quick action made strands of her brown hair fall from out of her ponytail. Asami finally removed her eyes from the page to look at Korra. 

"Yeah, but what book? What's it about?" 

"Don't you have a project to work on?" Asami eyed Korra strangely, pointing a playful finger at her friend's face. Korra blinked at Asami's finger, then smacked it away. 

"But I like when you tell me things." She positioned herself to now be resting her head on Asami's lap, locking eyes with her from below. "Plus I need a break, anyways. Just explain to me what's so interesting about that thing." 

The CEO's face grew an undeniably bright shade of pink.

Why does she do this?

Thank god for Korra's obliviousness. 

"Please?" A wide grin pleaded with squinted eyes.

After seeing the crooked smile, she decided to tell the blue eyed woman about her book. She grew lost in the knowledge she had of her book. She was spilling out everything she knew, and Korra did nothing else but listen, but Asami didn't even notice. She was in the middle of explaining how the main character knew they didn't want to be a villain anymore when she was interrupted. 

"I love when you do that." Blue eyes gleamed with fascination, making the heiress a bit nervous. She stopped her arms from moving in the air to look down at the woman in her lap.


"When you get all excited about something, I guess. You do it when you talk about your work, too. It's inspiring." 

Oh my spirits. Why does she do this?

"Oh, thanks. Anyways back to what I was saying, with no interruptions, please."

Korra tossed up her hands in surrender. Asami continued with her explanation, ending it off with where she was in the book now, almost the resolution. It always shocked her at how Korra was actually paying attention to what she was saying, even when it was about something that Korra didn't have the slightest idea of what was happening. Just like at the bar, it made the green eyed woman excited

"Well that is definitely different than what I had in mind." Korra spoke up after the summary. 

"Care to elaborate?" 

"I honestly thought that you would be reading some romance novel."

"Why would you think that? I thought you knew me better." Asami tossed a fun grin. 

"I don't know. Come to think of it, we've never actually talked about each other's love lives." 

Korra, please. Not this nonsense. 

The tanned woman left Asami's lap, turning her body to lay on her stomach with her legs in the air. She had her hands squishing her cheeks to hold her head up, and the pale woman found it slightly adorable.

She looks like a kid.

"So, Miss Future Industries, what's going on with you?" 

"You know if I was interested in or seeing someone, I would tell you."

"I guess so. But tell me about your past relationships at least. Come on, green eyes." Korra poked her friend's shoulder twice with a smug look. 

Can this conversation please just be over already?

She itched her cheek, trying to break the eye contact with the woman who sat like a child. Once she did, she felt her heart rate calm down a little. She took a deep breath and told herself that the faster she spoke, the faster Korra would let this go.

"Actually, I've never really been in a relationship." 

"Wait, seriously?" 

"You're shocked?" 

"Yeah I'm shocked! You're Asami Sato!" 

"My name doesn't correlate to my love life, Korra." A small, forced laugh. 

"I- I know that." Silence filled the room briefly. "Um, Asami?" 

The CEO hummed, finally being able to look the younger woman in the eyes again.

"I'm just wondering, and obviously you don't have to tell me, but is there like, a reason that you've never been in a relationship? Did something happen?" Korra looked to Asami, longing for some sort of answer. She sat herself up properly to let Asami know that this was a serious conversation she was looking for. 

"No." Asami answered bluntly. "I just don't really like the idea of being in one. I've done the occasional one night stands and then some, but anything more is kind of ... terrifying."

"Oh really?" The business woman smirked.

"A relationship can't bring much good. Heartbreak, disappointment, too much attachment. It's like asking to run into a pothole, you know?"

Korra didn't just laugh, she screamed an obnoxiously loud cackle and fell on to her back on the cushions. Instead of admiring the way Korra laughed, like she usually does, Asami twitched her eyes in annoyance. She didn't understand what could possibly be so funny after just pouring her thoughts about something very personal out. 

"Are you kidding me?" Asami looked to the laughing mess her friend was in disgust. She waited very impatiently for the mocking to die down. 

"Sorry for laughing, and I respect your view on things, but I just think that that has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

Asami shook her head at what was just said, pursing her lips and narrowing her brows. "Oh yeah? So you're telling me that all of your past relationships have been smooth?"

"I never said that! In fact, I could name a few that were pretty fucking awful."

"I stand by what I've said. Keeping my heart untouched keeps me unhurt." The CEO stood from the couch, a bit bothered by the conversation at this point. She left the living room to go to Korra's kitchen and stuck her head in the refrigerator. Without a doubt, the blue eyed woman ran after her friend while attempting to hold in her laughing fit. 

"Is that what you believe, green eyes?" The short haired woman leaned over the wrap around counter, smiling when she saw the pile of Varrick's notes she thought she had lost.

"Yes, Korra. It is." Asami snapped quickly.

Shit. Why did I say it like that?

Korra's eyes widened instantly at the new tone of voice. She took a deep breath and walked close to the engineer, grabbing her attention from the refrigerator. "Asami, I'm sorry if I may have crossed a line or anything. I didn't mean to poke at you, I was just playing aroun-"

"No, it's okay. I didn't mean to get so defensive."

"Um, good. I don't want you to be upset with me." Korra rubbed the back of her neck.

How could I ever be upset with you? 

Wait hold on-

"Anyways, maybe you're just not ready for a relationship right now. You did say something about attachment. Maybe you have commitment issues, which is fine obviously. But don't go blocking out good people who you could see yourself with." Korra went on while finding her place back at the counter.

"And that means?"

"It sounds kind of cheesy, but honestly, you may just have to find the right person." 

What the hell does that even mean?! Sometimes this girl is very bad at being clear with her words.

"Have you done that before?" Asami questioned.

Korra paused for a moment, looking straight across the counter to meet green eyes. "No." 

"What do you think about this one?"

"I don't know, Asami. For the last time, I am the last person you should be asking about this stuff. Why didn't you call Wu?"

"Because everytime I ask for his help he just completely takes over and turns everything into a mess." Mako shot her an offended eyebrow raise. "No offense!" Asami perked out quickly. 

Asami had texted Mako about some "emergency" that was she having. He had a longer lunch break that day, so he agreed to meet with her at a bagel place, called Acolyte's, that was close to his work. She was currently struggling with finding a gift for a certain friend of hers. 

"Can you just help me?" 

"I am helping!" He spat out.

Their waiter came over to place their orders on the small table. The golden eyed man settled on a plain bagel, lightly toasted with butter; quite suiting. The younger Sato ordered a sesame seed bagel, toasted with cream cheese. They thanked the waiter, and they left with a head nod. 

Asami turned back to her phone, pulling up her final options to show Mako. "I narrowed it down to either two things; this necklace or this wine holder, the one she has right now is too small."

"Don't get her a necklace."

"Why not?" 

"Because it'll look like you're proposing to her. I mean, unless that's what you want-"

"What?!" She screamed to her friend, a little too loudly since a few customers from around eyed the two. "Proposing?! With a necklace? How?"

"For someone as smart as you, you know nothing about southern culture. A well known tradition for them is to propose to their partner with a betrothal necklace instead of a ring." He took a large bite out of his lunch. "Why are you even getting her a gift? Does she have a birthday coming up?"

"Her birthday is in April, so not really. I'm getting her a gift because she's been so nice to me and we haven't even really known each other for that long." 

"You never got me a gift. We've been friends for two years."

The heiress put her phone down to respond with a grin. "Aren't I the one who introduced you to Wu?"

"That was my 'thanks for being such a great friend' gift?"

"Of course it was. I'm surprised you're just now noticing." 

"I'm pretending you actually mean that. Anyways, you should get her a bracelet."

Asami groaned. "I've never even seen her wear any kind of jewelry. The necklace was a stretch."

"Okay, well ... how about a gift card?"

"Are you serious? I can't get that girl a gift card!" Asami dropped her bagel back on to its plate, making more noise for the second time. 

"Alright alright, calm down. Why are you freaking out over this?"

Truth be told, Asami had no idea why this was such a big deal to her. Her cheeks flushed pink with thoughts, thoughts that another part of her brain managed to push aside on its own. 

"I just want to do something nice for Korra." She decided on saying.

Thankfully, Mako shrugged it off and returned to his plain bagel. The CEO and the detective spoke about small things while enjoying their lunch, until Asami brought up a bigger topic.

"Are you ever going to tell me about that secret brother of yours?"

The slender man coughed into his hand a bit, blinking his eyes. "Who, Bolin?"

"Um, yes? Yes Bolin. He's one of Korra's best friends which means he's my friend." Woah. "So what happened between you two? When was the last time you talked? How come we've been friends for years but I knew nothing of a brother? Do you have any other siblings I don't know about?" 

"There's not much to say. We just had a falling out after I graduated high school. I moved on quickly to work my ass off and become a detective, and he had other ideas in the movie world, and now the business world apparently." 

"Why haven't you guys seen each other though? What about holidays?"

"Aside from us not having parents, our family on our dad's side is humungous. It's insanely easy to not see someone at gatherings. Plus you know I only stop by to say hello to my grandmother, I never really stay long." He called over their waiter and asked for their checks. 

"So you didn't even know he lived in Republic City?" 

"Republic City is big, Asami, if we hadn't gone to that bar that one night, I wouldn't have know. Besides from maybe you being mutuals with him." 

They paid the little amount that their bills came up to, thanked the waiter once again and left Acolyte's. Asami offered to walk Mako back to his car.

"Good luck on finding that gift, by the way." He said from the window of his car.

"Yeah, and thanks for all of your so greatly appreciated help!" A sarcastic tone. 

The friends shared a laugh, and both of them departed from the bagel place. Mako headed back to work since his lunch was nearly over, and Asami went to her apartment. She wasn't all that busy during the day, but in the afternoon into the night she would be working on two things; taking calls with Future Industries' best clients and trying to find something that would be good enough for Korra. 

Just as she pulled into her space at her complex's parking lot, Asami heard her phone go off from a text message. She turned off her car to pull out the device from her bag.


Korra. Of course.


what is it?

it's this show on netflix

come over friday night to watch some of it with me

Friday, in two days from now. Asami checked her calendar to be positive that she had nothing on that night. Once she was sure, she said yes to the plans.

okay ill be there

should i bring anything?



bring your fine ass 😏😏

The tall woman nearly jumped in her seat. Her heart rate picked up for a moment then eased back down as she thought of some response. 

korra, are you flirting with me? 


okay i have to get back to my project

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