He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...

By Novala_Sapphire

103K 1.8K 692

Ever since Lisanna came back, Natsu has hated Lucy. The rest of the guild didn't change, but Natsu did. He st... More

My Explanation
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
You Guys Are Slowly Killing Me 🤣
Thank You

Chapter 47:

887 16 13
By Novala_Sapphire

Natsu's POV:

I've finally found a perfect place to hide Lucy. Tonight is the night I can finally take what's mine! I've got the dust, and I have the cloth, just in case she wakes up. I really didn't want it to come to the point where I would have to kidnap her, but I have to. It's the only way she can be where she truly belongs. And that's with me.

I'm looking in through her window, and I scan the room. I see Mira, Lis, and Wendy in their beds. I look around some more and see my mate. She's in her bed, sleeping. I then see Ice Prick in her bed, sleeping next to her. That dumb ass. That should be me, not him. I have to calm myself. It will be me soon enough. For now, I have to retrieve my Luce.

I climb through the window carefully and quietly, then sneak over to her bed, careful not to wake the other girls or Gray. I take a minute to admire her. She looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. I then see that disgusting mark on her neck, and I'm once again filled with rage and hatred for Gray. I see him move slightly, and decide to make sure he's knocked out, just in case. I put the rag with sleep powder over his mouth and nose, and I see him stop stirring in his sleep. He's out cold. I leave it there, just in case. I carefully tie the cloth around Lucy, and make sure I don't disturb her sleep. I then carefully pull the blanket off and pick her up. I use my body heat and fire to make sure she stays warm enough not to notice the missing blanket and wake up. I balance her body on my left arm and take out that dust Wendy had, and start putting a little around her bed and the window behind me as I sneak back out of her room and outside. I also sprinkle some of the dust on me and her, then drop the bag and start heading for the place I picked out. I didn't want them to follow the scent of the bag and find us that way.

After a half an hour, I finally get to the place. It's in the last place they'd expect her to be. The secret soundproof cell underneath the Fairy Tail guild hall. I've already stocked the place with food, water, and books. Along with clothes too. It's enough supplies to last the both of us until mating season is over. No one except Gramps, and now me, know that this place even exists. It's supposed to be a secret jail cell that houses Fairy Tail's number one enemy, but he died years ago. I know all of this because I went through Gramps' files in his office, and this was in the only file that has a triple rune barrier and quadruple protection spell around it. He really didn't want anyone to know about it. I doubt even First Master Mavis knows about this place. It's behind a hidden wall under the guild. I normally would of never been able to break the spells around that file, but thanks to the extra power mating season gave me, I was able to break it easily.

I set Lucy on the bed, and ignored my urges to sleep beside her. I wanted to be on her good side when she woke up, so I slept on the couch. This may have been a jail cell, but I made it as comfortable as possible. I slept well, knowing that in the morning, I could finally take that disgusting mark off of my Luce, and replace it with mine. By tomorrow night, Lucy will officially be my mate.

Gray's POV:

"Ugh." I said groggily, waking up from a long sleep next to Lucy. I looked beside me and saw that Lucy wasn't there. I knocked on the bathroom door and there was no answer. I started pacing and panicking.

"Oh god where is Lucy?! Her keys are here but she isn't! Did Natsu kidnap her again? Damn it I was supposed to be protecting her! What kind of mate am I?! Erza's gonna kill me! I'm gonna die without Lucy! I gotta find her and make sure she's safe!"

I continued my worried rant until Erza came in from all the noise. It may have been morning but I take it she was still sleeping.

Erza's POV:

I woke up from continuous talking and worried shouting. Whoever woke me up is gonna pay big time. I may be a skilled warrior, but I still need my precious beauty sleep. I slammed open the door to Lucy's room, expecting to find her yelling at Mira or Gray for something. Instead I found Gray pacing and looking worried as hell, and the room was completely empty.

"Gray what's wrong? You look really stressed about something." I told him.

He looked at me, tears beginning to appear under his eyes. "I woke up and Lucy is gone. I think Natsu has her, and I can't track her scent anywhere! Erza what do I do?! I can't live without my Lucy!" He shouted. The others came in because they heard shouting. They saw Gray and froze.

I've never seen him like this. Even when he lost a fight or when Natsu accidentally broke his necklace once, he's never acted like this. He acted like the world was ending, which for him it probably was.

"Crap! Salamander has Bunny Girl doesn't he?!" Gajeel asked.

I nodded, looking confused. He sighed.

"Me and the others can smell it on him. His grief from possibly losing his mate. We need to find her. Mates can live with it if we die, but us slayers will die if our mate dies. If he thinks she's dead, he'll possibly kill himself because as soon as slayers meet their mates, they literally can't live without them." Laxus explained for him.

Gray can die if he thinks Lucy did as well?! We have to find Lucy! Natsu might do something bad to her!

"Search and find any clues that can help us track down Lucy! Slayers look for scents and the rest of us look for footprints or anything else. Mira come with me to tell te council. Jellal protect the girls. Let's go!" I ordered.

We all split up to do our jobs. The slayers searched the room, bathroom, and outside the window while the girls looked outside for clues. Mira and I searched the floors while on our way to the council's meeting room. Damn you Natsu, why do you have to make this so difficult for us?!

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