sparks | luke twdg

By justauthoringloll

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isabelle randall has to protect her friends and new found friends when a past enemy comes back and reveals a... More



273 10 5
By justauthoringloll

chapter nine
welcome back home
in harm's way

We sat in the back of a semi-truck, the group was in complete silence, we had just stopped to let Clementine and Sarah go to the bathroom but once they got back they didn't waste a second to get driving again. I wasn't sure how long we had been driving for but the chances of Luke coming seemed less and less.

Maybe Carver was right, maybe Luke did cut and run. I couldn't see him doing it but then again I didn't see him doing a lot of stuff he had done.

As I sat with my eyes closed, I imagined Luke's arm around me and whispering to me that's it's okay and that'll he will make sure we're safe but he wasn't there and he wasn't here to make sure I was okay and that scared me.

"Alright, we gotta do something. Come on. Anyone got anything sharp? Anything? We need to get these bindings off! Hey! Clem, help me find something to get these off. Anything sharp that could cut these..." I roll my eyes, I leaned my back against the metal wall, not wanting to partake in this, no point in trying to escape. Escaping is what ended us up here.

"And what good is that gonna do?" Rebecca says, pretty much speaking for most of us.

"The hell is wrong with you people? We gotta get out of here."

"Like what?" Clem nods asks.

Kenny shrugs "What do you mean, "like what"? Something sharp. Anything that can help! A fuckin'--I don't know. Anything!" Clem starts to look around for something as Kenny looks at us all, we sit in silence just waiting for the inevitable.

"We're in a fuckin' precarious position here. We gotta do something about that!" Kenny snaps at us, did he know how to shut his goddamn mouth.

"Settle down, Kenny. They took everything. We have to keep a level head." Carlos spoke calmly, wanting to keep everyone calm which is something Kenny was not doing.

"He's right. You don't know Bill like we do." Rebecca says

"Bill? This whole time it's Carver, Carver, Carver, now he's fuckin' Bill? Oh, I see what it is. Y'all are just gettin' a ride home, aren't ya? That's what's goin' on here."

"Say that again." Nick speaks up from beside me.

"I'd stay out of this, boy."

"Mister, I ain't a boy."

"No,'re a man."

"You don't understand. He's different...he's worse." Rebecca tries to explain but I don't think there was words to describe Carver.

"The fuck are you talkin' about?"

"He wants to punish us." Rebecca responded, I sigh. My face was throbbing from when Carver had punched me and Bonnie hit me with the butt of her gun.

"What d'you mean, "worse"?" Clementine asks

"He's a fuckin' psychopath now!" Kenny says before anyone else can get a word in.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with!" Carlos snapped, although Luke liked to think he was the leader sometimes, I always felt better when Carlos took over a situation and handled it.

"Oh, he gave me a pretty good goddamn idea back at the lodge, and I don't intend to sit around here and let that happen to the rest of us! I'm tryin' to help!"

"I'm sure Walter really appreciated your help." I speak up for the first time, I can tell eyes land on me but I don't look up.

"That's not fair! You're blaming him for the actions of a madman." Sarita defends Kenny, making me look up.

"I am pointing out that, regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions. Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation." I respond, I didn't blame Kenny for Walters death but that didn't mean that his actions didn't have a play in it.

"I dunno what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's bullshit! We have to do something!"

"Kenny..." Sarita says softly as Kenny noticed a broken piece of pipe beside Clementine.

"You can't reason with him." Rebecca tells her.

"Oh, shit. Jackpot!" Kenny stands from the floor as he makes his way over to the pipe.

"Sit down. You're going to get us all killed!" Carlos snaps, Kenny uses the jagged edges of the broken pipe to start cutting through his ties.

"Y'all don't know what you're talking about. We get cooped up in some kennel like a buncha fuckin' dogs, it's over." Kenny says as he continues to try and cut his zip tie.

"You don't know that."

"Yeah? Well, I been in this situation before. You ever been a prisoner?"

"We've all been prisoners. Why do you think we left?" Carlos says

"Kenny, please...calm down. I think everyone is just tired and cranky." Clementine tries to reason with him but Rebecca was right, no one could get through to Kenny but Kenny.

"She's right. We should all take it down a bit." Rebecca agrees with Clementine. Kenny successfully cuts his ties.

"Alright, now we're talkin'." Kenny smiles at his free wrists.

"Carver will be on the other side of that door with ten people." Carlos says as I hear sobs, I look to see Rebecca comforting Sarah.

"At this point, maybe Luke is the only hope we have." My heart beat out of my chest at his name.

"If he was gonna do something, he'd've done it by now." Kenny says and I know what he was implying. Kenny didn't know Luke, it gave him no right to say anything about him.

"Who knows what he's dealing with. Anything can happen out there." Rebecca explains.

"I'll tell you what happened: he abandoned us. That guy is a flake. I could tell the second I set eyes on him."

I stand quickly "You don't know shit about him alright! He wouldn't ditch us, not us. We're family, and family don't leave each other behind. And so help me god if you say one more thing about him, they'll be wiping your blood off these walls" I snap, Kenny looks at me in surprise. I sat back down, I didn't want Kenny to be right, Luke wouldn't leave us, leave me.

The truck falls into silence before Clem speaks up "We'll have to wait and see. It's all we can do."

"She's right. There's no way to know what's happened to him." Rebecca agrees

"I told you already. He's gone." Kenny said softly, glancing at me as I narrow my eyes at him. The truck shakes as it drives over uneven ground.

"We're close."

"Okay. Let's do this."

"They have guns. What exactly do you expect to do?" Rebecca says nonchalantly.

"I'm gonna punch the first son of a bitch I see. Then I'm gonna take his gun and use it to shoot the NEXT son of a bitch I see." Kenny says confidently, he needed all the confidence he could get since we didn't have any for him.

"Just sit down!" Carlos snaps, getting worried now.

"Shut up, Doc! This ain't your call. Hey, just...if something happens, just help out, okay? Don't, you know, get yourself hurt or nothin', but any help'd be good. Hey. Clem. Look at me. You trust me, right?" Kenny looks at Clem, how could he even try and risk her life, this people didn't take shit. Especially won't take it from us. The truck starts beeping.

"Kenny! Please, just... Just listen to them. They know him...what he's capable of." Sarita tries to get through to him.

"Yeah, okay... I trust you. I'll...I'll do what I can." Clementine says, I shake my head as my eyes stay trained on the floor.

"Alright. It's okay to be a little scared. But we gotta do this. Alright...everybody re--" The truck shakes. Kenny hits his head against the door and falls down. That's one way to shut him up.

"Kenny! Kenny, are you okay?" Sarita says quickly.

"Is he okay?" Rebecca asks her.

"I think so"

"Oh...what hit me?" Kenny mutters as he holds his head. I stand, putting my face above him.

"Reality, now stay the fuck down and shut up" The truck door opened as I finished talking.

"Alright, up and at 'em." Everyone stands before we begin to pour out of the truck, I cringed at the sight of the large supermarket. We were back.

"The fuck? How'd you get your restraints off? C'mere."

They lead us inside after they shut the truck door again and we're walking down familiar aisles. A crack from the PA system sends chills down my spine,

"We've got some familiar faces back with us tonight. Now, I understand some of you are confused as to why we'd bring these people back when they left us as they did. It might not come all at once...but time will heal these be patient with them until it does...and take solace in knowing that they're here to help us make our home a better place. All these feelings you have of anger...betrayal...hate. They're all valid. No one needs to forget what they did...but we do have to find it in our hearts to forgive them."

Troy walks up to Carlos, "Come on, we need you for something."

"Can it wait until morning? We're all exhausted."

"Just come the fuck on." Troy snapped, grabbing Carlos's arm before taking him away.

Sarah stopped beside me, causing me to stop with her since she had a tight grip on my hand.

"I need him. I need my dad. I can't...he's...he looks after me." I squeezed her hand in comfort as she looked up at me.

"I've got you, bug. Don't worry" She smiled lightly as we continued following the rest of the group.

"Some of you have voiced your concerns about the need for expansion with the looming threat. And they have been taken into consideration. However, this is not up for debate. The expansion project will move forward." Carver continues to talk over the PA system.

"And with the added manpower joining us this evening, I have no doubt that we will continue to grow and prosper. It's no longer enough just to's our obligation to make this community a beacon of hope... To provide a light...a bright light. Bright enough to shine in all this darkness. So that is what we'll do."

"Make sure y'all stay off the fence. Bill can see if you're messin' with it." Bonnie unlocks the door, letting us all in. She shuts and locks it behind us.

My eyes light up as I see a familiar face "Reggie! I run towards him, wrapping my arms around him "I thought you were dead"

Rebecca noticed Reggie too, as I pull away from him, she brings him into a hug "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. What did they do to you...?"

He shrugs "This could've been worse, trust me. I'm lucky to be alive."

"It's my fault" Nick says softly

"No, it's really not. I would tell you if it was. This happened well after you guys left. I guess I should say it's nice to see you, but obviously it's also a bummer." I stifle a laugh, although this whole situation is fucked, it felt good to see Reggie.

"I know. I feel the same way." Rebecca says, Alvin joins us as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"How're you holding up, Issy? We haven't spoken in a bit" I shrug, turning to him.

"I'm doing alright, I'm just worried about Luke and I don't want anymore of us to die. He nods, pulling me into a hug. Alvins hugs were always the best, I can't remember the last time I had one.

"We'll be alright. I'll make sure of it" He smiles at me as Reggie speaks up.

"They got me working outside. Lurker snuck up on me while I was hammering something. Luckily, they took the arm off quick. Saved my life." I wince, looking at the place where his arm used to be.

"That's awful... I'm so sorry."

"Look, it was my choice to help you guys."

The gate opens as Tavia walks in, "Alvin. Carver wants you in his office."

"What? Why?" Alvin asks

"Don't make this difficult. It's too late for that."

"No! Please!" Rebecca cries but Alvin reassured her.

"It's okay, Bec. Just get some rest. If he wanted to do somethin' to me, he'd have done it already. I'll be fine. Let's see what he wants." Alvin and Tavia leave. But as the gate opens Troy walks in, I can tell he's different than I last saw him.

"Hey! Reggie!"

"Oh...hey, Troy."

"Don't go fuckin' up now. Bill's real close to lettin' you outta here. You make sure things stay nice and quiet out here tonight, and I'll be sure to let Bill know just how helpful you were." Troy bribes Reggie, but with the way Kenny was acting in the truck I doubt we'd get a quiet night.

"Yeah, you can count on me. Thanks, Troy."

"Don't mention it" Troy looks at me, nodding his head "Issy, good to see you"

"It's Isabelle to you" He smirks before him and Bonnie exit, she hadn't made eye contact with me since she aimed her rifle at me.

"Oh, right. Let me introduce you. We were with them when we got caught. This is Sarita and Kenny" Rebecca introduces Reggie to the others.

"Hey, I'm Reggie" They share their hellos before Reggie looks at Clementine.

"Hello! Who are you? This freaks you out. It's okay. Freaks me out too, sometimes." I chuckle as Clementines eyes widen.

"My name's Clementine."

Reggie puts his hand out to her to shake "It's very nice to meet you, Clementine." She shakes his hand as I look around the yard.

"Hey, where's Carlos?"

"Bill's already got him lookin' at some folks." Rebecca answered Reggies question.

"Oh...okay. Good. What about Pete?" The group falls into silence at the question. Reggie gets the idea.

"Can you guys save it for the morning? Some of us gotta be up early." A man laying down yells at us, I look over to see him turn back around and his back facing us.

"Sorry about that." Clementine calls out, Reggie also apologising towards the guy that I don't recognise.

"Okay, that's Mike. He's kind of a dick when he's tired, I said, he saved my life, so...I put up with that shit. Bill put him to work outside the wall with me." Reggie explained to us.

"I'm so sorry." Rebecca apologies again.

"Stop with all the sorry. It was my choice. Besides, he said once you were all caught, he'd let me rejoin the group, so...I'm glad you're here. I'm just joking." I chuckle, I place my hand Reggies shoulder.

"We know, Reg."

"I mean, he did say that...but I'm not happy about it. It's probably bullshit..."

"Who's she?" Clementine asked as we all glance towards a girl staring at us from a table.

"Hmm, who?" Reggie asks

"That girl over there" Clementine points. I grab her hand softly and put her hand down.

"It's not nice to point, Clem"

"Oh, yeah, right. Okay, so she's fuckin' weird. They found her sneaking around outside the camp covered in guts and just, like, the grossest shit. Her names Jane or something"

"Reggie..." Rebecca speaks up, taking the attention of the girl and back to the main topic.

"No, I'm serious. Where else are you going to find food like we have? We've got the canned stuff, and now with the greenhouses coming along, we've got fresh food. The building's getting more and more secure all the time...mostly through forced labor, but that's only temporary. They've even got the solar panels working...when was the last time you had electricity, huh?" Reggie tries to convince us, but after everything Carver had done.

"Well, we just came from a lodge with a wind turbine and--" Sarah spoke up but Reggie cuts her off.

"It's not a competition. I'm just saying, it's not as bad as you think. We're building something great here, guys. A real community. Bill is making it happen. Look, I've made mistakes, and he's forgiven me."

"That doesn't make up for what he's done, Reggie." Rebecca says.

"I know that, but I'm starting to see what this place offers... I didn't before, and with the's just that much more important now."

"Carver killed my friend Walter." Clementine says

"Okay, I don't know what happened, but...maybe he had his reasons--"

"His reason is he's a crazy piece of shit. Listen, you seem like a nice enough guy, but Carver is a fucking maniac. We're bustin' outta this place as soon as possible." Kenny snaps.

"Listen, I'm really close to getting let back into the group. Once that happens, I can do a lot more to help you guys be more comfortable."

"Comfortable? What do you think this is?"

"I just don't want you to mess things up for me. I've worked really hard to get to this point. Will you please just try not to cause any trouble? At least until they release me. Then, once I'm out, I could help you more. Maybe even help get you out." Reggie begs, his eyes connect with mine.

"We'll try our best. That's all I can say" Reggie nods thanking me.

"Well, if Carver's such a "great guy", I'm sure you've got nothing' to worry about." Kenny says spitefully

"We can at least talk about it more in the morning. Just have a quiet night and chat again tomorrow."

Rebecca shakes her head "I can't believe what I'm hearing."

"Look, the fact is, Bill had every reason to kill me when I helped you guys...but he didn't. Obviously, I don't know what happened while you all were gone, but he's given me a second chance, and I know he'd do the same for you."

"Reggie...I don't want a second chance. I want to leave with my family. That's it."

"Your family is safer here."

"I think Reggies right, we can talk more tomorrow. But right now, I could go for some sleep. I'll see you all in the morning" I move away from the group towards the what I guess I should call beds. I decide to lay on one of the makeshift beds on the ground before falling asleep.

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