Liar, Liar [Milo Manheim]

By AuthorError

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Milo gets caught using his fake ID at a local bar in New York More



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By AuthorError

One Week Later..

"You working at the club tonight?" Destiny asked, watching as both Violet and her current client shook their heads no.

"She asked for the whole weekend off." Cece explained with a wince as Violet continued inking her tender skin. 

"Oh.. does this have anything to do with lover boy?" Violet rolled her eyes trying to bite back the smirk on her lips.

"D I told you to stop calling him that. Leave the poor kid alone."

"If you recall I did leave him alone and let me tell you his friends did not disappoint." Violet made a face, remembering how her and Milo came to the realization that not only did Destiny end up hooking up with both Mason and Wil..

"I still can't believe you had a threesome with Milo's cousin and one of his best friends..."

Cece shook with laughter giving her friend a look as if to say what did you expect?

"Back to the matter at hand, so how long are you going to play with this new toy?"

Violet again made a face as her friends leaned in waiting for her answer. She's never been the relationship type not since her last relationship over 4 years ago..

"..Or is this one different?" Cece interjected, her eyes wide with excitement. Cece was always the romantic.

"Oh please he's like 19— Oh my god do you actually like him?!" Destiny exclaimed as she watched her friend blush furiously. 

"I—-I don't know yet.. He just seems.. different."


"Where are you going?"  Milo smirked biting down on his lip as he tried to stop the grin fighting its way onto his face. "Just on a date."

"Oooo the mystery girl you've been dropping hints about?" Meg asked excitedly, her image became blurry on their FaceTime as she shook her phone violently.

She had been dying for him to start dating again. It was starting to get awkward that he was always third wheeling or worse, Mason ended up being his plus one most of the time.

"I want details!"

"Haha megatrillz relax, we're taking things like.. really slow."

"Mason said you hooked up with her right after meeting her." Milo deadpanned, okay all of his friends sucked.

"You can't fight physical attraction—-Anyways!" He looked at the clock before fixing his hair one last time, spraying a cloud of cologne around him.

"I've got to go, we're having a movie date tonight."

"Well maybe tonight is the you grow a pair and ask her to be your girl—" Milo rolled his eyes hanging up on Meg as he exited his dorm room.

His Uber was waiting for him by the time he finally got out of his dorm building.


"Want any popcorn cutie?" Milo smirked, pulling Violet again this chest as he threw an arm around her.

Normally he didn't parade girls around like trophies but with Violet it was hard not too. She was all sex appeal in the low cut silky camisole, her tight ripped jeans hugging her curves...

He had to practically bite back a moan when she bent over in front of him back at her apartment earlier.

Violet looked up at the younger man, she was always in awe of how tall and handsome looking Milo was.

She also still couldn't get over the fact that he was actually only nineteen.

"I'd love some but is it okay if we get extra butter?" Batting her eyelashes as if she needed any extra help getting her way.

"Anything for you." She tried helping to pay for all their snack and drinks just for Milo to block her outstretched hand at every moment as he paid for their food.

"Come on! I'm the one with the actual job, your suppose to be the broke college student.." Violet saw something flash in Milo's eyes but he quickly shook his head giving her one of his smirks.

"Your forgetting one small detail.. My parents are loaded and come on when's the last time you let someone spoil you?"

He had stepped even closer, her chest pressing into his as his hooded eyes stared into her shocked ones.

"Let someone take care of you for a change.." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear. Urging her to let him do as he asked.

She wasn't even use to guys her own age (and older), with actual careers trying to take care of her.. Yet here she was, wanting to believe every word this nineteen year old cooed in her ear.

Milo found himself totally relaxed in the theater, cuddling up with Violet in the comfy lazy boy styled seats.
He couldn't help but steal a glance her way every ten

Movies had always been his thing. He loved watching them and could binge watch anything and everything.

However it seemed like Violet had this crazy hold over him since he was more interested to see how she reacted than the actual movie itself.


They walked hand in hand up to Violet's apartment. Laughing and smiling as they talked about the movie they had just seen and the amazing dinner they had eaten beforehand.

Violet bit her lip, trying to stop her smile from breaking her face as her eyes fell on his over night bag by the front door. 

Finding herself oddly excited and nervous that he was spending the entire weekend with her. Normally he ended up staying the night or two anyways but that was after they hooked up.

It was never planned for him to stay over. He never brought his things..

This was new territory that they were stepping into and it gave her butterflies.

But it also added yet another wall around her already over guarded heart.

She wasn't about to let another guy in just to hurt her again..

"Tired?" Milo's soft voice in her ear pulled her from her thoughts. She found herself shaking her head while he continued to pull her through her small living room.

"Wanna watch more movies?" He hoped it wasn't too lame of a suggestion but he wanted to talk to her more. The last couple of weeks it became obvious he liked spending time with her.

Enjoying more than just what they did in her bedroom..

"Yes, hey want some ice cream? I got rocky road." Violet grinned as Milo laughed. "Yesss and I love how much you eat... makes me feel way better about myself." He only laughed harder as she jokingly smacked his ass. Finding herself giggling with him as they made their way into the kitchen.

Less than ten minutes later they found themselves cuddling on the couch with a tub of rocky road in hand and each armed with a spoon.

Milo paused mid bite, looking down at the girl who had one hand on a spoon as she sucked it between her lips. Her other arm lazily wrapped around his shoulder and neck. Manicured nails lightly scratching and sifting through his hair causing him to close his eyes.

He was in heaven.

Bringing the spoon back to his lips, he let the ice cream melt in his mouth. Abandoning his spoon to let his body relax more into the couch. Enjoying the way Violet seemed to mindlessly massage his scalp.

"You're so cute." The feeling of her cold lips lightly kissing against his jaw almost made him moan.

His eyes lazily opened to look down at her.

"Your adorable and please don't stop, your fingers are magic."

"Oh I know." Milo rolled his eyes before letting his hand come up behind her neck as well. His fingers sifted though her hair before the pads of his fingers gently massaged her scalp.

"Ooh t-that feels really good." Violet leaned into his touch. They were both sitting up, she straddled the teen as he leaned against the arm rest and spread his legs over the length of the couch.

"No ones ever done this?" The gentle shake of her head caused him to frown. Not that she noticed her eyes were closed and her lips parting in an slight O shape..

Violet whined as she suddenly felt his hand leave her hair. "Heyy.." Milo chuckled before grabbing her around the hips. Pulling her tightly against him before he scrambled off the couch.

"What are you doing?" Her eyebrow lifted, looking up at him with an amused but also impressed look. He was taking charge..

"I'm going to give you a proper massage, but I'm way too fucking tall for that couch." He set her on her bed before walking over to her dresser where all her candles were, lighting one immediately.

"Alright now strip, if you'd like.. And any lotion requests?" He knew she had a whole basket in her bathroom filled with different body lotions and balms.

"Wait are you serious?" Violet gaped, watching as the teen only grinned and left without another word to her bathroom. He decided he was just going to have to pick for her.

Violet groaned as she felt his big warm hands and long fingers press and kneed her muscles like she was a pile of dough.

No one had ever volunteered to give her a massage like this. Normally she would have to go to the spa and pay someone..
..It might be the fact that it was free but she swore Milo's hands on her body felt ten times better than any licensed masseuse.

"You have so many knots, damn baby." Her stomach fluttered at the word.  Baby.
There was just something about the way he said it.

He had begun to use it quite often and she was annoyed that she started to find it endearing.

She also loved it when he called her baby during sex.. Especially in that low, husky tone he had when he was turned on.

She took a deep breath, trying to push the thoughts of him in bed aside.

Which was starting to get harder and harder with the way his hands rubbed her. Her legs squeezed together as a familiar ache made itself known.

Milo noticed Violet squirm beneath him a couple times before his hands started a gentle caress across her skin.
"Baby am I hurting you?"

"N-no sorry—uh just got an itch?" It sounded more like she was asking a question but he just shrugged.

"Where? I'll scratch it." If only he knew exactly what she was thinking about and exactly how badly she wanted him to take care of that itch..

She rolled over, a light blush dusting her cheeks which made him look down at her curiously.
She was acting shy? In the short time he had gotten to know her Violet wasn't ever shy.

"What's up baby?" He mentally cursed himself, he needed to cool it. Calling her that as if he had any claim to her what so ever..

"I want you, now." She huffed taking him by surprise. Clutching his dress shirt she tugged him to her face. Her lips attacked his in a fury of desperation and need. Milo let out a choked moan, her hand shoving itself into his jeans and taking a firm hold of his now hard member.

"F-fuck, I didn't know — I didn't know a massage would w-work you up." He struggled to get out between her onslaught of kisses and the torturous slow pace of her hand on his shaft. Another idea popped into his head.
He grabbed her wrist, ceasing her movements.

"W-wait—- Let me.. let me take care of you."


Next chapter ???

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