Yours Truly (SEQUEL TO TRUE)

Por MurdaSheWroteee

181K 9.2K 6.9K

Sequel To "True" Más

Short Flick 1.
Short Flick 2 .
PSA !!!!
Short Flick 3 .
Short Flick 4 .
Deleting Soon !


1.6K 85 85
Por MurdaSheWroteee


"Thought you was done talking to a nigga. You know you can't go too long without talking to me. I'm not right in the head." Anthony laughed and I slightly chuckled to the "joke" that he made.

"The phone work both ways. Besides I texted last therefore I won't text again. That's a little too close to begging for attention to me." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"The way you females go about doing things are just wild to me. Like why you got to be so difficult?" He looked at me and I waved him off because there was a lot of audacity being thrown in the air and I didn't like it.

"Y'all do the same thing so it's only fair" I shrugged my shoulders. Us not talking didn't bother me one bit. In fact  I forgot he even existed until he called me earlier and convinced me to come hang out with him.

Since Milton and Kenyia were at Jumping World, Nicky was to entertained by chocolate ice cream and P-Valley , and I was done with everything as far as my website, I thought why not. I had nothing else to do.

"I know this is on a short notice but I got us reservations at this nice restaurant downtown. I heard it's the best in the city and not only do we get a 50% discount off our first meal but we get to choose our choice of music at our section. I think it's going to be great!" Anthony smiles. I could tell that he was really looking forward to it but I had other plans.

"You shouldn't have." I tell him and he waves me off and rolls his eyes. "Girl you deserve it."

"No like seriously you shouldn't have made those reservations. I mean, without letting me know beforehand anyways." I make clear and he looks at me then back at the road.

An awkward silence surrounds us and instead of waiting on a response I just look out the window until we make it to where we were going.

"It's cool. I'm sure whateva' you and Milton got to do is more important." He speaks up, a hint of pettiness evident in his voice.

"Why do you feel the need to bring him up? It's not him I just have other plans. You would've known that if you would've told me about the restaurant in the beginning." I tell him and he sighs,

He wasn't about to sit here as if this was my fault.

"You right. I'm sorry." He says and I don't even respond back. It was weird that he brought him up because I literally don't remember even telling him about Milton in the first place. This was the second time he had done this and I was starting to think he keeping tabs on little ole' me.

"Maybe we can go out some other time then." He suggested

"Sure." I agreed not looking forward to that at all. He pulled into the parking lot of the studio and turned the car off. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he tells me to give him five while he went inside.

I nodded and locked the doors once he jumped out and went straight inside the building.

Five minutes turned in thirty and thirty turned into an hour. I was starting to grow worried. Sending him a quick message to see if he was alright, he never read it.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I hopped out the car and made my way inside. I could hear a few voices from a distance but none sounded like Anthony's.

"Blood doesn't make us kin my nigga. We made a deal. I keep tabs on shorty and you pay me. Where the fuck is my money?" A voice spoke that made my brows furrow. It had some familiarity to it but I couldn't wrap my head around who it was.

"I said I got you man. You know I don't play when it comes down to business. And blood may not make us kin to you but I'm still YOUR big brother. You gone respect me, you need to chill the fuck out." Anthony spoke causing a sigh of relief to leave my body.

I peeped around the corner since I didn't want my presence to be known. My eyes bucked seeing Johnathan, my neighbor standing not to far from Anthony. No wonder Johnathan looked so much like Anthony when I saw him because the two were related.

"I need to chill out, huh?" Johnathan chuckled, looking behind him at two other guys who looked elsewhere as if they didn't want any parts in the feud the two were having.

Before I could even blink Johnathan sent a punch right at Anthony's jaw. My mouth dropped as I watched Anthony hit the ground immediately. His eyes rolled to the back of his head before he began shaking uncontrollably.

Johnathan kicked him in the stomach causing they two guys to pull him back and let him know that he had done enough.

I didn't know what to do as Anthony laid out on the floor having a seizure. Without even thinking, I ran over to him, slightly calling his name to see if he was responsive.

I placed him on his side to keep his airway clear before reaching for my phone to call the ambulance. Johnathan snatched it out my hand before nodding his head no.

"That won't be necessary."

"He's hurt. How the fuck is that not necessary?" I questioned, not giving a fuck.

"He's been having these since we were kids, he's good." Johnathan shrugged before looking me up and down. "I hate that you had to be caught up in the middle of this neighbor."

I said nothing as I glanced at Anthony then back at him. I was expecting him to reach for something like a gun and shooting us both right then and there but he didn't.

"You let him know he got 48 hours to give me my money. And this is between just us, understood?" Johnathan smirked, licking his lips. He tossed me my phone and without another word, he walked off and the two guys followed.

The seizure lasted for 3 minutes and the entire time I just mumbled the most positive things I could think of. I've never dealt with someone in this predicament so it was scary. My hands were shaking as I prayed that nothing went wrong.

The moment the seizure stopped, he just laid there for another 3 minutes. Not once did he blink or even move. I stood up and stepped back not knowing what to do or say to him.

He sat up and looked around. The moment we made eye contact embarrassment was lingering on his face as he realized what had just occurred. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Um you can get you an Uber back to your house. I'll keep in touch. " He said before walking away.

I followed him in confusion. Why did I have to get an Uber to get home? Was he alright?

"Anthony you can talk to me. I-" before I could finish he spoke up.

"Get you an Uber and leave. Damn."

I scoffed as I watched him enter the restroom and slam the door right after him. My feelings were low key hurt but I was not into kissing ass or allowing someone to talk to me any kind of way so I did just what he said.

Got an Uber and left.



"Awwwn. Babydaddy so sweet. I'm here for it." Chelsea smiled, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

"Girl stop." I blushed, rereading the paragraph he had just sent me for the hundredth time. The flowers smelled so good and the paragraph of him expressing himself just made this little surprise 10x better.

I expected him to still be upset with me for leaving but I guess not. I was happy about that though.

"Kentrell could never." Chelsea mumbled, but cleared her throat acting as if she didn't say anything.

"Girl you a trip." I chuckled. "What's up with you two anyway? How have things been?"

"It's been good so far. But you know me I'm not letting my guard all the way down because I don't know exactly how things are going to turn out." I tell her and she nods.

"I understand. I'm glad y'all making amends. It's been a long time coming." I sighed, placing the flowers in a vase.

"It has." She chuckled, looking down at her hands as if she was reminiscing. I truly was glad the two of them were making things work. Whether those steps were big or small, it meant something.



"I had so much fun. We had fun, didn't we Milly?" Kenyia beamed with excitement as she jumped up and down.

The joy that she brought back told me that they indeed had a good time at Jumping World. I was beginning to feel bad that I missed out.

"Yup. We ate tons of pizza, had our favorite sundaes with gummy bear toppings, and won matching teddy bears." Milton smiled. Him & Kenyia did a handshake before both bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Maybe next time I can tag along with y'all." I suggested and Kenyia had the audacity to put her finger against her chin and think about it.

"What do you think Milly?" She turned and asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's all up to you princess."

"I know y'all ain't sitting here negotiating on if I can have fun with y'all or not." I folded my arms across my chest, pretending to be offended when really I found it cute.

"You can come with us Mommy." Kenyia giggled as she covered her face. I smiled just because I loved her smile.

"Thank you baby." I peck her forehead before going back to washing the dishes. "If you don't mind could you go help Aunt Nicky with the laundry."

"Yes." She nods before engulfing Milton in a big hug. "Thanks for today daddy."

As fast as my head snapped back towards her direction you would've thought my neck snapped. Milton was caught off guard as well as he hugged her with his mouth hanging open and his face turning a bit red.

"No problem babygirl." He chuckled in disbelief. The moment she scurried off, we just stood there in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Did she just...?" I asked without actually asking but Milton was on the exact same page as me.

"Yeah, yeah she did. She called me daddy." He smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

I returned the smile. I see now that Kenyia and I were going to have to have a mommy and daughter talk. The last thing I need was for her to be confused. Especially considering she just got the news that Kentrell is her father and now she's calling Milton dad.

I can't say that I didn't see it coming though. Milton had literally been around Kenyia before she was even out the womb. He was at almost every doctor's appointment, he was at every shopping spree I went on for her, and then some. It was actually an heartwarming moment for the both of us.

"That little girl loves you. And I love to see it." I tell him and he pluckers out his bottom lip before engulfing me into a big hug.

"I love you both. The two closest people I got and I wouldn't change it for nothing in the world." He says to me. I peck his lips a couple times and just stare at him, thinking.

"What?" He chuckled, looking down at me like the little person I was compared to him.

"I think I'm ready." I say to him. The confused expression plastered across his face made me giggle.

"You want some dick?" He whispered before looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was around us. "Right here, right now?"

"Yeah but that's not what I'm talking about Milton." I chuckled. "I'm ready for us to take things to the next level."

He grinned before pushing me back against the island and placing a soft kiss on my lips. "What made you want to be my woman?"

"Well, why would I not want to be? You treat me so good Milton. Always have. And the fact that you've been a father figure to Kenyia when you didn't have to be, that's a big plus. It's not an everyday thing to come across a man like you. I just had to really come to my senses and realize you what I need. And I love you for everything. Seriously." I softly spoke, never letting my eyes leave his.

I think it was about time I left the Kentrell situation in the past. He was engaged. All that matters at this point as far as us was us coming together for the sake of Kenyia. He was slowly but surely coming around to do his part and that's really all I ever wanted.

"I love you more." He smirks. Lifting up my chin, he brings his lips towards mine and tongue kisses me. Wrapping my arms around his head, I softly moaned in his mouth.

Lifting me up onto the island, he trails kisses down my collar bone causing my body to shiver. I let out a small chuckle, realizing right now was not a good time for all this. Nicky and Kenyia weren't to far away.

"Yeah, we need to chill before things go a bit too far." He chuckled, placing one last kiss on my neck and I agreed.

He stood up and just glared at me causing me to blush and look away. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" He smirked, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"You know. Staring at me. You know that does something to me." I say to him and he nods.

Helping me off the island, he smacks my ass. I gasps and give him a death stare. He holds in his laugh and leaves out just as Nicky is coming in.



"So I was thinking like an angelic, wonderland type of theme. White as the overall color and I think it's best to have it held in either California or somewhere out the Country." Bri rambled on about her ideas and thoughts on the wedding. I made sure to actually listen so I wouldn't have to hear her throw a childish ass tantrum on how I wasn't paying her any attention.

I scrolled through the group chat reading the latest messages to see if I missed out on anything. Every one of us was in the works of putting a plan together to retaliate and end this shit for good.

"Are you even listening to me?" Bri placed her hand on her hip, giving me an annoyed look. If anybody should be annoyed it's me. She talked too fucking much.

"Yeah just trying to see what Montana nem' on." I sighed before placing my phone down and giving her my attention.

"I don't like the angelic, all white idea. Shit sound to cliche and plain." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Well sorry Satan but we aren't doing a red theme. Nor will be wearing green and banging 4KT. Now that's plain and ghetto." She says back.

"Yeah whateva'." I wave her off and try to change the subject. "I thought you had a client coming in in about fifteen minutes."

She looked down at her watch and groaned. "I doooo. Thinking about just canceling her appointment so we can focus on what really matters here." She says,flagging the wedding book planner around.

"You unprofessional as fuck." I tell her before walking out the garage and back inside the crib. Luckily she doesn't follow me inside. Walking up the stairs, I make it to Kenyia's room and glanced around it. I had a lot more to do with it but I was proud of the outcome so far.

I had yet to tell Chelsea anything about it. I know when the time is right she'll allow Kenyia to visit as much as she liked. I wanted her to feel at home because this was her second home. It was my job as her Dad to make sure of that.

Although I was new to this daddy shit I wasn't letting up. Bri never questioned who the room was for but I knew she was curious . She wouldn't even step foot into the room. She always caught an attitude anytime I brought it up or mentioned it to Montana since he was the one helping me fix it up exactly how I wanted.

Closing the door back shut, my phone ding catching my attention.Seeing that it was Tavia, I responded back. We just casually held a short conversation before I decided that my next move would be to go see Ben.

Leaving her on read with her last response, I walked to the bedroom and searched through the closet for a hoodie to throw on.

"Where the fuck I put them keys at?" I mumbled to myself as I pat my pockets for them. The familiar dangling sound came from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, Bri stood at the entrance of the bedroom door with them in her hand.

"Looking for these?" She questioned, her head tilt as if she had caught me in the act of doing something.

"Obviously." I say, waiting for her to throw them my way. She does and I grab my wallet before brushing pass her and out the room.

"You gonna tell me where you're going or do I have to ask?" She questioned, following right up behind me.

"Bri I'm not in the mood to be bothered with yo' shit today. Can a nigga leave without you all up on my back? Damn." I said growing irritated.

"Keep that same energy when I leave this boring ass house then." She shot back, her arms folded across her chest.

"Stop fucking playing with me." I play my role, acting as if what she said bothered me when really I didn't give a single fuck. Her leaving the house would only give me the opportunity to bring another bitch in here and drill her shit before she could make it back.

"Yeah, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. And once I stop sharing my location don't get to searching for a bitch like I got a warrant. Nothing ass nigga." She walked off with a stank ass attitude.

I chuckled cause deep down inside I knew she was feening to get me to act up and probably fuck the shit out of her right now.

"You'll be here when I'm back. Love you." I say before shutting the front door once I left out.


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