Shades of Purple

By SilvanaSuheiCarrillo

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She was at his mercy and he knew it. Even if for some reason her life was spared her reputation would be ruin... More

The End of her Life...
A Tallest's Burden
The Massive
Unexpected Visitor
The Offer
Down to Urth
Tales from Urth
Lowering your Guard
Battle on the Massive
Warfare 101
Out of Control
The Art of Seduction... Not
Old Wounds
Tasty Treats
The Things We Did
The Escape
The Next Step
Welcome Committee
Murphy's Law
From the Frying Pan
Into the Crocodile's Jaws
Broken Down
Love at First Sight... Sort of
Return to the Massive
The Progress Convention
Parenthood Pt.I
Parenthood Pt II
Postpartum Depression

...The Beginning of their Life

483 5 0
By SilvanaSuheiCarrillo

Like I said, i won't be putting many... mature scenes except when I feel it's relevant. Right now, however, I'm just going to imply what happened between Tenn and Purple, considering the former isn't willing to do it.


She didn't know how exactly, but somehow she made it through the first night with her 'husband'. Maybe her PAK had something to do with it; she had been trying very hard to retreat back into her subconscious. Tenn wasn't used to sleeping much; thanks to the PAK's energy reserves it usually wasn't necessary for an Irken to sleep at all; this went double for Invaders, who needed to be on high alert all the time. So, sleeping was considered a luxury only the Tallest themselves could afford.

Speaking of the Tallest, he was fast asleep right next to her, his back turned and snoring loudly. The whole thing tired him out, perhaps? Or maybe he got bored. She wasn't really sure, only that eventually the touching stopped and he fell to the side of bed, where he eventually drifted off.

Tenn quickly removed her blankets off her lower body to find it stained with drops of pink blood. He had done it

Losing one's 'maidenhood' usually held no vital significance in Irken culture, in part because Irkens had no time for such frivolities. Plus, the PAK eliminated the 'insatiable appetite for sexual intercourse'. Such a biological thing was considered a waste of time that could hinder the soldiers' performance. Usually, only the Control Brains could reactivate it when Irkens wed and presented a special petition. There were rumors that this PAK filter was not present in the Tallest's PAKs, however, judging from the creation of planets for certain... purposes, such as Orgydia and Sexia.

But to Tenn, losing it against her will was not only humiliating. It felt as if she had been killed on the inside. The former Invader let out a sob, only to cover her mouth in panic and glance at her husband in fear. Knowing Tallest Purple, he wouldn't like to be awakened so early. She silently got off bed and went straight into the bathroom, closing the door shut behind her.

Just like the bedroom, the Tallest's bathroom was big and luxurious, but Tenn didn't stop to awe at it. She filled the bathtub with cleansing gel, stepped into in and thoroughly scrubbed her body with a sponge. She wanted to get rid of this feeling; the sensation of his hands touching her, his tongue traveling down her neck... She scrubbed harder every time she remembered it, inadvertently dislodging dead skin unto the gel. Try as she might, however, the feeling of disgust and revulsion never left her.

Tenn felt her eyes stinging with tears, but she blinked them away. An Irken soldier never cried nor showed any signs of weakness. She wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her weep. No matter what he, the Control Brains or even her own PAK said, she's still an Invader. She'd find a a way out of this. She was the conqueror of Meekrob, after all. Yet the more vulnerable part of her wanted to cry, scream, bury herself into the ground and disappear. She had been violated by one of her leaders and knew that he'd never be punished for it. It wasn't a punishable crime in their society at all, in part because the act itself isn't given much importance like other inferior species do.

Tenn was so caught up in this inner turmoil that she didn't realize she stayed in the cleansing gel for a long time until her skin starting showing wrinkles. As she stepped out of the bathtub, its contents emptied by itself automatically. The mauve towel she dried herself with was just as soft as the blankets. 

That's when Tenn realized she had no clothing here. As far as she knew, it had all stayed behind in her old apartment, and she doubted Tallest Purple would have sent for it. He probably was outside, waiting for her to come out completely naked with a wolf grin (earthen saying she once heard from Zim) on his face. 

When she took a peek outside, however, she found the dormitory empty instead. At the very least he was gone! One could never be too careful, though, so Tenn wrapped the towel around herself and tried to cover as much of her body as she could before stepping out of the bathroom. Oh, Irk, this carpet was so nice, and the Tallest actually walked on top of it. Tenn recalled a time where she would have kissed it for that simple reason.

The bed was already made. Odd, she hadn't heard any servant drones come in and she had the feeling Tallest Purple didn't even know how to make a bed properly or at all. This confirmed that she had been in the bathroom for a long time, especially when she noticed it was noon. On top of the bed was a beautiful set of robes similar to the Tallest's own, but more 'femenine' and colored mauve matching her own eyes. There was a note on top of it.

My dear Tenn, given your new position there's no way you're using those nasty old clothes from before. It wouldn't look good on my image if my wife used lowly soldier clothing, right?

Your almighty, handsomely tall husband.

P.D. I went to get some breakfast. Be sure to join me when you're done in the bathroom. Hurry or I'll eat all the curly fries!

Tenn muttered as she crumpled the note and launched it into the garbage chute with a surprisingly accurate throw. Of course he'd act as if nothing had happened. Still, she didn't have anything to lose with wearing those clothes. It was this or walking around undressed. She would have liked to do this if only to spite her Tallest Purple, but she knew better than to press those buttons. She had seen what happened to those who dared make him angry.

The robes turned out very comfortable. Tenn looked at herself over in the mirror. She felt very different, so much she nearly didn't recognize herself. Instead of a fully-trained Invader, she saw a petite, trophy wife forced unto a role she never wanted. It sickened her. Eventually Tenn couldn't take it anymore and left the room.

She would have gotten lost if the Control Brain hadn't downloaded the Tallest Tower's schematics and blueprints into her PAK as it changed her status to 'married'. It was done so that precisely she wouldn't get lost in her first day. The morning sunlight coming through the wide windows almost gave her golden cage a warmer feeling. Almost.

Tenn heard a small sound: a tiny squeal, yet when she looked around she saw no one. As home of the Almighty Tallest, the tower was devoid of any shorters and servant drones, especially the more... personal areas. Another squeak, and a small tug on her robe. Curious, Tenn looked down to find a tiny smeet with moderate cyan eyes clinging to her robe. Tenn momentarily wondered a smeet was doing there until she recognized him from the news broadcast. It's taller smeet Rouge, younger child of Tallest Red and his wife. He was born not long ago, perhaps about three lunar cycles. His wide round eyes were curiously looking up at her.

"There you are!"

Tenn's lekku twitched at the familiar voice just as the smeet's mother hurriedly strode towards her. Tenn froze, unsure of how to react to her presence or how she would react to her smeet clinging to a total stranger. Rouge, on the other hand, squealed in delight and let go of Tenn's robe to clumsily crawl over to his mama. Lena bent down to pick up her smeet. 

"You little rascal, how many times are you going to climb out of your crib?" She asked, playfully tickling the little one's belly and receiving some giggles in return.

"Oh, m-my tallest!" Tenn's head bowed and her lekku wiggled.

"There's no need for you to do that anymore, Tenn. We're equals now."

"But you're still taller than me, ma'am..."

Lena gave a small laugh. "Tenn, seriously, I'll be more comfortable if you call me Lena." She was surprisingly nice for a taller Irken, especially given her position. "Anyway, how about we go join our husbands before Purple eats all the curly fries?" Tenn found it odd that she referred to Tallest Purple in such an informal way. Perhaps she was free to do so because, as Tallest Red's own mate, Tallest Purple couldn't lay a finger on her. Or maybe she only called him like this when he wasn't around? 

Guess she'd find out later. Right now her body was asking for sugars. Tenn recalled she hadn't really eaten anything since last night. 

"Lead the way, then."

Lena offered yet another kind smile just as both made their way down the hall. As they walked, Lena gently placed Rouge inside a small pouch sewn in the abdomen area of her robes; it bulged out with the smeet in it, almost making her look pregnant except for the tiny lekku sticking out. Rouge shifted a bit inside it before settling down with a content purr. While Tenn usually had no interest in motherhood stuff, she had to admit it was quite a cute sight.

The dining room was located a few stories down after going down an elevator, behind yet another elegant-looking door. It was like Tenn half-imagined: a very long table with anti-gravity seats on each side, one for each Tallest and their... mates. Tenn's mouth watered when she saw all the variety of snacks on top of it, many of which could only be consumed by the Irken Leaders. Tenn winced when she spotted Tallest Purple already on his seat. 

"About time, what took you so long? You didn't get lost, did you?" he asked, already munching on curly fries, just like he said he would in the note. "Like, that would be ridiculous. The Control Brains downloaded a map of this place into your PAK, it would be dumb for you to get lost."

"Says the Irken who got couldn't find the gaming room right next to your quarters." Tallest Red added slyly.

Tallest Purple pouted in response. "It's not my fault that all doors look alike!"

Tenn almost found it hard to believe that this was the same Irken who was cunning enough to force her into marriage through underhanded methods, but she knew better than to judge. Everyone has a darker side, a shadow if you prefer. Some only brought it out under certain circumstances, others relished in it and often became one with that second personality. Her husband was a sort of combination of the two: all of Irk knew him to be a bit childish and somewhat immature sometimes, but was also aware that deep down he was the more... aggressive of the two current Tallest. The proof was that he'd throw random soldiers out of the airlock or blow up entire worlds if he felt they had offended him in any way (or simply if he was bored).

"Come sit by me, Tenn."

He wasn't exactly asking her. He was outright ordering her to in a sugarcoated manner. Tenn wanted as much distance between herself and her Tallest after what happened last night, but she did not wish to see his 'shadow' this early, especially since Lena had already gone to sit next to Tallest Red. 

Gulping silently, she made her way to the anti-gravity chair floating a few inches away from that of Tallest Purple's. She felt his gaze upon her for a few brief seconds before going back to his curly fries. Phew. Looks like his taste for snacks is stronger than his lust.

Tenn mostly distracted herself during the first part of breakfast by taking a look at the available food in front of her. Some were the most common variety such as chips, donuts and popcorn, but others were only seen in fancy places only afforded by the taller Irkens. Cupcakes, pastries, chocolate... Those three were only available to the Tallest. During her cadet days she'd hungrily watch as the taller Elites gorged themselves with snacks while the lower-ranked soldiers such as her had to literally fight for the crumbs that fell to the floor. And now that she had the 'forbidden sugars' right in front of her she wasn't sure of what to think.


Rouge poked his head out of his mother's pouch to take a look around. He looked so cute, especially when his tiny arms reached out for a nacho.

"Not until your grow your teeth, you little squirt." Tallest Red whispered, affectionately patting the smeet's head with a finger. Rouge responded with a small growl as he started to nibble on his father's finger. Tallest Red sighed.

"Look on the bright side, at leas this time he's not attacking your antenna." Lena shrugged with a small laugh.

"Shut up." Once again, Tenn noted that there was no hostility in that word exchange, but rather playful mocking. This probably meant they did actually marry for love, right? Especially since Lena had already given her Tallest two smeets.

Tenn's squeedly-spooch growled again, prompting her to randomly pick whatever snack she had in front. She was about to bite unto one of the donuts when a loud cough to her right caught her attention.

"Really, woman, of all the exotic food here you pick the most common one?" Tallest Purple asked. With a chagrined sigh he picked a bag filled with something she had never seen. "Here, try this one."

"Are you sure giving her the marmallows is a good idea? Remember how Rouge got when he tried one?"

"Rouge is a smeet, Tenn here is a full-grown Irken, I'm pretty sure she can handle it."

Tenn tentatively accepted the bag: she found the term unfamiliar. "Marmallows?"

"Earthen-snack." Tallest Purple said with a shrug. "I admit, those 'hyoomans' might be idiots but they have a good taste."

Right, the backwater planet Zim had been sent to a few years ago. It was a ploy to get rid of his... destructive tendencies, but it turned out the place was rich in pure sugar, very valuable resource for the Irken Empire. Tenn assumed this was the only reason the Tallest still kept in touch with that annoying little defective; he occasionally sent hyooman pastries and snacks, among other things. She wondered if they'd eventually send an actual Invader to that planet.

The marmallow was white and squishy, like those puffy snacks made for toothless smeets. Would it taste good? It must if the Tallest have it in their own stash, considering how refined their palates are. 

Her squeedly-spooch protested again. Well, if anything, getting sick would mean Tallest Purple wouldn't be able to touch her tonight. With this in mind, Tenn grabbed a marmallow and took it into her mouth. Her lekku went straight. It was sweet, but not cloying. It was soft, but not too mushy. Tenn swallowed it. It wasn't that bad. She gave another bite to the next marmallow. Then another. Another. It's delicious! What is it made of?

Tallest Purple chuckled. "What did I tell you?"

"Hey, speaking of which, how was your first night?" Tenn nearly choked on the marmallow she had just swallowed as the topic was brought up. Her cheeks felt warm and the uncomfortable feeling returned.

"It was very good, indeed." Of course, it was for him. Too bad Tenn couldn't say the same thing.

"Must you two really talk about that at the table?" Lena said with a disapproving frown.

"Come on, Lena, we're all grown up Irkens and Rouge won't even remember we talked about this when he grows up."

"But we're eating, Purple."

Tenn blinked in surprise. She referred to him informally and he didn't seem mad about it. Perhaps she wasn't afraid of him because she knew he would never be able to touch her as long as Tallest Red was her mate.


Tenn jumped at the little sound coming right from her... lap. Looking down, she found Rouge on top of her skirt, again looking up at her with wide, cyan eyes... Or rather, he seemed to be looking at the marmallows.

"Um, Lena..." Tenn said, awkwardly looking down at the smeet. He was whimpering as he reached out for the marmallow she was holding in her hand. But could she give him one? Tallest Red made it sound like it didn't end good the last time he ate one. How did he get to her lap, anyway?

"Oh, Rouge! Sorry about that, Tenn, sometimes he gets a little too bold!"

"No, no, you don't need to leave your seat. I'll handle it." Much to Tenn's surprise, Tallest Purple picked Rouge in his hands with careful tenderness. "Besides, he wants to come with his favorite uncle, don't you? Don't you?" Tallest Purple chirped playfully as he tickled Rouge's belly. The smeet giggled and gurgled happily.

"Don't overdo it, he's just ate." Tallest Red warned him.

"You're jealous that he likes me better."

Tenn had to contain a laugh when Tallest Red pouted and made 'gimmie' gestures at Tallest Purple, urging him to return his son. Rouge seemed to resent the exchange and started nibbling on his father's fingers playfully.

"Is he that... curious?" Tenn couldn't help but ask.

"You should see him when he climbs into our bed." Lena did laugh a bit.

Tenn felt her squeedly-spooch drop at Tallest Purple's next words. "Just wait until we have our own smeet."


Tenn slammed the doors shut behind her and made sure to put the electronic lock on. For some moments she just stood there, panting heavily and clenching her fists, muttering under her breath. 

He couldn't be serious, right? A smeet? They just married a day ago and he already wanted one? What did he think she was, a smeet-factory of some sorts?

What was she going to do? He was probably going to force her to mate until she got pregnant, and then what? She wasn't even sure her if body would be able to bear it. There was a reason organic reproduction was mostly defunct nowadays! She heard that a small percentage of Irkens still did it but had a hard time because their bodies struggled to maintain a full-term pregnancy, even with the PAK's aid. Tenn wanted to think that he couldn't force her to do that, but he had found a way to make her his in the first place. How could she slip out of this when she couldn't do anything the first time?

There was a knock on the door. "Open up, Tenn." She wouldn't open the door, of course, but it seemed he expected her precisely not to do that. Tenn had momentarily forgotten he could override any electronic lock in this place, so she got startled when the doors whizzed open behind her. 

She was fast enough to run to the other side of the room on her PAK-legs just as he strode in.

"Must we go through that again?" Tallest Purple asked, rather disappointed at the hostility.  Tenn hated to be reminded of the mistake that brought her here in the first place. 

"Don't you know about the concept of privacy?" She hissed.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I simply don't think you're deserving of it just yet. It's a privilege you must earn."

"Earn how? Posing as your sex doll or your smeet-making factory?"

"Oh, so that's what this is about." Tallest Purple shrugged. "It's bound to happen eventually, right? I mean, when two people love each other very much-"

"Love?" Tenn laughed bitterly as her PAK-legs retreated. "Is this how you see love? Keeping me here against my will through blackmail?" Tallest Purple almost looked hurt, regretful even.

"You forced me to take those measures, Tenn."

"Don't blame me for your actions!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me, you might be my wife but I'm still your Tallest," he hissed with a deep frown. Then his tone softened again. "All I was asking was one chance. I tried it the good way but you refused to see it."

"I had just lost my fiancée!" Tenn said with tears in her eyes. "I lost the man I loved and you didn't care! You had no respect for my pain and instead tried to woo me as if nothing had happened! And as if that wasn't enough, you had the gall to blackmail me!"

"Tenn, we're Irkens. Our kind go to the battlefield knowing they might not make it alive. Your... fiancee, whatever his name was..."

"Invader Dren." Tenn hissed. Speaking his name again hurt.

"Invader... Dren?¨A look of familiarity flickered into Tallest Purple's eyes. "Oh. The guy that was assigned to Sobr and got his head chopped off." The reminder of Dren's fate was almost enough to send Tenn into a sobbing mess, but she kept her composure. "Well, sorry for your... loss. But you should get over it, he'd probably want you to move on, don't you think?"

How dare he...? It was bad enough he didn't respect her pain, and now he brushes it off just like that? Tenn clenched her fists and gave her the most hateful glare she could muster.

"Now, now, Tenn, that's no way to treat your husband and Tallest, is it?" She had to close her eyes shut when Tallest Purple drew closer to her; she stepped back, but felt the wall against her PAK. It took her almost every fiber not to unleash her PAK-legs unto him again as she felt his fingers stroking her cheek.

Don't touch me.

"You met Rouge already. He's a cutie, isn't he? Just imagine it, Tenn. A little smeet of our own...." the tips of his claws gingerly touched her flat abdomen. "With my tallness and your invader genes, I bet he'd not only be the best Invader, but also the tallest of them all."

Tenn didn't dare open her eyes, but she could feel his breath just on the tip of her lekku, letting her know he was leaning in. Her body betrayed her as she started to tremble when Tallest Purple's hand found its way to her back and pulled her closer.

"And as you know, there's only one way to make a smeet..." At that moment there was a knock on the door. Tenn breathed out in relief when Tallest Purple's attention went to the door. "What? We're a little busy here!" He hissed impatiently.

"Sorry for intruding, m-my Tallest, but your ship is ready."

Another irritated murmur. "We'll be there shortly." Tenn almost, almost, felt relieved until she noted Tallest Purple had talked in plural. 

"Are we going somewhere?" She couldn't help but ask.

"You got an appointment with the doctor, of course."

"Me? Why?"

The grin he gave her gave her a bad feeling. "You'll see."


"Everything seems to be fine, My Tallest. Her abdomen and hips seem to be a bit to narrow, however. It might make it difficult for an egg to come out."

"Come on, doc, Lena's hips are even smaller and she gave birth normally!"

"But she was taller and due to her lack of time in the battlefield, her body did not get rid of any 'unnecesary' functions. Lady Tenn, on the other hand, has a good body structure but her time as a soldier caused her reproductive sac to shrink considerably."

A fertility medic. He brought her to a fucking fertility medic. How utterly humiliating. He was serious about the smeet thing.

"But you can fix it, right?"

"Well, it is possible to re-adapt her reproductive sac to improve success rate-"

"Do that."

Tenn crossed her arms. "Don't I get a say on the matter?" She growled. It's her body, after all. She should be the one to choose if she wanted any surgeries or not.

"If you wish, I could give you some time to think about it. It's not an easy-decision..."

"Do it."

The repressed, but evidently impatient tone in which Tallest Purple spoke seemed to have the same effect on the doctor. He nodded quickly and motioned Tenn to lie face up on top of a cold, metal table. With no other choice Tenn did as told. She momentarily removed her PAK to be connected to a database where the information regarding natural pregnancy, symptoms and biological reactions would be downloaded. Meanwhile, a robotic arm with a syringe came down and pierced through her skin. Tenn started to feel drowsy, but kept her eyes open long enough to see some more tools lowering down towards her abdomen before everything went dark...


"Ah, Invader Tenn, there you are! Come sit by me!"

Despite the cold presentiment at the bottom of the squeedly-spooch, Tenn could not bring herself to reject the offer, especially not in such a public place. She had to force herself to respond with a timid smile as she sat down next to Tallest Purple. She could already hear the jealous murmurs from the other Irkens, particularly other Invaders such as Larb. Part of her relished in the attention and the reactions it elicited from her fellow Invaders.

For the next one hour and a half she centered her attention on the blood sporting down below as defectives were sent into the arena to 'fight' against the digestor; the sugarcoating was pretty evident, the true purpose was to get rid of the useless Irkens in an entertaining way. The Tallest would laugh at the carnage; every now and then they'd add a little extra, such as covering the gladiators in raw meat or having them do a silly dance.

Tenn had been present to these before, but always from the overcrowded seat rows where it was hard to see what was going on. This time she had been invited to the Tallest's own private lounge by Tallest Purple himself. She had no idea why, but well, any chance to be on either Tallest's good side was to be taken, right? 

The lounge was in the higher rows of the colosseum, which included a varied snack bar and a wide, transparent window from which the events could be seen from any angle. Tallest Red's wife wasn't present. Guess she was busy with other things. Tallest Red himself was crying out in excitement as the newest victim-err, gladiator was teleported into the arena. Tallest Purple, on the other hand, was unusually quiet. Perhaps it had to do with his whole attention being on her. Tenn would feel his piercing gaze on her when she focused on the digestor, but when she gave him a quick glance he'd look down at the arena. If he was trying to be subtle, he was doing an awful job at it.

"Do you know the history behind this blood sport?"

Tenn turned to Tallest Purple, confused. "My Tallest?"

"The digestor fights. Originally they were a sort of... courting method," Tallest Purple's eyes never left the beast as it chased the short, plump defective around the arena. "Whenever a male wanted to mate with a particular Irkenette he'd go look for a Digestor and slay it to take its head back to his intended. Of course, almost no one made it alive out of that."

"That's... interesting, My Tallest." Tenn said half-admittedly.

"Nowadays that practice has died out, but the Digestor fighting-thing remained, except now it's a good way to get rid of the useless assets in the Empire in an entertaining way."

"Indeed it is, My Tallest."

Was it her idea, or had he shifted closer to her during the tale?


When she next awoke she felt sore, particularly in the area around her belly. As her vision cleared up she lifted he head in time to see a multitude of medical tools retreating back into various hatches. Looking down, she briefly saw a long line before it disappeared as the nanobots injected into her bloodstream mended her flesh.

Tenn's lekku twitched when she heard some voices coming from the doctor's office, undoubtedly coming from him and Tallest Purple. It sounded like they having a sort to argument, mostly on Tallest Purple's side while the doctor was doing his best to explain... whatever he was explaining. Seconds later the door opened and Tallest Purple walked, or rather hovered, out.

"Tenn, grab your PAK and let's go." he said.

Tenn didn't want to give him any reasons to be extra 'bossy' tonight, so she got up, retrieved her PAK and put it back on its rightful place on her spine. She almost regretted it when a wave of new information almost overwhelmed her organic brain, causing her a headache. She nevertheless managed to follow Tallest Purple all the way back to his ship.

The flight back was mostly silent. Tallest Purple did ask her if she was okay, but Tenn had responded with a half-curt, half-pained 'yes'. In truth, however, Tenn was feeling both dizzy and sore from the surgery and the knowledge passed into her PAK, which was also dealing with the new change in her body, particularly he squeedly spooch. To pass the time, Tenn searched for the data about smeeting transferred into the PAK. If she'd be forced to go through it, she might as well know what it was about.

Once the fertilization took place, an embryo would form within the squeedly-spooch sac, where it would grow for about 11 months in a gelatinous material. In the last two months, however, the outer layer would harden up considerably for when it was laid. Afterwards the egg would he placed in an incubator for a few days until the smeet hatched. 

It wouldn't have seemed that hard, but then came the symptoms and risks of the whole process. She'd have to double her sugar consumption to provide for both herself and the smeet, and the first few months would be plagued with cravings, nausea and probable mood swings. Plus, in the later months her abdomen would expand considerably and hinder mobility. There were also higher risks of losing the smeet, better known as miscarriage, during first-time smeeting. The reason was that the Irken race had depended on cloning so much that their reproductive organs, the female's spooch-sac in particular, had withered and shrunk. A special surgery was needed to expand it back to its original size, the one Tenn just went through, but even then there's no real guarantee that the first smeeting would be successful.

"Hello, Irk to Tenn!"

Tenn blinked out of her thoughts. "W-What?"

"I asked if you feel in condition to walk." They had already arrived back at the Tallest Tower a while ago. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice. 

"Yes, I can walk!" she said curtly, but her abdomen stung when she tried standing up. Tenn brought her hands to it. Tallest Purple rolled his eyes. Tenn was terribly uncomfortable around him already, but it didn't compare to when he took picked her up and carried her outside the ship. 

Wonderful. From the number one Invader reduced to this.

Of all the guards stationed in the hangar, Tallest Purple signaled a female one to come closer. "Take my wife to her chambers."

Her chambers? "My chambers?"

Tallest Purple smirked knowingly. "Unless you wish to sleep by my side again."

"No, no! It's fine!"

Tallest Purple muttered and handed her over to the female guard. Tenn was momentarily confused until she found he wouldn't be able to touch her for at least a week until her body adapted to the new, improved size of her spooch-sac. At least a good thing had come from the bloody procedure.

To her disappointment her own living quarters were just across that of Tallest Purple's. She should have known it was too good to be true, especially when her husband silently half-forced a lekku touch from her before disappearing behind his own door. To his credit, though, it was just as big and luxurious as his. The guard carefully placed her on the ground and saluted before leaving.

Once alone, Tenn sighed in relief at the idea of sleeping alone. Now she could properly enjoy the heavenly softness of the bed and the blankets. Tenn removed her robes and put on the sleeping gown, perfectly customized for her size, already left unto her wardrobe along other different attires. As the Tallest's wife she was expected to look her best.

Tenn allowed herself to fall unto the mattress. Yes, sleep was not necessary for most Irkens, but she had found it made her forget about all her problems for a good while. She should get used to it.


I imagine Purple as being the type to want an heir ASAP, especially considering how many enemies are after his head.

I am aware the title of Almighty Tallest is not passed down unto the eldest child, but rather given to the next tallest Irken alive, be it after the current one's death or simply being replaced. In this fic, however, I'm sort of combining them. The Tallest pass down the title to their tallest child, regardless of gender or birth order, but should they perish without an heir then the mantle is given to the next tallest Irken.

Some of the things regarding Irken pregnancy are partly inspired from The Breeding Project by Octopusfan13. It's a really good RaPR fic, particularly the info he/she has made up regarding an Irken pregnancy. Obviously I will not copy it, but rather try and get a better idea of how I picture an Irken pregnancy.

Well, see ya next chapter.

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