~Cover Your Eyes Right Before...

By RavenElizabethGarcia

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What happens the love of your life tries to kill you? What happens You realize you lived a world made of lies... More

~Cover Your Eyes Right Before You Die~ An Andy Biersack tragic love story
~Brookelle Sterling~
~Black Veil Brides, Juliet, Ella Cole, Sammi Doll~
~Alexander Sterling, Mayra Reyna, Taylor Momsen, Broken Desire~
~Rebels and Toilet Paper Rolls~
B**ch You're In Big Trouble
~Heys, Lies, Truths, & Appologies~
~The Prophecy of the Angel of Death~
Rescue Me
I Dare You To Lose Control I Dare You To Bear Your Soul
~I Dare You To Lose Control I Dare You Bear Your Soul Continued~
~I Slept With My Brother Bestfriend Whoops You To Rain In Your Parade~
Meet My Smashingly New Attitude
Ashley Costello and Taylor Momnsen to the Rescue
Haunted by the Past
~Death is Coming to Get You Might as Well Embrace it~
Alone and Running Vision Part 3
~Back From Wonderland Alice Oops I Meant Ashley~
Tour Rules, Schedule, & Christopher Cerulli
Spa Time Before Tour and Angry Tall Stick People
Bus Anticts and a Plan to Break You Thats All I Need
Tour, Booze, Crazy Fans, Ends Up In Love Bites!
~Devil Within ~
Bad Love And Heartache
If Life Gives You Knives Then Go On A Killing Spree
Those Angel Eyes The Devil Is Right Inside
Come To Die
Everyone Has Dark Side
Past Is Catching Up To Us
An Awfully Familiar Stranger
Whats Your Name Angel Darkness
Walking In Thin Rope
From Rehab to Planning the Downfall of the Enemy

~From Completely Wasted to Sober In a Record Time~

414 3 0
By RavenElizabethGarcia

~Janice Stone P.O.V~

Stumbling out of Heylie's party with a drunk, hot, tattooed man named Ashley Purdy. Seriously was his mother drunk or high when she gave birth and decided his name. i do not intend to offend or insult Ashley's parents. Which they are awsome for creating this talented hot man ~for all Purdy girls out there~. Yoou probablywhich by the way I am. Wait.....I think I've heard or met a guy named like that. Nah! I'm just drunk f**k it then. Damn he's a very good kisser mmmm that makes me wonder how he is in bed.;) i wonder if any Purdy girl is already making a plan to obliberate her.^-^ lol i'm mean I know ok back to the sl*t's P.O.V We got into my GT Mustang and headed into my house where I'm going to have some 'fun' with him. Probably steal a little of his money for my services.lol Trying my best not to crash my car while making his little friend way happier than it was. Almost asking me to stop the car and do this bussiness right there. When we arrived at my house i saw police and reporters outside. I just ignore it my drunkness was fading away for only wondering what the hell they are around my house. When I got out my car reporters where rushing to ask me questions which I had no idea they where talking about. Until I turned to see my house totaly toilet papered. All my drunkness fell like if someone had threw my a bucket of cold water. "I want answers who would do this!?" I yelled. A police man came running towards my sudden outburst. "Miss Stone do you have a slightest clue of who could have caused this?" I just rolled my eyes at him and yelled, "Do you think I have any idea!" "Well miss since it's your ..." " How dare interupt me you dumb fool, plus i don't have time to deal with this right now can't you see i'm kinda busy here!" I pionted where this Ashley guy was but he disappeared out of the effin blue! Rolling my eyes at everyone i closed my car and made my way through the uninvited crowd that form around me and that stupid officer. As soon I got inside my house I went to my room and slammed, slid against the door. Soon tears started to fall down my cheeks smearing my make up. Curling my fist into my hand I let it out full with rage "Whoever did this I'll make sure that person or group will never see the light of the sun again!" I got up and headed to my bed and lyed down. Who the hell would pull this kind of trick? Making my victim run away probably laughing his butt off. Sighing, I took of my shoes and got my self under the covers thinkin that tomorrow was going to be a very long day.

~Ashley's P.O.V~

Tonight I got some random girl out of a friend's, friends party. THis time I made sure she was human so i could suck her life away.Stumbling down to her car up to her house which I became sober when I saw what happened to her house. Who would have known that the toilet papering house was still a fashion. Oh well expect the unexpected. Who ever invented that phrase was totaly right on this one. While she was intorigated by reporters I took my chance to make my move by living her and not get caught by the cameras. Because I'll get in some big major sh*t. Making noticed that no was watching me i runned back to the party which it wasn't far from that girl....Wait what's her name again?.... Was it Kayla, Lidia, Jane,of Janet?... Ah who cares anyways. I arrived searching in the sea of cars until I saw Andy's black Lamborghini. Which actually looked looked just like my sister's,but her's is tuned up for a race and had the awsomest sound system in the world thank's to my uncle's mechanic workshop. Seriuosly if you were to park those babies together you might probably mistaken them as twins but if you were to study them closely together. My sister's car looks more race like type car which it is if you look how the interior is made of exculsively for racing. If you were to bend down to see my sister's car it has glowing lights which they look awsome when you see it run by it looks badass. Aslo when you hear it roar to life damn it's effing perfect. Plus don't forget hydrolysis. Andy's car well lets just say it's regular Lamborghini mabey.... Nah let'sjust say it's an ordinary car and that's all. Well now that I'm sober with a major headache plus I don't want to deal wth Andy yelling at me for taking his car. Just because he takes my car out sometimes that doesn't mean i can do the same with his. I'll just crash on my sis house for tonight or morning, whatever the hell time is.....

Sorry for not uploading I just tend to get busy anyways I do not own Black Veil Brides their girlfriends, taylor momsen, and the videos and some pics that uplaod within the story. The only OC characters I've created are Janice Stone, Alexander Sterling, Mayra Reyna, Spikes, Andromeda, Lexi, Cameron, Aiden, and of course the one only Brookelle Sterling. Also do not take my bands name or I'll hunt you down. Some of the lyrics from Broken Disire you can't take as your own. It took my hardass work to make them. Some characters made their appearance the chapter before and this one. The rest will make theirs as the story prosides. Let's find out how will Brookelle react when her bother appears in her house. Will she kick his round butt out or let him in under one condition? Who knows.... oh wait I knowXD ~makes an evil laugh and disappears under the shadows~. Don't forget to vot, favorite, and comment. I'll upload the next chapter if i get atleast 4votes and 4 comments please. Ineed feedback on the guys and girls. Also tell me what you guys think about it. Is it good or bad; do I go on or should I stop and erase it. It's up to you mortals.lol^.^

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