A Monsters' Tale | BTS AU

Autorstwa itsazidef

4.5K 648 1.1K

"Not everyone can survive in such place... unless you're a real monster." You've seen tales of romance, fant... Więcej



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Autorstwa itsazidef

:This Is Sunny High

The end of the war against the 12 Empire...

"Jungkook." Hanyeul called out for his younger brother while riding the horse. His eyes were staring up front, not even glancing at him.

"What?" Jungkook snapped.

"There's a tactic that defines trust." His brother suddenly said. He pulled an amulet that was tucked inside his vest and held unto it.

"Hyung?" Jungkook called.

"Yes?" His brother smiled, once again not glancing at him. He opened the amulet with his thumb, flicking it open.

"Are you going nuts again?" Jungkook asked seriously but voice lased with confusion and disgust,"We're about to head into a war and all you are saying is a bunch of nonsense?" He looked at him like he isn't being serious.

"This isn't nonsense you brat!" His brother smacked him in the head.

"Then what are you trying to say?" Jungkook exclaimed rubbing his pained head.

Hanyeul went quite for a few seconds and just stared out into the open,"When time comes where you I wouldn't be able to be beside you, where me and father wouldn't be the only ones you'll rely on and you don't know whom to trust. No matter what happens reach out to someone, always, and you'll be able to find who your true allies are."

Jungkook stared at his older brother,"Reach out to someone and you'll be able to find who your true allies are?" He thought,"What's that suppose to mean?" Jungkook said his eyebrows furrowed as he messed with his hair because he couldn't understand.

"Weren't you suppose to be a genius?" Hanyeul chuckled, teasing him.

Jungkook glared at him,"It would be easier if you said the meaning of it instead of leaving me clueless you know." He sighed in the end, saying those words with seriousness.

"It is what it is. How you see it is up to you to decide."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Jungkook asked, confusion spread across his face.

Hanyeul smiled at his younger brother who was obviously trying to pick a fight with him,"I hope you'll be able to find out who to really trust, Jungkook."

Present Time
Sunny High
The Main City: Grandarius

Jungkook stared at the empty void that was the dark hole in front of him. Suddenly, out of nowhere he heard his brother's words echoing in the empty space, or maybe just inside his head. But nevertheless he felt a weird feeling stirring up inside of him.

And just like that, Jungkook returned back to reality staring down at Taehyung who just kept moving even if he said he should stop moving,"Weird." He whispered to himself before looking back down at Taehyung,"Hey! I already told you to stop moving!" Jungkook scolded him.

Taehyung this time complied but looked at him with crying eyes and pressed lips formed into a sad face.

Jungkook sighed and swiftly pulled him up,"Woah!" Taehyung shouted when Jungkook threw him up in the air, letting him go right after. He swiftly lands down on the ground in both his feet and arms stretched to balance himself.

"Taehyung!" The whole team started running towards where the two were.

"Are you alright?" They all exclaimed at once, worry and sincerity spreads across their face as they looked at Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at them. His eyes averted from Taehyung who was telling them he was alright with a hrin on his face and while scratching his head. Jungkook turns to the group who had a genuine worry in their eyes.

"Hmmm..." he found himself humming to himself,"What in the hell is this..." he muttered to himself. He sure can put all the pieces together to understand what was happening.

"We should evacuate immediately before anyone of us gets hurt!" Kirea ordered the whole force that they were with.

While everyone was hurriedly getting out of there Jungkook stayed behind and stared at the back of everyone leaving. There was something about what happened just now that has caught his attention. He thought none of them saw Taehyung fall, but everyone did,"and they didn't do anything." He thought looking back.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called for his name.

Jungkook looked up and met Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung was standing there by the platform of the spaceship just looking at him. When Jungkook looked at him for quite some time, Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Hey!" Taehyung shouted again,"Are you not coming?" He asked in confusion.

Jungkook shaked his head and jogged his way to where the others were. Everything went smoothly after that. They all carried the patients and equipments right inside the spaceship. Jungkook carefully watched the movements of everyone with keen eyes.

He was walking up to front while observing everyone's movements,"Nothing new." He softly spoke to himself and when he was now standing right in front of the controls, he had heard the voice of Kirea.

"It's finally over." Kirea said standing by the far front.

Jungkook moved his head up forward from scanning the place and so did everybody else. They all stood up as they heard Kirea announce that. They all looked outside and like a ray of sunshine, though it was still dark, a huge blinding light invaded the whole city.

The atmosphere started changing. The heavy feeling became lighter. The punishers started disappearing into the corners and right in the air. The creatures that caused riot on the city mewled and shaked their heads, returning back to normal as they slowly go back to where they all came from as if they never did anything.

A wisp of cold air blew over the place indicating the end of the day.

Most of everyone looked at each other. They didn't know if they were to rejoice or just remain quiet, but to their surprise some of the them howled in joy saying,"We survived!" As it meant they can still fight for their freedom and a second life.

Everyone runs unto the huge glass windows and looked outside, from there you can see the triumphant looks of everyone on the ground. They all looked happy and rejoiced very loudly, all at the same time, like winning a victory.

They didn't care about those that were dead or those that were badly hurt. They all just cared for their own selves and nothing more.

Jungkook moved his eyes from them to the people that were in front of everyone else. The group of Croncile. He wanted to see what their reactions were but he couldn't.


"Ah!" Jungkook groaned holding unto his ear.

Although the whole place was filled with loud cheering, it seems to Jungkook that it was not like that at all. Everything to him turned utterly silent. It was as if the whole place went silent. From people thanking them, talking to them, to the rejoicing voices of the people that they saw. He couldn't hear anything.


His eyes started blurring up a little. He tightly closed his eyes. He wasn't dizzy but his vision seemingly looked like he was.

It was as if his mind brought him somewhere else. This scenario woken up something inside of him. He can see people cheering as he blinked his eyes, the surrounding changed to the blurry look of the bloody war but as he blinked back again, it was back to tue blurry vision of the spaceship.


Jungkook eyes snapped open and he breathed inn deeply like he hasn't been breathing this whole time. Slowly, the sound of the entire place returned back and he could hear again.

He roamed his eyes around the place and now he could hear the cheering of everyone inside the room. He could finally hear the voices of people talking amongst each other, the sound of shoes tapping on the ground, the metal, everything.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked Jungkook while looking at him with a worried look.

Jungkook turned to look at the other. He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, when he lets out a breath of air he opened his eyes and his usual expression spreads across his face,"I'm fine." He said nodding his head.

Jungkook shaked his head and then looked around the place,"I was distracted for a bit. Now we need to return back to what's actually important." He whispered to himself.

They were all transported back to the headquarters. Jungkook tried to see something different or an unusual movement of the group but this whole time, the only things unusual that he could pinpoint was the potion which they call Luximia.

Wing! Wing! Wing!

The spaceship lands down on Croncile's headquarters which wasn't harmed during the punishment period. The doors to the spaceship opened. The platform landed on the ground for the people to walk on.

Jungkook walked out looking to the side to see the the city that was in ashes and rubbles,"What a mess." He said scanning the whole place.

"Hey Jungkook." Taehyung called from in front of him.

Jungkook turned around. The whole group and people already leaving the place. He looked at Taehyung, waiting for whatever he was about to say.

"We're a team right?"

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed at that question,"What are you talking about?" He asked in confusion.

Taehyung chuckled at that response and then he tapped Jungkook's shoulders before walking away.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and followed Taehyung's back that was facing him,"What was that about?" He wondered while shaking his head.

And at that moment, while Taehyung walked away and he was shaking his head, his eyes were able to land om Kirea talking to a man in a white lab coat. The two spoke to each other, nodding their head before walking away after ordering something to the guards.

Jungkook looked all around the place to see if there were anyone seeing him or will see him. When he saw that there was no one around, he followed behind the Kirea.

He sneakingly followed them, making sure that his presence or even his footsteps weren't felt at all.

Jungkook found himself stopping as he saw a door creaked open. He hid himself into a corner and looked into the small opening. He recognized that person standing near the table with a paper in his hand was Kirea and another man. They were discussing amongst themselves but Jungkook couldn't hear anything, everything was too soft for him to hear.

He closely looked at the papers the other man Kirea was talking to gave to him. His eyes narrowed as he saw informations written an oddly weird language, yet it looked like to him as some of the files were data collected and profiles of people.

But there was something odd about the situation that he was inn.

"There's no way they're just gonna leave the door open." He thought, he knew what was actually happening. Kirea purposely opened the door for him to hear but what bothered Jungkook was that,"What was it for?"


Jungkook looked back inside when he heard the sound of something clicking. From the corner, Kirea and the man he was talking to stood in front of a wall that was splitting open. He scanned the whole wall to see if there was something that might have caused the wall to slide open.

When Jungkook saw it, he immediately turned back around and started walking away. Of course, even if he knew how to open it he wouldn't just go inn the same place as Kirea did. It was risky.

So he looked to see if there were anyone to see him, with a fast move, he slides himself into a corner and found himself standing at a different hallway. By then he started running his fingers unto the corner of the wall and traced the logo he saw was brightened up when Kirea opened the wall.

When he felt something curved and zigzag corners. He runs his hand up and down the wall and when he finally caught something he heard a clicking sound.

"Got it." He stepped back as the wall separated into two.

Smoke came out of the walls and he was met with a tunnel, a completely gray tunne. The tunnel was filled with nothing but silence, silence that can make a drop of water sound loud. It was cold, concrete walls surrounded the tunnel from top to the botyom.

As Jungkook entered the hallway, the walls behind him closed. He looked around the quiet tunnel. There were few lights flickering here and there. He could hear the soft sounds of his breathing and the sound of his shoe tapping on the ground bouncing on the wall.

Jungkook didn't know where the place was leaded to, or why Kirea leaded him to see the place so he just followed the hallway to see. When he reached the end of the tunnel, he saw a bright light coming from the end.

He swiftly moved to the corner so that he wouldn't be noticed by anyone inside of there.

His eyes widended when he saw what happening. It was a full scale production, like a factory. There are a lot of people testing the fluid. There are people scanning and documenting what was happening.


His eyes landed by the side and saw a group of people there,chained up and were behind bars. The people in lab coats walked up to them, pressing syringes unto their skins. They all started coughing out blood, their bones started cracking and they started morfing into different creatures.

Jungkook could recognize that well, his eyes narrowed and he analyzed what was happening. He knew that the same concussion was the ones those people from awhile ago drank.

Crack! Crack!

As they transformed, a group of soldiers walked up to them and pushed another syringe unto their rounged up skin. The creatures started to calm down. Jungkook tilted his head a bit and stared at the creatures with a serious gaze.

"GAHH!!"But then they started roaring again.

Swish! Swish!

And the soldiers did not hesitate to swing their swords up in the air to cutt the head of the creatures, some even shredding them like pieces of paper.

"So how's the experiment doing?" Jungkook turned to look at that voice and it was Kirea walking up in front of the desk where the hologram showcased what was happening.

"We still haven't found a way to hold the creatures down." The guy using a lab coat said while showing him the data they found.

"How about the creatures we used awhile ago?" Kirea asked pertaining to those creatures they created from when they faught.

"Disregarded them sir."

"Still not good enough?" Kirea spoke in a serious tone.

"The control we have over them only lasted for a few minutes."

"Is that so?" Kirra then started tapping on the hologram,"That's fine. We will use as much human as we need in order to finish this." Kirea said in a serious tone as his eyes landed on the creatures that were fighting but ended up dying.

Jungkook realized something and scoffed to himself,"They killed those things." He thought,"When he said the weak has their own way of being strong, this was what he meant but it seems those things aren't in their control. He can't control them yet so that's why he disregards them."

But he didn't have the time to process everything as he turned to the side when he heard the sounds of footsteps coming. He moved to look at both sides of the corner and he started walking to the other side.

He heard the voices of people echoing in the quiet tunnels as soon as he started walking to the other side. He was looking in front of him and towards the back when he listened to the sounds of footsteps.

"What's that even for?" Jungkook asked himself as he walked on around the tunnel.

"It's Luximia. The well known potions made by the group Croncile which includes three varieties. Luximia is not only meant to create an Army for Croncile but to also create a creature stronger than anyone else. You see, this group is playing god, or more like Sunny High's administration. What you saw right there was the production and the innovation process."

Jungkook halted from his tracks when he heard a voice answer his question. He felt the presence of someone right just above him so he looked up,"What the hell..." he mouthed.

"Hi." The new guy smiled at him. His smile was bright and beautiful. Teeth white as pearl and lips red and plump. His eyes smiling with his lips.

The guy had a bright orange hair that is too distinct you wouldn't be able to miss it. He had this braided strand that was dangling as he was up side down. He had this inviting smile and alluring eyes.

"Why do I feel like I've been in this situation before already?" Jungkook suddenly spoke still looking up at the guy certainly feeling deja vu.

"If you are wondering I'm not a member of Croncile so you shouldn't be warry of me." The guy spoke sincerely which Jungkook actually believed since he has a different atmosphere around him.

But Jungkook didn't want to deal with new people right now. He just started walking again, ignoring the guy who chuckled at how he responded. He knew that the guy must've snucked inside the place, to rob the group or spy on them but he just didn't care.

"You're a new member of Croncile right?" The guy asked while walking up in the ceiling.

"Why are you talking to me?" Jungkook asked without even looking at him.

The guy jumped down right in front of Jungkook, walking backwards,"My name is Kim Seokjin." He introduced himself with an elegant bow and an amazing smile plastered on his face, ignoring Jungkook's question.

"I didn't ask for your name." Jungkook stared at him blankly.

Seokjin, as he called himself to be smiled,"So what's your name?" He asked without a care about what Jungkook just said to him or how he acted.

"What's wrong with people here and not leaving me alone?" Jungkook told himself, shaking his head at the sudden thought of Taehyung's laugh echoing.

"Not gonna say your name?" Seokjin said when Jungkook ignored him again. He then pressed his fingers unto his chin,"Hmm so let me guess your name." He started and then said 'aha' with a snap of his fingers,"Jungkook. Am I right?" He said proudly,"Pretty weird name if I say so myself."

Jungkook had his eyes furrowed and turned to look at him,"How do you know me?" He asked ignoring theast statement of the guy. He had understood that he wasn't the only Jungkook in the world yet it seemed to him that how this guy who claim to be a person named Kim Seokjin acts like he knows him.

"Have you seen me from the outside?" Jungkook suddenly asked, there was no reason why people knew him unless they were all from the outside.

"What?" Seokjin looked at him with a clueless look,"No no no. I was there." Jin said grinning at him.

Jungkook didn't understand what he said and gave him a weirded look,"Not from the outside then." He said.

"Everyone's from the outside before, we all just turned our backs away from the outside and ended up here." Seokjin said with a smile and crossed arms.

"But you don't know me."

"Like I said, I know you." Seokjin said looking at him again in the eye.

"No that's not what I meant." Jungkook said realizing how talkative he had gotten,"Why does everyone seemingly not know me?" He thought,"Unless you've stayed here long enough not to know me." He concluded.

"Say it louder Jungkook, can't hear you." Seokjin said but Jungkook ignored him.

Jungkook wasn't able to answer him, not that he was planning to, as he turned to another corner but then he heard the inaudible sound of people talking so when he turns around to hide a voice stopped him.

"Hey there's people." Seokjin spoke.


Jungkook felt a strong hand slapping his face causing him to stumble to the side and unto the corner,"I knew that." Jungkook snapped at the guy who just hid right beside him.

Soekjin casually walked beside the other, hiding right beside him,"So what are we hiding from?" He asked while also looking at what Jungkook was looking at.

Jungkook looked at him as if he was being serious,"You slapped me into hiding yet you don't even know what I'm hiding from?" He spoke.

"That's why I'm asking right?" Seokjin said with a smile.

"How can this dude sneak in here and not know why he should be hiding?" Jungkook thought but then shaked his head,"I don't even want to think about it." He whispered to himself.

"You don't want to think about what?" Seokjin asked with a grin on his face.

Jungkook looked and shot him an are you serious face.

"Is Taehyung really okay?" The voice of Vinisty spoke.

"Yeah, he said he was fine." Aqili said while looking down at his pad.

"Why didn't any of you helped him?" Vinisity asked in worry.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey." Suddenly a hand grabbed Jungkook's shoulders stopping him from listening to what they were talking about.

Jungkook immediately turned around and saw the pink haired male known as Taehyung, standing right behind him. Seokjin also turned to look at the new guy that just arrived with a wondering yet fascinated look.

Seokjin snapped his fingers,"Taehyung! Am I right?" He said pointing at Taehyung.

Taehyung jumped a little when he noticed that there was someone else right beside Jungkook,"Yeah." He said in a startled tone but then his expression turned into a confused one,"But who are you?" He asked.

"Oh me I'm-" Seokjin was about to introduce himself but was then cutt off when the sound of tapping shoes surrounded the place.

"We need to go." Taehyung said turning around as he started walking away.

Jungkook just followed behind the other without a say, he knew Taehyung knows the place well so he followed behind him.

"Are we seriously following behind a guy who's a teammate of the group?" Seokjin asked while walking side by side Jungkook, who just bluntly ignored him.

"For your information. That guy beside you is also a part of that group." Taehyung spoke hearing Seokjin speaking,"Plus don't worry. I'm a good guy."

Jungkook sighed and Seokjin grinned and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly,"Okay then." He said. The two following behind Taehyung.

Taehyung then led them around the tunnel clearly knowing where he needed to go and where the small openings were. When it seemed like they rrached the place Taehyung wanted them to go to, he pressed a button right near the wall and it slided open revealing a bedroom, Taehyung's bedroom to be more specific.

"Let's go." Taehyung said and the two entered the room.

After entering, Taehyung pressed something inside his room walls and the doors slided close and everything looked like there was nothing in there.

"It's already morning." Jin said opening the huge curtains.

"Ugh." Jungkook covered his eyes from the huge ray of sunshine that came from the outside.

"Wait who is he?" Taehyung asked pointing at the orange haired male who smiled at the two of them afte opening the window.

"I don't know." Was what Jungkook replied.

"Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin for short." Seokjin said looking at him with a smile that showed his white teeth.

Taehyung nods his head with a smile,"Nice to meet you Jin." He bowed down.

"You're seriously acting friendly with a person you just met?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung as if he was ridiculous.

"It's called being polite." Taehyung said nodding his head proudly with a crossed arm.

Jin then started laughing at the two,"The other guy just found out something about the group the other guy trusted him inn, yet you aren't acting suspicious at all." He said looking at Jungkook who blankly stared at him for an answer.

"Wait how did you enter this place?" Taehyung asked pointing at Jin.

"That's something easy to do when you want something." Jin replied with a light shrugg of his shoulders and a smile.

"And that is?"

"I want to be a part of your team." He said looking at Taehyung and Jungkook both in the eye.

"Sorry but we aren't looking for a new member right now." Taehyung said turning to look at Jungkook to question him but Jungkook just gave him a dead look of disinterest and boredom.

The two then turned back to look at Jin when he started snickering,"Oh I'm not talking about Croncile." He said then looked at the two dead in the eye with a serious look,"I'm talking about the two of you."

"Huh?" Taehyung looked at him with opened mouth and dumbfounded look.

"What I'm saying is. I want to be in you two's team."

To be Continued...


Hi again guys! Here's another update for you! I hope you like it! Once again thank you so much for all the support! I hope to provide a good story for you all! 💜🤧

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