The Life of an Olympian

By RavenWriter01

85.4K 2.1K 413

[Completed] 🪶 Sequel to The Beginning of an Olympian Second Installment of the Olympian Series By the Fates'... More

0 | Previously...
1 | Percy
2 | Percy / Tony
3 | Peter
4 | Percy
5 | Abrax
6 | Peter
7 | Tony
8 | Percy
10 | Percy
11 | Alexander
12 | Sage
13 | Cleo
14 | Percy
15 | Sage
16 | Cleo
17 | Peter
18 | Natasha
19 | Percy
20 | Percy
21 | Percy
22 | Tony
23 | Alexander
24 | Sage
25 | Percy
26 | Percy
Thank You! 🪶

9 | Bruce

3.5K 93 12
By RavenWriter01

Bruce's POV

1246 words

I'd seen some pretty crazy things before. For heaven's sake, I would turn into a large, muscular, green giant when I got angry. We'd recently had an alien invasion. Thor is a god-ish type of person. And I won't mention the other off-world stuff. I was still confused about the talking raccoon.

But nothing prepared me for what I saw on the monitor. I couldn't imagine what it was like to stand in front of them in person.

There were three large creatures. They had bony, saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from their heads. Horns seemed to be coming out of their elbows and backs and knees as well. Their nails were more like long claws of bone. And all three surrounded a terrified Tony Stark. Tony was gagged and bound on the metal recliner. A few cuts and bruises could be seen but nothing immediately life-threatening.

"Aeternae," Perseus spat with disgust. "Some call them Bone Demons. They can control their own bone growth. It's how they stab their victims to death."

"Less death, more saving! How do we defeat these... things?" Steve shouted over the coms.

"You don't," Perseus supplied not so helpfully. "Maybe Thor, but not all three at once with Tony's life on the line."

"Then what do we do?" asked Clint.

Peter clearly didn't like where this conversation was going because he said, "We have to save Mr. Stark!"

"Any ideas?" Natasha said calmly, but I knew her. She was freaking out inside.

"Perseus, would it not be wise to intervene at this point? Surely these creatures attacking the Man of Iron falls under your... jurisdiction..." Thor inquired carefully.

I looked over to Perseus. He seemed distraught and contemplative but made no move for further action. I couldn't blame him. What was he to do in this situation? Both of us were miles out and he wasn't part of the Avengers. Sure, he avoided getting water spilled on his head, but that didn't mean Thor should be dragging him into a monster crisis!

Peter pleaded again, "Please, Mr. Jackson, can you do something?!"

I tried to alleviate the pressure suddenly put on Perseus. "Guys, there's little Perseus can do-"

"Stop with the Perseus, please. Just call me Percy."

"Is this really the time to be correcting us about your name?" Wanda cut in from her position at the door with Vision.

"It is not wise to insult Perseus when he could help us," Thor said, completely ignoring Percy's request to not use his full name.

I looked at Percy again and saw that he was closing his eyes in concentration. I had no idea was he was doing and would have voiced my concerns had he not just completely disappeared! Right in front of my eyes, he evaporated into thin air!

"Guys! He's gone!"

"Who's gone, Bruce?" Steve demanded.

"Percy! He just vanished!"

"Good!" Thor bellowed. "If he has revealed himself, it means he will help!"

Percy was suddenly at the abandoned gas station standing next to Clint who had his bow drawn towards the billionaire—the one not taken hostage by three hideous monsters.

"Of course I'll help. I just needed to persuade the council first. Artemis wanted the Aeternae killed anyway, so she handed off the hunt of these monsters to me. Please lower the weapon, Clint."

No one knew how he got there or what this council was or who Artemis was. I think that's the name of some ancient mythological goddess. If anyone did know what he was talking about, they didn't act like it. Although, Thor was now smiling despite the impending doom of our colleague and friend.

"How the hell did you get here?! What are you?! What's going on?!" accused Clint.

"I got here by vapor traveling. I figured it's safer than flashing in with mortals. I am much like Thor, but also very different. And I'm about to save a hero and slay some monsters, so please, step aside," Percy explained in an uninterested tone. His facial expressions were unreadable as he stared down the monsters.

"Ah!" the monster on the left boomed. "If it isn't the Tamer of Monsters! Have you come to torture us as well?" it sneered.

"It will not come to that if you release the hero," Percy negotiated.

"I see no hero here!" jeered the middle monster. "We Aeternae have killed real heroes. We killed those who traveled with Alexander the Great! These pesky mortals are no match. They are no heroes!"

"Aye!" agreed the rightmost monster. "You have no business here, Olympian! Begone!"

I was surprised I understood what the monsters were saying because their speech, though in English, had a very thick accent. I couldn't pinpoint where it was from, but it sounded slightly of Greek origin. Why would monsters have a Greek accent? Why were there monsters to begin with?!

"Why are you here? Who sent you to abduct this hero?" Percy questioned. The monster to the right answered.

"The one who defies the Fates! He has returned and will vanquish the Moirai!"

Percy clapped his hands as he said, "Names people!" I think that was a pop culture reference?

This time the monster to the left snarled out a name. "Thoon, of course! He has sought revenge on the mortals for using his father like a puppet! He has put a bounty on your head, god of heroes, for you brought an end to his mother!" It said the word "heroes" like it was trying to swallow shit.

"Thoon? That's a giant right? Bane of the Fates? Son of Gaea and Tartarus?"

"Yes!" all three proclaimed.

"Newsflash, we defeated the giants and Gaea, and I learned from Tartarus himself. Not that I enjoyed his tutorage." Percy grumbled the last part to himself.

"Leave us to kill these mortals! They are beneath us all! We will destroy you otherwise! You cannot stop us," the middle creature taunted.

I expected Percy to charge at them, but he simply held out his hand lazily and moved it around. It was as if he was sensing or scanning for something. I guess the Aeternae knew what he was doing because they laughed menacingly.

"We are made of bone, young god. You cannot control us," the middle monster mocked.

But Percy didn't seem worried. He put on a false expression of pity.

"Unfortunately, that means I must kill you. How would you like to go? I could drown you all? Or poison you? Or maybe the classic stab to the heart? Don't worry, I'll make it quick and painless."

The rest of the Avengers watched on in disbelieving silence. They were undoubtedly horrified by these developments. Tony was probably going into shock at this point. I couldn't blame him.

"I vote to fight! It would be an honor to fight alongside you, Perseus Jackson!"

Percy jokingly bowed and mimicked Thor's style of speech, "The honor would be mine, Thor Odinson!"

Together they attacked the three monsters. At speeds faster than my eyes could process, the two ducked and rolled and smashed and slashed and disintegrated the three monsters. The fight didn't last two minutes and all that was left were golden piles of dust. Tony was covered in the stuff.

The Avengers quickly moved to free Tony and assess any injuries he may have sustained. I saw them clear the area then head back to the tower. I had a feeling we'd be in for a long afternoon.

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