Fate grand order maxus

By TheWolfsFury1420

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This is fate grand order, but with the Right of the King universe being a cannon existence to summon servants... More

Begining a new way
Alcaeus's status as a servant within fare lore ( think of Zero or strange fake)
Alcaeus Dialogue
Quotes of Alcaeus
Changes and Upgrades
The Orleans Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Septem Singularity part 1
The Septem Singularity part 2
The Septem Singularity part 3
Alcaeus's Interlude 1
The Okeanos Singularity
The Orleans Singularity 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Big 5 Support Casters part 1
The Big 5 Support Casters part 2
Alcaeus Valentines day return gift
Buying your Soul (break the 4th Wall)
London Singularity part 1
London Singularity part 2
London Singularity part 3
Camalot Singularity part 1
Camalot Singularity part 2
Camelot Singularity part 3
Confrontation with the Lion King
Interlude Artoria (Saber)
Dream 1
Artoria (Lancer) Interlude 1, round table meeting
Waifu Situation
Another Day in Chaldea
Weekly and Daily Rewards
Who to Grail
What do you think of him
Alcaeus's Interlude 2
Master's training (romance advice)
E Pluribus Unum part 1
E Pluribus Unum part 2
E Pluribus Unum part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon (event run)
Alcaeus's Dungeon Part 2
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4
Babylonian soldier's (Enemies)
How to be a Proper King
Las Vegas part 1
Las Vegas Part 2
Artoria's Redemption
Alcaeus's Dialogue 2
Alcaeus's wish for the Grail
the Lacedaemon Singularity
the Lacedaemon Singularity part 2
Alcaeus's prank
Babylonia Singularity part 1
Mystic Codes

Dinning of the Kings and Queens

118 1 0
By TheWolfsFury1420

a special meal was made to gather a certain group of people namely a party that was in honor of histories king's and queen's in Chaldea, but only legitimate king's and queens so no one who was "Supposably" royalty, no princes or princesses, no god's or goddesses, and also no knight's at their side, just pure king's, and the party was hosted by none other than Alcaeus.

Alcaeus:" okay everyone, as king's and queens in history we can celebrate what we did for this world in our time whether we were good to bad, we were royalty to let's drink to that... thinking should I be here since I was only king in another world"

Gilgamesh:" all the same, since our worlds are mixed up anyway, it would be wrong to not have you of all the king's here after all"

Iskandar:" yeah, of all the king's and queen's, you're the one that is the best of us all"

Alcaeus:" that's bold saying that with many king's and queen's who would disagree"

Vlad III:" oh no, I agree as well, of all the king's and queen's here, you and your family have quite the high standing on being able to hold the crown successfully"

Artoria (Saber):" if I were even an ounce of the king you were, I could have saved my kingdom or at least not drag so many to the grave with me"

Medb:" you got the love of your people and family while proving you are a capable and fierce warrior, something that made my people and family hate me, also thank's for forcing me to accept the fact I was hated by my people... ass"

Alcaeus:" I'll force any of you to accept that which you deny as true, just ask me and I'll beat it into you, just learn from your lives and change for the better, you especially Artoria, you're a ******** of a king"

Romulus:" you are a king who shape's what's ahead for the good of his people and has not lost sight of what's important for even a second, you are truly that which Rome has strived to do"

Alcaeus:" but I had to start out from dust after I destroyed the old kingdom my uncle ruled over, rebuild an army from the ground up, and had to kill those imperial bastards who tried to turn me into a puppet all before I turned 7"

Boudica:" I say good riddance to them and they got that they deserved"

Ritsuka:" hey, what's all this"

Alcaeus:" a gathering of king's... though I suppose as the master of us all, you can technically be called a king, I mean, a king, in the end, is just someone who rules over people in his land, after all, a king without people is no longer a king, just a sad man in the middle of nowhere with nothing and nobody in the end... right Artoria Lancer"

Artoria (Lancer):" can you please stop mentioning the 6th singularity every chance you get, I realize my foolishness and actions were not that of a true king or god, so stop making me feel bad about it already"

Alcaeus:" shut up bitch, you're lucky I let you or your other parts in since Gilgamesh begged you to come in, so if you stay here, you take it, though if you leave, I'll kick you out myself"

Beowulf:" well I'm not complaining, bring the food and bring the booze, and you can stay if you want master, with Alcaeus's description, I can see no difference between you and a king after all, oh, and settle something for us, of all the king's here, who do you think is the best king, Alcaeus right"

Ritsuka:" well... if I had to say, while Alcaeus's methods are extreme and grueling at time's, I'd still take him as my king any day of the week without hesitation as I would follow him to the dept's of hell and back with a smile"

Alcaeus:" is this from the time we went to Kur in Babylon, come on, I'm a hard-ass who works his people hard or they get kicked out, nobody eats for free"

Leonidas:" that is standard in about any kingdom, in fact, your ingenious method to create a work shortage to open more job's for anyone was brilliant in of itself to ensure nobody had any excuse to not find a job"

Artoria (Saber):" I made sure all jobs were filled out and that created a massive homelessness problem, riots, beggers, and even mass homicides were a result, especially when a business went down by my knight's taking money from them by force without my knowledge to fund my kingdom... oh how I wish I could have stopped them"

Alcaeus:" if I remember, didn't you're knight's kill them to make room in your capital, and yet, it was a wonderful place, you were so proud of it, and all it cost was innocent lives by the dozen each day"

each Artoria put down their plate of food and left, they were to ashamed to speak and left as they couldn't take it anymore.

Nero:" I went mad in my ruling, my head kept hurting and I lost it, so I can't say I did good, especially with what my story tells, that's why I'm jealous you got to have such a happy ending despite your action's to people"

Alcaeus:" I did some really shitty and horrific thing's in the name of my kingdom"

Iskandar:" but you owned up to your action's no matter what they were, that's why your people respected you, you never made excuses for yourself, hell, you took responsibility for you men as well, never once did you point your finger to anyone but yourself first"

Odysseus:" and when you go out, despite having possible thousand's of women begging to go to bed with you, your faith to your wives were so strong, you said no each time and went straight home to them, something I'm not known for"

Alcaeus:" come on, I'm not the perfect king in any way, so stop saying that"

Ritsuka:" I think you should feel honored to be called the perfect king by so many kings and queens, even if you don't believe it, they do"

Alcaeus:" but that's the thing, being a king like me, who kills and starts war's left and right should not be what a king should be, only in dier need should they come close to that kind of thing, I am without a doubt in my mind evil in every aspect of the word, not only because I know what many of my actions were without a doubt evil, however, in the fact I would do them again in a heartbeat and with no hesitation if I believe what I'm doing is right"

Ritsuka:" what's wrong with that"

Alcaeus:"... tell me this, say there are children, no older than 6 year's old and no younger than 3 year's old in front of you now"

Gilgamesh:" alright, now what"

Alcaeus:" these children engaged in an illegal act you cannot overlook, cannibalism, and they along with their village engaged in it, to prevent this from happening again, not only do you kill the adult's, you kill all the children as well"

they all looked silently as they were scared to speak with this thought in mind, even Gilgamesh and Ozymandias were silent as they didn't like the thought themselves, but it got worse.

Alcaeus:" because you don't want your men to bear the guilt of killing the children, you decide to kill them yourselves, have them line up and you with your weapons, chop their head's off as quickly as possible, and you do this till nobody is left, now tell me... should that kind of person be said to be "the Perfect King", because in my mind, that man needs to be killed for his heartlessness and inhuman method's"

Ritsuka:" but... this is your method"

Alcaeus:" exactly, I know what I did was wrong in many way's, however, I still did it as it was to help prevent any future event of this happening, it did, but still, should that be overlooked even if it worked out"

they were all silent as they can't argue with him, but Iskandar then walked to Alcaeus as he made a claim Alcaeus himself couldn't argue back on.

Iskandar:" but Alcaeus, you hold that to yourself to this day even after your death, that means you did not make light on your decision and do hold yourself to your choices, these choices that made your people, the people you loved so much happy and folic with glee, you never once made a decision without considering the safety and security of those around you, and you always made sure your men followed not because they were ordered to, no, you never once ordered them to battle, you asked for their aid and they happily obliged, each and every one of them never went to battle against their will or better judgment, you also made yourself an example for your people as well, making sure to follow your rule's to the letter, and you alway's looked out for those beneath you as a leader rather than a king, are you saying a man who is not humble enough to know what his position mean's, knows the life it will lead him to, and the kind of will power it will take to run that position is not the perfect king, what make's you what we call the perfect king isn't the fact you were inhuman, no it was the opposite, it was because you were human, more so than anyone else, who proudly showed his weaknesses to both friend and foe that you are such a great king, now tell me, are you not proud of your legacy"

Alcaeus was speechless as he was dumbstruck, he looked to the other king's and queen's for any backlash to Iskandar's words, but they only nodded in agreement, though he only said one thing, not to counter, but to make a point, like Iskandar did.

Alcaeus:" but tell me this, I danced on a very thin edge with my kingship, I killed nobles and other kingdom's nobility without much regret, and it started many conflicts, I nearly got my family killed on a number of occasions, and I pissed about every god and goddess off more than once, and it helped cause my death in the end, also, let's talk about the grail and why I refuse it to this point"

they listened as this was interesting, even the Artoria's came back as they wanted to hear this as well, though, they would soon regret it.

Alcaeus:" first off, those who seek the grail to wish something, let's take Artoria Saber for example, your wish for the grail was to erase your legacy entirely because you failed to save Camalot and even made thing's worse, right"

Artoria (Saber):" ...I did desire it for that purpose, yes"

Alcaeus:" well... to bad it won't work, even if you erase yourself from history, are you aware you not only erased yourself, you erased Camalot as a whole"

All the Artoria's:" what"

Artoria:" Artoria, even if you erased your legend, the fall of Camalot, all the people who died, even the way the kingdom fell, it wouldn't have changed at all, if anything, you would have killed billion's more as a result of that wish"

they were frozen as they were terrified of this as Alcaeus further detailed this explanation.

Alcaeus:" when you erase your legend, you erase the legend of the round table as well, and all the people who died for you and were killed by you, they still die, and worse yet, you would have just erased the kingdom itself, as well as make it where anyone who would live there would die as well, by mean's of sickness, murder, or some other mean's, Artoria, your wish wasn't going to save anyone, it would have only made thing's worse, so if you still wished to erase your legacy, you're only adding fuel to the fire, not to mention you'd be spitting on all the graves of every person who sacrificed, killed, and fought with you as you ruled over them, you were a shit of a king no doute, but damn it these men and women who died for you still DIED FOR YOU, so the least you can do is honor them, in the end, no matter what you did, you would not have solved anything, making the grail be your only salvation, you're blind to realty if you think the grail will actually do any good Artoria, it never has done good no matter how you look at it"

all the Artoria's then collapsed as they then balled up and whimpered as the others were scared as he then called out more bluntly to all.

Alcaeus:" and then there's the fact of the grail itself, in my opinion, it's better left destroyed and never to be used by any again, that would solve so many problems, but as it's a medium for us to be here, we have no choice... for now at least, things like that are more trouble than they're worth, and only the sad and desperate would seek them and want to wish something from them, and like the monkey's hand, you will get your wish, but it will come at a morbid cost, also, I am not someone so pathetic or weak as to rely on some wish-granting device to solve every little problem I have, if I desire something, I'm taking it with my own hand's and anyone who is willing to help me can follow, that is the essence of a true king, he lives as he pleases but never forgets his duties as a king, as such, you could say you need to be a combination of Artoria, Gilgamesh, both Archer and Caster versions, Iskandar, Nero... let's just say you gotta be a lot of king's depending on the situation"

Fionn:" so that's what made him a great king, he learned from our mistakes and failures and our accomplishment's and feats to be the king he is"

Alcaeus:" now you're getting it, you're examples of king's for the future, that's why erasing it will have many consequences to them, and why they should never be changed, alright, now let's stop the sad talk and get to getting so drunk we won't be able to tell up from down in the morning"


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