Lexi (Discontinued)

De ZaynismRules

416 34 2

Alexis 'Lexi' Morgan is not your usual teenager. She was on top of the food chain. Was being the keyword, bec... Mai multe

1: Lexi
2: The Invitation
3: My Hero
4: She's My Sister
5: Dress to Impress
6: Flashbacks
8: No or Yes Catfight?
9: We're Unbreakable
10: Better Be Absent Than Tardy
11: A Night To Remember
12: Girl's Night Out and Sleep Over
13: A Brit Invasion
14: Miami Fantasy Break
15: You Should Go

7: Time-Chaser

16 2 0
De ZaynismRules


[Chapter 7: Time-Chaser]

I entered the library and walked on the left aisle, seeing Shelby was already seated. "Hey Shelby" I whispered as I dragged the seat next to her and settle myself down.

It was Tuesday morning and Mrs. Guffrey is out saying it's 'Poetry-making time'.

Shelby lifted her head whipping her hair on my face in the process. I closed my eyes, ouch, I will cut you bald!

"Okay, you start." She said in her sleepy voice. Why on earth is Shelby tired? I don't give a dang.

I opened my backpack, got a pen and paper and started doing a very cheesy and boring poem all about - life.

Writing for like about an hour, I was all out of thoughts; I am all drained mentally like all the brain cells I have - if I even still have one - popped up like bubbles and balloons. "Uh, hey, might want to help for the third part? I'm out of interesting ideas."

Shelby was filing her purple manicured nails, yeah, she is a great big help of a partner! She looked at her pink and white cute yet sophisticating star motif Baby G, "Well, it's 10 to lunch, so... let's wrap up and you finish it at home."

I'm not her minion, I'm telling you that, I scoffed internally "You finish it." I declared handing her the half-done poem.

She giggled, "Okay, I'll get you a deal you can't refuse,.." she continued in a very serious tone and expression, "I will make two parts later and send it to you, sounds great?"

That's easy, I thought Shelby is that kind who just leave everything to her group mates, or partner in this case. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think that's fine, so I'll just edit the whole thing and give you the final speech by Friday." I was about to fix my things and walk to the cafeteria when she smirked at someone who passed behind me.

"Hey Zachie!" she merrily sung as she stood up from her seat and swayed to Zach's way. Awkward.

I turned my head, "Hi Zach" I was stunned, he was in his dark washed jeans, grey V-neck shirt and his DC shoes. He was...I don't know, hot? Maybe.

"Shelby, how's your poem going?" he asked showing his lovely smile and ignoring me exclusively.

I don't trust my voice to come out strong and steady that is why I just shrugged and looked down. Shelby cling on to his right arm like a monkey would do to trees. "Doing great. Let us go to the cafeteria babe, I'm hungry." She complained with a frown.

"Let's go" he turned his back while his monkey girl threw daggers of glare to me and marched their way to the lunch room.

I fixed my things and went to exit the silent library.

Zach is one hell of a cold soul apparently. And I'm not too sure until when would he act so icy.

Darling I will, be loving you, till we're seventy

Baby my heart, could still fall as hard at twenty three...

My phone rang, I rummage my bag and held it on my ear.

"Hello?" I asked confused, I'm in school so I got no idea who will call me in the middle of class. Well, lucky it's lunch or else I'll get death glares from my teacher.

"Lexi! Where are you?"

"Shane! Why are you calling? I'm at school, of course." I chuckled lightly. I needed someone to talk to after that Shelby enrage me in the simplest ways.

"I know, I'm waiting for you in the parking lot. Run Lexi, run." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where are we going? I still got classes after lunch Shane."

I heard him take a deep breath, "Lexi, just... go here, now."

"but-" and that's it, he disconnected the call.

I wouldn't know what Shane is up to so I got no choice but leave for the parking lot in front of the school building.

I saw Shane leaning on a red 2014 Chevrolet SS and stopped dead on my tracks. "You have a car?!" My shout was echoing throughout the whole lot, thankfully there are no bystanders around that would send me curious looks.

Shane looked dazed but chuckled, "Shh, no shouting Lexi!" he placed his pointer finger on his lips.

I hopped towards the car and feel it, "When did you get this? You told me last Sunday you don't have a ride that's why you borrowed mine right?"

"It's my mom's Lexi, hop on" he gestured as he opened the passenger door.

What a gentleman, "Oh right." I mumbled sitting on the leather seat.

"So, where are you taking me? I got an hour till Physics class starts" I said as he slid on the driver side.

"It's a surprise, now, put on the seatbelt, I don't want to get caught." He pointed on the seatbelt beside me and revved the engine.

I slip the belt on and asked again, "I'm expecting you'll take me somewhere we can eat right? Where?"

Shane shook his head, "You're still that nagging friend I thought you were. I'm not gonna tell you, so stop asking." He clicked the radio on and The Vamps' Can We Dance boomed the speakers.

I never knew that my Friend likes The Vamps! Omg! My eyes widened in shock "You're a Vampettes?!"

"No! I don't like boybands, but I like this song." I sang out loud not even bothering to hear Shane's response.

"Hey, you've picked me up yesterday and today. I wonder why you have so much free time Dude! I love this! I just can't think of how they could be so cool!" I fangirled and continued following the lively song. "I know I don't know you, but I'd like to skip the small talk and romance....."

Shane fake-sneered, "Cut that out. I don't like squealing girls. I'm here for a short vacation remember. I'm free to do what I want."

I followed his small act, crossed my arms and scoffed, "I was always the high-pitchy-girl you know Shane..."

"Well, that's what I love about you, you're this little sister I was dying to have" he said pulling over. I smiled at him and cooed.

He slapped my forehead and laughed, "Let's go!"

"Ouch!" I was about to smack his arm but he stepped out the car pretty fast. Urgh.

Well, Shane was an only child when his parents were separated; he was at the young age of 8. His father was in the Philippines while his mom, Victoria, lived here in California. He came here to visit his mom by the way.

I got out of the car and semi-jog to Shane's side, "Hey, wait up" He slowed down a bit and patted my head as I was in arm's length.

The place was a casual Filipino restaurant nothing too luxurious and nothing too cheap. We went in, and settled on one of the bench chairs and tables left-side of the bistro.

"What do you like to eat?" Shane asked as the waitress gave us our menus. "I don't really know what food these are, Shane." I giggled as I skim the list of options: Laing with Tinapa, Sinigang na Boneless Bangus Fillet with Ripe Guava, Pastel de Lengua, Klassk Kare-Kare- Uh-Oh!

"I'll order for the two of us then," he motioned for the waitress to take note of the dish and started, "We'll get bamboo rice, Crispy Pork Adobo, Bicol Express, Pesang Dalag. Oh, and Halo-halo but serve it later." He closed the menu, "By the way, two calamansi juice please."

"Okay, Let me repeat your order sir, bamboo rice..." the waitress paced to the counter and I broke the silence.

"Is this what you ate in the Philippines?"

"Yes, but it taste different if they cook it themselves, our driver back there gave us this black sauced pork, they call it dinuguan and it was very tasty, though I didn't look at it when I ate it." He laughed at the memory.

"Why does the dish have black sauce?"

"It is pork, Lexi. Cooked pork with the pig's blood." Then he smirk and smiled.

"Woah, that was disgusting! Pig Blood?!"

"It was delicious Lexi! I'll get you one next time." He winked and I made a sickened face. I'm not choosy when it comes to food but I don't think I can eat something black, something bloody - but I'll try though, if ever I have the chance. Haha

"I bet Edward Cullen loved that filipino dish!" I teased Shane. But he just shook his head and checked his wristwatch. "We got 50 minutes!"

Curiosity killed me, "So what's the occasion, why are we eating in a place like this?" I asked.

"I have something important to tell you later"

"Good news or bad news?" I grinned.

"It's not that bad but it's not that good."

I raised my eyebrows, "The hell, Not good and not bad, then don't tell me anything if it's that boring."

He opened his mouth to speak but was disturbed by a group of teenagers who entered the diner. Shane and I both turned our heads to the noisy set of friends.

There was a red-headed petite girl clinging to a teenage boy, and guess what, he has a resemblance with the super star - Harry Styles! Lucky girl, I thought. Behind them was an Asian looking guy taller than Hazza look-alike conversing with another guy, Jackson.

Wha- Jackson?!

"Jackson!" I yelled. Oops. I was shocked by the way I reacted as well; the people eating near us muttered some things I didn't get to hear. Jackson found me and raised his eyebrow looking at my direction and smiled, "Hey Alexis." and nudged the Asian looking friend close to him.

They went near our table to look for their seat and I stood up and grabbed his arm, "Hey! Don't you have class today?" I awkwardly questioned.

I released him and he smiled, Oh that angelic smile! "I have but we were off early."

"Right, uh, this is my childhood friend, Shane" I gestured towards Shane who was uncomfortably sitting not knowing what to say.

"Hey. I'm Jackson" He offered his hand and Shane accepted the shake.

"Shane this is Jackson, we met last Sunday night in the celebration." I explained.

"Oh I see, would you want to join us?" Shane proposed. I faced Jackson and his friends with a friendly smile.

"That'll be nice" Jackson said and moved to the side and introduced his clique.

"Alicia, Michael and Tyler. They're my classmates." The redhead was Alicia, Harry look-alike was Michael and the Asian looking one was Tyler.

"Call me Mike" Michael retorted. I nodded with a gentle smile.

Jackson and Tyler sat beside me while the 'lovebirds' took the chairs opposite them. Tyler called a server and ordered for them. He might be really Asian because he knows what to choose from the strange menu.

"Jax, you didn't tell us you met some beauty last time." Tyler roared and burst some deep chuckles. I don't know if that's a compliment or just a flirty comment so all I did was basically - blush. Yeah right I easily blush. Especially Jackson is on radar.

The couple agreed but continued their own little conversation. Shane interrupted, "Yeah, Ofcourse! My Lexi is a real beauty."

Everyone turned to Shane and back to Tyler, eyeing him to cut his jokes out.

Tyler stopped in bewilderment, "Oh. She's your girl?"

As soon as that question was out, I laughed, "That's ridiculous!"

Shane shook his head lightly but played along, "Shut it Lex." And turned to Jackson as if he was the one who asked, "She is."

I was confused for a second but Tyler broke, "I see. Sorry man I was just being honest."

"It's nothing, I thought the same." And released a chuckle.

I can no longer hold it so I interrupted the huge misunderstanding, "Shane." Shane looked back at me and releases another chuckle, "She's a sister to me, Tyler boy. So, where do you guys go?"

Tyler mouthed an 'o' and Jackson replied Shane, "Haverfoxton Private Academy, two blocks from here." My eyes widened, "You study in Have?!" Haverfoxton is a very lavish school in town.

I know that Tres Records is a global company but I didn't expect Jackson to go to Have because Julia is in Redfield, a simple public school. Now I want to know why the two are not in the same schools.

I was about to ask Jackson but he beat me saying, "Yes, I do. Now, please unhand me." Oh, I didn't realize that I have been gripping Jackson's hand.

"Uh, Sorry, I didn't expect you to be in Have, if you don't mind me asking, why have you and Julia go to different schools?" The waitress has a good timing - she appeared out of nowhere and interrupted Jackson's response.

We all ate up to our hearts' content sharing the dish Shane and Tyler ordered. The lunch didn't become awkward having the presence of Shane and the talkative slash funny, Tyler. We opened some small talks like 'why is Shane not in Redfield anymore', 'why Alicia get her hair red', and 'why was I out for lunch' - which I was about to know later too, from Shane.

"Hilarious! And that was in Oxford?! Well, what college did you guys applied for?" Shane laughed as Mike told a humorous encounter of his college brother in the UK.

"We're yet to become juniors Shane!" Tyler chortled.

"Yeah! We're just sophomores this year." Mike added.

Wait what?! They're just sophomores?!

I didn't expect that too.

"I thought you guys are Seniors" I loudly muttered creasing my forehead.

"We're sophomores, you would have asked me last Sunday." Jackson smirked.

"It did not cross my mind Jackson, and you look like a senior to me." It was deemed to insult him but he nodded and said nothing. Oops, another embarrassment in front of Mr. Heir. The story telling were so uplifting and interesting but the time has been so short that I must leave soon for me to catch the next class.

I checked the time, and it was already 1:30pm.

I was already absent for Physics class which was from 1PM to 2PM.

We all stood up and I started to walk towards the exit with the sophomores leaving the restaurant. "Omg. I didn't see the time coming. I really should go first now, guys. I got class at 2pm."

"Oh that's right! You have to get going now or you'll miss it! See you again, Lexi!" Tyler sends me a toothy smile and turned to the small parking lot. This is where Jackson's friends will go their different ways.

"Bye Tyler! It was really nice meeting you" I semi-shouted. Tyler was a funny guy - a totally, really, super, funny guy. He is a joker and I love the amiable atmosphere when he's around. For that short moment of a time, I got to have new friends - friends that I would love to have in Redfield.

Alicia was a sweet girl who loves One Direction, who wouldn't want to be her friend right? One Direction is my life! Well, not literally, but seriously!

Mike is somehow jocky but I can endure his presence, he might be the next Jake Wilder - player and arrogant but has a caring side which he shows to Alicia.

I wanted to go back in time and bond with Alicia, Mike, Tyler and Jackson again

Not to mention Shane, the most loving brother image to me.

"Do you need a lift?" Jackson was looking straight ahead, but seeing no one was around because Shane was still in the diner waiting for the receipt and change, I assumed it was for me and answered, "Shane will drive me back, I guess."

I was not sure if riding with Jackson is a good idea and Shane needs to tell me something so, yeah, I'll go with Shane.

Jackson faced me with his blank expression which I tell you, is very hard to decipher, "You told me you wanted my ride right?"


Yeah, I can't believe he remembered that. Last Sunday night, we had so much time having fun and talks with Jake, Ems and Julia. And I happen tell him about the white Lexus which fetched Julia from the bakery - it was HIS Lexus LFA.

I just realized that I also forgot to tell Grace about what happened after the announcement of the 'Jackson Tres' that night. Jake, Emery, Julia, Jackson and I hanged out together after the dessert spree. He had been friendlier then than the time when I have him near the restroom looking up the skies and the bar with his lavender-colored drink.

"Great, I forgot that but maybe some other time, Shane and I need to talk about 'something important' " I quoted Shane earlier.

"Alright, some other time. Bye Alexis, See you around" He placed his hands inside his jeans' pockets and paced to wherever his car where his friends are waiting, then he started to walk slowly away from me.

"Bye Jackson!" I waved.

He stopped and looked back, "It's Jax, just Jax"

His smile was oh-so-adorabubble! A thing that could make anyone stutter!

"Right, bye Jax" I blushed deep red and repeated myself as Shane appeared next to me putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Look at what we have here" Shane teased in a whisper. I elbowed his sides and he laughed hard. "I was just joking Lex! Don't be too starry eyed, he's just a kid."

I scoffed and marched to the car not looking back to Shane who would have died from laughing and giggling like crazy. I'm not that obvious right?

"Hey Lex, Wait up! I was just kidding!" He brisk walked catching up beside me.

"Shanee." I made a face letting him know I'm embarrassed.

"Don't worry about that. Just make sure you're not too obvious. I'm on your side of course!"


A/N: I'm dying to have my personal Jax! Lol. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I do. It is a filler but it's not boring right? Say yes.

Anyways, Jax and Lexi shipping starts here!

'Love story happens every day' - Mish

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