korrasami - truly

بواسطة angrybuffgirl

144K 3.4K 6.8K

( modern au ) asami thought she had made it so difficult to be loved, but she didn't want to be loved. in her... المزيد

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
author's note

chapter four

4.8K 119 126
بواسطة angrybuffgirl

"That's incredible!" 

The tan woman beamed brightly as Asami told her about her in-the-making inventions. She was honestly surprised how interested Korra was. Usually when she tells the boys or other acquaintances about this kind of stuff they just wave her off or don't follow.

Korra though, she wanted to know about all of it. It made Asami excited, actually feel alive as she got to go into detail and explained things about her passion of being an engineer. 

The women were able to break apart from their friend groups, finding a small table for themselves in a dimmer corner in the bar. Asami was down two virgin Spicy Cactus and one Jasmine, Korra in a tie with three Jasmine. 

They stayed with their friends all together for a bit for proper introductions, and they all got along very well easily. However, they didn't really get to hear the story behind Mako and Bolin's fall out. Nothing more but "we don't really talk that much." This caused Asami to be curious in her close friend's past, she thought she knew everything about him but it's clear that she doesn't.

But the pale woman doesn't dwell on that then, instead, she took the reuniting for the second time in the night to her advantage and asked to speak with Korra. She found herself truly wanting to get to know her better, she already adored her personality and shamed herself a bit for not trying to converse with her more when she's in the building. Truth be told, the few interactions they had before this night, she always caught herself being a bit more nervous than she should be. It was odd, considering how she speaks to very important people almost daily and never had a problem.

"You know, I was honestly kind of intimidated by you for awhile ..." Korra paused while squinting her eyes slightly and wincing. "For, up until now I guess." 

Asami couldn't help but collapse in to her chair in laughter, holding up a hand to Korra letting her know that she needs a minute to collect herself.

"What's so funny?!" 

Angry pout. The angry pouts.  

Asami struggled to talk without laughing again, Korra just sat there staring in amusement but also confusion. 

"Okay, I'm good. But seriously? You were intimidated by me?"

"Um, well yeah? Can you stop laughing at me!" She defended herself quickly with crossed arms over her chest. "Why is that so hard to believe? You're like this huge, heir to the throne basically, super smart, bea- uh elegant, rich girl." 

Asami's neck heated up, and the warm feeling traveled up to her pale cheeks. She swiftly covered them with her hands and leaned her elbows on the table to make it seem more casual.

No no no no no no no no.

"Well, thank you for the compliments, but I'm hardly any of those things. Plus, I was kind of intimidated by you for ... up until now, I guess."

Korra's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she lost some breath from her lungs, going in to take a sip of her third Jasmine."Now, I know you're not being serious so I'll ignore that." 

"No I'm serious. You have no idea how many things I've heard about you." 

"You hear things about me?!" She leaned the upper half of her body over the table to get closer to Asami, making sure she hears everything she's about to say clearly. "Who's talking?" 

"It's Varrick mainly, and just some other people in the building, I'm not too sure on names. But it's all good stuff." Asami thought back to the many compliments that were said about Korra, and so far she had to agree with all of them. "They're mostly about your work ethic, how talented and humorous you are, although I can't say I can second that last one."

The CEO smirked to her friend playfully, receiving a shocked face in response. She began to stumble over her words but regained herself.

"Are you kidding? I'm hilarious and you know it!"

Asami did know it. She wanted to know more though. 

"I've made you laugh so many times tonight. I've also managed to impress you." One smug look, and overly confident Korra was making a second comeback for the night.

"Oh, with your little game of arm wrestling? I know I could beat you."

"Alright, so is the great, high class engineer challenging me?" 

Asami removed the hands from her cheeks, her blush finally fading. 

Thank god. 

She rolled up a sleeve of her shirt and placed that arm on the surface, an invitation for Korra's arm to join her. 

"I'll destroy you." Narrow green eyes twinkled across the small table and met with surprised blue eyes. Korra's entire body seemed to gleam at the challenge thrown at her from the CEO. She then placed her arm on the surface as well, and the two clapped their hands together.

Asami jumped in her seat at the contact, just barely though, she could hardly feel it herself but she did.

And she hated it, so she ignored it and returned her focus to the game.

"I'll go easy on you, miss, since I've already claimed one easy enough victory for tonight." Korra's grin widened and almost touched both of her ears. "Props to you though for thinking you could take on someone as skilled as me in the fine arts of arm wre-"

"One, two, three, go!" Asami spoke quickly, inaudibly too, and cut off the cocky tan woman by slamming her arm on to the table. It fell silent between the friends as Korra just stared at her with a bundle of emotions. 

"I win." The raven haired woman did her best to hold in her laughter so she could keep her serious look going. 

Just before Korra was about to start up a protest, her head tilted as she looked behind Asami. Asami turned around to see Mako making his way towards their table.

"Hey!" Asami greeted loudly with a hand wave.

Mako leaned closer to his friend so she could understand him over the music and talking. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's one thirty in the morning, and Wu is about to completely black out. I think we should start to get going."

"Are you sure?" 

"Uh, yeah. What do you mean?"

Asami looked back to Korra who's emotions slightly changed as she listened to their departure plan. She wished she could stay longer, but she knew her taller friend was right. The bar was beginning to clear out anyways, though there were still many groups of people scattered there were no large crowds. She sighed softly and stood up, grabbing her small purse from her chair. Korra stood up along with her.

"Are you guys heading out?" Her eyes mostly stayed on Asami. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry but apparently Wu is a mess, and it's getting kind of late." 

"Oh then that makes sense." She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her pants.

The raven haired woman didn't want the night to end, she had such an amazing time with her new friend and finally got to know her a little better. She admired everything about her that she knew so far. 

"But I'll see you on Thursday though, right?" The tan woman spoke up with a small chuckle.

"What's Thursday?" 

"Well, if you're available around maybe six I was thinking we could possibly hang out." Korra started to brush her leg side to side along the wood floor, as if she was trying to distract herself. But then that same smug look appeared. "And I could get a fair redemption game at arm wrestling." 

The suggestion made Asami smile brightly. "I'll have to check my schedule but if I'm not doing anything than of course. If I am, we can just do another night soon so your offer will still stand."

Asami and Mako finally left the club, but not without saying goodbye to their new friends. Asami was glad that everyone got along well and she genuinely hoped that they could all make plans together sometime, although she did pick up on the tension there was between the brothers when her and Korra left. She wished to learn more about them later.

Kai hopped out of Mako's car where he sat with Wu, waiting for the two others to come out so they could leave. Wu's state was, questioning. He was yelling and calling for things that weren't even audible at that point. If this was anyone else, Mako would have been pissed off and shamed them for going over their limit, but he was actually being comforting. 

"You can stay at my place tonight." He told his partner as he got into his car with him. "We can watch a movie or something to calm you down, sober you up whatever."

"Or something." A sly look, Wu gave him. Mako's body tensed, he sighed to himself and started his car. Kai and Asami told them goodnight and see them soon, then they got into Asami's vehicle. 

Once they were on the road, Kai began to talk about the waitress they had met earlier. He filled Asami in on everything, what they spoke about, what they had in common, how beautiful Jinora was, and how they exchange-

"Numbers!" Asami screamed, she accidentally lost control of the car for a quick second and drifted a little, but managed to catch herself and drove steadily again. 

"Hey watch where you're going!" Kai shouted to her with a racing heart, his hands clutching on anything he could find. "Pull that shit and you'll be paying for my hospital bills!" 

"B- but the numbers! Kai, I am such an idiot!" She slowed down when a red light appeared and banaged her head on the steering wheel multiple times, the horn honking for some of them.

"I know, you almost just killed me." And he wasn't making a joke. 

"I didn't get the fucking girl's number! Ugh I cannot believe this. We were together for the entire night basically, we made plans, and I didn't even think about getting her number!" 

"Well to be fair, she didn't think to ask for yours either, so you both are idiots. But oooh, you guys made plans?" Her friend hummed into her ears with raised eyebrows. She turned to him and flicked his forehead, then pressed down on the gas pedal once the light turned green. She ignored him for the rest of the ride as he teased her, as if there was anything to tease.

Kai kept stating his observations on Asami and Korra, and it made Asami slightly uncomfortable. She wasn't big on the whole "shipping" business when it came to her. She wasn't necessarily big on romance in general. The idea of being in a relationship didn't scare her, it just didn't seem like something she could see herself doing. Falling for someone so hard that she couldn't imagine a life without them-

That was not on her schedule. It never has been. 

When anything even becomes so much as a fling, she flees with some lame excuse. One time hookups or the "friends with benefits" thing was fine, as long as it didn't get too much for her. 

So just Kai sitting next to her blabbing on with his nonsense "observations" about her and Korra kind of sickened her. 

Kind of.

They, at last, pulled up to Kai's apartment complex. He said his goodbye by blowing kissy faces towards her, following with a, "Just pretend I'm that friend of yours!" She stuck her middle finger out with a glare and sped away before he could mock her anymore. 

Asami hunched over on the floor of her bedroom, re painting her nails a dark red color that matched her signature lipstick. She had the TV on but muted so she could blast her music. She hummed along to the parts of songs she knew, deep in thought about ... a few things.

Mostly thinking about whether or not she should pinch herself for forgetting the most important step with making a new friend. 

Maybe I could ask Mako to ask Bolin for her number. Or ask Varrick ...

No not Varrick.

She called up Mako, hoping he would be awake as she winced at the time she read on her phone screen; 3:32am. She thanked the spirits that she didn't have anything to do until around two pm the next day, or later that day. Asami waited impatiently for her phone to quit ringing. 

He may be passed out with Wu by n-

"Asami?" Mako heavily breathed into the phone. She could clearly hear the ruffles of bed comforters or blankets in the background, with muffled breathing. Trying to not laugh wouldn't even be remotely possible. She launched her head backwards in a loud cackle as she quite literally caught her friends in the act.

"Why did you answer?!" She was able to get out with snorts. Asami could see Mako's face turning a bright red. 

"Uh, wh- why did you call?" 

"Well, since you're not busy," She smirked and continued with her nails. "Do you think you could do me a favor? Ask your brother for Korra's number for me? Please!" 

Mako huffed as an answer, obviously not wanting to oblige. 

"Mako, seriously. It's one thing and Bolin is your brother, right? Stop being a child." 

"I'll talk to you uh, talk to you tomorrow, Asami!" The woman couldn't even respond before the line went silent. 

If that's how he wants to be, I'll just have to catch her at the building again. Shouldn't be too hard. Plus it will give us another chance to have a conversation. 

Asami finished up with her nails, letting them get fully dry before she turned off her TV, lights, and music. She crawled under her covers and plugged her phone in to the charger beside her bed. She then remembered that she needed to check her schedule for Korra, to make sure her Thursday evening was free. 

As she pulled up the calendar app, she saw that the entirety of the upcoming week had the little gray dots under the dates, meaning she had something to do. With a worried look, she clicked on the 14th and her mouth dropped. Asami has a huge conference ... from 4pm until 11pm. 

A CONFERENCE?? A FUCKING CONFERENCE?? There's no way I can go to that.

But there's also no way that I can't. 

The last thing Asami wanted was to cancel on Korra, she was already so excited to spend more time with her and it was already going so poorly. First the phone numbers, and now she's not even available. 

She wasn't sure why it mattered to her so much so much, but she didn't want the two to have a rocky start like this. Whether her new friend was aware of it or not. 

The pale woman sighed to herself once more, basically glaring at the event marked on her calendar. She scolded herself for probably the seventeenth time that night, this time for forgetting such an important meeting. After awhile, she shut her phone off and placed it on her night stand. 

That night, she slept peacefully, dreaming about strangling Kai the next time she saw him, or possibly embarrassing him in front of Jinora if it begins to work out with the two. 

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