Left Behind 2: Illusions (A D...

By MarissaWalkerWriter

231K 6.4K 4.2K

Hermione has already spent a week as a captive at the Malfoy Manor and so much has changed. After being atta... More

What is to Come...
Authors Note: Welcome Back
Trigger Warning (Please Read)
The Chase
What is Unremembered
The Forbidden Forest
Fights and Promises
Voldemort's Crucio
Through the Bind
The Worst Timing Possible
The Illusion
Snape's Confrontation
A Moment's Peace
Looking Inside
The Lost Day
Things that Were Never Meant to be Seen
The Kiss
The Vow
Desires and Demons
The Realization
A Day Apart
A Late Dinner
The Happy Prince
The Order-Part 1
The Order-Part 2
Rationalizing with Redheads
Exposition on Positions
Another Promise
A Request for Help
The Dragon
The Sweet Taste of Dreams
A Beautiful Surprise
The Reunion
Aftermaths of Photographs
The Errand
Light and Warmth
Pulled back
Dreams and Nightmares
The Bath
Ear Muffs
The Couch
Time to Talk
Narcissa's Offer
Draco's Soul
In the Oasis
A Game of Cards
The Question
The Decision
The Collapse
Deatheater's Bane
It continues...The final Part

The Goodbye

2.6K 84 33
By MarissaWalkerWriter

"What?" Hermione turned back to him glancing down at Draco's hand on her arm.

He let go of her, worried about her current mood and expression and what she would think of his hands on her right now.

You should ask her what she remembers about last night.

No, you definitely should not, he countered, though that voice was just his selfish and scared side not wanting to risk the rejection that was very possible.

Draco knew he needed to ask her, needed to know what she remembered and where she was at so that he could tell her he cared about her as more than just a fellow witch or wizard. But...was now really the right time? Should he wait until they were both safely out?

What if something happened between then and now?

He had to ask her.

Draco's throat tightened as he tried to search for the words.

Are you being selfish by wanting to know and wanting to tell her now? He asked himself a split second before he opened his mouth. 

If he waited to tell her it would give her friends time to pull her back and keep you away from him.

Fred wouldn't do that, the thought popped up in defense of the redhead.

Draco turned the thought over in his head. It felt true. Draco had the distinct feeling that Fred would be on his side after all this...at least a little. At the same time there was a very real possibility that the others would not be so understanding. Draco doubted very much tat Ron Weasley would be particularly forgiving especially since Draco had every intention of winning Hermione's heart. Ron WOULD NOT approve.

"Draco?" Hermione's voice shattered through the war going on in Draco's head and he wondered just how long she had been standing there waiting for him to speak just because he had asked her to wait. 

"If you here an alarm go off it means someone other than me is trying to get in to my room," he blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Drop whatever you are doing and come back. We can't have them thinking...we can't have them know about the oasis."

"Right," said Hermione, her shoulders stiffening. "Of course."

Draco wanted to smack himself in the forehead for sounding so lame.

"Have fun," Draco tried to offer a smile.

"Thanks," said Hermione flatly seeming even more unimpressed with that second statement.

She disappeared into the wardrobe and Draco dragged a hand down over his face.

"You're a right bloody idiot," Draco told himself. "Have fun? Stupid. Its her last day with her friend and you're spouting out 'have fun' like she's on route to a bloody play date." 

Draco kicked his trash bin and the papers within went flying around the room.

Why the hell was this so hard?

Because you aren't used to risking rejection, women usually just make it obvious they want you.

Hermione wants you, memories of the kiss slammed into him and Draco closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose overwhelmed by the desire to follow her straight into the wardrobe sweep her up off her feel and kiss her again.

"I want her to want all of me," he said barely above a whisper.

No one would ever want all of you, the darkest voice sneered.

Maybe not, but she is the kind of woman who could love me anyways....

The thought warmed him even as it terrified him.

A sudden shudder passed through Draco and he swallowed, feeling all at once very cold. He looked down at his leg.

Was it the fear of the curse and what might happen that had him so on edge or was it just the kiss? The answer was clearly both.

Draco ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes.

He would go downstairs. 

He would be social.

He would make sure everyone else thought everything was okay so that tonight Fred could leave without a hitch.

Luck potion or not, they were still in the manor and things were still deadly dangerous.

He sat with his family and watched the clock anxious for Snape to owl him back.

His leg throbbed.

His head hurt.

"Are you feeling alright darling you look pale?" said Bellatrix. "And have you lost weight?"

"Stress," answered Draco.

"Tsk, tsk" said his aunt. "We mustn't let ourselves go," she turned to his mother. "Cissy, have you not been feeding the boy while he's sick?"

"Of course I have," said Narcissa haughtily. "What kind of a mother do you think I am?"

"Sorry Cissy," said Bellatrix sounding genuinely contrite. She knew better than to suggest that Narcissa was anything less than a dedicated mother. Everyone who was close enough to know Narcissa as a person knew that Draco was her priority.

And what will she do if you die? Draco found himself thinking.

How do you think she will feel finding out that you hid this cursed wound from her even if it was only for a day? Hmmm? Do you think she will ever forgive herself for not knowing? You're a selfish prick.

I owled Snape, Draco defended. He'll know what to do.

Suddenly sitting and waiting passively wasn't enough. Draco went over to the bookcase containing dark curses and pulled out a volume.

"Ooo, that's a good one," said Bellatrix. "Lots of nastiness inside that one," she smiled wickedly.

Draco caught his mothers disproving look and couldn't bare to hold her gaze.

She thinks so little of you now...

If you die you'll never be able to prove to her that you became better...

Draco shook away the thoughts and immersed himself in the book.

Hours later he had nothing new to go on and his headache had gotten worse.

He barely made it through dinner with his family.

Narcissa handed him a plate in the kitchen.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"For Her," said Narcissa as if stating the obvious.

Draco didn't bother to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Thank you."

Narcissa waved him and his gratitude away with an elegant hand and Draco took the stairs back up to his room and brought the meal up to Hermione.

She was exactly where he expected she would be; sitting with Fred laughing. 

When she saw him her laughter died and a piece of Draco died along with it.

Her expression told him she was not happy to see him.

Yesterday she had smiled at him at every turn.

Today her mouth tilted down at his presence.

She obviously remembers last night, and hates you for it.

It hurt.

I can't win for fucking loosing.

"I brought you dinner," he said and held it out to her like a peace offering.

"I'm not hungry," said Hermione, refusing the gesture.

"You should eat 'Mione," said Fred.

"I'm fine," she shot back and then she softened. "Sorry Fred. I'm not mad at you."

No, thought Draco, she's mad at me.

"I'm just worried about the trip is all," Hermione continued.

Draco pulled out the bag of supplies he had gathered earlier and handed them over to Fred.

"There's three days food there," said Draco. "There's no reason it should take you that long anyways, but better safe than sorry."

"Thanks," said Fred taking the food Draco had offered. "Appreciate it mate."

Fred's gratitude felt solace and Draco tried to ignore how much it meant.

"Here," Draco handed over the vial without looking at Fred. "Should be twenty four hours worth there, enough to get you safely out of here. My recommendation is that you walk towards the woods and go out there. There is a barrier all around my families estate but if you don't have a wand with you they will think its just a muggle passing through. It happens often enough. That's my hope anyways. Once you get past the woods you'll see a cliff. Walk down on the east side of it and then make your way south. Its a days walk from there to the nearest town, but from there you should be able to get help and get back to the order."

"Sound like a plan," said Fred and he clapped his hands together. "So when do I start looking death in the eye. Singular."

"In about twenty minutes guards change."

"Right," Fred nodded. "Enough time to eat this," Fred wriggled his eyebrows and dug into the meal handing Hermione a roll of bread which she begrudgingly took and began to nibble on.

"Once you get to the order tell them to come Friday," said Draco "That's four days from now. Gives you an extra two to get to them in case anything happens to delay you. Tell them to come at eight-its when the guards change. I'll be sure to be here in this room. I'll leave the window open. Be sure and tell them that they NEED to take me too. I won't fight unless someone else is watching and I promise I'll keep to defensive or light attacks."

"Right-o. The willing captive will not be forgotten," said Fred and then he smiled mischievously. "Do I get to boss you around when you're our prisoner?"

Draco almost managed a smile.

"All I ask is that you personally treat me as well as I treated you. I know you can't control what the others do to me."

Fred's tone grew serious.

"I'm not going to let them beat the shit out of, or harm you at all for that matter while I'm around," said Fred. "You might deserve it for the crap you've pulled in the past, but I am not going to let it happen on my watch understand?"

Draco felt a stinging behind his eyes. Fred's words, the support, meant a lot.

It felt like too much to ask for someone to be there for him like that.

"Thanks for that," Draco managed his voice wavering enough that he took a moment to clear his throat. 

Fred finished the meal quickly, shoving forkfuls of food towards Hermione who rolled her eyes while still accepting each bite.

"We should get going," Draco said looking at his watch.

Hermione threw her arms around Fred's neck.

"Please don't die," she said forcefully.

"I don't plan on it," said Fred and he squeezed her back.

Draco let them have their little moment before he led them both back out and through to his room. Fred was nice enough to close his eye without complaint and Draco was pleased to see that the redhead didn't even try to peak.

A few short minutes later they were standing by the window to Draco's room Hermione and Fred said goodbye. Draco kept his distance once again, feeling like an outsider and a Stanger imposing on a private moment.

Then Fred turned to Draco and stuck out his hand.

Draco took it squeezing lightly, Fred yanked Draco foward and gave him a good rap on the back and a half hug.

"I'll see you on the other side mate," said Fred and then he pulled back and gave Draco wink.

"Don't die," said Draco, echoing Hermione's earlier sentiment.

"Not you too," Fred rolled his eye good naturedly. "I'll be fine. Got this to help." Fred picked up the vial of Felix Felicis. 

He looked at both of them took a breath and lifted the vial.

"Here goes nothing," said Fred. "Bottoms up." He swigged the whole thing and then he blinked. "Wow, well that certainly tastes better than your healing droughts," Fred handed Draco back the vial. Then Fred smiled. "Love you Mione."

And then Fred Weasley jumped straight out of the window.


Sorry about no Wednesday update guys-first time I've fully missed one, but I was sick with a massive headache and slept the day away-even called into work sick. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next week for the final chapters of this story.

Much love to you all.

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