•Paradise Bound• ~ Tsukishima...

By TheBetterTwin47

260K 8.1K 14.2K

"Why is she even here?" "I don't know" "She'll never play." "Why does she even practice? She's way too short... More

Chapter 1 °Karasuno High°
Chapter 2 °Volleyball°
Chapter 3 °Stars°
Chapter 4 °Weekends are for the boys°
Chapter 5 °Consequences°
Chapter 6 °It was me°
Chapter 7 °Strawberry Cake°
Chapter 8 °Training Camp!°
Chapter 9 °insecurities°
Chapter 10 °Nekoma°
Chapter 11 °Old Memories°
Chapter 12 °Rivals?°
Chapter 13 °Cheesecake°
Chapter 14 °French Fry°
Chapter 15 °Anime°
Chapter 16 °r...°
Chapter 17 °Upside-down°
Chapter 18 °Girls?!°
Chapter 19 °Interhigh°
Extra °The Plan to win°
Chapter 20 °The First Game°
Chapter 22 °The Boy with White hair°
Extra 2 °Sleepover!°
Chapter 23 °Blue vs Orange°
Chapter 24 °Something°
Chapter 25 °Something 2°
Chapter 26 °Explanations°
Chapter 27 °Dinos°
Chapter 28 °Final Exams°
Chapter 29 Sleepover 2
Chapter 31 Nightmares
Chapter 32: Training camp
Chapter 33 A Date?
Chapter 34 Hills

Chapter 30 Sleepover 2 (Part 2)

2.4K 73 88
By TheBetterTwin47

Welcome to another chapter! its been a while! I've been crazy busy!! enjoy this new chapter!!

"Dang!" You said as you looked outside. "I can't believe it's still raining!"

It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and it was pouring down rain while Kageyama and Hinata watch the TV.

"Y/n-chan!" Hinata yelled as you walked back to the living room. "It is supposed to rain until tomorrow morning. 

You groan and lay on the ground. "Really? That sucks!" My phone buzzed and you see a message.

Tsukki: Did you ever figure out that problem? I bet you didn't. 

I scoff and Hinata looked at my phone. "What does Tsukishima want?" he said as he took my phone.

"Hinata! Give my phone back!" You jumped up and try to get your phone.

He laughed and dials Facetime. "No way! He's being mean! And we're going to tell him that!"

"Why you little-" Before you could finish your sentence Tsukki appeared on your phone.

"What do you want you l- what the hell are you doing with her phone shrimp?" his voice echoed through the room. 

 You jumped for him "HINATA!"  Kageyama quickly stopped you and held you tightly. 

"We spent the night here last night!!" Hinata said smirking at you.

The phone went quiet. There was a faint laughter and someone saying shut up. "Wait," Tsukki said "We? Is King there as well?" 

You tried to get out of Kageyama's grasp but he only holds you tighter. "LET GO KAGEYAMA OR I SWEA- AHH!" he picked you up with ease and put you over his shoulder.

He shook his head. "Don't go jumping on people Y/n-chan." he said as you hit his back.


"You'll what?" he interrupted you as Hinata turned the camera to face you two. "I'll set you down if you calm down."

You go silent and sigh. "Set me down right now..." you heard shuffling on the phone and suddenly Tsukki hung up. 

"Awwe he hung up! Thats lame!" Hinata said as Kageyama put you down on the couch. "I think Yamaguchi was with him too!" he laughed.

You glare at Kageyama and cross your arms. "You're lucky that there's a storm or i'd kick you out!"

"Yeah Yeah," He said as he sat next to you. "Sorry B-Bug" 

"Huh?" You swing your head to him and raise an eyebrow. "Bug?"

He blushes "Mhm... well y-you're little so i-i thought it was fitting..." He mumbled and faced away from you. "I won't say it again if you don't like it."

You laugh and pat his head. "I don't hate it so I guess it's alright!" you could see his ears turn bright red.

"I WANNA GIVE YOU A NAME TOO Y/N!!" Hinata said as he jumped next to you.

"Sure! whatever is fine!"

"hmm...i'll just call you bug too!!"

"No dumbass!! i'm calling her that!" Kageyama yelled

Hinata jumped up, "Well I can call her that too!"



They continued to fight as you hear something at the door. "Is someone at the door?" you thought as You turn your head as the door opens and Tsukki and Yamaguchi walk in completely soaked head to toe. 

You couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha! w-what are you doing here?" You were about to get up when Tsukki pulled you up. 

"What are they doing here? And why did they spend the night?" he said while glaring at Kageyama. 

You raise your eyebrows. "After you left they came over to study." You pulled your arm away from him. "And it was pouring down rain so my sister said that they could spend the night." 

He scoffed while Kageyama gave him a slight smirk. "Why is he so worked up about it? Maybe he-" 

"Well Y/n-chan!" Yamaguchi said as he got beside Tsukki. "Can we also spend the night?" he shook his hair getting water on you.

You laughed and nodded "I don't see why not!"

Him and Hinata cheered as Tsukki and Kags glared at each other. You roll your eyes and grab two towels. "Here idiots" they take them "Next time don't walk in the rain. the thunderstorm will be rolling in soon."

"Well how else where we supposed to get over here?" Tsukki said while drying his hair off.

Just as you were about to reply you were interrupted. "How about you don't get jealous"

You turn to Kageyama and glare. "Kags don't be-"

"How about you shut up king and worry about your grades." Tsukki interrupted you and pushed his glasses up. "It'll be a shame if you don't get to go to the training camp." He smirked "And i'm not jealous."

Kageyama glared back "Yeah sure, then explain why you came over here in the pouring rain?" he stood up as Yamaguchi,  Hinata, and you quietly walk to another room to play a game. 

They bicker back and forth until they hear laughter coming from the room. They look at each other and walk into the room seeing you rolling on the ground as Hinata and Yamaguchi laugh on the bed.

You look up "Oh look who stopped bitching!" You sit up and smile "Ready to come and join us?"

"What are you doing?" Kageyama said as he sat next to Hinata. 

You look up at Tsukki and smile "we're just talking" you said as He rolls his eyes and sat next to Yamaguchi.

"Probably just gossiping" Tsukki scoffed as he gets on his phone. 

You smirk "Just talking about Kuroo and Kenma. You know from Nekoma?"

He grits his teeth "No idea" 

"Sure Tsukki"

"Shut up Yamaguchi" he glared at him

He laughed "Sorry Tsukki

He clicked his tongue as you all talk. After a while you hear thunder come from outside and get up from the bed. "Seems like the storm is rolling in now"

"Or it was Hinata's stomach!" Yamaguchi said laughing as Hinata laughs and punches his shoulder.

There was a loud crack and the lights went out in the house. Hinata screamed and jumped on Kageyama while he tried to push him off. "Wonderful" you thought. 

"Hina calm down!" You said as Tsukki walked to you accidentally hitting you. "Ow! who hit me?!"

"Me Princess. Who else would get up to find a flash light?" Tsukki said as he gets closer to you. you don't realize how close he was because of the dark. 

Hinata gets up and runs into the tall blond who falls on top of you. "Wha-" he holds your head so you don't hit the ground and Yamaguchi shines a light on you two. "God damnit! why does this always happen!?"

"Not surprised at all" Yamaguchi snickers as you push Tsukki off.

"Shut up Yamaguchi!!" you say as you cover your blushing face. 

Tsukki blushes too but hides it by making fun of you "Awe is the princess flustered by me catching her?"

You glare at him. "Seems like you're blushing too you beanpole!" You get up and walk away as you remember what happened at the Dino exhibit. "Stop thinking about it!"

"Well of course he would! He li-" Hinata began when Tsukki threw a pillow at his face knocking him off of the bed.

"Shut up!" He yelled as Yamaguchi and Kageyama laugh.

"Was he about to say what i think he was?" Just as you were about to ask what he was going to say your sister calls you. "uh hello?"

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! ARE THE LIGHTS OUT FOR YOU TOO?!" She yells through the phone.

You laugh "Yes the lights are off. Do you think they will come on soon?"

You and the others hear her yell to her friend in the room and ask her friends. "Well it's possible that it'll be out for a few hours" 

You sigh "Well ok. I'ma get off with you so I can save battery. Bye love you." You hung up. "Seems like we might be in the dark for a while."

Tsukki groans and sits on the bed "Lets just go to slee-"

"LETS PLAY A GAME IN THE DARK!" hinata yelled over him.

You laugh and nod your head. "Sure Hina! what are you thinking?"

He shrugs his shoulders 

"Well you're no help" you said as you hop back on the bed. 

Kageyama sighs, "Well its getting late anyways" Tsukki could slightly see Kageyamas smirk. "Wanna sleep next to me tonight... Bug?"

You laugh as Tsukki clenches his teeth. "Who the Hell is Bug?" he said as the lighting flashes through the window.

"Oh Kageyama wanted a nickname for me!" You smile and sit next to Kageyama "I don't really see a problem." You grab a pillow to hold. "maybe I should ask him about that day..." you thought. 

Kageyama smirked at Tsukki as the jealous four eyes stood up and walked to you. "Bug? Really? That is a stupid name and there is no way in Hell she is sleeping next to you tonight." he lightly pulls you to him. "She is sleeping next to Yamaguchi and I tonight"

You raise an eyebrow "Hey four eyes" you flick his forehead. "Don't make decisions for me! I'm a capable women!" you say as he scoffs. 

"He's jealous! Pfft why would...he be... oh.." you thought as everything starts to click.

"Just sleep next to me alright?" You looked at him and he seemed upset.

You sigh "Sorry Kageyama, next time ok?"

He rolls his eyes "Yeah yeah"

You start to set up where everyone is going to sleep as you pull Tsukki aside. "What do you want Princess?"

"Why were you so upset earlier? It's just a stupid name?" You ask as Yamaguchi eavesdrops. 

He looks away and clicks his tongue. "I'm not upset. I just thought it was a stupid name." He starts to walk away as you pull him back. 

"I-I actually have a question for you.." You blush slightly  "Come on! You got this! Shoot I don't got this"  You thought.

"What is it?" he said as Hinata joins Yamaguchi.

You look away a little embarrassed. "I have been thinking about it for a while... remember the Dino exhibit... a-and you told me to to forget about how we k-" he covered your mouth as the others ran back into the room. 

"Yes I do remember Princess. Just wait a moment ok?" He walks back to the bedroom and you could hear him telling everyone to get out. "What the heck is he doing interrupting me like that!?" you thought as they left the room. Both Hinata and Yamaguchi were smirking as Kageyama looked almost pleased with himself. "Ok lets go in here"

He pulls you into your bedroom and closes the door. "I know what you're about to say." He leans against the wall and looks down. "He does!? Oh shit! What do I do!?"

"You're going to ask why I kissed you right?!" He said as your stomach does flips. You couldn't find the words at the moment so you just nod your head and sit in the chair. 

You take a deep breath and muster the courage to ask. "Tsukki... why did you kiss me? And why did you want to forget about it..." You look down embarrassed as he walks closer to you. "Shit this is probably not the right time to ask this stuff huh? W-we could always talk about it la-" 

The room lights up from the lightning as he lifts your chin up and kisses you. Like the time at the Dino exhibit you don't pull away and stare at him in shock. He pulls away blushing a deep red as the room lit up from the lightning outside. For the second time your mind goes blank.

"I-I... I feel something when i'm with you Y/n" He said softly as he crouches in front of you. "I'm not sure what these feelings are but..." you look into his eyes as the room lights up again. "Will you wait until I know exactly what these feelings are?" 

You sit there completely shocked. "I-I Y-Yeah I will." In your head "... HOLY SHIT THIS IS A CONFESSION! WAIT DID I CONFESS TOO?"

He lets out his breath and looks at you and notices you're overthinking everything again. Once again, only seen when the lightning shines through the windows, A smile appeared on his face. "We better let the other in here before they think we're doing something bad Princess" He smirks at you as you blush a deep red.

"They're not going to think that!" You cover your face as Tsukki opens the door. To no ones surprise the three boys were eavesdropping and fell over into the room when the door was opened.

"...heeey tsukki!" Yamaguchi said as he and the other got up and ran away. "WE ARE SORRY TSUKKI! WE WON'T TELL ANYONE!!" Yamaguchi screamed as Tsukki threw and chased the three around the house. Somehow it ended up with the three hiding behind you.

"Y/N-CHAN! SAVE US!" Hinata yelled as you glare at the three. They then realized it was probably a bad idea to hide behind you.

You turned around as Tsukki stands behind you. "Speak of this to anyone and..." you smirk as you pull your phone out and show them a photo of Kageyama and Hinata cuddling on the couch. "I will send this to the whole team" 

Their faces turn white. "Y-Yes ma'am..." They say in unison as you turn to Yamaguchi but Tsukki was already on it.

"And don't think I don't have shit on you Tadashi." he also smirks "Remember that one Halloween where you went as-"

"OK OK I WON'T SAY ANYTHING!!" He interrupts him and blushes.

You smile and look up at Tsukki. "Show me what you have later ok?" You smile and he nods. 

"I will"

Well how long has it been since i've posted a chapter? TOO LONG I SAY!

I am finally out of college and home! Chapters will be updated more! These next couple of chapters are the ones i have been looking forward to for a long time! Im so excited!!

Oh! and this book is officially over a year old! WOW a whole year of writing for Tsukki simps!

One last thing! One of my friends has asked me to write a Daichi X OC Story! I have wrote a few paragraphs so far! Let me know if you want to read it too! (⛔️WARNING ⛔️ It is NSFW)

Thank you so much for reading and the support! 


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