VALDUGGERY - catch me when I...

By pheonix2012

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Can Valkarie and Skulduggery keep their feelings a seacret much longer? Dusk is back in this white knuckle ro... More

VALDUGGERY - catch me when I fall
SKULDUGGERY (continued) owning up - continued
Chapter two. VSLKARIE Sometimes silence is the best answer
Chapter Three - Only You
Valduggery - Speak To Me
Chapter five - VALKARIE
Chapter Six - Save Me
Chapter Seven - All Alone
Not a new chapter but read me anyway! X
Chapter Eight - Open Your Eyes
Chapter Nine - Love At Last
Chapter Ten ~ Love Was Meant To Last
Chapter Twelve ~ Breaking The Rules
Incredibly Important Notice. Sorry...

Chapter Eleven ~ Fighting Yourself

893 36 45
By pheonix2012

Authors Note - well well well my friends... It's been a while hasn't it? But enough of that, we've got work to do! Now, in the last chapter we found that Darquesse, thinking that this was the end for Valkarie decided not to save her but to flee her body and inhabit the next vulnerable heart. Ironically, it's Fletcher. So, using Fletchers teleporter body, Darquesse payed a little visit to Skulduggery and Val, needless to say, it all ended in blood sweat and ruined furniture. In other news, I asked people to post on my wall something about getting well soon (I was sick) for an appearance in the story. So, put your hands together for Evermore_360 who will appear in this chapter! And, pieisyummy13... I'm afraid that you can't appear in this story because you we're too late to reply... Sorry! But message me soon and I'm sure I can squeeze you into another chapter! Now, on we go!


Chapter Eleven ~ Fighting Yourself

Valkarie winced and Nye jabbed a needle into her arm. She'd been promised that it'd stop the pain that was coming from all over her bruised, bloodied and broken body. She owed Fletcher for that one. Valkarie frowned, no, not Fletcher, Darquesse. Darquesse had broken into Skulduggery's house and attacked them. It was her evil subconscious that had hijacked her friend and was now god knows where.

Valkarie could feel the cloudy liquid in the small needle being forced into her left arm and she turned the other way. Sadly, she was now looking at her other hand which had five somewhat mangled fingers bleeding into a now red towel. Nye straightened up and raked his sinister eyes over her injured body before nodding curtly and walking out in that awkwardly orchestrated fashion.

Valkarie rested her head against the wall behind her, and wondered what Skulduggery was doing. After Fletcher had left and the general shock had died down, Skulduggery had collapsed. She closed her eyes as the dusty bloody memory floated back to her.




For a moment, they stood there, clutching each other and staring at the place where Fletcher/Darquesse had last been. Valkarie gasped air into her battered chest and tightened her grip on Skulduggery's arm, just as his had been doing to hers for the past few moments.

Skulduggery pulled her slightly so that she fell into place behind him, before using his other arm to sweep the air in front of them, stiffening slightly. Once he was satisfied he dropped his arm back down, reached for Valkarie to hold her close to him, then faltered.

Valkarie looked up, suddenly wary.

"Skulduggery? Are you-" but Valkarie never got to finish her question. Skulduggery gasped horribly and crumpled, his legs folding as his hands formed shackles over her wrists. Dragging her down with him. His skull tipped back as Valkarie shook his shoulders.

"Skulduggery?!?" It was then that she remembered how Skulduggery had been taking all the hits for her from Darquesse, turning her so that she evaded all the impacts and always pushing her behind him. Valkarie felt a rush of unfamiliar emotions as she struggled with Skulduggery, resting his head on her lap, still shaking him weakly.

"Valkarie... Valkarie.... Val...." Skulduggery's hand reached up blindly for her face, once it found her cheek she caught it and held it there. Valkarie opened her mouth to say something back, but Skulduggery went limp, his hand dropped to his side and his jaw stopped moving. Now, Valkarie was panicking. Skulduggery after all, had not pulse or breath to check, likewise for reflexes...


A cold sweat broke out across Valkarie's whole body as she fumbled hurriedly with the remains of Skulduggery's jacket, but the phone she found fell into even more pieces then it had been in previously. The world spun as she looked first at the unconscious, possibly dead form in her lap.


Technically Skulduggery couldn't die again, but it didn't stop Valkarie stumble around the remains of the burnt ravaged room until she found her own phone under the former sofa.

A terrified and barely audible phone call to Ghastly later, and the house was full of Cleavers, Sanctuary paramedics, Nye and Ghastly. They had all found her crouched over Skulduggery's body, his head back on her lap. It had taken five paramedics to yank her off him, but it was when Nye shook his head and announced that whatever had attacked him had unparalleled and highly damaging powers. That Valkarie had slumped in the strong arms that held her and broken down in unashamed tears.

When Skulduggery was carried past her on a stretcher with Nye scuttling behind, Valkarie had screamed, kicked and punched until someone sedated her. The last thing she was aware of, was feeling her senses shut down as she watched the stretcher being carried further and further away, then her head hit carpet and everything went black.




Valkarie opened her eyes again, shaking her head to clear away the memory of that haunting hour. She shifted on the thin bed with its crinkly covers and hard mattress, remembering the last time she'd been here. It had been Skulduggery that had woken her, and now she wondered if she would have to do the same for him now...

Desperate for a distraction, Valkarie looked around as if she hadn't already been here. The room was pristine, and with her bloody body she felt like a speck of dirt on a clean sheet of paper, so very noticeable. The injection had numbed out most of the pain, but she still ached. Grimly she dared another glance at her hand, but blanched.

Across the room hundreds of intricate silver instruments hung like an army across part of the wall on polished metal. Looking past a pair of impressive medical pliers and a long silver scalpel Valkarie could make out her own reflection. She looked beaten, and not just on the outside. Her dark eyes were distant and cold. She wondered if this was how she had looked the second Skulduggery's hand had fallen from he cheek.

There was a quiet click from across the room, and she turned in time to see Ghastly entered, followed by a girl Valkarie assumed was a new nurse. She strode over to Valkarie and the closer she got, the more noticeable her age became. She must be about fourteen, though tall for her age, slim with light brown skin and dark hair. Her long medical jacket was open to show a casual shirt and jeans, she looked nothing like a Sanctuary doctor.

The girl walked over to her with the air of one resisting the urge to bound, Valkarie leaned back slightly, trying to think of a reason that she would be here, wearing a doctors jacket, and holding what looked like a bowl of mud.

Valkarie turned to Ghatly, smiled, then tilted her head slightly in the girls direction, Ghastly smiled.

"This is Tarissa Dalis, a doctor from Australia." Valkarie must have looked confused because Ghastly continued. "Tarissa's family have had the raw potential of great adepts in their blood for millenniums. You've heard that magic slows ageing no doubt" he gestured to Tarissa. "She's over fifty years old."

"Fifty two" chirped Tarissa in a light Australian accent, instantly reminding Valkarie of Clarabelle, even more so when Tarissa began to him what sounded far too much like 'Three Little Piggies' as she plonked Valkarie's hand into the bowl of mud. Valkarie sighed as she felt her hand begin to heal, recognising the mud to have magical properties.

Then Valkarie remembered, she wasn't sure quite what made her remember, but something did. And before she knew it her vision had clouded slightly and the mud free hand was gripping Ghastly's wrist, tight. She didn't need to ask, he knew what she wanted. His eyes softened and he gently yet forcefully prised Valkarie's hand off him.

"He's fine." Valkarie hadn't realised that shed been holding her breath, or that all her muscles had tensed until these sensations left her at once, the ghost of a smile flickered across her lips, but froze and faltered as Ghastly continued.

"He's fine, but his injuries were severe, Nye had to sedate him to heal his bones and clean the evil magic out of his bones. He ought to wake up soon, when he does, I'll take you to him." Valkarie took a breath, nodded, then began to bombard Ghastly with as many questions as her brain allowed her.

Ghastly retold his end of the past few hours, there were moments while he discussed Fletcher that Valkarie froze, wondering how much he knew... But Ghastly referred to Darquesse as a 'monster', or 'whatever possessed him.' Valkarie tried searching for a hint of lying in his eyes, but he steadily held her gaze until Tarissa had healed and cleaned off her hand, dabbed something clear on all her cuts, bruises and scrapes and darted from the room.

"So..." Said Valkarie as she flexed her fingers absentmindedly "What now Ghastly? What do we do about..," she trailed off, still uncertain of what to call Fletcher/Darquesse/the thing that possessed Fletcher.

"We're sending agents out all over Ireland, trouble is they could have teleported by now, they could be in a whole other country. We alerted the other Sanctuaries to keep an eye out, but they just aren't taking us seriously enough to send out more than a single patrol." Ghastly ground his teeth irritably. "They'll have been attacked before they know it, and turning to us to solve the problem for them!"

Valkarie was just opening her mouth to say "Surely they shouldn't be too much trouble for you our great and royal leader Ghastly?" But only got as far as 'Surely-" before Tarissa came jogging back into the room. Stopping short of the bed.

"Elder Bespoke, you told me to come directly to you if Mr Pleasant woke up-" but she didn't get to finish whatever she was saying, Valkarie swung her legs over the table, landed on the cold look barefoot and ran past her. Knowing all too well the route to intensive care and recovery.

She was not too far from the door to the first room when a particularly sturdy looking nurse swung an arm in front of her, barring the rest of the way. Valkarie looked up to glare at the nurse, but was momentarily distracted by her moustache.

"I'm sorry." The nurse tried to chirp, sounding more like a troll than a bird "But all patients in intensive care-" Ghastly stepped forward then, looking evenly at the nurse, and Valkarie could see that he was fighting to keep his eyes off her facial hair.

"Surely nurse Bryson, you can make an exception? Tell your supervisor that I gave consent and I'm sure that it ought to be no trouble." But nurse Bryson was shaking her bristly head.

"I'm sorry Elder Bespoke. But not even the Grand Mage would be allowed to disrupt a patient right now. Mr Pleasant has only woken up a few minutes ago, he's still..... Delicate..." Valkarie laughed at the idea of Skulduggery ever being delicate, and went to move past nurse Bryson, but her way was still blocked, and this time it was by Bryson's/Bison's forced smile a mere inch from her own face. Valkarie resisted the urge to shiver.

"Ah, miss Cain? Mr Pleasant is already asking or you, no doubt he'll be along when the doctors say he is able. Now, I think that you should go and wait on your room for him, don't you?" Nurse Bryson/Bison turned and thumped back into the room, leaving Ghastly and Valkarie in the corridor. Ghastly laid a hand on Valkarie's shoulder.

"Best do what she says." Together, they walked back to her room. "So..." Saud Ghastly nonchalantly, "When were you planning on telling me about you and Skulduggery."

Valkarie dared a look at his face, but found none of the doubt, anger, surprise or suspicion that she was expecting. Instead, Ghastly looked surprised, but otherwise exuberant. He caught her looking and smiled broadly at her expression. Valkarie was already putting two and two together.

"How long have you know?"

"A few w-" Ghastly pursed his lips suddenly, though it looked more to suppress a smile than stop himself talking. Valkarie's eyes widened.

"He told you that..." Valkarie could practically sense the blush nearing, so she trailed off and left the rest to him.

"Valkarie, we have been friends for too long for me not to notice that something was different about him. And we are too greater friends for him not to tell me. He loves you Valkarie. And I for one, couldn't be happier."

Valkarie was strangely unsurprised by Ghastly saying that Skulduggery loved her, in fact it made butterflies flutter in a seemingly endless cyclone inside of her. She smiled.

"Why are you so happy?" Valkarie quizzed as they neared her room. Ghastly smiled.

"Valkarie, when I first met Skulduggery, he was alive. But then he went into battle and it changed him like a man never should be changed. Be became ruthless, detached, just fighting for what he had left behind. Then he died and came back, but I had never seen that part of him I saw the first time we met, until just a few weeks ago. When he turned up at my office, speaking words I never thought he'd say, acting a way I never thought I would live to see." They had reached Valkarie's room, she stood in the doorway with her back to the room, dark eyes locked on Ghastly's as she waited for him to continue.

"Before he met you, Skulduggery was acting more like a machine than a man. But then you were there, you were someone to work with, someone to trust and someone to protect. You became his friend I never could. I, who had seen him fight, who had seen what he was capable of could never see him the way you did. With eyes I don't doubt were filled with wonder. Valkarie, you did what many if us think impossible, you brought a dead man back to life, in so many more ways than one." Ghastly smiled, turned on his heel and walked away. Valkarie listened to every step he took before turning and asking to the bed like a dreamer. Either she had never realised, or never thought about how other people would view her and Skulduggery, but now she knew.

Valkarie sat n the bed and smiled absentmindedly, before leaning her head against the wall, closing her eyes and waiting for Skulduggery. She could almost feel any concern melt away as she pictured Skulduggery striding through the doors, picking her up and kissing her like he had when she had first woken up to the sound of his voice.

She didn't have to wait long until she heard familiar footsteps running along a near corridor, quick familiar footsteps accompanied by two other sets. Valkarie didn't dare open her eyes, that childish fear that she might be dreaming nagging at the back of her buzzing head. However, she did listen to the voices as they neared. Valkarie could easily pick out Byson and some other nurse she remembered fleetingly from years ago, one voice was furious, the other consoling.

"Mr Pleasant I must insist!" That was definitely Byson "Look, she's already been along here looking for you once you'd woken! Just come back to your room we need to-" but she was cut across by Skulduggery's footsteps quickening.

Then there was another voice, lighter and more reasoning, punctuated by the pants of someone who wasn't used to jogging after patients. "Nurse Boyse..." she panted "Mr Pleasant looks to be in good enough condition to move... He should be able to make a quick visit, and then come back?"

The foot steps were close now, and Valkarie had to refrain from leaping to yank open the door. Instead she strained to hear even the tiniest movement as the footsteps came closer.

"Valkarie!" it was Skulduggery. She froze, still not quite sure of why she wasn't opening her eyes... Concentrating, Valkarie could only hear one set of footsteps now.

Then the door opened.

She opened her eyes.

For a moment, Skulduggery stood framed in the rooms white door as if held there. He looked half dressed, just wearing But then Valkarie swung her kegs of the bed, Skukduggery crossed the room in two large strides, catching her before her feet had even touched the pristine floor. Skulduggery swung her round holding her high up in the air, his hands were steel tight around her waist. Once she had been spun round once, Skulduggery pulled her quickly into his chest, wrapping his arms around around her tightly and burying his skull in her dark hair. Valkarie wrapped her legs tightly around his waist to keep herself in his arms and pressed her head into his shoulder.

The two of them stayed locked like that for a while, and all around them the world stopped to hold its breath and look on. Valkarie pressed her lips to his shoulder.

"I was.... I just... Are you ok?" Valkarie felt the muscles in the bottom of her stomach tighten significantly as Skulduggery pulled away slightly to caress her face with one hand, tap his façade tattoo with the other. A face with dark brown, almost black hair, deep green eyes and slightly waxy skin melted over his skull. He gently pulled her face as close to his, so close that their lips were a less then a centimetre away from hers. Dark eyes met green. Breathing became ragged. Lips touched.

Valkarie tousled her fingers in his black hair, while Skulduggery's mirrored hers. This, should have been her first kiss. Lips trailed from Valkarie's mouth down her jawline and back again, making her heart flutter as she gasped.




They ended up on the tiny hard bed, lying side by side, tracing each others faces with their fingers. Valkarie had her legs intwined with Skulduggery's. He had one arm around her to stroke up and down her arm, the other on her cheek, his façade was down now but up frequently enough to kiss her.

There was a click to their left and both of them reluctantly lifted their heads ti see what it was. Upon seeing that it was once again Nye scuttling through the door like a spider on stilts, Valkarie blushed a brilliant shade if red and struggled to sit. Like the last time it had walked in on them, Nye had kept it's head down before making a speedy exit, luckily today was no different. Nye checked the reflexes and responses to magic of them both as quickly as was possible before mumbling something about their immediate discharge and scuttled off as if he was walking on nails.

Valkarie pulled on her boots and dragged a hand through her hair as Skulduggery left to put on the rest of his suit. She felt lighter, happier as she tugged a hand yet again through her dark mess of hair and checked her reflection in the wall across from her. Unsurprised she found that she isn't just feel happier, she looked it too. Her dark eyes glinted, her lips turned up in a smile that brightened her whole face. It was good to be back.

Valkarie crossed over to the reflective wall of medical instruments and opened the draw nearest to her, it silently slid open so that she could dip her hand in to retrieve her ring and phone. As Valkarie waited, she casually checked her messages. There was nothing particularly special about them until she had scrolled about halfway drown. Her thumb froze. With unsteady fingers, Valkarie opened up a text from Fletcher.


G says that u have woken up.

Don't go anywhere, im on my way.

Be there soon k?'

Valkarie breathed a sigh of relief that caught at the end. It was a message from ages ago, that probably hadn't gotten through. She was as relieved as she was horrified. The full impact of what had just happened to Fletcher had just hit her. He was being used as a home for her dark side, it was something that shouldn't have happened to him if she'd just waited a few more minutes. Valkarie could imagine Fletcher, chained to the corners of his own mind with no idea what was going on. Alone, defenceless, and without the natural comfort of being able to teleport Fletcher was forced into the middle of things. Valkarie switched off the phone and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose, had Fletcher seen the look of fear and pain in her eyes as Darquesse had pointed the knife at her? Valkarie could think of nothing worse than being made to watch something like that.

The door beside her clicked open, involuntarily she jumped as Skulduggery walked in. He walked to her side as he tilted his skull questioningly, wordlessly she found the message on her phone and passed it over. He read it in a matter of milliseconds before passing the phone bak to her and putting a hand in hers.

"We'll find them." They began to wall out of the room and down the narrow corridor, but Valkarie was still worried.

"And then what? How do we get..." She lowered her voice as a doctor walked past smiling. "How do we get Darquesse out of him?" Skulduggery paused.

"I'm sure that I'll think of something." Valkarie gaped.

"You're sure you'll think of something? That's our great plan?" Skulduggery tilted his head.

"Great plan..." He murmured.


"Nothing... Nothing, it's just that you might actually be the great plan."

"Again, what?" Skulduggery stopped walking to talk to turn and talk to her.

"Essentially, all powers aside, Darquesse is you. If anyone can find a weakness, you can."

"Yeah, that'd work if she was completely powerless and not using the last teleporter as a body. I won't be able to get close enough."

"Leave that to me."

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll think if someway to stop her when the time is right."

"Actually, I was more worried about what you're planning..."

Skulduggery laughed as they left the Sanctuary, walking to the Bentley. He opened her side for her despite her objections before sitting down behind the wheel.

"And" Valkarie said suddenly as they left familiar scenery. "There's Dusk to worry about." Skulduggery stiffened beside her, his hands tightening so much on the steering wheel that she could hear it give a creak of complaint.

"Yes... That is something to consider... If only there was a way to take them all out at once..." They drove in silence for a while, until Skulduggery tilted his head. Valkarie leapt on the moment.

"What is it?"


"Liar, you tilted your head."

"Lots of people tilt their head Valkarie." Valkarie waited patiently, staring at him.


"It's an impossible idea."

"Try me."

"What if we really could take out Dusk while we took out Darquesse? Dusk and his vampires can distract Darquesse long enough for you to intervene. If we can convince Dusk and his army that Darquesse poses a serious threat to them, they might attack her. No doubt we leave out the fact that Darquesse is most likely to rip them all to shreds, including Dusk." There was a moment if silence, in which Valkarie mentally weighed up her two options.

Option one was to leave Dusk out of this, fight him another day. Skulduggery would understand, she could tell from his tone of voice that he hated the idea almost as much as she did. However, that didn't leave them with many options at all as far as rescuing Fletcher went...

Option two was obviously, to use Dusk and his army to weaken Darquesse enough for Valkarie to get in close and finish her. But she knew as well as anyone that not a lot was going to stop Dusk attacking her, or indeed, the other way round. Skulduggery would end up hating the very idea of it with every bone in his skeleton and would probably pull out his gun at every chance he got. It'd be a tricky truce. And even harder to make when they had no idea where Dusk even was. But the prospect of going to fight Darquesse alone, and not being able to save anyone wad far far worse.

So, option one, or option two...

"Well..." Valkarie began, Skulduggery slowed slightly and turned to look at her, they were safe performing this diving stunt mainly because there were no cars on this lonely little road to hit.


Valkarie swallowed her fears and took a deep breath.

"Where do we start looking for Dusk?" Skulduggery nodded and turned back to the road. Their speed increased greatly, turning the passing view into a swirl of colours.

"I have a hunch." He said carefully.


"The old Necromancer Temple."

Now it was Valkarie's turn to nod in understanding. The old temple had long ago been abandoned by Necromancers and Sanctuary personnel alike after it was deemed to be no threat to anyone. The whole thing was close to the public/food supply. And the whole thing being on lock down and in the dark would be perfect or staying hidden.

"Right, lets go."


Authors Note - yes yes I know... It was a 'ewwww kissing' scene... But I'd got a few request for one and I admit, I have been putting it off... I'm not really one for all the soppy lark, more action and mystery over here! I promise that it'll be a few kisses and lots of ACTION in my next update ok? I don't really have time for and shout outs... But if anyone I know personally is reading this.... Uh, I love you? Except if its someone with orange curly hair, no, not you.... You smell...

Now my dear VALDUGGERY fans! Please consider this an early Christmas present from me! Did you guys know that you can vote for EACH CHAPTER? You do?.... Then do it dude... DO IT!




Keep reading!

~ Pheonix2012 ~

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