The night is darkest just bef...

By Mimorimori

174K 6.9K 4.3K

After getting rejected by his childhood crush, Izuku was heartbroken. On the very same day, he got attacked b... More

Chapter 1: A bad day
Chapter 2: Night mission
Chapter 3: A favour
Chapter 4: Intertwine and connecting
Chapter 4.5: Aizawa
Chapter 5: Searching for an answer
Chapter 6: Bad timing
Chapter 7: Fledgling and pure blooded
Chapter 8: Fear and worry
Chapter 9: A wishful thinking
Chapter 10: Fragment of the past
Chapter 11: Hidden truth and pain
Chapter 12: Decision
Chapter 13: The targeted fledgling
Chapter 14: Spotted
Chapter 15: Hunted down
Chapter 16: Captured
Chapter 17: Trial
Chapter 18: Test
Chapter 19: A small chat
Chapter 20: What am I to you?
Chapter 21: Nightmare
Chapter 22: Todoroki Shoto
Chapter 23: First mission (Part One)
Chapter 24: First mission (Part Two)
Chapter 25: End of first mission, beginning of a storm
Chapter 26: Scars
Chapter 27: Togata Mirio
Chapter 29: Cargo
Chapter 30: Amajiki Tamaki
Chapter 30.5: His story
Chapter 31: Getting ready
Chapter 32: Battle
Chapter 33: Warning, danger
Chapter 34: The choice that was made
Chapter 35: Taken
Chapter 36: A small hope
Chapter 37: Bad route...?
Chapter 38: Even if it's against the order
Chapter 39: Rescue mission
Chapter 40: That's my promise to you
Chapter 41: No longer the same

Chapter 28: Training and preparation

2.1K 92 169
By Mimorimori

Rubbing his stomach, Izuku sits down on the floor and groan softly. As expected of an experience hunter, Togata is really strong. He was worried about hurting Togata by accident but it seems like there's no need for that. Even with his vampire speed, Izuku couldn't win against him. He tried to predict Togata's next action and he still end up losing. It was possible for a human to win against a vampire barehanded and that's really amazing in many ways. On a side note, getting punched on the stomach really hurts. Togata's punch really hurts like hell.

The training room is huge but they are the only one who is using it at the moment. Izuku looked up when a bottle of sports drink is being offer to him by the blond haired hunter.

"Here, have a drink and recover some of your strength."

"Thank you very much." Izuku smiled weakly and took the drink from Togata. He was trying to hide that he's getting a little bit hungry but it seems like he failed at it. Taking the bottle's cap off, he took in a big gulp and that manage to push his hunger down to the lowest level. "You really are amazing, Togata-senpai."

"You're pretty good yourself. It's just that you tend to think too much." Togata said as he sits down right next to Izuku.


"It's okay to plan your strategies but during battle, you won't have much time to think about what your next move is going to be. For a vampire like you, sometimes it's better for you to listen to your instinct."

Izuku was stunned when he hear that. Listening to his instinct? There's no way that Izuku can bring himself to do that willingly. All these time, his vampire instinct has been nothing but a bother. The urge to drink blood, the urge to hurt and kill someone... it's like a curse.

But Izuku can understand why Togata is suggesting that he listen to his instinct. Animals survived in the wild because they listen to their instinct. But to him, the risk is too big for him to take and he's scared of it. He listened to it unintentionally before and what he did was... simply a horrifying and cruel thing. Even if the opponent is a vampire, Izuku did things like attacking their eyes to take away their sight or kicking them on the head.

"Sorry Togata-senpai, that's probably the only thing I couldn't allow myself to do."

"It's alright, it's just a suggestion so you don't have to think too hard or stress yourself out over it."

There was a short silence between them. Then, Izuku muttered under his breath. "...Togata-senpai really is strong. With you on the team, I'm sure that you protect everyone without fail."

"No, that's not true. There's a time where I failed to protect a very precious friend of mine." Togata admitted.


"One day, we got send to another town for a mission to hunt down a vampire. It turns out that the vampire is extremely violent and it wasn't stated in our report. Both of us got pretty beaten up during our fight with that vampire. Things taken a turn for the worse when we got separated from each other. Although I manage to defeat the vampire in the end, I wasn't able to find my friend anywhere. I search for him for days but I still couldn't find him. In the end, everyone proclaim him as dead and I was ordered to return back."

"So that's how it is..." Izuku thought. He finally understand why the other people is giving Togata those pitying looks back at the cafeteria. In their eyes, Togata is just pitiful person who lose someone dear to him.

"But you know, I believe that he's still alive out there somewhere. While that friend of mine can be a little wimpy at times, he's really strong so there's no way that he's dead." Togata continues with a smile.

Izuku widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the look of hope and trust in Togata's eyes. He's not avoiding the truth of his friend's death. It's not that he's unable to accept his friend's death either. Togata's putting his full trust into believing in his friend is alright. He's believing that his friend is still alive and kicking out there.

"I'm sure that you'll be able to see that friend again, Togata-senpai." Izuku said, smiled softly at the senior hunter.

"Yeah, I hope to see him again soon." Togata said and stood up, placing his hands on his hip. "Anyway, do you want to go for another round once you're done resting?"

Giving Togata a determined look, Izuku nodded his head. "Yes please!"


When Katsuki return back to the headquarters, he was stunned when he find out that Izuku's inside their room, sitting on the bed with bruises on his cheek, arm and abdomen.

"Ah, welcome back Kacchan-" Izuku paused when he saw the expression that Katsuki has. His face was dark and he looks like he's going to murder someone on the spot and that's rather frightening. Izuku gulped when Katsuki looms over him. The blond is always angry but this... is a whole new level.

"Oi, what the fuck is going on? Why do you look like shit? Answer me, you shitty Deku." Katsuki asked in a very deep and low voice.

"I-I got it during m-my training with Togata-senpai. B-but it'll heal soon so it's alright!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Why are you training with that guy?"

"Because I-I wanted to become stronger and reliable!"

Katsuki continue to stare at him without saying another word and that makes things even scarier for Izuku. A silence Katsuki is way scarier than a Katsuki who is screaming and shouting curses. Then, the blond rise a hand and Izuku shut his eyes, preparing himself for a scolding or a beating. But to his surprise, all Katsuki did is dropping a paper bag that contain something on his lap.

"K-Kacchan? This is...?"

"Just shut up and take it. It's the shitty book you wanted."

Remembering how he asked Katsuki to get him a book about hand signal, Izuku's green eyes lights up in happiness. "Thank you very much, Kacchan! How much is it? I'll pay you back."

"No need for that."

"That won't do! You've already given me so much things!"

"You're not ever earning money yet so how the fuck are you going to pay me back?"


"Anyway, you better get ready soon. We're going out for a patrol tonight so go grab something to eat and heal those ugly bruises."

"Okay, Kacchan."

Katsuki watches as Izuku got off the bed and leave the room, probably heading to the cafeteria. He couldn't believe that Izuku would go and start training with Togata without him knowing. Katsuki has a very good guess on why Izuku made this decision. The nerd probably wanted to become stronger so that he can protect Katsuki and the other people. The weak extras aside, Katsuki doesn't need any protection from Izuku. In fact, Izuku's the one who need protection right now.

Izuku's sire already has his sight on him and if that's bad enough. If that fucking bastard were to order Izuku to follow him and Katsuki couldn't stop them, it will be all over.

Fucking hell, it would certainly be the best if Katsuki can find Izuku's sire and kill him. That way, Izuku will be free from the curse that's known as the 'bond' between a sire and the fledgling.


Thankfully, nothing happened during their patrol and they return back to the headquarters. After bathing and having their dinner together, the duo is now back in their room. Turning the lights off, Katsuki climb up to his bed and lay down.

"Good night, Kacchan."

"Good night, nerd."

Because of how busy he usually is, Katsuki can always fall asleep in less than five minutes. But tonight, he couldn't fall sleep. The night where the blood moon rise is coming soon and they would need to get ready for it. It's the same every time on that night. There will be many deaths and injuries from both human and vampire's side.

It's going to be a tough battle and Katsuki's not looking forward to it not matter how badly he wanted to kill all those blood suckers off. Izuku and his sire going to be involved in this batter this time and Katsuki need to keep an eye out for the shitty nerd.

A soft groan was heard, followed by some soft muttering and Katsuki grumbled under his breath. Seriously, what the fuck? Izuku's always muttering when he's awake and he's going to mutter in his fucking sleep too?

Climbing down, Katsuki was about to yell at Izuku when he saw the look he's making. Izuku's brows is frowning and he's making this pained expression. Is he having a fucking nightmare? If so, what the hell is he dreaming about?

"No... not this... please don't die Kacchan..." Izuku muttered.

Katsuki was stunned when he heard that. Did Izuku dreamed about him dying or something? What a pain in the ass, he already told Izuku that he's not planning to kick the bucket and yet this stupid nerd dreamed about him dying?

Placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder, Katsuki begin to shake him in order to wake him up from the shitty nightmare. "Oi, fucking wake up Deku!"

Green eyes snapped open in shock and fright. Izuku blinked and slowly turn his head to the side, staring at Katsuki with a very confused expression. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Izuku asked in a soft voice, "K-Kacchan? I-is there something wrong?"

"You're having a nightmare and you keep muttering in your sleep and that's fucking annoying."

"Ah... I'm really sorry about that..."

While Katsuki may not be able to see as clearly as Izuku, he can see the small movement that he's making. Izuku's probably trying to hide it but Katsuki can see that his hands are trembling. Whatever that he dreamed about must have scary enough to make him act like this.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Katsuki asked.

"Talk about what?"

"Your fucking nightmare, dumbass."

"No, I'm fine... it's no big deal."

"Are you fucking sure?"


"Then you better stay quiet. If I hear you muttering again, I'm kicking you out of the room." Katsuki warned. He's willing to hear Izuku out if he want to talk about his nightmare. But if he doesn't want to talk about it then fine, it's not like Katsuki can force it out of him either. Just when Katsuki's about to climb up to his bed, Izuku spoke up in a timid voice.

"Um, Kacchan?"


"N-no, on a second thought never mind."

"Tch, if you got something you want to say then say it."

Izuku saw the glare that Katsuki's giving him and he hesitated for a moment. Clenching his fists, Izuku finally bring himself to ask a very embarrassing question. No, rather than a question, this is more of a request.

"...C-can you sleep with me? I-I don't mean it in a w-weird way. I mean if you don't mind, can you lay down next to me?"

Katsuki stare at Izuku with a dumbfounded look. This wasn't what he was expecting and it seriously caught him off guard. But for some reason, Izuku's request made him remember something from the past. When they are little, there was a time where Izuku stay over for the night and they accidentally saw a horror movie. Katsuki doesn't find it scary at all but Izuku was different. He remember how Izuku was crying while asking him if he can sleep together with him for the night.

In the end, Katsuki allowed Izuku to sleep on the same bed as him. He also remember how they held hands as they fall asleep.

"...We're not fucking kids anymore." Katsuki said.

"I-I know." Izuku relied with a small blush.

Letting out a sigh, Katsuki reach up and grab his pillow. "The bed is only meant for one person so don't complain if you find it too squeezy, shitty Deku."

Izuku smiled and nodded his head happily as he move over to the side, making some space for Katsuki. "I won't complain. Thank you very much, Kacchan."

Lying down, Katsuki saw how Izuku's grinning at him and he turn around so that his back is facing him. "Stop grinning like a fucking freak, it's disgusting."

"S-sorry, it's just that I'm really happy about it."

"Tch, just go to sleep already."


For a while, Katsuki keep staring into the dark ahead of him. Once he's sure that Izuku has fallen asleep, he slowly turn over without making much movement that might wake him up. As expected, Izuku's already soundly asleep but this time, his expression is peaceful looking. Without thinking, Katsuki gently touch Izuku's pale cheek. It's the same when they held hands. Katsuki tried not to think about it but whenever they held hands, he finds the lack of warmth is extremely upsetting.

Izuku really has the worst luck out there. Out of so many people in this town, he just had to be the one to get attacked by a pure blood vampire. Honestly, he doesn't deserve any of this fucking bullshit. If the past can be changed, Katsuki would gladly choose to become a vampire in Izuku's place.

"What am I to you?"

Remembering Izuku's words, Katsuki internally cursed. Even now, he still doesn't has the answer to that question. To Katsuki, Izuku's important to him and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. But is he caring for Izuku as a friend or something that's more than being friends? What are the fucking difference?

Damn it, feelings and emotions are way too fucking troublesome.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in another place...

Leaning on the tree, a teen with messy indigo hair let out a pained sound as he eyed his injured leg. He was in the middle of feeding when a group of vampire hunters suddenly ambush him. Even though he tried to run with all of his might, the number of people that's chasing after him is too much for him to handle. He can't outrun all of them at once, resulting in getting shot in the arm and leg.

It will take some time for his injuries to heal but won't easy for him to get away with an injured leg. This forest is huge so he should be able to find some hiding spot. Humans can't see in the dark so if he can hid somewhere, they shouldn't be able to notice him-

He heard a gunshot and let out a cried when he felt a sharp pain on his back. He begin to panic when he felt that his body is starting to become numb and weak. There's no mistake about it. He has been shot by a tranquilizer dart. This is really bad, he need to move now before he lost his strength completely.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to run without putting too much strength into his injured leg. He couldn't get away far enough and he was shot by another tranquilizer dart. To his horror, the moment he tried to take a small step forward, his knee give out on him and he collapse on the ground.

"It's no use... it's all over for me...!" he thought. He froze when the sound of footsteps running towards him was heard. Soon, he was surrounded by the hunters who is probably going to kill him. He doesn't want to die and he's afraid of death but... if dying can put him out of his misery, then maybe it's not that bad.

"We finally got him." one of the hunters said.

"To think that he's still conscious even after we shot him with two tranquilizer darts..."

"What should we do now? Kill him?"

The leader of the group thought for a while before he finally made his decision. "No, we'll send him back to where he came from."


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." The leader nodded his head and look at the wounded vampire sadly. "I heard that they got a vampire working with them right now. So I'm sure that they will surly accept him."

"No, I don't want to go back...anything but that...!" the vampire internally pleaded. If he need to make a choice, he'd prefer these hunters killing him instead of sending him back to his former organization. Unable to fight the sleepiness anymore, he close his eyes and fall unconscious.


A/N: The pain and suffering is going to start very soon so grab your popcorns and prepare yourself for it :D

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