marauders -

By hotchsangerissues

687K 20.1K 17.6K

𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗮 ⭑ fear of falling in love | venus fell in love once. it was rather magical. now, she... More

act i
scene i
scene ii
scene ii.i
scene iii
scene iv
scene v
scene vi
scene vi.i
scene vii
scene viii
scene ix
scene x
scene xi
scene xii
act ii
scene i
scene ii
scene iii
scene iv
scene v
scene vi
scene vii
scene viii
scene ix
scene x
scene xi
scene xii
act iii
scene i
scene iii
scene iv
scene v
scene vi
scene vii
scene viii
scene ix
scene x
scene xi
scene xii
act iv - last scene

scene ii

9.2K 325 429
By hotchsangerissues

O C T O B E R, 1 9 7 7


COMPLETELY ABSORBED IN her Charms essay, Venus hadn't heard someone sit next to her. "Hey", the boy said as she slightly jumped from her seat.

"Merlin Remus"

She almost shouted if Professor McGonagall hadn't looked towards the twins. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", he stated with a soft smile as she couldn't help but smile back at him.

"We have to talk", the werewolf said as Venus lifted an eyebrow. "About?"

"Not here"

He quickly replied before the twins walked towards an empty classroom. "What did you want to talk about?", she questioned as Remus couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.

He wasn't sure how his sister would react. Hell he wasn't sure how he would react when he finally told her.


"I'm bi"

He blurred out without a warning. Straight forward. Well not so straight.

"You're bi?", Venus asked her brother while raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I like girls and boys", he followed as the girl simply pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you. And I love you so much"

"You're not mad?"

The werewolf asked his twin sister as she frowned her eyebrows. "Mad? Why would I be mad? If you're happy that's all that matters"

A hand grabbed Sirius's wrist as he was pulled into an empty classroom. "Merlin Reggie, do you not know what talking is?"

The boy questioned his younger brother who nervously rubbed his neck. " okay look. You might hate me after this but I just had to tell you. You're still my brother", the curly haired boy stated causing his brother to raise an eyebrow.

"Go on, Reg"

"I'm gay"

"And I think I'm in love with Remus"

The boy blurred out as his eyes starred down at his shoes. He waited. And waited for words to come out of his brothers mouth.


No words were needed when Sirius pulled Regulus into a hug. The young Slytherin felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders as he sunk into his brothers arms.

"I'm proud of you"

Sirius whispered to his younger brother. Regulus had always seemed for his brothers approval, and getting it. It was something he never would've gotten from his parents.

"I won't tell, I know how hard it is. Please be careful" the eldest brother said with a sad smile causing his brother to nod.

"Now, about you liking my mate that's a different story"

"So like you're a 100% okay with me being..", Remus started before being cut off by his twin sister. "Damnit Lupin, yes! I'm more than okay with it"

"On that note, I think I'm in love with Regulus"

The girl barely processed what her brother had said when a squealed escaped her mouth. "Ahhh Remus this is amazing! My best friend and my brother!", she shouted while jumping up in down in excitement.

"Merlin, why are you so cheerful?"

"Have you kissed him?"

Venus cut him off as the boy turned a deep shade of red. "So you did. How many times?"

"7 or 8 times...."

"Remus John Lupin I want details! Now!"

She spat at the werewolf who couldn't help but chuckle at his sisters reaction. He couldn't have asked for a better sister.

"He's amazing. Like-..urgh he's so perfect. I swear those Black genes are attractive"

He stated with a huge grin on his face while Venus pressed a hand on her mouth. Trying to contain the screaming to a minimum.

"You deserve to be happy Remmy. But you have to be careful. Promise me you'll be careful", Venus asked her brother who simply nodded.

"I promise, V"

"What do you mean just tell him? Have you gone mental?" Regulus shouted to his older brother.

"Remus is a simple man. Bring him chocolate. Tell him how you feel. Snog a little"

He started stating as his younger brother rolled his eyes. "Us snogging is none of your business"

"So you have!"

"Did not say that!"

"Didn't have too"

The boys argued as they glared at each other. "Merlin I hate you", Regulus mumbled causing Sirius to chuckle loudly. "No you don't"

"What do I do? This is serious Sirius"

Regulus stated while Sirius couldn't help the grin on his face. "I wasn't kidding about the chocolate. He loves it"

"But now you have to help me"

"What could the grande Sirius Black need help with?"

The curly black haired asked with an amused smile as Sirius blushed heavily.



did y'all like this sort
of chapter? where we can
see the two sides of the main characters.

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