Guns & Diamonds.

By AaliyahSione

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On the west coast of the United States, lies the city of Los Angeles. At night, this city is where you would... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
The End.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

273 10 0
By AaliyahSione


I lied on my hard bed with my bottle of pills on my side. The pills were all I had. I copped them from some crack head in the court yard the other day, and with the crappy security around here, chances are I wouldn't get caught with them.

I untwisted the top of the bottle and poured out two in my hand. I swallowed them whole and put the top back on. I knew that Aaliyah would be upset if she knew about this, but I was starting not to care anymore.

I didn't reallycare about my life anymore. I was thirteen years old in jail for attempted murder, and I knew that I was going to end up getting more time since I technically broke into Justin's home. Not to mention, I had an unregistered weapon.

How stupid was that? Probably eleven on the meter.

I was actually pretty shocked that I was still living. All the pills that I have been taking seemed to be killing me slowly. Still, I didn't care.

Hopefully, I'll die soon.



I stood there as Jenny stayed on my side. A mean looking woman with glasses turned and gave us a funny looked.

"Excuse me, but may I ask what you two young ladies are doing in my class?"

"I'm Jenny Ortiz." Jenny said. "And, this is my sister, Bella. We just received schedules from the office, and it said that History was our first period."

"Well, I'm Mrs. Clark." She smirked. "Please, close the door and take a seat."

Jenny and I took a seat in the front of the classroom. When I looked over, I saw Alfonso sitting next to me. "I didn't even see you there." I smiled.

He laughed, "What's up, Bella?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

He looked over at Jenny, "And you?"

"Same here." She mumbled.

"What's next after this class?" I inquired.

"We have algebra." He answered, "He's p—"

"Alfonso!" Mrs. Clark cut him off.

He sighed a long sigh, as if he was aggravated. "What?"

"Didn't I say no talking earlier?" She snapped. "I'm tired of your disrespect!"

"I'm tired of you!" He exclaimed.

"Get out." She pointed to the door.

"About time." He said as he got up, and walked out of the classroom door.

15 minutes later, Alfonso peeked in the door, flashing his white teeth. "Can I come in?"

"No!" Mrs. Clark barked. "Get out!"

Alfonso walked in anyway. He began walking around the classroom, shoving books and papers off of every desk.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Clark asked. "Stop!"

He looked over at her, then began walking towards her desk. She gave him a mean look, then took a sip of her coffee. When he got to her, he shoved every single book, folder, file and paper off of her desk. Everyone gasped as she gave him a surprised look.

"You better—"

He suddenly snatched the coffee out of her hand and threw it on her. The whole class burst into laughter as she gave him a furious look, wiping the coffee off of her face.

I knew he was in trouble then.



At lunch time it was only Dalilah and I sitting at the table. Well, technically it only felt like I was here because she hadn't said a word to me since I sat down. I guess it was because Alfonso hadn't come yet. But, I had it worse than her. I could only see my boyfriend behind a glass.

Soon enough, Alfonso walked into the lunchroom along with Jenny and Bella. They all sat down and Jenny looked around, giving off a confused look.

"What?" Alfonso asked.

"Is there a person we can notify that we're here?" She inquired.

"Why would anyone care that we're here?" Dalilah asked. "We're a bunch of nobodies."

"So they can bring our food out to us." Jenny said. "Duh."

Alfonso and I gave each other a weird look then looked over at her. "May we remind you that we're at Hazel wood?"

"The most ghetto school in California." Alfonso added.

"We don't have 5 star meals that get brought out to us when we ring a bell." I chuckled.

"If you want to eat, then go get in line." Dalilah pointed to the long line of people.

"Fine." She said.

I watched as Jenny got up from the table and walked towards the other side of the lunchroom to get in line. She looked disappointed as she waited behind what seemed thirty kids.

When she finally got to the front of the line, she grabbed a tray and the cafeteria workers put the "food" they supposedly cooked onto the tray. Her face was priceless when looked onto her tray. But who could blame her?

Just as she was making her way back to the table, the tray slipped through her fingers and food fell all over onto her boots. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed excluding us as she gasped in horror.

She then stormed out and Dalilah shook her head. I knew she wasn't going to be very happy when we got home.



It's been almost a week since I found out Anthony's plan. I don't know why I actually cared, but I did. I wish I had a way to stop it, but I couldn't.

Anthony had called me over, and I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I sold him out. Hopefully I could ease my way out of the gang before he found out that I did. I didn't know what I could do. I should have never got myself into this gang in the first place.

When I arrived at his house, I walked in and the whole room was foggy. I wasn't really surprised, though, because he had done this pretty much every day. I knew that by the time I left tonight I'd be contact high. I closed the door and sat down on the couch in front of him.

"What's up about this Jenny situation?" I inquired.

He shrugged, "Haven't even found any clues yet."

"Good," I thought to myself.

At this rate, I could keep Jenny safe. I had my own plan up my sleeve, and Anthony didn't even know that he was helping.

"Well, I found some clues." I said. "I'm glad you called me over here."

"Great." He smiled as he put his blunt down. "Spill it all."

I wanted to quit, but I knew I couldn't because Anthony would kill me. I realized I had fucked up on everything-- My relationship with Nichole, my reputation. My life, really. I couldn't even press the reverse button, either.

Aaliyah, Dalilah and Bella were all sitting in the living room.

I watched as Bella tried to paint her nails, while Dalilah was just listening to music. I was so bored and I felt frustrated, and I didn't even know why. All of a sudden, Jenny barged through the front door.

She stormed into the kitchen and got an energy drink out of the fridge, and rolled her eyes at me.

 "This is all your fault!" She barked.

"Yo, what's your problem?"

"You ruined my whole life!" Jenny snapped. "That's my problem!"

"I ruined your life?" I asked. "Your perfect, rich, spoiled life? Tell me how, Jenny?!"

"I didn't want to move here." She growled. "I did not want to come to your school, okay? You always have to do something dumb to mess up someone's life! You know why Daniel's in jail? Because of you!"

"You're so stuck up!" I shouted. "Why don't you just move back home and get shot! What about that?"

"That sounds way better than being in this dump."

"Cool." I nodded.

I followed her up the stairs and she tried to pack her things. I grabbed her other things and threw them out of the window. She frowned and went downstairs with her other suitcase. Dalilah and Bella tried to stop her, but she wasn't budging.

I opened the front door and Jenny walked out of the apartment. "Have a fucking blast." I growled as I slammed the door.

 I stormed up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. I sat there on the floor, kind of regretting what I just did. 

But, at the same time, I didn't. Jenny was so spoiled, and she never knew how I felt. Did she really think I enjoyed the situation? I don't even know why they're trying to kill me! Of course, she wouldn't know that because all she ever thinks about is herself.

Everything has to be glittery and gold for her, and she doesn't realize I can't help my lifestyle. If she cares so much, why doesn't she help my mom out. We're barely making it!

While Aaliyah was upstairs, Dalilah was just sitting there in shock. A huge argument between Jenny and Aaliyah broke out of nowhere!

"That was so overrated." I shook my head.

"I swear." Bella sighed.

"Jenny needs to come back, she's going to get killed."

"I doubt she's going to come back." Bella shrugged.

I groaned, "Ugh."

"I'm going to bed." Bella said as she trailed up the stairs.

I couldn't believe how they were both acting. I shook my head and texted Alfonso on what was going on.

After the conversation with him, I put my phone down and went upstairs. I opened Aaliyah's bedroom door to see her and Bella knocked out on the bed.  I went and layed down on the other side of the bed, and went to Sleep.

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