Chapter Twenty-Five.

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It was only a little after one, and Aaliyah was walking home from Daniel's home.

Words couldn't describe how mad I was, simply because my mom didn't even bother to show up to the cookout like she promised she would. When I arrived back at my apartment, I stepped in the door and saw my mother.

She was standing against the counter, drinking. Tequila I was guessing. I immediately frowned, I hated when my mother drank.

"Mom, I can't believe you didn't even come!"

"I was busy," She shrugged, "Stuck at work. I came home too late, and I would have guessed that the cookout was over, so I stayed home." She took another sip of her drink.

"Ugh." I groaned.

I didn't know what to say. I guess I couldn't really be mad at her.

"Well, I hope you can come next time." I said as I slowly trailed up the stairs.

I went into my bedroom and layed down on my bed. I was extremely tired. I looked outside of my window to see people still setting off firecrackers.

I smiled. Alot was on my mind-- Daniel, and my birthday. I couldn't believe Daniel was going to be fourteen next week, and I was going to be fourteen next month. Daniel had always teased me because I was younger than him. I laughed at the thought of that, because I was only a month behind.

Just then, I heard my mother blast some Jenni Rivera. I knew she had to be stressed, because blasting Jenni Rivera was her only way of relaxing. I didn't even feel like bothering her anymore, so I layed my head down and slowly drifted off to sleep to the music.

Anthony had his plan all set.

In the next week or so, I was going to hunt Jenny down. Since I already knew where she lived, it was easier for me. Though I had second thoughts about this, sometimes, I knew this was no time to feel bad.

This was Gang Business. If I killed her, I would have to with no heart at all. I had to get this done as soon as I could, because I never knew what their next move could be, and if it could ruin my plan or not.


The security had let Daniel sit in the court yard.

I was surrounded by fence. Little did they know, that anyone could just climb over. This jail was raggedy, and the fences weren't even electric. I shook my head.

Anyways, I sat the farthest away from everyone, in the shade. I wasn't very associative with anybody, and I didn't trust anyone. I was simply minding my own business until a stranger walked towards me.

He was dark and had curly hair. He looked about my age. He looked down on me since I was sitting down against the wall.

"What's up?" He asked in his Brooklyn accent.

"And, you are?"

"Daren, but just call me 'Dee.'"

"Okay, Dee?"

"What you in for?" He asked.

"Shot a dude." I shrugged.

"You seem straight to the point." He nodded.


"You messing with females?" He asked. "No gay shit, though."

"Yeah." I smiled, thinking about Aaliyah. "I have one right now, though."

"For-real?" He chuckled. "Please."


"Females are worse than dudes." He shook his head. "They leave you in a split second. Do you really think she's going to stay with you? No female wants a man in jail."

Guns & Diamonds. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن