By chandanaDas3

26.5K 891 208

hi! i am a big prashra fan ! this is my 4th fan fiction.forgive me if u find any grammar mistake! More

introduction or character sketch
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48

chapter 27

446 20 11
By chandanaDas3

Prabhas looks deeply into the girls eyes and was taken aback as he was thunderstruck......his eyes goes widen and widen.....he stumbles in shock...he whispers

Pra: amritha

She was looking at him in rage full eyes immediately pushed him and was yet again abt to jump from the window......but Prabhas anger rose up seeing thz.....he pulled her towards him holding her wrist and pins her to wall as the consequence her veil falls from her face revealing her face fully to him

Yes!! Amritha is non other than amritha.....prabhas was already confused nt of tat the girl is amritha by seeing her big doe hazel eyes filled with lots of emotion which he always failed to understand.he looks at her with blood shot eyes whereas she was also looking into his eyes matching his anger

Pra:wat the hell is thz amritha

He said in a dangerous tone holding her by the shoulder while she looked straight into his eyes not replying him back

Pra: answer me......y did u came here and those papers
Wats tat y did u steal it?.....answer me

He shouts in anger ordering her to reply him while she pushes him angrily with all her strength and replies

Am: enough is enough Mr Prabhas Chakraborty...don't u dare to order me
Pra:ohh the amritha who used be a scary chicken.....who doesn't dare to look into my all of a sudden turn into a tigress huh!

He said raising his eyebrows looking straight into her eyes waiting for a her reply.......whereas amritha bursts into laugh and haha i
wasn't scared of u..i have never feared of was just i played a small game.....I made u fool  Mr Chakraborty I made u fool got tat

She said flipping her finger infront him.....while Prabhas stands calm....if it was another in the place of her raising a voice and daring to speak Prabhas Chakraborty in such a tone he would've shown hell to tat now it's abt amritha his amritha....he raises his eyebrows looking at her

Pra:(calm tone)can I know the reason behind thz bloody game u played with us
Am:(raises her eyebrows) reason....u wanna know huh! The reason is thz file I wanted thz file which was with u MR Chakraborty......i was never scared of anyone.....not u and not even of those b*t*he's my step mom and sister but I just pretend to be only to get thz papers......
She said pointing the file which she was holding in her hand..........while Prabhas immediately snatches the file from her hand and opens it and was surprised to see the documents in the file

Pra:(surprise) property papers of Nair house but how came u know it is with me
Am:yeah it is a property papers.......da day i was trying to elope from ur mansion was to get thz property papers with those b*t*he's which i was trying to do all thz years but every time every time I failed to get thz papers from them.....but then after u caught me from eloping....I heard ur conversation with Johan


Johan: accha haa sir tat u heard amritha mams and their mother conversation.......she was humiliating mam sir I think thz is the reason mam tried to elope from here

Pra:i wanna make tat old lady suffer how dare she compelled amritha to leave the house.....i know thz type of  lady's r behind money so i will snatch da same money from her.....(looks at Johan) u get me the property papers of tat Nair house Johan

Johan nodes and leaves from there

Flashback ends

Am:tat was then I decided to stay at ur place only to get thz property papers Mr Chakraborty

Prabhas was abt speak something but just then they hears some sounds...... both turns and finds a person on the window
Amritha looks at the person with a smile while the person looks concern


Varun:(concern)ami.....u okay he(looks at Prabhas)did he......
Am:(interrupts)yes......Mr Chakraborty got to know everything.....(looks at Prabhas)i don't have any enmity with u MR my work is over I got way I longed for.....thank u coz some where u r da reason I got my  property papers......bye

Prabhas stands confused not knowing who is now......but still he registered each word of amritha in his mind....... thus when she was abt to leave he holds her wrist

Pra:(calm tone)i never thought u will be such a greedy person for money

Am:(jerks)yes I am.........I'm a greedy person and I don't prefer to give u any sort of explanation regarding thz..... (to varun) let's go
Varun:(nodes) okay ami
He smiles and holds her hand........ Prabhas eyes turned blood shot eyes as he looks at their hands inter wind with eachother..they were abt to leave but is it possible them to do it isn't possible she played with the devil now it's turn for devil...........he immediately holds her wrist and pulls her closer to him

Am: Prabhas Chakraborty

Her anger roses up.....she takes out the gun from her pocket and point towards Prabhas while he looked into her eyes matching her anger

Am:how dare u......u will never change be ready for ur end Mr Chakraborty

Pointing gun to his forehead.....she smirks and pulls the trigger.....prabhas smirks as well looking straight into her eyes.....she boils in anger seeing the smirks on his face and was abt to shoot him.....but at meantime Prabhas holds the gun and turns it towards amritha in one go taking the control of he is pointing the gun on amritha's forehead.amritha and varun looks on shock.......... but still amritha looks into his eyes with out any fear of her life

Pra:no amritha......u should always remember that I'm Prabhas Chakraborty who can never lose over it's time for ur end

Varun:(worried)no...plz leave her any leave all thz.....let's go from here

Prabhas looks at varun and then transfer his gaze on amritha...he looks straight into her eyes and takes off the gun from her forehead.....

Pra:damn I cannot kill u.....I can't.....

He bangs his hand on the table while amritha and varun looks confused..he looks at amritha and pulls her closer to him by her waist

Pra:how can I kill can I kill da girl who made me crazy for her..... who made me fall for her....who made me to feel love for can i

He said gripping his hands on her waist tighter and tighter..........while amritha and varun looks on shock...he  tightens his grip more on her

Am: leave me......
Varun:Mr Chakraborty plz leave amu look.....

His words left Prabhas turns towards him and shoots his leg in rage....varun screams in pain falling on his knees......while amritha looks on shock and concerned

Am:(concern) varun!!(looks at Prabhas) u bloody Casanova leave me

She struggles to free herself from his hold.....while he pulls her more closer to him
Pra:how dare he hold ur hand......he touched ur hand how dare he...u r just
mine.....only mine

Am: just shut up.....who the hell r u to decided who should touch me and who shouldn''s non for ur business so stay out of my life

Pra:my business huh......let me show u my business

He frees her from his grip....she looks at varun who was screamed in pain and was abt to go towards him....but Prabhas holds her hand and drags her from there

Am: leave me........leave me......varun.. varun......his leg is hurt leave me.....

She shouts at Prabhas but Prabhas ignores her words and drags her towards the car.....opens the door of car and pushes her inside.......

Pra: Johan take the boy to hospital

He said Johan who was viewing the scenario confusedly but then nodes obeying his boss...while amritha takes a relief and was abt to step out of the car...but yet again Prabhas pushes her inside the car and looks the door

While she bangs the window in anger

Am: open the
She bangs.....prabhas ignores her and goes towards his side.....opens the car and sits inside the car....amritha turns and looks at him.

Am:open the door...bloody womansier open
She beats him......he holds her hand angrily and drives the car..they leaves from there

Am: leave me.....i said leave me

She shouts as Prabhas drags her inside the PC Mansion completely ignoring her words

It seems neha has already sleep and so all the servants........thus,the mansion was dark no lights.....but the fire in the devil's eyes was brightness the mansion

Prabhas eyes is filled with rage who's one glare can kill any person but amritha too matches his anger not fearing of it's time for devil and there is no angel..they itself r devil and angel to eachother

He drags her inside the room and frees her from his hold........she gets happy and was abt to walk out from the room...but in the meantime he  pushes her a lil and looks the door..... while she beats him with her tiny hands

Am: open the

She keeps on shouting while her hands were busy in beating his back.... he  gets irritated and immediately turns after looking the door....holds her both the hands and pulls her closer to him by waist

They looks into eachother eyes......her eyes were reflecting while his eyes filled with lust, obsession....and....*love*.....yes there was love too through his new found love came across a betrayal by her..... still there is a love in his eyes

(Someone save my poor heart..don't blame me some 18+ material coming up)

Thank u all 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Love u all ❤️❤️

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