Starting A Family

By Nova_Angelo

3.3K 106 22

SEQUEL to Experiments, kidnappings and old enemies, oh my. Chris finds out he is pergnant and must come to te... More

It's A Bean Shape
Moving On Up
The Naming Process
Let's get it on, Not
Looking A Little Big, Aren't We
An Unexpected Tongue Lashing
Fourth of July pt.1
Fourth of July pt. 2
Baby Themes?
Setting Up
Wesker-Redfield Redfield-Wesker
They're Here

Congrat's Mr. Redfield

643 10 1
By Nova_Angelo

Alright this is the sequel to Experiment, kidnappings and old enemies, oh my. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and Zhane, all else belongs to Capcom.

Warnings: violence, cursing, yaoi in other chapters, Mpreg.

I.S.: it's Chris' Inner Sarcasm that has come to life because of the virus. 


Congrat's Mister Redfield, you're having a baby.

It's been two days since I took that test; I'm still not ready to accept it. I still think that virus is causing it to read a false positive. I'm not ready to accept the possibility that I can get pregnant it's just too far out there, even with what I've seen. I.S. seems to think differently, he's all excited about the possibility that I'm going to have a kid. If it even was possible, think of how messed up the kid would be. How would he or she explain it at school? 'Well teacher my dad actually gave birth to me, and no he wasn't a woman before.'

I don't know what to do, it's not like I can tell anyone. A) They wouldn't believe me and B) they'd have to do test's and I'm not comfortable with that. I'm thinking that the only person I could go to would be . He might be able to help me or at least tell me if I'm crazy and blowing this way out of proportion. The only problem is that I don't know where he is and I'm not sure if I can trust him completely.

'If he tries anything you know what you can do. Besides I think that he'd most likely be afraid of you.'

'Fine that almost solves one problem. But where would I even begin to look for him, mad ?'

'He's actually closer then you think.'

'What do you mean? Is he looking for me?'

'No. but he does have a place not that far from here.'

'You mean he lives in Colorado?'

'Yes. I think I could find him if you want. You know sniff him out.'

I can feel my mouth lifting up into a smirk, 'Why do you have to make it sound like I'm a dog?'

He shrugs, 'I don't know, so are you up to it? Do you want to find him?'

I'm not exactly sure I'm up to it anymore; I didn't think it would be this easy.

'You promise you won't hold me back if I thinks something's up?'

'Well I mean if your feelings plausible then sure you have my word. But remember you might be pissed because of what he did and if you just attack him off the bat then we'll never find out -until it's to late- what we want to know.'

'I guess that's as good as I can hope for.'

I pack a few things into a bag not sure how long I'll be gone. I give Claire a call, I tell her I'm going out for a few days and not to get worried. I promise her that I'll be careful and tell her I love her before hanging up. I decide to bring my cell just incase something does happen or she needs to get a hold of me. I grab my bag and head for the door, throwing a quick glance over my shoulder before leaving. 'I hope I'm doing the right thing.'

'I think it's the smart thing, he is the one that did this to you he might be able to find out what's going on.'

I hop into my car and let I.S. take semi-control; he did say he could find him.


An hour later and I'm still driving, I.S. keeps telling me that we're getting closer and closer. When exactly are we going to get there is what I want to know. I'm a little surprised that we're still within a town, I figured he'd be holed up somewhere away from civilization.

'He's not a recluse Chris; he does have contact with the outside world.'

'Yeah well, I'm just going off of every other psycho I've dealt with. Their base of operation isn't normally within a town, or even remotely close to one.'

'Oh were getting close, make a right here.'

Doing as he says I sense it as well. I may not smell him or what ever but I can feel it.

A few more minutes of driving and he has me pulling into a dirt and gravel drive way.

'This is a house, are you sure this is the right place?'

'Positive, he is defiantly here.'

I trust him somewhat and stop the car, I turn off the engine and sit for a few minutes debating if I can really just walk right up and ring his doorbell.

' Come on it can't be that bad, just get out and do it or I'll make you myself.'

'Well I guess I really don't have a choice either way then do I?'

Not bothering to wait for an answer I get out of the car and walk slowly up the steps. The front door is just that, a door. Nothing sinister looking, it's not a huge metal one with a dead bolt or anything. Nothing about this place feels dangerous, in fact it's almost inviting. The little flower garden on each side of the steps, the swinging deck chair; it all screams the complete opposite of a deranged scientist.

'Are you sure he's here?'

'For the last time Chris just ring the bell.'

So I do. It's a simple ding-dong sounding door bell, I wait a few seconds but I don't hear anyone approaching. I ring it again and knock for good measure.

"Hold on I'm coming."

'Yep it's defiantly him.'

'I told ya.'

He sounds so smug and I know he's smirking. I just manage to change my facial expressions before the door opens.

"How can I-"He stops in mid-sentence when he see's it's me. And then he's slamming the door shut. That was rude. I knock again, and when he doesn't answer or open the door I knock once more.

"Come on I know that you're inside. Look I just came here to ask some questions, alright? I promise I won't kill you or hurt you in any form." There's silence on the other end, but then I hear the sound of the door being unlocked and then it's opened slightly. He's looking out at me with one eye, hiding most of his body behind the door.


"Can't I at least come in?"

He debates it for a second but agrees and opens the door wider so I can get in. Looking around the place looks pretty average. He's got a TV and a couch in the living room, the walls are painted white. Nice hardwood flooring through out the whole place. He walks to the kitchen and I follow him. I notice the pictures on the wall, some of them are of him when he was younger and others have I'm assuming family members. The kitchen isn't any different. It's got a fridge, stove, microwave and cabinets. The counter tops are an emerald green color and the same hardwood is on the floor. There is even a lap top sitting on the counter, there's a page pulled up indicating that he was on it before I had interrupted him.

When I turn and look back at him his arms are crossed and he's giving me a skeptical look.

"What did you want?"

Jeeze the guy sure is moody when he isn't injecting a deadly virus into someone.

"I want to know if the virus could screw up a body system."

"What, you are going to have to be more specific; in fact you are going to have to make sense. I have no idea what you mean."

His face shows traces of annoyance, the nerve of this guy. The least he could do is answer some freaking questions with out getting all bent out of shape.

"I mean like, theresnowayIcouldgetpregantisthere?"

I ask him in a rush, he looks even more confused then before.

"All I got out of that was something about being pregnant. Could you say it one more time, and make sure there's a slight pause between words if you please."

I take in huge breath debate weather or not to release it, I decide that I don't want to die and let it out.

"There's no way I could... get pregnant right?"

He blinks slowly with his mouth open and forming a slight 'o' shape. His eyes are slightly squinted and I can tell he thinks I'm crazy.

"Assuming that I heard you correctly I just want to know that you know that you're a guy and that that's not even remotely possible."

"Look I've witnessed a lot of crazy shit these past few years, and I am aware that I'm a guy. But could you please just answer my question."

"No, I don't see how it would be possible for you to get pregnant."

"Even if you took the virus in to account?"

"Right, it wasn't designed to alter your reproductive organs in any form."

"But let's just say that it did, I mean you didn't know it was going to kill me did you?"

He's startled when I mention that, he quickly regains his composure though and answers with a simple nod. "I guess, but still I don't think that it could happen."

"Look doc, I'm having mood swings, cravings, weird dreams and let's not forget the nausea. Hell I even peed on one of those stick thingies and it said I was, twice." I hold up two fingers to really drive my point home.

He let's out a humorless laugh, "you used a home pregnancy kit?"

"That's beside the point. Now please you're the only person I can really go to about this. Isn't there something you can do to see, you are a doctor right?"

"Yes but I got my doctorates degree for bio-chemistry. I'm not an obstetrician."

At my blank stare he explains further.

"A baby doctor, I don't have any of the equipment or knowledge of what to do."

"Couldn't you learn, please? There has to be something that might work."

"An ultra sound maybe, but it really depends on how far along some one is. Let's say that I do believe you and decide to help you, what then? You can't tell your family or friends, people at work will notice, how exactly are you going to handle this?"

"One step at a time, I don't even know if I really am pregnant first of all, and secondly I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."

He snorts, "Alright fine, I'll see what I need to do and then I guess we'll go from there."

"Thank you." He just nods and walks over to his computer, he types in a quick search before finding what he's looking for.

"It looks like you are going to have to pee in a cup, and then I'll take that, dip a stick in it and if it shows that you are pregnant I'll take it to my lab and double check." He get's up off the stool he was sitting on and exits the room out in to the hall way and then I hear foot steps going down stairs. After a minute or two he comes back with a specimen cup in his hand. "Here"

He holds it out to me, "You have pee cups in your basement?"

"I have a whole bunch of shit in my basement, besides my mom was a nurse. She brings me the extras."

He says with fake happiness. "Look, are you going to stand here and ask questions the whole time? I thought you wanted answers."

"I do, I just thought it was a little odd." I grab the cup and start to walk away, stopping when I remember that I don't know where the bathroom is.

"Upstairs, the first door on the left."

I nod my head and then walk up the stairs turning left and entering the bathroom. After peeing in the cup I bring it back down. He's back on the computer typing away at something. "Here," I hold it out to him, he turns around and takes it from me placing it on the counter I see he already has those strips; must've gotten them when I was in the bathroom. He plops it in and then turns back to his laptop. "It will be a few minutes; you can go in the living room and watch television if you want." The way he says it sounds like he isn't really paying attention, it has that airy tone to it. I just nod my head and walk to the living room.

A couple minutes later I hear him get up and head to the basement. He doesn't say anything as he passes. Contemplating weather it's a good idea to follow him or not, my curiosity get's the better of me and I head down the stairs as well. The basement on the other hand is defiantly creepy. It's a large space filled mostly with junk and cobwebs. Walking the rest of the way down I see him to the side, it looks like a science classroom. Beakers and tubes fill one cabinet, a table in the middle where there is another computer and some type of machine set up. He's sitting on a stool and examining my pee and something else.

"You know that curiosity killed the cat right?" he doesn't even look up from what he's doing which is good because he would have seen me jump if he had. "Yeah but satisfaction brought it back."

He makes a 'hm' sound but does nothing else. I stand there not really knowing what to do.

"You can come closer if you want; it's still going to take a little bit though." I walk in his direction getting more of a chance to see what he has set up over here. More cabinets with bottles and glass cups, cylinders and a microscope. "Where'd you get all of this?"

He shrugs, "I don't really remember. Picked stuff up here and there, garage sales, science stores. When you have a doctorate degree and the right excuse people will give you pretty much anything."

"So in general you lied and then they gave you want you wanted."

"I guess you could look at it that way. Some of this stuff I snagged from Umbrella."

"You never got caught stealing supplies?"

"They needed me too much to fire me, but no I never got caught."

"What do you need this stuff for any way?"

"I wanted to do something completely different. When I went to work for Umbrella I had no idea what they were capable of. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, but that's the honest truth."

"Alright I guess I can buy that some what, I mean when they offered you a job you must've been real young right? Just graduated collage and all, A big pharmaceutical company like Umbrella offering you a job, you probably thought you hit the jack pot huh?"

"Yeah something like that." He turns back to his work and I take that to mean the conversation is over. I pull up a chair-blowing off the dust- and sit down next to him.

"How long is this going to take?"

"I don't know I've never done one of these before."


A little bit later.

"Alright, by the looks of this you are in fact pregnant."

I take in a big breath, and then slowly blow it back out.

"What happens now?"

"I'm thinking it's time to find an ultra sound. Do you have a rough idea of how long you've been- you know" he makes a gesture with his hand and looks to my stomach.

"Pregnant?" I offer. "Well I had sex about a month and a week ago."

"So just eight more to go then. Who's the father?" He quickly realizes what he's just said and stumbles over words to correct him self. "I mean- it- what I meant"

I hold up my hand. "You promise not to freak if I tell you?"

He nods "I promise"

"It's... Wesker." I say his name in a whisper.

"Excuse me?"

I sigh and rolls my eyes "It's Wesker." I focus on anything but his face, after a few seconds of him not saying anything I turn to face him. His hand is over his mouth and his whole body is shaking.

"Are you laughing?" I growl menacingly towards him. It sobers him up a little, enough for him to answer with out laughing, almost. "No-" he snorts "there is nothing" a little laugh, "funny about that-" he's about ready to blow from holding it in "at all" with the final words spoken he lets out a huge laugh and he can't stop.

"You're right, there is nothing funny about that at all."

He pulls his lips inside his mouth trying to once again control his enjoyment.

"I'm sorry. I just can't picture you or Wesker settling down and having a family" He holds himself back from bursting out laughing again. I just glare at him and cross my arms. "Right well it's not like I planned for this to happen, hell I didn't even know it could happen."

He taps his hand on the table and the other one against his chin. "What are you going to do about work and all?"

"I guess I'll just keep going until I start to show or something. It won't be that bad, they don't have me going off on any missions. They think I let Wesker get away on purpose or something. That sort of reminds me, I don't think he likes you very much. In fact I'm almost certain he wants you dead."

"Yeah well my feelings exactly. A lot of people want me gone, or they already think I am. That's why I maintain a low profile. But I think I screwed up big time with you. Sorry about that by the way."

"Yeah, I had a hard time getting here, wasn't exactly sure if I could trust you." Adding as a second thought, "This isn't where I was taken to when you captured me is it?"

"Nope. I wouldn't bring you back to the place I lived at. On a side-note how did you find me?"

"I.S. found you."

He quirks an eyebrow, waiting for me to explain better.

"I.S. was the one that kept me from attacking you back then. The way he explained it was that instead of a mutation I got him."

"I'm still confused."

"I don't really know how else to explain it. He's like an alternate personality when I use an ability he takes over kind of."

"Ok, but why do you call him I.S.?"

"Well at the time I just thought he was my inner sarcasm that is until he started controlling certain things. So instead of calling him an 'it' I shortened inner sarcasm to I.S. and that became his name. I'm not sure if he likes it though."

"Wow, that's interesting. Does he talk to you when ever?"

"Yeah pretty much, he's actually been kind of quiet since I got here."

"Is that bad?"

"I'm not really sure."

He just nods his head. He clicks his tongue and then stands up.

"You are going to have to figure something out concerning your work and personal life. You are pregnant and really you don't want any one else to find this out. I'll try to get an ultra sound and read up on this whole thing. Try to figure out what needs to be done. Once you get home you should do some research as well. See if there are certain vitamins you should be taking, what kind of foods to eat that kind of thing."

"What are we going to do when the baby is ready to come out?"

"Well the only option that I can think of is C-section. Which also means more equipment I'm going to have to find."

"When should I come back?"

"Uh... I don't know. Why don't you give me your cell number and I'll contact you when I get a hold of an ultra sound."

I nod my head and jot my number down on a scrap of paper, handing it to him when I'm done.

"So I guess that's it for now." He stands there and waits for me to get up as well d same and then heads back upstairs.


On the drive back home I feel slightly better knowing the answer but more anxious then ever on how I'm going to handle this.

'If you want my opinion I say we get in touch with Wesker as soon as possible. He needs to know.'

'First off I don't even know where he is, let alone how to get in touch with him. Secondly even if I am able to contact him what makes you think he'll believe me or even do anything about it? And third, why does he need to know?'

'Ok your right about the first one, I'm not sure either on how to get in touch. For your second point I don't know if he'll believe you but it's still worth a shot. Once he factors in the virus he might actually understand. And to answer your last question, it's the right thing to do. Even if he doesn't do anything about it he still has to know.'

'Yeah well I think you are dead wrong about me needing to tell him.'

'How are going to explain to the little tyke why they have only one parent?'

'I've got bigger problems concerning how I'm going to tell everyone else about my 'little tyke'.'

'You are going to need a bigger place.'

'I'll deal with that problem when I have to.'


When I finally get home I crash on my bed and luckily fall into a dreamless sleep. When morning comes the next day I feel better rested and more energized.

I get ready for work first taking a shower and then getting dressed, jeans and a black tee. I actually have time for breakfast today; I pop in some toast in the toaster and pour myself a glass of milk. I quickly eat and then head out to work.

Since I've returned from Africa I've been assigned to desk work, which in other words means I've been given paper work duty. Some days can be really gruesome and other times I might only have a few things to type up and then the rest of the day is mine. I sit down and work some what but I'm also looking up things to do while pregnant. Which foods are healthier to eat when expecting and certain vitamins that should be taken to ensure a healthy baby.


When the day comes to an end I pack up my things and shut down my computer before leaving for home. Today was uneventful but yesterday, I learned a lot. And sure at first I didn't like the idea of going back to Zhane. But when he's on his own turf he isn't all that bad. I still don't know what I'm going to do about Wesker, if I should even do anything.


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