Coming Back To You || Chaenn...

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Where Jennie and Chaeyoung are past lovers and fate brings them back together. During her high-school days... Mere

- character profiles -
Prologue One
Prologue Two
Prologue Three
Prologue Four
Prologue Five
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

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Af rseprks

Jennie rushed to the party lounge and joined the MC Young on the stage. She looked at the crowd of people who looked at the woman in complete anticipation. Jongin was in the center of the audience looking at this wife with complete and utter pride. Jennie placed her hand on her chest and bowed down with complete gratitude to those who stood right before her eyes.

"Miss Kim has finally decided to make an appearance..." the MC playfully announced.

"I want to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate the launch of Jentle Home. It has been my great pleasure to have every single one of you here with me tonight. Please feel free to help yourselves to the buffet on the left and any drinks upon arrival. Let's make this the party of 2020 and have fun....!"

"Cheers to the lovely Harry Styles for flying all the way from the United States of America to join us tonight. You must be a big fan of me, mustn't you?" she joked, earning a giggle from the crowd.

"Without further ado; I want to surprise you all with a little gift of my own."

"I have had this in the pipeline for a few weeks now... and I am glad that I can finally show you guys..."

"First of all – I want to thank my amazing husband Kai for all of the support he has given me the past few months. If it was not for his encouragement I would not be here right now broadcasting my fashion line. It is because I have a husband who believes in me. I could not be more grateful."

The audience cheered for the businessman. Jongin smiled back at his wife who looked at him with the warmest look from the stage. "This is for you... I love you."

The backing track to Frankie Valli's 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' started to play and Jennie took the mic and started to walk around the stage with her cool aura. The audience started to cheer the woman on happily.

"I love you babyyyy," she sang into the microphone. "... and if it's quite alrighttt..."

"I need you babyyy... to warm this lonely night..."

"Let me love you...."

"This is one of my favorite songs so do not hesitate to sing along with me~"

(A/N: I used the CHANEL party performance as reference. I can't get over how amazing she sounds when she sings this songgg)


Park Chaeyoung was blessed for life.

She had a boyfriend who treated her like an absolute angel. She was about to achieve her dreams in the music industry and has just undergone a gigantic move from Australia to South Korea. From living at home all of her life... she seriously made a big leap into the real world in the blink of an eye.

Her boyfriend of two years had recently proposed to her in the most romantic way possible. They were on holiday in Thailand enjoying their time together to celebrate their second anniversary. That was when Chanyeol did the honor and popped down on one knee to propose to his 'future wife'. After all of the heartache her poor heart has undergone in the past... she was finally emotionally happy with another person.... everything felt like it was finally coming into shape. They have moved to Korea to start their new venture in life and finally set up their own record company. It was Chaeyoung's ambition to help people achieve their dreams just as she was achieving her own.

Chanyeol's world felt somewhat foreign to her still. She was being consistently introduced to rich entrepreneurs who her boyfriend grew up with... not to mention how his family are practically billionares. Meanwhile Chaeng grew up in an average Aussie household. This was a completely different lifestyle to her and it was like trying to adapt to something that you simply just not fit in with.

Lisa was attending the same party so it should be all easy. Chaeyoung was always outgoing anyway so speaking to people around her was never a problem.

Chanyeol was caught up in a last-minute meeting which caused the two people to be late to the party. Once they finally parked up at the exquisite venue, the blonde girl looked at the place in astonishment. It was the literal definition of grand. Her boyfriend was not lying when he said that this couple was the richest and influential couple in the whole of Korea.

"W-Wait..." Chaeyoung stopped the taller figure before they made an entrance into the building.

"You are telling me that Harry Styles... of One Direction is in that very room?"

Chanyeol nodded.

"I am going to faint."

Chanyeol could only giggle at how adorable his fiancee was. "You do know you will be dealing with a lot of people just like him, Chaeng. Just you wait until we hit big."

The music was faint from the main entrance but Chaeyoung could swear that she was hearing the lyrics to one of her favorite songs by Frankie Valli playing from inside. The two finally walked into the main party venue and the blonde looked around in complete awe. This was like grabbing every single rich person in Korea and placing them into one room.

Chaeyoung could see producers, fashion line CEOs, inheritors, and even famous K-POP artists.

It was like a completely different world in comparison to what she was brought up to.

Chanyeol was instantly greeted by some of the guests as he was well known throughout the business industry. The two finally sat down at an empty table that was facing directly to the stage. Chaeyoung was waiting for Lisa to make a grand appearance so the younger did not feel too much out of place. "Hold on tight there – I am just going to get us a drink. You want your usual?" Chanyeol asked; taking off his jacket and putting it on the back of the chair.

The blonde nodded.

"Whoever is singing has an amazing singing voice... their melodies match well with the rhythm of the song." she thought to herself.

Chaeyoung then looked up to the stage and her eyes widened in complete shock.

There stood Jennie Kim on that stage singing the lyrics to one of her favorite songs. THE Jennie Kim who broke her heart into a million pieces. Chaeyoung's body completely froze. She could not move her eyes from the stage and her whole body was internally hyperventilating. That is when the song comes to an end and the lights come back on for the whole venue. Jennie looked into the crowd one last time – but caught eyes with a very shocked Park Chaeyoung.

The two looked at another for what felt like forever. Jennie was out of breath from the performance and was breathing heavily.

Chaeyoung could not move properly. This was a moment where her whole body had frozen.

Jennie... on that stage.

This had to be some sort of nightmare, right?

Luckily enough for the both of them; Jennie broke the awkward eye contact by exiting the stage.

Chanyeol returned to the table with two drinks. Chaeyoung took her own and drank it as quickly as she possibly could.

It was going to be a long night indeed.

"There she is... the legendary Roseanne Park." the voice of Lisa could be heard as two girls sat down at their table. "You look stunning by the way."

Chaeyoung smiled at her best friend before turning her attention to Jisoo. "Jisoo, right? My name is Chaeyoung... I am Lisa's long time best friend."

"You can call me Roseanne, Rosé, or even Rosie. Whatever floats your boat."

Jisoo smiled and shook the blonde girl's hand. "I have heard so much about you... it's great to finally meet you."

Jisoo then turned her attention to Chanyeol who was once an actor on one of her past sets. Chaeyoung did not hesitate to stump Lisa's foot from under the table. The Thai girl jumped up in shock and looked at the younger. "Whydidyounottellmethatjenniewasgoingtobehere?" she said so low and so quick that nobody around her could hear.

"I did not know how to break it to you-"


"Rosie... this is Jennie's party."

Chaeyoung put her hands over her mouth in shock. She could not believe what she was hearing.

Also, she was not entirely shocked as the whole party did read 'Jennie' all over it. Yet – this was way too much news to comprehend. She was attending her ex-girlfriend's party. The girl who broke her heart. None of this added up what so ever and she wanted clear as day answers.

1. Why didn't Lisa tell her?

2. Why has she not run out for her life yet?

3. Why was Harry Styles sat right next to her?

"Hello. Rosie, right?" the British superstar smiled. "I have heard all about you."

Chaeyoung remembered having 'What Makes You Beautiful' on full blast in her bedroom and she would air guitar the whole song and use her hairbrush as a microphone. Nope. Harry Styles was not sat right before her eyes. This has to be some sort of alternative reality, right?

"Y-Yes!" she squeaked.

"Your handsome boyfriend Chanyeol right there has sent me over your demos... your voice fits perfectly for a song on my upcoming album. Are you interested?"

The woman nearly had a heart attack. Harry Styles has just asked her to collaborate with him for his brand new upcoming album. What the hell?!

"I..." the blonde girl was speechless.

"Harry! Over here!" a voice called from the other side of the venue.

"I have to go now. Let me know what you think? Here is my number." the brown-haired beauty flashed his signature smile and passed the girl his card. Chaeyoung felt like she was going to melt. The girl had to pinch herself several times to check if this was the reality which she was living in... Harry Styles ft Roseanne Park. It sounds too good to be true.

"Rosie...!" Lisa called out before jumping up from her seat and hugging her best friend. "I am beyond happy for you... you deserve this so much!"

"I heard you are mega talented," Jisoo added in. "I can't wait to hear this collab!"

Chaeyoung was always an overly sensitive person. She even cried at the ending of Toy Story Four when it came out last year. She felt so happy at that moment in time that she could not hold in her tears of joy. The reminder that she was still in the same room as her ex-girlfriend was temporarily forgotten.

Chanyeol did this for her. She was beyond grateful.

It was like he was her guardian angel or something. Coming down the heavens and giving her opportunities that she never in a MILLION years expected herself to endeavor.

"My best friend is going to be on an album with Harry Styles... I can not believe it."

"She used to sing their songs in her room pretending she was an additional member of One Direction," Lisa announced, causing Jisoo to laugh.

Chaeyoung glared at Lisa with a pout. She was obviously annoyed over the whole Jennie lark but at the same time she especially did not want Chanyeol to hear about her embarrassing stories. Lalisa is like a secret book of Chaeyoung. She hated it. Lisa knows about when she tripped over in high school in front of the whole school whilst running to grab her lunch which is still one of the most embarrassing moments of her entire life. Chaeyoung knows now not to grind Lisa's gears because she would unleash the unholy book of Park Chaeyoung... which would turn the poor blonde into a worldwide laughing stock.

Chanyeol placed his hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder. "I think this calls for celebratory drinks, " he announced with a bottle of champagne in his hand, taking out the cork and pouring out the alcoholic substance into glasses for the group of friends.

"To Chaeyoung!" they all happily cheered and toasted their glasses together, obviously over the moon for the blonde.

Chaeyoung downed her champagne in one go. She should be a lot happier but after seeing Jennie stood there on that stage and the fact she is toasting to her succsess at her ex girlfriend's own launch party just felt wrong in every levels. Jennie probably had no idea that she was even coming.

A tall handsome figure appeared from the distance and took an empty chair on their table. "Jongin-ah!" Jisoo called out. "How is the party going for you?"

"It's going amazing. Jennie is so proud of herself."


Chaeyoung felt like she was trapped and there was no way out. She was stuck in an endless void of Jennie which felt suffocating.

It had been a month after their sudden breakup. Chaeyoung was not getting any better at all.

She'd log on to her SNS to find the announcement of Jennie's engagement. She felt her whole world crash right before her eyes. Just one month after the breakup... she was going to get married? Chaeyoung did not understand anything. One thing she did solidly understand was that she was hurting massively. The girl was hurting to the point where she did not have a solid sense of reality anymore.

She knew her love for Jennie was as pure as anything. She had nothing else to give to the girl besides love and affection. Chaeyoung just did not get it. Was she that bad?

Jennie's words were as harsh as ever.

They met up that one day and Chaeyoung was excited to see her girlfriend. Yet the expression on Jennie's face said it all.

"This is not working out."

That is when she felt her heartbreak into millions of pieces.

"Two girls can not be together in the long run. I will move back to Korea. Do you think this will work out?! Seriously? You need a reality check."

Chaeyoung remembers how hard the tears were streaming down her face that day. She looked like a fool.

A fool in love with Jennie Kim.

"Maybe you were just a phase. I don't love you."

She remembered how her legs turned weak to the point where she fell to the ground. All Jennie did was look down. Jennie was not the person to help her up anymore. She was just a phase and a toy to help pass the time whilst she was forced to study in the country.

"It was all a lie. Just forget about me. We did not matter."

"But Jenn-"

"How hard is it for you to understand?!" she almost raised her voice, looking down at the girl.

Chaeyoung was already a sobbing mess at this point. In the middle of Melbourne on that summer's day. It was supposed to be a happy day. Yet, she felt nothing but sheer pain. The girl didn't understand how Jennie could say such words to her. They spent so much time together it was beyond belief and Jennie could not seem happier than to be around her. Why?!

Chaeyoung remembered the first time she and Jennie made love to another. Jennie told her how much she loved her and even broke down crying. She just assumed that it was tears of utter happiness because Chaeyoung knew for a fact that she felt the same.

"Goodbye Chaeyoung." was the last words that come from the woman before she turned around and walked away as nothing had happened.

Chaeyoung had no idea that the brunette broke down as soon as she left. Jennie cried herself to sleep that night and many, many nights after.

The reality was just way too harsh on both of them.

Chaeyoung remembers checking media once more to find more updates on Jennie. "She seems happy," she mumbled to herself, looking at the phone. Yet she could not help the tears stop streaming down her face.

The love she once had was now loved by someone else.

It hurt way too much.


"Chaeyoung, right?" Jongin offered his hand out to the shocked blonde. "I'm Jongin. I've known Yeol for many years; we grew up together."

Chaeyoung extended her hand and shook the man's palm. She could not believe she was shaking the hands of the man who she used to spit at every time she'd see an article come up in the news regarding his marriage with Jennie. She was literally shaking the hands of her ex girlfriend's husband. What the hell?!

For all her luck – the man took a seat at their table. Didn't he have a whole party full of guests where he has to greet everybody?! Chaeyoung was starting to feel slightly agitated. This just did not feel right at all. It felt like a nightmare which she seriously needed to wake up from.

Jongin was having a conversation with Jisoo regarding the launch and catching up on life. Lisa was speaking with a few Celine representatives from Thailand who have taking a liking to the girl and wanted to scout her as a future representative. Chanyeol was at the bar and putting a tab on for the table in celebration of Harry Styles reaching out to the blonde for a collaboration. Meanwhile Chaeyoung was just being Chaeyoung. Pouting her lips she looked around the venue to try and distract herself from what was going on.

"At least Jennie has not bothered to show her face to this table," she thought to herself.

Jongin looked like walking royalty. The news articles were not exaggerating when they'd say that he is the son to a high successor. Maybe Jennie liked them rich. That's why she left her.

"So when Jennie and I first got engaged... she was as timid as ice. It took a bit of magic to get her to to open up to me." Jongin confessed, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Jennie has always been stubborn when it comes to love!" Jisoo chimed in. "You should have seen her at University. She would open her locker and a bunch of love letters would fall out. There was even a time she screamed in this guy's face who confessed to her. Poor guy – I still pity him to this day."

"She loves you though... like so much."

"If Jennie Kim is going to get on stage and sing like that for somebody – she is head over heels for you."

Chaeyoung was drinking her glasses of champagne. All this talk about Jennie Jennie Jennie was starting to annoy her. She just did not really want to hear.

She wanted to go home, cuddle with her boyfriend, feed her fish and forget about this night.

"It is getting kinda sweaty in here..." she sighed. "I might go for some fresh air."

"Are you okay tonight?" Chanyeol asked, noticing the difference in behaviour from his fiancée.

"Yeah. Just a little overwhelmed with joy over the whole Harry thing."

Chanyeol patted the blonde on her head. "I told you this is just the beginning. Rosé will be a worldwide sensation."

The singer stood up from her chair and grabbed her purse and phone, quickly making her way to the exit. Her heels made a loud noise down the open lounge due to the fact she was rushing to leave the building and get a fresh whip of fresh air. Or maybe she just did not want to be in the same building as Jennie.

She let out a sigh, finally making it outside. Chaeyoung looked up at the sky to find that the stars were shining brightly down on her. Her mother once told her that when the stars are shining down upon you... something good was about to happen. Yet even though Harry Styles has just reached out to her in such a manor she still felt somewhat overwhelmed. Seeing Jennie sing on stage like that and then for the both of them to catch eyes for the first time in six whole years after everything that has happened was not the best way to start the evening.

It was not like she could beg her boyfriend to leave. He was enjoying herself. Chaeyoung should not be selfish like that.

Even though it was winter... it was surprisingly warm.

That was until she could smell the harrowing scent of cigarette coming from the left of her.

Chaeyoung never tolerated smoking at all. She hated it beyond belief.

Moving her eyes to the left of her she was greeted with the sight of Jennie Kim with a cigarette in her left hand inhaling the smoke as much as she could. Chaeyoung's eyes widened in shock.

She tried not to make any noise to get the girl's attention. If she moved an inch she was doomed.

Jennie looked like she was deep in thought; staring into space with the most deadpanned expression that a person could possibly pull.

Why was Jennie smoking in the first place? Chaeyoung always thought she was not the person to smoke. So why now? On the night of her own party?

The brunette supermodel finally put out the cigarette and was about to walk back into the venue until she caught eyes with Chaeyoung. The woman was frozen in her tracks, who was greeted with the sight of her ex girlfriend who was looking right back at her. Both of them did not know what to do or what to say. It was like they were frozen in time.

Jennie's jaw dropped slightly and Chaeyoung noticed how her mandu cheeks still remained.

Neither of the girls could muster up any form of courage to say a word to another. Jennie almost tripped on thin air quickly breaking off the eye contact and rushing back into the venue.

There was so much explaining that was needed to be done. But neither girls wanted to speak up.

Chaeyoung leaned back on the brick wall of the venue and let out a small sigh, trying to slow down all the overwhelming emotions that were running through her body.

Maybe the past does not need explanation.

It is purely the past for a reason.

A/N: double update (these two chapters were uploaded to AFF like last week lol.)

Chaennie reunited... kinda?! I wonder what will happen with them both in the events to come. Seems like neither of them are prepared in the slightest to face another hehh 

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