By herefornoreasons

190K 5K 14.5K

Lauren Jauregui, raised by devils and feared by all... With the soul ownership of the worlds largest most su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter Fiddy

Chapter 12

4.3K 136 344
By herefornoreasons

Camila's POV

There was something wildly comforting about the confines of the metal fences that surround me.. and by comforting I mean fucking crucifying... it had been two days since me and Lauren had that moment in her room and two days since she'd been ignoring me.. I'd been sitting waiting for my name but nothing..

I thought maybe she needed time to process what she'd admit but now it only seemed she regret it entirely.. I mean why else would she completely avoid me? I knew this would happen and I was stupid to believe for a second that it wouldn't.. it was over, as quick as it was anything.. it hurt..

After a few hours just sitting looking out on the mundane routine of the guards pacing back and forth I was startled by the loud clapping of a familiar pair of heels.. sad I know but I knew her walk, her strut almost.. it was different from Fallon's, more confident and direct, soon enough her tall tan body came floating into the room in front, her silky signature red dress and her black hip length hair swarming her body as it always did.. the only difference.. she didn't even look at me!

"She's probably just overwhelmed girl.. I mean it's not like she's ever felt.. feelings before.."

Mani spoke trying to comfort me as she sat beside my grumpy body, my eyes however were glued furiously to her back.. the way she leant over the wooden desk to speak to a random guard torturous as it was only obvious she knew I was here.. yet she stood ignoring me as if I didn't exist.. it made me feel sick

"She's ignoring me.. two days now and not even a word mani?"

"She looks off though.. not herself? Call me delusional but I think that's a good sign.."

I rolled my eyes chewing down on the string of the sweater Dinah had lent to me in an act of comfort, it worked for the most part but upon watching Lauren turn to speak with Fallon I was left with a painful tangle in my stomach, her powerful features and perfectly polished makeup leaving me more than intimidated.. not in the good way either

"A good sign how.. she looks just as power trippy as she always does.."

"She's off her game.. because she's thinking about you.. I bet she's been torturing herself figuring out what to do next"

She reasoned which for a split second seemed feasible but quickly turned to bullshit.. she was cutting me off completely.. but I can't ignore the conversation we had.. she loves me? I saw it in her eyes and she even cried while admitting it.. maybe that's why she was zoning me out.. I made her weak and she didn't like it.. either way it still hurt but I just wished there was a way to prove that I wasn't going to leave her.. abandon her..

"Well whatever she decides to do I hope it happens quick because this shitty limbo is killing me.."

Mani didn't respond, only sighed out as her head fell down to rest against my shoulder, it was nice having a little human contact after these few days.. it seemed now every second without Lauren's hands on me was wrong.. like she was supposed to be touching me..

Whatever it was Lauren had been talking about must have been stressful.. her eyes were vacant and her leaning arm bored.. she looked completely done for.. like everything in her head was black.. I hate to be the observer but mani was right.. she was really off her game...

"Why don't you do what you always do? Sneak out and confront her?"

"I don't know.. maybe later, right now it's pretty clear she doesn't want to talk to me.."


Across the building Lauren sat vacantly at her desk, Fallon's body approaching inside of the room before grabbing the gun from on top of her desk, the slow motion off her placing it down beside her feet drawing Lauren's attention with a stern confused glare

"Excuse you? That's my gun..."

"Yeah, and I just took it because the question I'm about to ask would probably have led to you grabbing it and pointing at my head!"

Fallon mocked with a sarcastic smile leaning back in the chair while Lauren did the same, her frustrated brow and aching hands issuing a direct form of uncomfortable tension

"Go ahead... better out than in"

"Well... Your mood has been nothing less than a pile of shit and that girl in the cage has been moping around like a child newly orphaned so! What happened princess?"

Lauren rolled her eyes lifting a single finger to scratch her brow not wanting to spend even a second answering as she let out a drained huff, the mounds of work completed over the past few days torturing her already busy mind

"What happened is none of your fucking business Fallon!"

She shot in a tone that wasn't angered but more so exhausted, every ounce of her willpower going into keeping her tired eyes open.. it was a strenuous force for sure but one that Fallon helped with as she slam her hand down against the glass desk

"It's my business when it starts to affect your work Lauren! Which it is! I bet you didn't notice the 300 million dollar discrepancy in shipments yesterday?"

"Fuck are you serious-

"I fixed it! It's my job too in case you forgot.. but that's not the point.. the point is you're feeling majorly sorry for yourself which is a little unsettling considering you normally roam the halls with a blade between your pretty little fingertips.. now you're dragging your heels with a puppy dog pout.."

Fallon spoke back firmly catching the woman's attention promptly as she issued a subtle grunt of displeasure, her mind had been admittedly puzzled by her feelings towards the submissive which were real for sure but scary more so.. she didn't know how to feel and just couldn't bring herself to trust that Camila really wanted her.. how could she when her entire life she'd been surrounded by egotistical all for themselves males..

"Do you remember that time my mom came back after spending like 4 years away? She told me she loved me and that she felt super bad for leaving?"

Fallon simply nod back only listening out of intrigue as to where this statement was going while Lauren began to zone out, her eyes wondering over the walls while her fingers traced small circles across the desk

"She bought me gifts and stayed up late with me looking at the stars? I believed her when she told me I could trust her.. when she told me she loved me?"

She continued still remaining in her hazy state, her words soft spoken yet filled with pain as Fallon began to grow uncomfortable, the memory of the night leading one that struck everyone with a terror filled ache

"But then I woke up one morning and my stock had been stolen.. walls cleared out of weapons and my own fucking guards laughing at me as I walked through the halls.. I saw her standing there smirking, my dad right next to her looking guilty as shit.."

Her tone grew more pained, a single tear dropping onto her cheek as she stared up at the corner of the room, her stomach filled with untameable regret that had left her traumatised ever since

"She set me up! Told me she loved me and then.. set me up.. she planned it, 4 years away scheming against me like I wasn't her own daughter.. I remember walking up to her asking why she did it.. do you remember what she said?"

"Love is an illusion to get what you want.. a tool to defeat your enemies no matter who they may be.. I remember Lauren.."

Fallon recalled watching painfully as Lauren nod to herself with a scrunched up chin and damp cheek, her fingertips now pressing harshly against the glass below in efforts not to explode

"I was her enemy! She used love against me! So.. I shot her.. in front of everyone.. I didn't even cry, because I didn't deserve to feel sad when I should have known that not even my own mom could love me! That's the world I live in!"

Fallon's at back brushing her fingertips over her neck in aims herself not to get emotional, the sick memory of that day shaking the entire ring down to the core.. that was the day Lauren really became powerful.. scary.. intimidating.. the guards feared her due to the fact she was capable of ending her own mother's life.. nobody ever questioned her again...

"I knew my dad was in on it! But I didn't kill him.. I wanted him to see me become powerful! I wanted him to see me surpass every bullshit expectation he had of me! One day I'll do it.. kill him.."

There was a moment of silence flooding the room after that statement, one Fallon left to linger as she pieced together the logic behind that memory.. why now she'd bring it up of all times.. but it quickly made sense.. it wasn't all that hard to decipher

"My cryptic princess Lauren... if I'm reading the room right I'm gonna assume that Miss Camila loves you.. but.. your afraid she's lying?"

Lauren only nod back with a crumpled chin and clenched eyes, even her wrists were tense as she sank head head back into the rest of her chair, every ounce of her body feeling as if it was on fire as such emotions never worked well for her..

"She isn't from this world Lauren... she doesn't have the same motives as your mom? I mean as much as I taunt her she radiates nothing but honesty.. you're gonna shut the whole thing down just because you think she's pulling some crazy act?"

"I'm not lovable Fallon! I'm a psychopath! I shoot people and sell drugs.. why would she love me?"

She spoke out under a tremble, one even Fallon had never heard before in all her years of serving under the powerful Latina.. it hurt to hear.. pained every mirror of her existence as she just wanted to help.. but she couldn't

"You're beautiful.. smart? Caring in weird ways? You know she sees deeper than all of your business shit.. she sees Lauren.. not Miss Jauregui.."

"I want to believe her.. believe that she'd die for me.. kill for me.. but she won't! Because I'm not that lucky Fallon!"

Fallon immediately stood from her chair walking around to fall into the elders arms, a move she'd never even contemplate utilising normal goings on but it only felt natural right now.. Lauren didn't pull back either only buried her head into her shoulder with firm hands latching around her back

"Come on, you need to sleep.. it's weird seeing you cry!"

Fallon joked lifting her body from the chair to grab out for the woman's soft hand that instantly fell into her own to stand walking slowly towards her room, the silence comforting as the door closed gently behind them, the elder paced towards her bed dropping the dress from her shoulders before stumbling amongst the covers upon her bed, the soft hands of her assistant dragging them up her body to tuck her in like a child kneeling down to stroke back a few stray hairs with a small but genuine smile

"Dream of me my snappy not so happy princess"

"Fuck off, your face is annoying me!"

"Now that's my girl! Shit I missed your foul mouth!"


The next day although not on top form Lauren found herself strutting the halls with a new desire to keep her mind busy, an up and coming meeting in front of the cage one that would hopefully suffice in teasing her mind away from the brown haired beauty sitting vacantly behind the bars

In front of her stood a single man gruff in appearance with a long trench coat covering his thighs, the woman didn't feel the need to have anyone else present apart from the guard she demanded watch the girls.. it was ritual by now of course as she stood with her body leaning across the desk smugly in hopes to cut a deal worth over a billion dollars

"Thank you for having me Lauren! I must say your establishment is nothing but beautiful.. very.. lady like!"

"Well I am the head bitch so decor is something I like to take pride in! However small talk is not so if we're done with the chatty bullshit I'd like to discuss your offer!"

The man laughed to himself sadistically rolling his head back and forth like a twisted criminal, his windy moustache distracting as Camila and mani sat back against the fence.. the younger was still wallowing in her grief of potentially losing Lauren so took painful pleasure in admiring her from afar

"Direct! I like it! Well.. as you know I'm selling off my distribution of coast coke... men too which will up your value by 85%... I'm offering you a buy of 3.5 billion dollars.. if your pockets stretch that far.."

Lauren grinned to herself rolling her tongue against her cheek before glancing up at the man with a cocked mischievous brow.. she obviously knew something he didn't as her arms fold over in front of her chest powerfully

"Well.. I appreciate your try but coast coke by the kilo is only worth 500k.. so doing the math in my head at a maximum I would only need to pay you 2.2 billion.. however taking into account the time it would take to transport the freshness of such a drug would reduce by 16%... meaning a cut of around 200 million? So... market value the most you're gonna get from me or anyone for that matter is 1.5 billion... sound good papi?"

The man raised his brows in a weirded anger shocked that a woman could so easily work out his scheme.. it was always worth the try but what Lauren hadn't noticed was the way he shook his head in disbelief.. sadistic.. evil disbelief.. his firm hand quickly reached inside of his belt pulling out a weapon that held directly out towards her head, his trigger finger prime and read with a grin that shocked the woman into standing straight

The guard manning the girls quickly reached to grab his own weapon in defence of his leader however with one swift motion the gruff business man swung his arm to shoot.. the guard fell down beside the fence with a heavy drop leaving Lauren swallowing on her breath with a tint of unpredicted fear

"You think you're smart huh Lauren? Trying to play me out of my own money? A futile effort I must say but predicted none the less.. I thought it would have been easier to kill you.. take over your ring given the rules in place.. but I thought too that you'd be a woman worthy to make a deal.. I was wrong obviously!"

He spat cocking the gun back into her direction stepping forward with a heavy foot to place the cold metal directly against her forehead.. she was scared.. no other guard nor employee anywhere in sight and a promise of death only proved by her limp guard only a few feet away... she trembled..

"Don't do this! Even someone as smart as you knows this will be the worlds biggest mistake!"

"Yes! It will... but worth it to see those green eyes sink into a deathly puddle of your own oozing blood! I'm Sorry Lauren but you've over stepped the mark! Goodbye!"

Lauren closed her eyes before the loud ringing of a gun shot sounded inside of the cramped room, gasping mouths and painful screams flooding the space before Lauren somehow opened her eyes.. the cold metal no longer pressed against her head.. instead her eyes scanned to notice the girls cage open.. Camila stood trembling with a gun extended in her palm... the look in her eyes afraid before the weapon fell from her grip.. her own legs buckling sending her crashing to the floor having realised what she had just done

Lauren froze for a moment before her instincts caught up with her, she ran towards the girl using her palm to lift her chin only to stare into her eyes before the room flood with now armed guards scouring the area for danger a little too late..

"Miss Jauregui! Is everything ok we heard a gun shot?"

A stray guard called snapping Lauren back to reality as she turn to nod with a heavy swallow, her brain gazed by the girls actions before parting her lips to respond

"Take the girls to the bunker and lock down the entrances and exits! I need this entire building searched for other infiltrators, I will lock away in my office!"

She demand sternly before turning back to Camila who shook with fear, her hands buzzing like an alarm clock as she pained herself to look up at Lauren still cupping her stumbling chin, the guards surrounding all jumping to duty as the threat of other men in the building struck high, the only precaution to lock down until deemed safe

"T-The guard, I took his keys and unlocked the fence.. h-his gun.. it was there and I just.. fuck"

"Hey! Camila look at me! I know your scared but we need to move ok? Come on stand up!"

Lauren stood pulling the girl with her while a swarm of guards usher to surround their bodies hiding them back to Lauren's office before locking them securely inside, the bullet proof glass more than needed in a situation of security like breach, Camila still shook however as the elder guide her to sit on the couch, her slender toned body grabbing for a rather large shot glass that she pressed against her submissives lips.. the first words or even eye contact they'd made since avoiding each other entirely

Lauren bent down in front of the girls body taking back the shot glass forgetting her own worries as she just needed to make sure she was ok..

"Camila.. you could have been killed? Why did you do that?"

"He was going to kill you Lauren.. I- I would rather die trying to save you than watch someone hurt you.. I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry!"

She began to whimper quickly caught by Lauren's arms that wrapped tightly around the back of her shoulders pulling her into her embrace as she sank her head down into the crook of her neck..

She killed for her..

Risked her life for her..

"Don't you dare say sorry Camila.. you saved my life? You didn't have to do that.."

"I did.. I did Lauren because I wasn't lying the other day... when I said I had those feelings.. I can't stop them and I know that scares you but they're real! They're fucking real!"

Camila spoke with a firm tone leaving Lauren to swallow back on her breath before standing to her feet, the younger thought in that moment she would run.. she didn't.. she grabbed her hand instead pulling her onto her feet before walking her towards the red room a few feet away

Camila stood still in the centre watching on unsuspecting as Lauren paced back with a deep breath, her ivory fingertips reaching up slowly to pull down the straps of her silky red dress.. the curves and contours of her chest revealing themselves powerfully before her hands pushed the material down past her thighs.. Camila gasped.. stared on as her full body was now evidently on show to her..

Lauren stepped out of the dress leaning down to unclip her heels kicking them away with another deep breath, the younger could tell she was nervous however couldn't pull her eyes from the thick Cuban curves dressed perfectly under the lace red lingerie that decorate her flawless body

"Lauren what are you-

Before she could finish her sentence the powerful woman stride forward catching the back of the girls neck with her palm before pulling her in to crash shockingly against her lips.. their bodies quickly stepped into each other with hands slipping over each other's bodies while their lips explore passionately equally eliciting a shared pant of surprise.. Camila reached her palm over Lauren's bare back more than shocked that she was actually kissing her.. it felt like nothing she'd ever felt before.. pleasurable yet loving like Lauren really wanted it..

After a few moments Lauren quickly pulled away, her swollen lips and dazed eyes staring back in a way new to them both before reaching for Camila's hand, the younger only looked down not knowing what was happening as Lauren guid the hand into the front of her panties.. she was letting her..

"Lauren are you-

"Yes.. I'm sure.."

She spoke before reconnecting their lips passionately while Camila continued her hand down against the elders centre slowly, just the feeling of her bodies most intimate area previously forbidden so incredible words couldn't describe.. it only rooms second for her middle finger to reach her clit, the small jerking of her thighs and gasping of her breath sending a hot flush into Camila's body.. she almost appreciated the wait now thinking about it as this was a feeling she wished to replay a thousand times over

The kiss remained connected for a while as the younger began to move her finger, lavishing in the way small nervous moans tumbled into her mouth, big scary Lauren was anxious and she could feel it, but the hands wrapping around the back of her neck onto indicate it was pleasurable as they stood making the worlds biggest breakthrough after a seemingly unpredictable event..

It only took a few more minutes of touching for Camila to realise Lauren really did feel exposed.. it was a lot obviously so she quickly withdrew her hand causing the elder to separate the kiss with a look of confusion

"I-Is everything ok?"

"Yeah.. just.. I meant it when I said I wanted to make you feel good Lauren.. come on.."

She spoke softly dragging the elders hand towards the bed she had forbid upon first entering the room, they paused for a moment before the younger issued a reassuring smile motioning Lauren onto the bed to lay down on her back, she quickly kicked off her own shoes before joining to hover the woman's body, her lips reconnecting against her neck with soft but prominent kisses eliciting a gentle back arch that pressed up into the pit of her stomach.. it felt amazing..

"Trust me.."

Camila whispered in her ear before moving down over her body with small pecking kisses, the pace of her breath quickening as she eyed the younger girl making ways down towards her panties, the warm fingertips curling under the band to discard them promptly onto the floor before using her palms to spread her legs

She didn't waist anytime however as her built up desire to do such a thing had almost killed her in the process... she extend out her tongue with closed eyes making contact with the glistening folds in front, a brief moan escaping from above forcing her eyes to open, Camila looked up at the green eyed beauty melting at the way her head rolled back into the pillows, her hands slowly drifting to sit in the back of her head holding on with a gentle touch that only felt natural in response..

"Does it feel good? I-I've never done this before.."

"Mhmm.. s-so good Camila.."

Lauren moans grabbing the hair tighter as the younger began circling her clit at a steady pace, that simple moan sending her into her own problem Wetness not expecting such a simple thing to sound so sexy.. she'd been waiting for this moment and now more than ever it felt incredible..

Her tongue grew more confident with every moan falling, the motions of her mouth growing quickly in experience as the hands around her head subtly guide her to the areas she needed her most.. it was trusting and secure but none the less sexy.. Lauren arched her back from the silk moaning out in ecstasy between whimpering breaths of pleasure.. the image of the girl she'd grown to love buried between her thighs more intensely perfect than ever

"F-Fuck Camila.. keep going.. right there shit.."

She called out pressing her hips down into her mouth feeling her body swell with a white heat she'd never felt before.. she was close.. exposed.. but felt nothing but safe as the hot muscle running over her clit hit the spot relentlessly without even trying..

"Oh my god fuck.. I'm gonna cum.. shit!"

She panted breathlessly opening her eyes for a moment only to have them clamped shut by the intense high that washed over her body like a fresh ocean wave.. the entire moment more powerful than she'd ever imagined only making her regretful of her reluctance in allowing the girl access..

Her body relaxed after a moment, her hands falling by her sides before the younger smirked to herself proudly crawling up the woman's body only to share a look that felt as if never ending.. love

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