The Werewolf & The Avatar ♥

By Daisie

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Adrienne Carter Is a 17 year old Avatar, she controls all four elements, she has never met her father before... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six.
Chapter Forty Seven.
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six.

Chapter Forty One.

21K 350 46
By Daisie

Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand? Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am? There's nothing I wouldn't do To have just one more chance, To look into your eyes and see you looking back I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I've hurt myself If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away...

                                                   --Christina Aguilera, Hurt.

Chapter Forty One:

Cole's Point Of View:

Jacob and I had made up some sort of plan, to try and break the charm. First of all I had to find Adrienne. School finished early due to a random fire breaking out, that happened quite a lot so it wasn't anything major. The security guards bundled me and Adrienne into the car, and rushed us back home. The moment we got in Adrienne disappeared to look for Ryan-Pfft-So after confirming the plan, Jacob sent me on a mission to go and look for Adrienne, so far. I can't find her.

I tried her room but it was empty. I went to Dad's office but not even Elizabeth was in there, I was beginning to get irritated. I managed to find Emma polishing the floors in the formal room. I jogged up to her, the moment she saw me she stood up and smiled.

'Hello you' I smiled, kissing her forehead.

'Hey' Emma replied. 'What are you up to?'

'Looking for Adrienne, have you seen her?' I asked, looking around the room. There were decorations up for some event. 

'Nope, last time I saw her she was going after Ryan-he didn't seem in the least bit interested-poor Jacob' Emma frowned, wait how did she know? 'Yes, I know...and I think it's kinda sweet that he came all this way for her'

'He brought a whole, freakin' army with him too' I snapped.

Emma smiled. 'Oh, there's something I have to tell you'

'Ryan!' Adrienne called running past the door, I turned around and chased after her. It took a while to catch up with her, this girl runs too fast. I ran for quite a while.

'Adrienne!' I shouted, getting tired of all running. 'Slow down, will you?' Adrienne reluctantly stopped and turned around. I jogged the rest of the way to her.

'What is it Cole?' Adrienne asked, putting her hands on her hips and looking very annoyed that I'd stopped her from catching up with Ryan. I had to find a way to break that charm, or there's no way out of here for me. Jacob made a deal with me that he'd ship me and Emma out of here-only if this plan works.

'I wanna show you something' I began.

'Adrienne, come with me' Ryan interrupted, stretching out his hand. Without hesitation Adrienne took it and pressed herself onto him. Ryan smiled and kissed her forehead.

'Where are we going?' Adrienne asked, not breaking her gaze from Ryan's face.

'To talk to your Dad, about our wedding' Ryan answered, fixing her hair. They started walking and I followed. My necklace started to glow, I was intervening on someones plans and it was trying to stop me. I fought against it and continued walking.

'Our wedding?' Adrienne shrieked in disbelief as she pulled away from Ryan. 'We're getting married?'

Ryan stopped and took her hand again. 'Yes, you do love me don't you?' Adrienne smiled and nodded eagerly. 'Good' Ryan chuckled. 'Come, now' Adrienne continued walking with him. This was going to be harder than I thought. I followed them into Dad's office, Jacob and his friends were in there. Standing at the side, Jacob looked at me questioningly, I slowly shook my head and his jaws clenched. Ryan wrapped his arm around Adrienne's waist.

'Okay, so what are the plans for the wedding?' Dad asked, leaning forward onto the desk. I could feel Jacob's eyes burning into my skin. Elizabeth was standing behind Dad, a smug look on her face as she watched me.

'It will be tomorrow...' Ryan said, holding Adrienne's hand, she didn't say or do anything. She just kept still. Jacob stepped forward but his friends pulled him back. Elizabeth looked over to Jacob and arched her eyebrows in a demanding way.

'I think someone seems to have a problem with that, George' Elizabeth darted her eyes over to Jacob, I sighed inwardly.

'I don't' Jacob lied. 'I just need the bathroom'

Dad nodded slowly, putting a gun on the desk. Ryan stepped forward and put it in his blazer. I wonder what that's for. 'If there's any know what to do' Ryan nodded slowly before leaving the room, I followed them.

'Cole, come back' Dad commanded, I turned around and closed the door. 

'Yeah..' I said, trying to ignore Jacob's death glares and clenched fists and trying knock the image of those fists flattening out my face. I sat on the chair and did my best to look as comfortable as possible.

'Is there something wrong?' Dad asked, his voice changing. For once, he actually sounded like a Dad. I shook my head and shrugged. 'Nothing, just darn homework piling up' Dad chuckled and leaned back in his chair. I laughed along with him then stopped.

'Why don't you marry me off instead of Adrienne?' I blurted out, me and my huge mouth.

'Damon doesn't have any daughters' Dad informed. 'If he did, you would have a wedding band on your finger and a stuck up wife'

Who wants a stuck up wife, not I. 'I'm going to leave now...can Jacob escort me to the kitchen?'

Dad looked over to Jacob and nodded. I jerked my head to the door and Jacob followed me, As soon as the doors closed behind us, he had me pinned up against the wall again. My back was just recovering from the previous pin-up.  His nose was flared and his body shook-literally-with anger.

'You've messed up' Jacob growled, locking his hand around my neck. 'It's too late now...'

'The plan's still on' I retorted. 'You're supposed to kiss her' Jacob let me go and I fell onto the floor, the guy needs to see a shrink. I fixed my clothes and got up. 'You really have to stop doing that!' 

'Can't...' Jacob smirked. 'It's fun to see you whimper' I scowled and he pushed me in the direction of the stairs, I turned the corner to see Ryan and Adrienne talking. Adrienne looked slightly worried and Ryan was trying to convince her that everything was alright.

'Don't you think it's too soon?' Adrienne sighed. 'I do love you, It's just I want to wait a little while'

'If you love me then why wait?' Ryan hissed, annoyance clear in his voice. 'When we're married, we can go away-somewhere nice, anywhere you want'

Jacob caught up with me and was about to turn the corner when I held him back. He was about to say something, when I placed my finger over my lips. and jerked my thumb towards Ryan and Adrienne.

'Please, Ryan' Adrienne begged. 'I just want to wait...'

Ryan mumbled something to Adrienne and she smiled. 

'I can't take this anymore' Jacob started walking around the corner, It was too late for me to hold him back. I followed him around the corner. 'What's going on here?' I asked, looking at Adrienne who scowled at me.

'Nothing, we're just talking' Ryan grinned at Adrienne. 'Aren't we?'

Adrienne nodded. 'Yup-Just talking!' 

Ryan lifted Adrienne's chin, trying to kiss her. In one swift movement Jacob pushed Ryan into a wall and Adrienne screamed. Snap!-I should've brought some popcorn. Ryan jumped up and charged into Jacob, Jacob grabbed Ryan's arm with one hand and his neck with the other and slammed him onto the ground. 'Don't you ever touch her like that again...d'you hear me?'

'You must be Jacob...' Ryan smirked, completely unfazed. 'Adrienne's been talking about you, well the old one'

'Shut up!' Jacob growled, punching Ryan right in the mouth. Shit!-I grabbed a screaming Adrienne and hissed at her.

'Tell him to stop!' Adrienne cried. 'He's going to kill him!'

Three figures raced past me at an abnormal speed and stopped in front of Jacob, pulling him away from Ryan. I recognized them as the new kids from school, how the heck did they get here?-They must be in on Jacob's plan.

'Adrienne, calm down!' one of them hissed. Justin (Emmett) I think his name was. Adrienne lowered her screams to gasps. the other two I recognized as Mason (Edward) and Lee (Jasper) were holding Jacob back.

'Go!' Lee shouted at Ryan, Jacob was going mad. Ryan took this as an oppertunity to run, in the direction of Dad's office. Nichole (Alice) and Sarah (Bree) along with Jacob's friends came jogging up. I was confused, Adrienne was handed over to me and I took her to her room. 

I closed the door behind me. 'Adrienne, are you ok?'

'I need to see if Ryan's okay...' Adrienne pushed past me and left the room.

Adrienne's Point Of View:

I can't believe what's just happened. When Jacob attacked Ryan I was screaming for them both, I was scared that both of them would get hurt. I've never felt so confused in my life, half of me wanted to go find Ryan and use my water affinity to heal him another part wanted to go make sure Jacob's okay. What's wrong with me?-I bumped into Emma who was rushing towards me, concern written all over her face.

'What's the matter Emma?' I asked, placing my hands on her shoulders.

'There's something I need to tell you and Cole' Emma blurted out. 'But I can't find Cole anywhere...'

'He's in my room, C'mon follow me' I took her hand and ran back to my room, Cole was sitting on my bed deep in thought. I closed the door behind me, Emma went over to Cole and placed her hands on both sides of his face. 

'Cole, there's something I need to tell you' Emma said, pressing her forehead against his.

'What is it?' Cole asked, standing up.

'I over heard a conversation between your father and Elizabeth-he's not your father Cole-your real father is in the Spirit nation, locked in a cell. He is your father's twin brother, Samuel, he's seeking revenge on your father for taking away his kingdom' Emma explained.

'What do you mean?' I demanded, this didn't make any sense at all. My father's twin brother is posing as my real father while my acutal father is rotting somewhere in a spirit nation cell. All because of an island?

'When your grandfather-Lawrence-passed away, he left the island to his sons in hope that when they grow up the island of the fire users would choose who they want as their ruler, they chose your father-George-your brother didn't like it at all but he went off to the Spirit Nation and ruled there with Elizabeth-she's his lover-when he heard about Adrienne's mother and your father, he came back and captured your father before he got to go and find Adrienne and now he plans on merging the Spirit island with the Fire island by getting you to marry Ryan-son of Damon who is now ruler of the Spirit Nation, if you refuse to marry Ryan-which you can't-war will commence, so that's why you're wearing that thing around your neck' Emma informed.

My eyes widened. 'How come you knew all this and you're just telling us now?'

'I didn't believe it at first, but then I started reading some of the books in the liberary while I was dusting and now I know for sure' Emma answered, holding Cole's hand.

'We have to do something' Cole finally said. 'Adrienne, you can't marry Ryan-get it into your head'

'I'm trying...I've forgotten who I am-I don't even know how to use my powers anymore, I'm becoming weak and I don't like it' I cried. 'I have this guy after me, saying that he's my boyfriend but I can't even remember'

Emma took out a tissue and dabbed at my eyes. 'Just fight it, Adrienne, and you can be yourself again'

I nodded to myself. 'Fight it, Fight it' I said over and over to myself as I left the room, followed closely by Cole and Emma. I kept repeating it to myself, It's the only way I can remember who I really am all I have to do is 'Fight it, Fight it, Fight it, Fight it' I kept saying it to myself. 

When I got outside my Dad's-no, he's not my Dad, he's my evil uncle Samuel-office, I paused and saw a group of people standing outside the door. Their heads lifted when they saw me arrive, I recognized Derrick and Clark my old security guards and some other guys in black suits. They stepped forward and bowed to me. I looked at Cole and Emma.

'Why are they bowing?' I asked Cole in a whisper.

'You're an avatar, it's respectful' Cole replied. 'If I were you, I'd be smiling-Lucky' I turned to the people bowing at me and smiled.

'There's no need to bow...' I said to them. 'I'm a person just like each and every one of you' 

They stood up and nodded their heads respectively at me. I stepped past them and looked at the other people, they looked so familiar. I bit my lip in fustration as I tried to remember who they were, I closed my eyes and tried to remember. A picture of a snowy cliff appeared in my head, someone was yelling, that someone sounded like me, I threw a ball of fire and someone. I opened my eyes, the person was there. 'What's your name?' I asked him.

'Mason Harper' It was an obvious lie, I used to make fun of his name with my friends.

'Your real name' I said.

'Edward Cullen' 

That was it! I smirked as I remembered the joke that my friends...Lauren and Sorcha used to make about him. I was remembering it. I looked down at the necklace to see that it was glowing, I looked at Emma.

''Fight it,' Emma smiled.

I nodded. 'Fight it, Fight it' I muttered to myself. I heard yelling come from the other side of the door, my head snapped up. I noticed that the only person that wasn't out there was Jacob. I looked at Cole, he nodded slowly. I lifted my wrist and flicked it foward, wind came in through the windows and busted the double doors open.

'Excuse me...' I muttered, stepping past everyone and going into the office, I didn't bother closing the door. Jacob was on the floor, Samuel was towering over him, his fists clenched, Ryan was in the corner something hidden in his blazer. The moment Ryan saw me he hurried over to me.

'What's going on in here!?' I demanded. Looking around, Jacob's eyes opened but he didn't move from his spot on the floor. 'Are you hurt?'

He shook his head. 'No...' He then added. 'In fact, that punch didn't hurt at all-try again Mr. Nateman'  Samuel growled and punched Jacob again, Jacob laughed and stood up. 'I guess now it's my turn' Samuel backed up a bit. 'Wait!' I shouted, I pulled Jacob's arm and pressed my lips against his.

This has to work, Jacob kissed back and pulled me closer. I pulled away and looked in his eyes, I suddenly started to remember. 'Jacob...', the necklance slid off my neck and hit the floor. Jacob smiled and took a strand of my hair and showed it to me. I gasped and let go of him, my hair was dark brown. I rushed over to the glass cabinet and looked at my reflection, I was myself again-I was Adrienne Carter again.

I turned around. I saw the gun on the table, I'd seen it in a movie before-AK-47. Ryan noticed that I was staring at it. We both went for it, I swept it off the desk and pushed Ryan away from me. I kicked the gun over to the far end of the room and kneed Ryan in his private area, Ryan yelped and fell to the ground. I smirked and grabbed the gun and pointed it at Samuel, he didn't put his hands up but he did look scared.

'Do it!' Samuel challenged. 'Shoot your father' I really didn't have the guts to shoot my own uncle, I've never even held a gun before but my adrenaline was pumping.

'D'you really think I'm that stupid!?' I retorted, pointing the gun at him. We circled each other, I kept my gaze on him. 

'I don't know what you're talking about' Samuel began.

'Where's my father?' I interupted, darting the gun at his forehead. I had no intention of shooting him, because I don't think I could live with killing someone, no matter how evil the victim is and I believe I'll be starting a war if I was to kill him.

Samuel didn't answer instead he ran, out of the room. 'Whimp' I muttered, I dropped the gun and chased after him, I wasn't going to let him get away with this, I could hear heavy footsteps behind me, I turned around to see five giant wolves behind me. I jumped on Jacob's back and rode on his back. Paul caught up with me, he had Cole on his back.

'Now do you believe me?' I smiled, smugly.

'Yeah, but where are the vampires?' Cole sneered, feeling smug.

'Behind us..' I answered, looking behind us. Cole pursed his lips and nodded, I had him. 

'Fine, I believe you now-Okay?' Cole hissed, holding tighter onto Paul. 'Can't believe I'm sitting on a dude's back'

I laughed as Jacob ran down the steps, I held on tighter. Samuel was talking to one of the housekeepers when he saw us approaching, I hopped off of Jacob and marched over to him. The housekeeper whimpered when she saw the wolves and ran away.

'Where is my father?' I demanded. 'It's the last time I'm going to ask'

'Your father is on the spirit nation, rotting in a cell where he belongs' Samuel answered without hesitation. 'I'm just trying to take back what's mine...'

'This island belongs to my father, George Nateman' I retorted, stepping towards him. 'You need to leave'

Samuel stepped closer to me, Jacob growled in a warning way. 'What are you going to do?'

To be honest, I had no idea. 'I'm going to fight you...' I blurted out, Pfft, no I'm not going to do that. Am I?-I've never beaten up a grown man before-If you exclude some pervert who tried to kidnap me when I was eleven-Samuel laughed and crossed his arms.

'Go on...try me' Samuel challenged. 'Let me warn you though, I don't fight lightly' 

Cole put his hand on my shoulder. 'You're not really going to fight this guy, are you?'

'No...' I whispered, I looked at Samuel who was looking at something behind me. I turned around to see Ryan standing at the top of the stairs, his eyes looking extremely frightened but his body language was telling a different story and so was that AK-47 is his hand as it pointed in my direction, I remembered that I had dropped it while I was running after Samuel. Bloody hell!

Elizabeth was standing beside him, whispering things in his ear. I watched her as she whispered something then pointed at me. I didn't like the look of this. 'Ryan...don't' I blurted out, anyone could hear the phobia in my voice.

'I'm sorry...' Ryan frowned. 'I can't stop myself' His hand shook wildly as he lifted his hand, it was as if he was fighting against it.

'Ryan, don't!' Cole warned, Jacob roared really loudly. It all happened extremely fast, Ryan pulled the trigger and his arm dropped. Elizabeth smiled proudly as she placed her hand on his shoulder, I felt something sharp and painful hit my stomach, my hands covered the spot, I looked at my hands to see that it was covered in blood lots of it.

The Cullens started to shift uncomfortably. Jacob phased and caught me before I fell to the floor, I fought to keep my eyes open but it was too hard, I let the darkness take over me.

The Picture-That's How Adrienne Looks Now

& That's how Adrienne Carter died....

LOL, Joke. Did you actually think that i'd kill the main character?-I can't possibly kill the main character...or could i??

I know, I know-UPLOAD SOON. :)

Don't forget, Daisie loves you.

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