I'll Pace Myself (Lee Pace Im...

By shining_jewel

76.4K 2.3K 317

One shots about Lee Pace :) More

1 | Kneel For Your King
2 | Chubby Bunny
3 | Pancakes and Kisses
4 | Run
5 | The Zoo
6 | Jogging
7 | A Sort Of Understanding
8 | Amnesia
10 | Valentines Day
11 | It Goes On
12 | I'm Unknown
13 | Strings
14 | Eleven
15 | The Roller Rink

9 | Prom

3.7K 126 11
By shining_jewel

"I'm not going," you repeated for what felt like the fiftieth time.

Raelene, your best friend, sighed. "Please, (Y/N). It's not going to be fun without you."

You shook your head. "No. No one's asked me out and everyone's asked you out. There's no point for me to go."

She gave you a look. "Do I sense a little jealousy?" She asked.

You groaned, throwing a pillow from your bed at you. "Rae! I'm not jealous! It just - "


You groaned some more and buried your face in the mattress. "Shut up."

"Well your jealousy is not needed there, girl," she said, giggling and throwing the pillow back at you. "He didn't ask me."

You stared at her. "What?"

She grinned. "He really didn't ask me."

You grinned back. "Is that bad that it makes me happy?"


You grinned even wider, giggling and hugging her. "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet. I heard a rumour that he wants to ask you."

That sent you over the moon. One of the hottest boys in school wanted to ask you to prom?! You were jumping up and down squealing. "Rae! Rae! Rae! He might ask me!"

She giggled and jumped along with you. "Well, (Y/N/N), are you going to prom now?"

You giggled. "Yes," you said shyly.


You went to school very, very excited and hoping that he'd ask you soon.

You passed through math, English, a double of bio, lunch and sport, and the end bell and still you hadn't been asked.

You stood on the platform, waiting for the train to take you home. As you were waiting, Rae began to giggle. "Hey. He's here."

You turned and he was looking straight at you. He waved and you waved back, blushing. You looked back at Rae who was giggling and grinning at you.

She turned you around and you found yourself right in front of him.

You gulped.


"Uh, hey, (Y/N)," he said, a little nervous. His nervousness was radiating on you.

"Hey, Lee."

He shifted uncomfortably. "So uh, are you going to prom?"

You shrugged. "Maybe - "

"If you ask her!" Rae shouted. You wanted to dig your grave immediately, both you and Lee going red.

He cleared his throat. Everyone seemed to be watching. "Um... I was wondering if you'd want to go to prom with uh... With me?"

You smiled. "That would be cool." That would be cool indeed.


Rae was lounging on your bed in her hair and makeup, looking amazing. She looked like she was going to the Oscars. She looked like a movie star. You could only hope to look that good.

She got up. "Finally you're out of the shower," she complained.

You rolled your eyes. "Rude."

She smirked. "Shut up and hurry up, loser."

You threw your hair towel at her and she hit it out of the way before she came to do your hair and make up.


"I'm nervous," you said as the rented limo dropped you, Rae and some other girls at the venue.

She took your hand and squeezed it. "You'll be fine. Don't worry."

You let out a breath and walked closer to the doors, not seeing Lee in sight. It began to make sense when they told you about the two entrances; one for the boys and one for the girls.

At 7PM, the doors opened and worry shot through you.


"How's my makeup?" you asked.

Rae smiled, pulling you in close for a hug. "You look beautiful. Now get in there and make him beg to dance with you."

You laughed, going to stand at the door as your name was called.

You gripped onto your dress earning a slap on the wrist. You let go, took in a deep breath and walked in. Lee was walking in at the same time, a corsage in his hand.

You smiled at him, the beautiful snow theme blurring into the background.

You reached the centre where the photographer took your photo. He smiled. "You look beautiful."

You smiled back. "You look handsome."

He chuckled. "Thanks... Uh, this is for you." You held your wrist out whilst he put the corsage on it and the photographer went crazy.

The corsage was an intricate weave of violet, blue and white flowers, all tied together with a simple black satin ribbon which he tied like an expert.

"Thanks," you replied, mirroring his shy smile.

He took your hand, searching your yes for permissions first before settling into the gesture.


It had been an hour into the four hour long event and whilst the music was playing and the vibe was getting comfortable, no one was dancing.

Rae groaned. "I want to dance."

You smiled at her. "Go on. Take Zach with you." Zach was her date. He was one of the popular guys and had had a crush on her since year 8. Turns out they were perfect for each other and had provided you with a lot of entertainment.

Zach was way too shy, however, to go dance when no one else was, he wasn't too prepared for that.

Instead, you found a hand in front of me. You followed it and it led to Lee. He looked at you. "Would you honour me with a dance?"

You smiled. "Yes."

Rae giggled whilst Zach cheered you on.

He helped you up and immediately took you to the centre. A lot of eyes were on you and some of the stupider boys were hollering and banging on the tables.

You smiled at Lee and he smiled at you before pulling you close. The DJ got a request for a slow song, courtesy of Rae, and there you were. Dancing with Lee in front of you entire year and extras.

He grinned at you. "Don't get nervous on me now."

You giggled. "Alright."

Soon you were joined by dozens of other couples who's been eager but too scared to dance.


You stood on the balcony, enjoying some fresh air, away from the party scene. You were glad to be rid of the mass of dancing bodies that you'd help orchestrate.

"How's your night going?" you heard as Rae came to stand next to you.

You smiled. "Good. I just need some fresh air."

She giggled, turning so you were facing the view and she was facing you. "I think Lee really likes you."

You sighed. "You think?"

She nodded. "Oh. And he's going to come in three... Two... One..."

"Hey, I got you a drink - oh. Hi, Raelene."

She smirked at you. "Hey, Lee."

"Sorry, I would've gotten you a drink. Would you like mine? - "

"I was just leaving," Rae quickly said before making haste and leaving you both on the balcony.

Lee handed you a drink and you thanked him, smiling.

"Thanks for tonight," he said.

You giggled. "I should be thanking you. So thank you."

He rolled his eyes, chortling. "You made it fun."

You smiled. "I wish I could say the same about you."

He elbowed you, the both of you chuckling.

You both surrendered yourselves to silence and let the music resonate and become the atmosphere. You turned to look at him, only to find him already staring at you.

The atmosphere became electric.

He leaned in, you leaned in, and in what felt like a kiss from a scene of your favourite romcom, you had the most passionate first kiss a girl could ask for - aside from the background of hollers from the boys again.

Pulling away, you are red and so was he.

He took your hand. "Will you go out with me?"

You grinned. "Yes."


How was your prom? (I didn't actually go to one so fill me in on all the details!!!!!!) also, what do you think about Rae?

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