Fishy, fishy, fishy, come swi...

By ChloeHickson5

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This is a Sharkbaitshipping fan fiction. It will take place roughly a year after the anime ends, but will ass... More

Chapter 1: Demons
Chapter 2: You are not alone
Chapter 3: Happy
Chapter 4: These are my confessions
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Would anyone care?
Chapter 7: Be as you are
Chapter 8: How deep is your love?
Chapter 9: Jealous guy
Chapter 10: Half way to forever
Chapter 11: Beginning again
Chapter 12: Fallen angel
Chapter 13: Secrets and Lies
Chapter 15: Memories (part 2)
Chapter 16: Calm before the storm
Chapter 17: Whose side are you on?
Chapter 18: Barian world
Chapter 19: The Aether is coming.
Chapter 20: The truth a friend hides.
Chapter 21: It has begun
Chapter 22: An explanation.
Chapter 23: A drop in the ocean
Chapter 24: True face
Chapter 25: Deja vu
Epilogue: A glimpse of the coming future

Chapter 14: Memories (part 1)

246 5 13
By ChloeHickson5

A/N: I would like to once again thank those who are reading this fan fiction, I am loving reading your reactions and feedback. You guys are amazing. Truly.

I was really nervous writing this chapter due to the overwhelmingly good reactions to Chapter 13. It was truly inspiring. Thank you.

I split this chapter in parts wanting to do it justice.


Me and my cat pillow have worked really hard on this chapter. I hope it pays off.

Wondering if you guys would join a discord if I started one?

Enjoy. I love all you guys. 


Shark texted Yuma at about midnight, informing him to come to his door. Vector and Rio were waiting with him. Yuma was at the door in seconds, as if he had been waiting there, or nearby. Yuma looked confused when he didn't see a car.

"How are we getting to the mountains?" Yuma asked, "You didn't bring a car."

"Firstly, we are too young to drive Yuma." Shark laughed affectionately caressing Yuma's face, "Besides, Barians have a much faster means of travel remember."

Yuma recalled that Shark had told him how the Barians travelled long distances and between dimensions. It looked like teleporting but it wasn't. The Barians built an overlay network between two locations and stepped in one side and came out the other. It wasn't instantaneous travel, but it was faster then anything available to ordinary people. Yuma nodded to show Shark he recalled the information.

"We just need a rough location." Rio prompted, "Do you have any of your dad's maps?"

Yuma rushed inside. The three Barians followed. Yuma ran into his dad's study, and found a copy his dad had luckily made of the are he was exploring. He took it and handed it to Shark.

"Wow. That's a really rocky area." Vector said peeking at the map over Shark's shoulder.

"You don't say, ginger bread." Shark stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes as Vector backed up, but Shark was privately thinking Vector did have a point. The terrain made it difficult for them to arrive as a group, near the ruins. At best they would have half a days climb which complicated things. They didn't want to get caught by the expedition, and being at the ruins in daylight was risky at best. Kazuma and Mira were still verbal about their support of Astral world. That could make things problematic.

"We could split into two pairs." Rio suggested looking at the map and seeing the issue.

"No." Shark said, "I'm not leaving you or Yuma alone with Vector."

"Oh come one," Vector moaned, "I'm not going to try anything."

"I want to keep an eye on you." Shark spat.

"Then you pair with me, send Yuma with Rio." Vector suggested. Shark looked thoughtfully at Vector.

"You aren't considering it!" Rio shouted, "We are better sticking together."

"But the best way to go undetected is to split up and meet up at the entrance." Shark said, "And we really don't want to be found."

30 minutes later, after much shouting, Rio had finally agreed to Vector's plan, but not before threatening him.  They had walked to the river front, to avoid risky the possibility Astral could sense the overlay portals, and with a 'see you later' kiss with Yuma, Vector and Shark portalled away. That left a nervous Yuma with Rio.

"It's going to be ok, Yuma." Rio said with a friendly smile, holding her hand out for Yuma to take, "You and Shark will see each other before sunrise."

"Yeah, I've just never travelled like this before." Yuma said taking Rio's hand.

"Then hold tight. We'll there in a blink of the eye." Rio said. Yuma wasn't surprised that she wasn't lying. The arrived at the tree covered ledge they had planned to arrive at. Yuma felt like he was a character in one of the stealth games he liked to play on his sister's computer when she wasn't looking. He felt tense and awake, despite the hour.

When the ruins came into view, Rio had to remind Yuma to remain in cover, since he had felt an urge to walk in a straight line towards the ruins. That would have been disastrous, since that would have taken Yuma straight through his parents' camp, which had people guarding it with guns, due to the large animals in the area.

Rio and Yuma had to hide very quickly in a bush when one of them trod on a twig that snapped loudly. One of the guards pointed a flash light into the trees.

"Whose there?" He called into the shadows. Yuma found himself holding his breath, heart pounding in his ears. All this for memories. My they should have waited for December. It would have been so much easier. But his instincts were telling him, that the sooner he recovered these lost memories the better.

"Must have been some kind of animal." The guard concluded, after several tense seconds moving away. Yuma and Rio continued their journey to the ruins taking extra care in the dim light of a full moon.

"What took you so long?" asked an impatient Shark, running up to them and hugging Yuma and his sister in pure relief, despite Shark being the one who had made the trip with Vector.

"I stepped on a twig." Rio admitted, "We had to hide. It slowed us down. How long until the sun is up?"

"About 3 hours." Shark answered, "But it'll probably take an hour to climb that."

Shark pointed to a sheer cliff face that lead to the entrance. The ledge that it led to looked barely big enough for one person. Shark was confident that he and Yuma could climb it. But Rio and Vector? Rio didn't know how to free climb, and he wasn't sure if Vector did either.

"Vector can you free climb?" Shark asked.

"Of course I can." Vector said looking insulted.

"Rio have done climbing in P.E yet?" Shark asked his sister, she nodded, "Free climbing is basically the same, just no rope."

"How do you know?" Rio asked.

"Remember, I taught him and Kite how to free climb when we were hunting the Mythyrain numbers." Yuma said, looking like he was fighting something inside himself.

"You ok Yuma?" Shark asked noticing this.

"Yeah, I'm just fighting the urge to go on ahead." Yuma said, sounding distant, "I can feel it pulling me. Do you guys have something to help you see in the dark?"

"Why?" Vector asked, concerned.

"I've got a feeling that inside the ruins its going to be really dark." Yuma answered, "I have a light on my duel gazer." Turned out Rio, Shark and Vector had neglected to bring any kind of flash light.

"Leave it to me." Vector chimed and disappeared before he heard any of their protests. He returned five minutes later with two flash lights.

"Where did you get those?" Shark asked, already guessing the answer.

"The camp." Vector answered with a grin.

"I hope you didn't give us away." Rio said as Yuma and Shark face palmed.

"No, I'm not a cretin." Vector frowned handing one of the flash lights to her, "I lured one of the guards away and used Barian's force to trick him into handing the flash light on his gun and the one on his belt to me. The man won't remember a thing." Shark hit Vector over the head. Rio put the flash light in her trouser pocket, as they headed up the cliff face.

The ledge at the top, did indeed only have enough space for one person, so they each had to enter the ruins straight after reaching the top, so the others could finish their climbs. Yuma put his duel gazer on and activated the flash light function, while Vector and Rio turned their flash lights on too. Between them, the three lights cast enough light for all four of them to see, and following Yuma the began walking into the ruins. Being very careful of traps as they got deeper and deeper in.

The walls of the ruins appeared to be made out local sandstone, carved into the rock it sat in. The walls and floor were cracked but not dangerously so. For the several minutes Yuma led them forward, before turning to the left, as if he was being guided by an invisible rope. The walls, as Yuma's father had said, were featureless. There was no indication as to how deep they were going, or the way they come.

"Are we sure this is the right place?" Rio asked a little doubt in her voice as they heard a faint dripping noise echoing in the distance. Shark looked at Yuma. Yes he was worried, but Yuma did seem to know where he was going.

"Yes." Shark said certain that Yuma wasn't leading them to anywhere dangerous, "He's acting like you did Rio, just before I duelled you when you were possessed by Abyss Splash."

"Shhh," Yuma whispered, "My Duel gazer says it 8 in the morning. The expedition will most likely join us in here in an hour. We don't want our voice to draw them this deep in. They haven't come this far yet."

"What makes you say that?" Vector asked.

"I haven't seen any tools, or excavation marks for a couple of hours yet." Yuma said. Silence feel between them all, and about 20 minutes later the floor started becoming titled, and the hallways to widen. Not long after that Yuma's deck started to glow. Shark tapped Yuma on the shoulder and pointed this out silently.

Yuma reached down and took the card that was glowing out. It was Number 39: Utopia.

"What's that mean?" Vector whispered confused.

"We're close." Yuma said, his voice seemed distant. This scared the other three. But Yuma hadn't been wrong. Soon the walked into a large circular cavern. Its floor was dark tile, with writing carved in to a large circular out cropping that had a slim walk way that connected it to the entrance. The rest of the cavern was filled with a deep, dark pool of water. There weren't other distinguishing features. However it sounded like the water was dripping into this area.

"Vector," Shark whispered with authority, "turn your flash light off. Guard the entrance, and watch for any sign of lights, the expedition will no doubt be using them. Use your power to collapse the corridor if you see anything. Don't bother shouting a warning. Just collapse the ceiling. That'll serve as a warning.  We can't be discovered."

"How will we get out?" Vector asked.

"These places are protected from us using our powers to get in." Shark whispered his explanation, recalling Duman could portal out once inside when they'd found the ruins connected to him, "We can portal out if we have to." Vector nodded. For once listening to Shark.

"So what now?" Rio asked as Shark joined her and Yuma in the middle. As if on cue, greenish stones in the walls been to give a blue, green glow, illuminating the room.

"Can any one read the writing on the floor?" Yuma asked.

"Yes. Its in an ancient language, once used by us." Rio stated.

"What does it say?" Yuma inquired.

"'When the power of the aether returns,'" Rio read, "'the 8th Barian shall return in the time of greatest need, and united all 8 Barian Emperors will wield power to raise of save all worlds.'"

"Well that's helpful." Vector snarked from his position in the dark corridor, "I thought we came here for answers not riddles."

"Shut up and just keep look out." Shark hissed.

"Ouch!" Yuma hissed, dropping Utopia, as it floated slowly to the ground.

"What happened?" Rio asked before Shark could.

"Utopia's card just shocked me." Yuma replied, as the card landed on the floor. The circle that the trio was stood in was then engulfed in strange flames the same colour as the gem lights on the wall.

"Well this can't be good." Shark hissed, as Vector made to enter the cavern to help, "No, Vector, stay in the corridor. You might need to go for help." Vector froze.  

"Remind me," Vector snarked, "Why did I agree to come on this shit show of an expedition?" Shark glared at him, when he heard a thud.

"Yuma!" Rio cried. Shark turned and saw Yuma passed out on the floor.

"No, Yuma!" Shark said rushing over to him, and putting Yuma's head on his lap checking his pulse. He was alive. 

"What do we do?" Rio asked clearly needing her brother's leadership, but he didn't have the answer and could only shrug at her.

"Come on, Yuma," Shark breathed concerned, stroking his beloved's hair, mostly to calm himself, "come back to me safely." Then he heard Rio hiss in pain and saw her eyes glowing red. This was getting more and more out of control.

"Rio?" Shark said.

"I'm fine, you focus on Yuma." she hissed.

The last thing Yuma remembered was dropping Utopia then blacking out. Now he found himself in some kind of Roman style armour, a bronze sword strapped to his side. He looked around himself. He was in a village, which was full of scared looking people. He noticed a second group of people. They were wearing armour like he was. Resting against some of the building, some of which were smouldering, were blue flags with the crest of Shark's family's emblem on it. Well at least he knew he was in the time of the United Lands of Poseidon.

"Sir," one of the armoured men said approaching them, "our men have put out the bulk of the fires, but what are we going to do about the injured locals?" Yuma thought that should have been obvious. These villagers most likely didn't ask for what happened. He felt compelled to help them, and it was clear that he had been one of the commanders in Shark's army.

"Tend to their wounds. They didn't ask for this." Yuma ordered.

"But what about the Emperor's sister?" the solider asked.

"I'll go on ahead." Yuma said, feeling compelled to say this, as if he'd said this before. He wasn't going to fight the recollection.

"Sir are you sure," the solider questioned, "Princess Marin might only be guarded by a single squad, but our intel suggests that Vector was going to meet them part way..."

"I can handle a single squad," Yuma found himself saying, wondering if he was a skilled fighter in this life, "don't question that. You are to finish tending to the wounded here, only then can you provide back up."

"Yes sir." the solider asked, as Yuma started following the tracks of what had to be the squad that had Rio's past life. He caught up with them part way up the mountain, on which he knew the ruins his future self was in.

"Yuma!" Rio cried from the centre of the squad.

"Shit it's Commander Phantom." Vector's men said, clearly scared of him and standing at guard.

"Rio!" Yuma called at her. She'd used his current name.

"Yes, its me." she called back, "I thought this was meant to be your memory."

"Yeah, me too." Yuma called back, "But it looks like you have something to remember as well."

"Shark's worried because you collapsed." Rio informed him. Yuma winced at the information.

"The only way out is through." Yuma said, "This was my idea. I'm sorry Rio."

"One step closer, Commander," one of Vector's men shouted, grabbing Rio roughly, "and she dies."

"Rio!" Yuma shouted, as he froze, his hand fluttering next to his sword.

"I'm ok." She called back, as the man that held her started dragging her up the hill.

"If he moves kill him." the solider ordered. Then hoisted Rio onto his shoulder and started running up the mountain.

"Put me down, thug!" Yuma heard Rio shout as she and her captor disappeared into the distance. Figuring it was safe Yuma took one experimental step forward. Vector's men attacked him and they meant business, aiming their swords at his neck and waist, which were unprotected by his armour.

As if on instinct Yuma was able to avoid all five swords. They moved to attack him again. Yuma instinctually avoid the first three men, and cleanly cleaved through the necks of the first two. This was war, he thought, and it couldn't be help, as the lifeless eyed heads hit the floor with a thud and began rolling toward the valley below. The headless bodies slumped to the floor behind him and blood from the neck wholes stained the verdant, green grass red with blood. Yuma flicked his sword as the three remaining soldiers faltered.

"I'll give you one chance," Yuma said mournfully, "because I don't enjoy killing. Surrender, and you can live."

"For our king!" the three soldiers shouted. Yuma took them out in three clean cuts, sickened that he'd been capable of such actions, but heartened that he hadn't enjoyed it. Then he set off after Rio, knowing he would be moving faster then her captor, since he wasn't carrying a reluctant hostage.

Yuma caught up to them at the foot the steps that had by his time, eroded away. Yuma was too late to stop Vector's man from handing Rio to Vector.

"Vector stop!" Yuma yelled.

"Yuma this isn't our Vector." Rio shouted noticing the manic look in his purple eyes.

"Shhhh." Vector said, holding Rio against his bare chest. "Sacrifices shouldn't talk."

Yuma and Rio's eyes both widened in horror. Vector'd some how kidnapped Rio to sacrifice her. Yuma's blood ran cold.

"Release her now!" Yuma bellowed as Vector's man drew his sword and pointed it at him, "I'm sure Emperor Nasch will make peace with your kingdom, if Rio is returned unharmed."

"Too bad for you, I don't want peace." Vector cackled dragging Rio into the temple that would become ruins as time passed, 'Delay him."

"Yes my king." Vector's man acknowledged.

"Yuma!" Rio cried.

"I'll rescue you!" Yuma shouted back.

Yuma used his unsheathed sword to knock the offending sword away from his throat. However, this one was more skilled than the five of his comrades Yuma had slaughtered further down the mountain, since he had blocked Yuma's first strike.

They swapped parries and counterattack's. Their blade's danced high and low, and then Yuma found his opening, and Leonidas style, swiped his sword low, cutting one his opponent's legs clean off, while sweeping the other from under him. Knowing that he couldn't follow and was bleeding out, followed after Vector. This time the hallways of the temple were lit by those green gems that had lit up the carven back in the present. Clearly time had destroyed these.

Yuma caught up with Vector and Rio, who was struggling behind him. Yuma dived at Vector's head, his sword sheathed. He wasn't going to use it while Rio was in the way. Vector rolled forward, letting Rio go. Yuma quickly put himself between King Vector and Rio. Vector dove at Yuma with his dagger. Yuma didn't even bother drawing his sword. It would be useless in the tight hallways, so instead dodged, using his body to force Vector back. Vector's dagger cut Yuma's cheek as Vector recoiled.

"Get out of the way, handsome, and I'll let you live." Vector drawled a demonic smile on his face, "I'll even give you a high rank in my army. You are skilled enough for it." Again Yuma's blood ran cold.

"Never." Yuma growled, as Rio watched speechless, her hands clasped over her chin.

"Then you won't live to see the end of this day." Vector sneered as he lunged at Yuma again. Yuma caught his wrist and twisted it until Vector released the dagger. Yuma caught it and slashed at Vector who jumped backwards out of the way and turned and ran deeper in, cackling madly.

"Rio are you ok?" Yuma asked, not turning to look at her.

"Yes." Rio whispered disbelieving of what she'd just witnessed, "But I should be asking you that. You sound, troubled?"

"I'm..." Yuma paused, he felt sick, he was a deadly warrior in this life, he'd had to let his past body guide him to kill, "I'm... fine."

"Don't act like Reginald!" Rio snapped.

"Fine, " Yuma snapped, "I've just had to watch myself kill six people Rio. I'm not a killer, but I just effortlessly, ruthlessly, skilfully killed six people without breaking a sweat. I feel sick."

"You can't help it." Rio said kindly, "Besides its clear you're doing it to save me."

"I know." Yuma said, "Get out of here. I just know I have to follow Vector."

"But he'll kill you." Rio realised out loud.

"I know." Yuma said, "But if someone doesn't delay him, he'll kill you, and I think we both know you survive this memory."

"Yuma." Rio breathed, a single tear rolling down her face.

"Go on Rio." Yuma said still not looking at her, "Follow the halls out. You remember the village in the valley?"

"Yes." Rio answered.

"Run to it." Yuma said, "Your brother's men are there, they'll return you the Shark of this time. With any luck they have finished helping the villagers, and are already on their way."

"Yuma I can't let you." Rio protested.

"You have to!" Yuma shouted making Rio jump, "Because in this life you are royalty, your life is more valuable than mine. In this life, as one of Shark's military Commanders, it is my duty to surrender my life for your people, you and Shark. I feel like its actually an honour. Now go. Run, and don't stop, I'll bye you as much time as I can."

"Yuma," Rio said hugging him, "thank you. And I'm sorry." Rio then turned and ran tears in her eyes, not stopping, tripping several times.

Yuma started walking toward the cavern, to meet the fate that had waited him in this life. But he walked slowly, knowing Vector would wait for him, and that by taking his time, Rio had more time to get away.

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