full throttle || h.s. ||

By -acidharold

8.8M 215K 1.2M

"Who's that over there?" The man looked at me like I was from outer space, or perhaps like I lived under... More

trailer and cast
prologue || trouble
one || retail therapy
two || burning rubber
three || constructive criticism
four || making enemies
five || let's put on a show
six || (little) red solo cup
seven || behind closed doors
eight || dancing with the devil *
ten || practice runs and pay raises
eleven || gum on the bottom of my shoe
twelve || high rev's and revenge plots
thirteen || pedal to the metal
fourteen || rock, paper, scissors, shoot
fifteen || bite the bullet
sixteen || break me *
seventeen || working overtime
eighteen || duty calls & bodies fall
nineteen || the grim reaper
twenty || to spit or to swallow *
twenty-one || breaking through the unbreakable
twenty-two || the never-ending headache
twenty-three || hindsight is a son of a bitch
twenty-four || meet you at the track
twenty-five || no sense of direction
twenty-six || welcome to the show
twenty-seven || would you like to come to the gym?
twenty-eight || no ends except dead ones
twenty-nine || i dont take rules, i make them
thirty || all done up
thirty-one || you shut me up real quick
thirty-two || the roaring 20s
thirty-three || playing with fire *
thirty-four || ms. james *
thirty-five || comfortable silence
thirty-six || coffee mugs and quiet company
thirty-seven || show me your true colors
thirty-eight || fess-up, finley james
thirty-nine || where do we go from here?
forty || he's right behind me, isn't he?
forty-one || shut up and drive
forty-two || golden boy
forty-three || talking to the moon
forty-four || red light risks
forty-five || call me sometime
forty-six || rockin' records and shaking walls *
forty-seven || tell me what you want *
forty-eight || squirrels in the attic
forty-nine || off to the races
fifty || things we shouldn't have said or seen
fifty-one || cause of death
fifty-two || he who shall not be named
fifty-three || digging up the past
fifty-four || cloth-covered canvases
fifty-five || life imitates art *
fifty-six || pissed off and provoked
fifty-seven || blissful ignorance
fifty-eight || self defense
fifty-nine || restraint and restraints *
sixty || let the phone ring *
sixty-one || driving (me crazy)
sixty-two || a couple of shots deep
sixty-three || smells like teen spirit
sixty-four || bohemian rhapsody
sixty-five || we meet again
sixty-six || ticking time bomb
sixty-seven || the chain
sixty-eight || sunbeams, songbirds, and him
sixty-nine || running out the clock *
seventy || you have one new message
seventy-one || a conscious nightmare
seventy-two || you better run
seventy-three || spare parts and broken hearts
seventy-four || the upper hand
seventy-five || ready for takeoff *
seventy-six || tokyo drift
seventy-seven || cutthroat
seventy-eight || mad for you *

nine || unwanted wakeup calls

131K 3.1K 11.4K
By -acidharold

the song for this chapter is "Velvet Clouds," by Oddnote :)


I don't know where I am
I'm lost in the summer heat
It spins my head, it spins my head
Around and around and around
It spins my head, it spins my head
Around and around and around



I woke up the next morning feeling very warm, and with a weight draped across my waist.

Instinctively, I went to grab Lars' hand and pull it off my body, but when I reached for his hand, I felt a bunch of cold rings against my skin.

That's weird...Lars doesn't wear rings. I thought to myself.

But then my stomach plummeted right to my toes as I peeked my eyes down and saw the tattooed arm laying across me.

Oh fuck.

"Trying to hold my hand already? Didn't pin you as the clingy type," Harry's voice spoke, his accent even thicker and raspier first thing in the morning, and I ignored the feeling it gave me in my stomach.

Instantly, I flung his hand away from me, removing his arm from my waist as the memories of what happened between us flashed through my mind.

"Oh please don't tell me you're gonna be all shy and bashful now after what happened last night. Or do I need to remind you of how I made you scream my name with these?" Harry hummed, and suddenly, his fingers were placed on my throat, squeezing at it lightly.

I grabbed his hand and ripped it off my neck, sitting up straight in the bed and realizing I was in nothing but my underwear and what I assumed was one of Harry's t-shirts.

I held it out in my hand and realized it was an old Elton John tee, vintage from the looks of it.

"Morning, Rocket Man," Harry teased, propping himself up on his elbow and grinning as he watched the horror unfold on my face.

"Fuck, Harry...it's way too early for...well...you," I groaned, rubbing my hand down my face and feeling the slightest tinge of a hangover.

"You wound me, Little Red," Harry pouted dramatically, placing his free hand over his heart and pretending to look hurt.

"Fuck off, will you?" I huffed, shaking my head at him in annoyance.

"You certainly didn't want me to last night-"

"That was last night. Today is a new day, and just as I told you last night, what happened between us changes nothing, and I still want nothing to do with you, got it?" I snapped, fuming at him with wild eyes, and I'm sure a very messy head of hair.

Harry put his hands up in defense, before placing them behind his head and flopping back onto his pillow, smirking at me as he saw me involuntarily check out his bare chest.

"Mhmm. Nothing at all," he mused, causing my eyes to flick back up towards his devious ones.

"You think very highly of yourself, don't you?" I sighed, smiling at him sarcastically.

He pursed his lips together and shrugged, and I cursed myself for watching the way his biceps flexed as he did so.

"Well, so do I. Which is exactly why this will never happen again. I know that it may take a lot for you to get that through your thick skull, but try and keep up," I snapped, pushing the covers off of my body and standing up, tugging Harry's large shirt further over my ass before I gave him something else to make a crude remark on.

I huffed and scanned the floor, trying to find the clothes that I had allowed Harry to rip off of my body last night.

"Looking for something?" Harry hummed from his comfy space on the bed.

I balled my hands up into fists, pausing when I suddenly felt something in one of my hands.

I stretched out the hand and blushed when I saw Harry's rings still on my hands, surprised they didn't slip off in my sleep.

My skin felt hot as I remembered the way he had pushed them into my mouth to remove, and then how he...


I slid the rings off of my fingers and tossed them onto the bed.

"Where are my clothes?" I huffed, placing a hand on my hip.

Harry's pink lips spread into a smirk, and he raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"I dunno, guess you're just gonna have to leave like that," he shrugged.

"Harry," I warned.

"Finley," he mocked.

I scoffed at his immaturity, shaking my head at him.

"Does every girl that you hook up with have to go through this? If so, you must not get a lot of returning customers," I jabbed.

Harry sighed and pushed back the covers, revealing his annoyingly sexy abs, and his tempting grey sweatpants.

He ran a hand through his unruly curls and walked over towards me, and I tried not to fixate my eyes on every muscle that rippled as he walked.

He stopped a foot or two away from me. "Actually, I get a lot of returning customers, and I don't have to ask them twice to beg for me, they're already on their knees the second they step foot in the door," he started, glowering down at me and making me feel infinitely smaller without the added height of my red boots, "And no, I just give you special treatment, Little Red," he smirked.

"Harry. Where are my clothes?" I tried again, my voice strained as I tried to remain calm cool, and collected, knowing that my irritation was only egging him on further.

Harry didn't even bother forming a reply, he just shrugged.

I pressed my lips into a line, glaring up at him.

"Fine then," I began spinning around to face the door, unhinging the lock and beginning to pull it open, "I'll just go like this-" I continued, but before I had a chance to place one foot off the door, Harry's large hand shoved the door closed, just like last night.

"No you will not," he chuckled, although he didn't sound very amused.

"Fine, then tell me where my clothes are," I challenged, turning around and crossing my arms over my chest.

Harry laughed a bit at my indignant behavior. "Finn, calm down. You do realize it is six forty. five in the morning, right? No one else is awake right now," he chuckled, and I widened my eyes at him. I could have sworn it would have been at least eight.

"Well, what am I supposed to do now then?" I asked dramatically, an irritated and strained smile on my face.

"Well, you can take a shower in there if you want, there should be some extra toothbrushes and shampoo and stuff under the sink," he suggested, pointing towards a door behind me.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Or...we could get back in bed and continue what we started last night-"

"A shower sounds great!" I interjected, pressing my lips together in an unamused smile.

"Perfect, I'll join you!" Harry replied smugly as I spun around and began to walk towards the bathroom door.

Without turning around I replied to him. "If you even think about it I'll castrate you."

"You'd have to get in my pants to do that, darling, so I say it'd be a lovely way to go-"

"Fuck off," I groaned, walking into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me, making sure to twist the lock closed right away.

"Toss me that t-shirt, I'll grab you a new one," Harry called directly outside of the door.

I chuckled dryly. "Nice try."

"I'm serious, I have one in my hand right now, just hand me that one and I'll hand you this one. I've already seen you in your underwear, Little Red," he reminded me, and I blushed angrily at his words.

After a moment of silence, Harry spoke up again.

"I know how to pick a lock, Finley," he teased, but part of me knew he probably wasn't joking.

I groaned and tugged the shirt over my head, flipping the lock open and sticking my hand out the door.

"Here, you fucking impossible prick," I muttered, and he chuckled as he took it from my hand.

I held out my hand expectantly, and my jaw nearly dropped when Harry fucking high fived me.

"Harry. Shirt. Now," I demanded angrily.

I heard him chuckle in amusement on the other side of the door, and I felt the anger boiling up inside of me.

Fine, if he wanted to play this game, I could hold my own. He had seen me in my underwear before, and he was about to see it again...except this time, there would be no touching.

I shoved the bathroom door open, hearing it thump against Harry, but completely ignoring it as I stomped over to his dresser, making a show of bending over it as I yanked open the various drawers, trying to find where he kept his t-shirts.

I sighed and took my time sifting through the options, shifting my weight back and forth on my feet and causing my perched up ass to sway back and forth, and I knew that Harry's morning wood was in a world of pain right now.

I finally settled on another vintage David Bowie tee, pulling it out and slamming the drawer shut behind me.

I turned around to find Harry with his lips slightly parted, and I could clearly see the outline of his...well, rather large cock through his grey sweats.

"I hope you enjoyed the show," I smirked evilly, brushing past him and trailing my hand down his torso as I walked, ever so slightly dipping my fingers into his waistband, before pulling them out and walking back into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"You're playing a very dangerous game with me, Little Red," Harry warned from the other side of the door.

"One that you started," I called back.

"And one that I intend on finishing," he replied, and I scoffed.

"You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart," I sighed, walking over to the shower and turning it on.

I tried to take as much time as possible in the shower, wanting to kill the time before I had to go back out and face Harry again.

Willa would sleep until five p.m. if we let her, but if she wasn't awake by nine or nine-thirty, I would simply have to have Lars carry her out to the car.

Once I was done in the shower, I frowned as I realized I had no choice but to put the same underwear back on, seeing as my pants had yet to be located. I guess I would just shower again when I got home.

I put back on my bra and slid the fresh t-shirt over my head, before bending down and grabbing one of the spare toothbrushes, some floss, and a travel-sized bottle of deodorant from under the sink, applying some of that first before flossing and then brushing my teeth thoroughly.

"I've given you three weeks to pay me back for your shit, Miller. I don't give a fuck anymore," I heard Harry hiss from outside the door, making my motions freeze as it reminded me of the conversation I had eavesdropped on last night.

I walked closer towards the door and pressed my ear against it, holding my breath as I listened.

"You knew what you were signing up for from the start, don't even try to give me that, you little shit. I gave you a chance once, and that was the only one you'll ever get. Run all you want, you know damn well I will know where to find you," Harry spoke quietly but violently, causing my legs to be coated with goosebumps.

Before I heard anything else that would haunt me in my nightmares, I flipped the lock open on the bathroom door, and shortly after, I heard what sounded like a phone being placed onto a hard surface.

I still had a towel on my hair, but I didn't really give a shit. I didn't exactly have any intentions of trying to impress Harry, and I didn't want him to think I had been listening to his conversation, as I am quite positive he could snap me in half with his bare hands and make it look like an accident.

I pulled open the door to find Harry sat on the end of the bed, still shirtless, and hair still sticking up in all different directions.

Fear had begun to course through my body the second his green eyes snapped up to meet my own.

Act natural, Finn, just go about business as usual. I coached myself, throwing a disgusted look on my face as he made eye contact with me, rolling my eyes for good measure.

"Took you long enough. Did you manage to save anyone else in this house some hot water?" he scoffed as I approached, more so in a touchy mood than a teasing one.

"I figured they could just use some of your hot-headedness to warm it up, I'm always thinking about the environment," I shrugged, sounding uninterested.

I walked up to Harry's dresser, which had a mirror hanging over it, conveniently positioned so that you could see the bed directly behind it. I'm sure I could think of a reason or two for his placement of said mirror.

I grabbed my purse off the top of it, pulling out my phone, and my cherry tinted lip balm, swiping some of it across my lips, which were a little dry due to the dehydration from the alcohol.

I lifted my eyes to see Harry's fixated on me in the mirror.

"Stop staring at me," I snapped, a look of disgust on my face.

Harry's lips quirked into a small grin. "Can't help it. I still can't stand you and that annoying little mouth of yours, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fact that my Bowie shirt is riding up your perfectly shaped ass-" he quipped, and before he had a chance to continue, I tugged his shirt down further.

I looked up to see Harry's bottom lip pouting out in the mirror.

"You're no fun," he sighed.

"That's not what you said last night," I reminded him cockily, and his expression dropped.

I wanted to get out of here. I never should have slept here in the first place. I knew that right now, he was all smart ass remarks and sexual comments, but I had heard his conversation. I had heard the threats that left the same lips I had welcomed against my own the night before.

I wonder what other trouble he was capable of causing with those perfect hands of his, and how many necks they had been around in a non-sexual context.

And my mind couldn't help but wander towards what troubles might await me if he ever found out that I overheard his conversation.

"Something bothering you, Little Red?" he asked, and my eyes snapped up to meet his in the mirror, his brows furrowed and his eyes staring at me with more suspicion than concern.

I put the best act on that I could muster and spun around to answer him.

"Yes. You."

Harry's questioning look still remained on his face, but his lips quirked up a bit at my spirited response.

"Now, I am going to ask you one more time," I began walking towards him and watching his eyes slide up and down my bare legs.

I stopped directly in front of him, leaning forward and no doubt giving him a perfect view of my ass in the mirror behind him, and given the circumstances, I would much rather allow him to check me out than give his mind any more room for suspicion.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a fake smile, mustering all the strength I could to look into the eyes of the devil himself.

"Where. Are. My. Pants?"


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