One In A Million(Chloe + Paig...

By Mixer5H9

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One In A Million(Chloe + Paige)
One In A Million: Chapter One
One In A Million: Chapter Three
One In A Million: Chapter Four
One In A Million: Chapter Five
One In A Million: Chapter Six
One In A Million: Chapter Seven
One In A Million: Chapter Eight

One In A Million: Chapter Two

277 5 2
By Mixer5H9


The girls and I stood in the middle of the studio as we waited for Abby to tell us what Paige's and Mackenzie's solo would be. Paige has been very giggly and happy when I announced that she would be doing a solo,same as Mackenzie. Abby looked as if she had been hit by a truck, however I know this look, and it's the 'everyone shut up Im thinking' look. I looked over at my mom who was chatting with Kelly, Paige and Brooke's mom. Abby finally stopped giving us that scary look and clapped for our Attention, as we all started to chat amongst our selfs.

" Okay, Paige your solo is going to be called.....................'Child's Heart', it is a very lovely piece and I hope that you can do it justice"

~Abby's interview~

I wanted to give Paige a hard and challenging solo, and this would be the perfect time. Lets just see if she can own up to any titles.


".......and Mackenzie your solo is called 'wings', it's a uplifting, cute and age appropriate number"

With that, we all went to our other classes and practices.

~ four hours later~

We can finally be released from jail-I mean dance, yay! I went over to Paige and smiled at her. I wanted to ask if she could come over but Maddie came and pushed her away from me. I put my hand to my ear and mouthed 'call me', and she nodded. I wonder what Maddie is doing with Paige. Curiosity took over and I followed them.

" Maddie, get the hint please, Chloe doesn't like me, our relationship is safe"

I started to feel my eyes stinging, suddenly I heard the studio door open and my mom shouted " Chloe what are you doing by the closet"....... Then of course Maddie and Paige opened the door and screamed my name. What was this some sort of betrayal camp or something. Paige looked at me and frowned she saw the tear in my eye and she looked down. Relationship, Paige said that her relationship with Maddie is safe. Maddie gave me a little smirk as my mom left the room to go start the car. Then Maddie kissed Paige's check, so very close to her lip and it made my head spin. Paige shook her head as if she was the one being hurt here.

"Don't call me" I flipped Paige off. Yes I might have been over reacting, because Paige is not my girlfriend, but guess know what never mind. I walked out to my mom's car and she looked up at me. My mom took my hand in hers and started to drive, I feel like she might have knew about Paige and Maddie. Once we got home I went up to my room ignoring the one hundredth call from Paige and the fiftieth from Kelly. Kelly was like my second mother, she was great and always been. Maybe she knew about Paige and Maddie as well.

"Chloe, someone is here for you" my mom yelled from down stairs. I was furious with Paige so if she thought that she was just going to come over and then I would forgive her then- oh it's Maddie. I frowned at her and told her to leave, she pulled my arm and dragged me up the stairs into my room. She locked the door and sat on my bed, while I stood by my door and acted like I was in a room with a zombie.

"Look, Paige and I are dating, okay we have been for three weeks. But she is depressed, I have been trying to cheer her up sense we have been out of dance, but it's no use, she locked herself in the bathroom, she won't come out unless your there and I need to know if she is okay"

I was shocked that out of all people that she wants me. I shook my head and a tear formed in my eye, I looked at Maddie who looked at me hopefully. I frowned at her.

" You know what Maddie get her out yourself" I cruelly stated. She looked down and started to cry, I guess she really does care about Paige. I looked in her eyes and continued to protest.

"Fine, just know that if anything happens it's your fault, because you know what she needs you and you won't be there for her. And you might think that I could get her out but guess what, you have something better with her than I do, you have friendship and you have since you were two, I don't have that with her."

She then left. I waited and waited until I finally asked my mom to drive me to Paige's house. She was curious but I didn't give any answers. I felt rude for not telling my mom but I just couldn't. Once we arrived at Paige's house I saw all of my friends cars, Maddie and Mackenzie's, Kendall's And Nia's. I walked into the house and Kelly was downstairs crying, she ran over to me and asked me to try and get Paige out if the bathroom. I ran up the stairs and Maddie came up to me, with tears, she told me to get her out of there. I went over to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

"Maddie, stop I'm not coming out, I just lost the best thing in the world, my twinnie" she said, It broke my heart to hear her like this. I knocked again this time using my signature knock. And with that she opened the door. I hugged her and she hugged back. I got tears on my shoulders but I couldn't care less.

"Did you really mean what you said?" I asked Paige, she nodded and said every word. While she was in the bathroom she didn't do anything bad other than cry, I guess people were just scared, you know, because there are multiple razors and sharp things, plus pills.

I just stood here, holding onto Paige, and suddenly I realized something, but that's my own little secret.


Once Paige let go of Chloe she came straight to me and hugged me. I looked at her but then I started to frown. Paige doesn't belong with me, I love her, I really do, but she is meant for someone else not me.

"Paige can I talk to you" she nodded and I walked her down the stairs and into the den. She smiled at me but soon came to realization that this was the end, she then frowned. Paige loved me I knew that, but as much as she loved me, she loved someone a little more, I'm not going to say names but we all know it. She started to shake her head no, she rapidly shaked her head, she started to cry. This hurt me.

"Look Paige, maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel that you belong with someone else, I feel like we aren't meant to be" I stated letting my own tears fall. Paige continued to shake her head she continued to look hurt, and I continued to feel bad, but I can't ignore the facts, Paige belongs with someone else.

"Maddie no, no this is not about Chloe, listen I love you in a way that I don't love Chloe in please" she stated.

I kissed her cheek and told her that I'm sorry. I then got up.

"I love you" I said before I left with Mackenzie and my mom.

That was very hard.

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