Dixison oneshots

By whoreforgirlss

4.8K 214 45

Just a bunch of small stories 😊 Feel free to leave requests. There is smut in it so I'm just warning you. More

I'm in love with my best friend
Stranded 1
Stranded 3
Stranded 4
Just an annoucement

Stranded 2

428 24 3
By whoreforgirlss

Addison POV

We walk along the beach looking for more people who might have survived the plane crash. I hear someone throwing up and I turn around to see Dixie throwing up blood.
"Dixie are you okay?!" I say and she wipes her mouth and looks at me before walking past me. I frown but shrug my shoulders and follow Vera and Dixie. We head further up the beach before I see two people not far from us. That's when I notice one of the girls was Anastasia and I start running towards her.
"Anastasia!" I shout.
"Brooke!" I hear Vera shout.

"Addison!" Anastasia says and she throws her arms around me and I wrap my arms around and squeeze her.
"Thank god you're okay!" Anastasia says and I laugh softly and hug her even tighter. We slowly pull apart and I notice that she was balancing on one leg.
"What happened?" I ask as I hold onto her so that she doesn't fall.
"I hurt my ankle but luckily Brooke helped me out if the ocean" she says and I look over at Brooke and Vera who were hugging.

Brooke had long blonde hair that was up in a high pony. She had beautiful green eyes and she was quite tall but not taller than Brooke. Brooke looks at me and smiles at me and I smile back.
"I'm Brooke" she says.
"Addison" I say.
"Guys look" I hear Dixie says and we all turn our head to look at her. She was pointing by the rocks and we all look over to where she was pointing. There was last two of the girls. We all wave our arms at them and they wave their arms back us before they climb down the rocks and run towards us.

"Oh my good is everyone okay?!" The one girl with long brunette hair, brown eyes and a beautiful smile says and we all nod our head slightly.
"Now what are we going to do!" I hear the other girl say. She was quite short and had black hair like Veras. Freckles covered her nose and cheeks and she had a permanent blush on her cheeks. She had blue eyes and a nose earring.
"Harley we are going to be fine" the brunette girl says.
"I'm Alex" she says and I smile at her.

We all say our names and I look over at Harley.
"Hi yes I'm Harley. Can we please work out a plan on how the hell we are going to get out of here?!" She says and we all look at each other unsure.
"I'm sure help is on the way" Brooke says and Vera wraps a arm around her shoulder and pulls her close to her. Anastasia wraps a arm around my neck and I wrap my arm around her waist to help her balance and for comfort. Dixie takes a seat on the ground.

"Okay we got to work out a plan. Does anyone have a phone on them?" Alex says and I check my pockets but my phone was gone. Everyone does the same thing until Dixie pulls out her phone. We all look at her with hope but she tosses her phone onto the ground and sighs.
"Dead" she says and we all groan.
"Okay next best thing a few of us that haven't been hurt that badly must go out and see if we can get anything from the crash. Stuff that might have washed up on shore" Harley says and I nod my head.

"Who's in good condition?" Harley says.
"I am" I say and Harley looks at me and nods her head.
"I am" Brooke says.
"I am" Vera says but Brooke shakes her head.
"No Vera your not. You're head is bleeding and you might have a concussion" Brooke says and Vera sighs.
"You might be right" she says and takes seat on the ground.
"Okay the three of us will go. Alex stay here and help people out" Harley says and Alex nods her head.

I help Anastasia take a seat on the ground.
"It really hurts" she says and sigh.
"I know Anastasia just try and lay down and relax. Don't put more pressure on your ankle okay?" I say and she nods her head.
"I'll be back soon" I say and stand up straight.
"I'll look after her" Alex says and I smile warmly at her.
"Thank you" I say and I hear Dixie throw up again. I look at her with worry but she just ignores everyone's looks.

"Come on girls" Harley says and Brooke and I follow her. We search the beach for anything. I start searching by the water when I see a suitcase floating.
"Hey guys over here" I say and I rush into the water and grab the suitcase. I pull it onto shore and look at the tag.
"Brooke it's yours" I say and she comes towards me.
"Great" she says and I smile at her.
"Good that's a start. Nice catch Addison" Harley says and I smile at Harley.
"Leave it here for the mean time and we can take it on our way back" Harley says and Brooke picks up her suitcase and puts it further up the beach before we continue our journey down the beach.

We search the beach and I see a backpack on the sand and I rush over and pick it up. It was soaking wet and I had no idea whose it was. I open the back and look inside and take out a book. I open the front cover and there was a written message.

To Dixie from mom

This is Dixie's backpack. I put the book back in the bag and I zip it closed before putting it on my back. Then we hit the jackpot. We found 15 water bottles either floating close to shore or on the sand. We picked them all up until Brooke went further into the ocean.
"I found a bag!" She shouts and swims a little out before grabbing the black bag and swimming back to us. She puts it down on the sand and looks at the tag.
"It's our captains" She says and Harley and I look at each other.
"Good. Let's head back the sun is going to come down soon and we need to start a fire" she says and I frown.
"How will we make a fire?" I ask and she puts some of the waters she was holding on the ground and digs in her pockets.

She takes out a lighter and cigarette that was in a bag.
"It's dry" she says and I smile. I take the captains bag and put it on my shoulder and we make our journey back to the group. Brooke picks her suitcase on our way back and we approach the girls. Alex was tending to Anastasia and as soon as we approach them they faces light up in hope.
"We found shit" Brooke says and puts her suitcase down.
"That's fantastic!" Alex says and I look over and see Dixie sitting far away from the group laying on her back with her arm covering her eyes.

I put the captains bag down and then the waters before I head over to Dixie. I take her backpack off my back and I toss the backpack onto her stomach. She grunts and removes her arm to look at me with a pissed expression on her face.
"I found your backpack. You welcome" I say and she looks down at her bag and then back at me. I walk away from her and back to the others. Brooke was already looking through her bag. She searches through it and finds her bathroom supplies.

"Shit I don't have a bandage or anything to help you guys out" she says.
"If we had found my backpack I would of have everything" I say and everyone looks at me.
"My mom likes me to be extra prepared" I say and sit down in the sand next to Anastasia.
"Let's see if the captains bag has anything" they search through his bag but with no luck there's no tablet or anything. Brooke rips one of her shirts and comes towards Anastasia and I.
"Here Ana Let's wrap that ankle up" she says and I move so that Brooke had room to wrap Anastasia ankle.

"Who wants to go get some firewood?" Harley says and I stand up.
"I'll go" I say dusting myself off.
"Don't go alone though" she says.
"I'll come with you" Alex says but I shake my head.
"It's okay I'll take Dixie" I say and the girls nod their heads. I walk over to Dixie. She was busy looking through her bag before she zips it up when I came towards her.
"Come on get up your with me" I say and she looks at me.

"For what?" She says.
"We are going to go get some firewood. Now come on" I say and I start walking. I turn my head to see Dixie standing up before she follows me. I smile and we head towards the trees. We go further into the forest picking up sticks as we go. Soon we couldn't see the girls. I had a armful of sticks and I turn my head to look at Dixie. She had the same. She looks at me and for the first time in a while we made eye contact.
"What's your deal?" I ask and she looks away from me.

"Come on Dixie I saved your life the least you could do for me is talk to me" I say and she sighs.
"What am I suppose to say?" She asks and I look at her.
"I don't know, anything I guess" I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Look Addison you come from this perfect little world where everything is rainbows and sunshine. You are probably the popular girl that has the perfect boyfriend and many friends. Your parents are probably perfect and treat you like a princess and you probably have no problems. Just look at you. Thick thighs, nice ass, big tits, pretty face, long silky hair and a nice body. You have it all Addison" she says and I look at her in shock.

"You know nothing about me" I say and she comes up close to me. She might of been a inch shorter than me but she still managed to tower over me.
"Then tell me I'm wrong princess?" She says and I open and close my mouth.
"That's what I thought" she says and backs away from me.
"And what about you?" I say and she raises one eyebrow.
"You act all tough and badass while you are probably just as broken as everyone else" I say and she licks her lips. She laughs and shakes her head.

"You're such a pillow princess" she says and I frown.
"What in the world does that mean?" I say and she looks at me.
"It means you won't go down on another girl. You only like to receive head but don't give it back" she says and I shake my head.
"I'm not even gay" I say and she smirks at me.
"That's what they all say" she says and turns around and heads back to the beach. I run after her.
"I'm not gay!" I say to her and she nods her head.
"Whatever you say princess" she says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't call me princess" I say and she side eyes me.
"Sure....princess" she says and my blood starts to boil. We head onto the beach.
"I'm being serious Dixie don't call me princess" I say trying to sound tough. We approach the girls and put our sticks down.
"Or you'll do what?" She says and stands right in front of me.
"Just don't call me princess" I say and she looks me up and down. She grabs my waist with one arm and pulls me close to her until our faces were right next to each other. My breath catches at how close we where.

She smirks.
"What's the matter princess, lose your breath?" She says in a teasing voice.
"Fuck off" I say and she laughs.
"So that pretty little mouth can swear. I can't believe it" she says and I roll my eyes.
"Let go of me" I say and she lets go of me and moves away from me.
"Whatever you say princess" she says and salutes me with her hand and walks off. My heart was still racing and my palms were sweating.

I look at all the girls and they all looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces. I take a seat next to Anastasia.
"What was that all about?" She asks.
"Just Dixie being an ass"

* * *

We were all sitting in front of the fire trying to stay warm. The sun was already gone and the beach was now freezing. Brooke had handed out most of her clothes for us to put on to stay warm.
"Wanna play never have I ever?" Harley asks.
"Sure why the hell not it's better than thinking about freezing to death" Vera says and we all nod our heads.
"Okay I'll go first" Alex says.
"Make the questions interesting though" Vera says and Alex laughs.

"Okay. Never have I ever kissed a girl" she says and Vera puts up her hand up and so does Brooke and Dixie. So Dixie is gay.
"Ohh damn" Alex says.
"Who did you kiss Vera?" Alex asks and she smirks and looks at Brooke. Brooke starts blushing.
"My best friend" she says and takes a sip of her water.
"Brooke?" Brooke clears her throat.
"Uhm... my best friend too" she says and we all side eye each other.

"Okay then, Dixie who did you kiss?" She asks and Dixie runs a hand through her hair.
"My ex girlfriend" she says and I raise my eyebrows.
"Okay will since Vera put her hand up first she can go next" Brooke says and Vera smirks.
"Never have I ever had sex?" She asks. Everyone puts up their hands up except for Anastasia and I. Anastasia and I look at each other and she smiles at me. I smile back at her before looking over at Dixie who raises an eyebrow.

I look away from her. We play this game until it was late and the fire was getting small. I zip up the hoodie Brooke gave me and put on the hood. I lay down next to Anastasia. I look up at the stars before I turn my head to look at the back of Dixie's head. I sigh before closing my eyes. I hope someone will come and safe us so we can get the hell off this island.

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