
By lostinwonderrr

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A collection of episodes I enjoyed + pictures More

Promo Pics
Seasons 1-5 Pictures
Memorable Episode: Seasons 1-6
6x13 - The Daredevil in the Mold
6x22 - The Hole in the Heart
Season 7
7x6 - The Crack in the Code
7x7 - The Prisoner in the Pipe
7x10 - The Warrior in the Wuss
7x13 - The Past in the Present
Season 6 + 7 Pictures
8x1 - The Future in the Past
Season 8
8x10 - The Diamond in the Rough
8x12 - The Corpse on the Canopy
8x15 - The Shot in the Dark
8x24 - The Secret in the Siege
Season 8- Pictures
Season 9
9x1 - The Secrets in the Proposal
9x4 - The Sense in the Sacrifice
9x6 - The Woman in White (WEDDING EPISODE)
Wedding Vows🥺🤍
9x10 - The Mystery in the Meat
9x12 - The Ghost in the Killer
9x17 -The Repo Man in the Septic Tank
9x22 - The Nail in the Coffin
9x24 - The Recluse in the Recliner
Season 9 pictures
Season 10
10x1 - The Conspiracy in the Corpse
10x2 - The Lance to the Heart
10x10 - The 200th in the 10th
Sweets last message (10x11)
10x19 - The Murder in the Middle East
10x20 - The Woman in the Whirlpool
10x21 - The Life in the Light
10x22 - The Next in the Last
Season 10 pictures
Season 11
11x1 - The Loyalty in the Lie
11x2 - The Brother in the Basement
11x10 - The Doom in the Boom
11x11 - The Death in the Defense
11x12 - The Murder of the Meninist
11x13 - The Monster in the Closet
11x14 - The Last Shot at a Second Chance
Season 11 pictures
Seeley Booth
Temperance Brennan - "Bones"
Booth and Brennan❤️
Booth and Brennan - 2❤️
Booth and Brennan kisses
Booth Family
BTS Cast Pictures
Booth talk with Brennan (3x3)

10x15 - The Eye in the Sky

49 1 0
By lostinwonderrr

*Brennan takes a pregnancy test and Booth anxiously waits for the results*
•Booth says he bet she got pregnant from sex on their kitchen floor
•Brennan says that it's impossible to find out bc they have sex a lot
       •Both scream excitedly and Booth does a roll across the bed to her
•Both kiss and laugh happily then he talks to the baby🥺

*Hodgins trying to invent something and causes alarms to go off all over the lab*
•Causes a small explosion but no one is hurt — Cam scolds him

*Team + Booth go to a crime scene but Brennan didn't go*
            •Lots of chemicals at the crime scene that may affect the baby
*Booth arrives happy with coffee for everyone — team stare confused*
           •Booth says it's a great day to celebrate but don't tell them about baby
           •Booth compliments team
*Hodgins says he's getting freaked out by all of Booth's compliments*

*At lab team notice Brennan is happy and complimenting people too*
•Cam says her and Booth are unusually cheery
•Brennan says it's no more than usual but she totally is
*Brennan let's Intern Jessica theorize which she normally never allows*
*Angela pulls Brennan into her office to talk alone about something*

Brennan-"Is everything all right?"

Angela-"Yeah, I.... I just am having one of those days. I feel like I need a hug."

Brennan-"I don't know what that means, but of course I'll embrace you."

*Brennan and Angela do a quick hug until she pulls away saying ow*

Brennan-"Ow. Ow."

Angela-"I knew it."

Brennan-"You know what?"

Angela-"Sore boobs. You're pregnant."

Brennan-"What? No, I'm not..."

Angela-"Don't start with the sweet tooth thing again. Needing to exercise does not explain why everybody is saying that you are in such a good mood."

Brennan-"I'm always in a good mood."

Angela-"It's funny that you actually believe that. This is such great news!"

Brennan-"Please, Angela, I don't want everyone to know, not yet."

Angela-"All right, I'll stick with the sweet tooth thing. But in the meantime...."

*Angela hugs Brennan again but it's just as quick as the first one*

Brennan-"Ow, ow, ow."

Angela-"Oh, yeah. Boobs."

*Team identify victim: "Jeff Dover"*
*Intern Jeff was right about her theory on what Dover did for a living*
*Boss tells Aubrey that Dover got into a screaming match with a co worker*

*Intern Jessica gives Hodgins an idea on a new invention*
•Idea: an unbreakable beaker

*Team learn victim had a gambling addiction and he lost a lot of money*
•Phone filled with poker games
*Co worker of Dover tells Booth and Aubrey that he was in deep*
•Dover played High-Stakes underground games
*Coworker says the fight was over money bc he bankrolled Dover*
•Gave him 10k but Dover couldn't pay him back
*Dover was gambling shortly before his death — told co worker he won big*
          •Said he won 28k but it's missing

*Booth and Brennan at the diner talking about Dover + possible suspects*
•Booth says he may have been killed for his winnings (the 28k)
*If he was killed after gambling then all the players in the game are suspects*

*Booth tells Brennan a bit about his gambling addiction*

Booth-"Bones... I gambled on everything. Poker, ponies... I even bet on the expiration date of a packet of cheese."

Brennan-"Maybe you.... shouldn't be involved in this case. Gambling clearly releases dopamine in your nucleus accumbens."

Booth-"I'm gonna be fine. Okay? My sponsor's just a phone call away. All right? I can handle this."

Brennan-"Aubrey said..."

Booth-"Please. Aubrey. Okay? That's not his world. This is my world, okay? I'm not going to let a murderer go free because everyone is afraid I'm not strong enough, here."

Brennan-"I want to believe you..."

Booth-"Look. I gambled in the past because my life was a mess. It was a complete disaster. I mean, come on. Now I have you, I got Christine, I got Parker, I got... •whispers• ...little guy on the way."


Booth-"Yes, guy. It's just a hunch. I am not going to throw it all away over a poker game. Come on, Bones."

*A man walks into the diner and over to Booth and Brennan*
            •Man was Booth's bookie when he gambled and he came to help on the case
*Brennan stunned when Booth tells the bookie he's going to play in the game*
•Same game where Dover was last seen alive and supposedly won big
*Booth says he needs to go in the game and play to study the players*
          •Says one of them can be a killer

*Team find a token on Dover thats from Gamblers Anonymous*
•It's a sobriety token celebrating the persons freedom from gambling

*Booth in his office when Aubrey comes in with new information*
•Old injuries on Dover were from a car crash — killed his wife + kid😢

Booth-"Probably started gambling after he lost his family. And he tried to stop."

Aubrey-"But couldn't."


Aubrey-"Which is exactly why you're not going to play in that game."

Booth-"No, it's exactly why I am. Okay? He was fighting to... to go straight and someone took advantage of him when he was at his weakest. I'm going to make that right."

Aubrey-"It is not that simple, Booth. Look, Sweets was very clear in your file. You gambled to cope with trauma and that is..."

Brennan-"Look, Aubrey, it's been a long time since I've been in the Middle East."

Aubrey-"I am not talking about the Middle East. You've been shot multiple times since then, you spent three months in prison, and your best friend died in your arms. Isn't that enough trauma for you?"

Booth-"Aubrey, look, I already talked to Bones about this, okay? She's fine with it. I appreciate your concern, but this is gonna happen. Okay?"

Aubrey lowly-"Wow."

*Aubrey sets down the Gamblers Anonymous token and walks out*

*Booth and Brennan talking at home before he goes to the poker game*

Brennan-"So Aubrey walked out?"

Booth-"Look, he means well. Everyone means well, okay? I know that."

Brennan-"So he won't help? You need back up, Booth."

Booth-"Uh, it's gonna be fine, okay? We talked. I guess it's good that everyone's giving me so much flak."

Brennan-"I don't understand."

Booth-"Gives me something to prove, right?"

Brennan-"Don't forget how strong you are, Booth."

Booth-"Look.... I already talked to my sponsor. All right? The minute I get any kind of information, I'm gonna text Aubrey and I'm gonna text you right away."

Brennan-"Okay. Be safe, Booth."

Booth-"Hey, I'm gonna be fine. Listen to me, all right? I know the signs, I know the trigger points. I know myself. I know what it took for me to hit rock bottom. You know what, I haven't held cards in my hands for a long, long time. Because what we have here, this life... It's better than any hand that I could ever be dealt. And look, look... If I can't deal, if I have a problem, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna walk away. That's how strong I am. Now look at me. I promise. Okay?" •Kisses her•

*Music plays as Booth walk into the high stakes underground poker game*
            •Shows each player + how Booth is watching the game
            •Booth sits down & starts playing
*Music stops as Booth starts talking to the other players and plays a hand*
•Booth seems to be winning big
*Booth learns the nicknames + some info on/from the other players*
*Booth says he has to go to the bathroom then goes inside one to call Angela*
             •Tells her about the camera that is over the table recording the game
*Booth hopes she can hack in and find video of Dover the night he died*

*Booth makes a fuss and gets host to take him to server room*
•Makes up a fake reason and it gets him access to room for Angela

*Brennan at home waiting up for Booth to come home from the poker game*
           •Immediately turns to the door when it opens and Booth walks in
*Booth asks Brennan what she's doing up so late and that it was a crazy night*
            •She says she couldn't sleep
*Booth gives Brennan a kiss and drops down a roll of cash he won*
•Brennan looks sad seeing it

Brennan-"This.... this looks like a lot more than the $5,000 you started with."

Booth-"12. Played for a while."

Brennan-"I wasn't aware that winning big was a necessary part of your cover."

Booth-"Bones, I got to look like I belong. Everyone there's about winning, you know? So...."

Brennan-"And you checked in with your sponsor?"

Booth-"That's between me and him."

Brennan-"So you haven't. You said that you would."

Booth-"Okay, I talked to him on the way back here. Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?"

Brennan-"I'm just wondering if it was necessary for you to play this late."

Booth-"If it wasn't necessary, I wouldn't have done it. You know what? I don't like this conversation."

Brennan-"I was reading one of Sweets' books..."

Booth-"Sweets? Uh, let's stop with that one, okay?"

Brennan-"In it, it-it says that any big emotional change, even good, can trigger a relapse with an addict."

Booth-"Relapse, okay, so now you think I'm gonna become a gambler again because we're having a child? That's how much faith you have in me?"

Brennan-"No. No, Booth, that's how much I love you."

*Booth just stares at Brennan and she stares back and seems sad?*

Booth-"Look, it's late, okay? Let's just to bed. It's 4:00 a.m., you have to sleep for two."

*Booth walks away from her and into their bedroom*
*Brennan takes a breathe then stares at the money before following him*

*Booth and Aubrey going over video footage of Dover's last game*
         •Same players as the ones Booth played with except one man
*Booth uses the word "play" instead of "played" and Aubrey catches it*
*Aubrey tells Booth they have the players names and he has no reason to go back*
*Booth stares and goes to walk out and Aubrey follows him out*

Aubrey-"All right, look, I know that this is difficult, okay? You think the feelings are gone, but they come back."

Booth-"What, are u my sponsor now?"

Aubrey-"No, I'm just some guy who'd take a bullet for you in the field. The same way you'd take one for me. And I know there's no talking with your wife about this, because she'd get too worried."

Booth-"Look, she's already worried. Right? You know, look, I get it. I get the feeling. I know that feeling, that draw. But I'm good now, right? Why? Because I'm strong, that's why, okay?"

Aubrey-"Okay, but I know what it's like. For my father, it was the stock market. He couldn't stop, even after he lost everything. That's when he started the Ponzi scheme. He had to win. And I always thought me and my mom should have been enough for him, you know?"

Booth-"It was never you, all right? It's never the fault of the people that are close to you. It was him. It's me."

Aubrey-"Well, if you ever can't get a hold of your sponsor..."

B-"Thanks, Aubrey, I appreciate that."

Aubrey-"Right...." •Aubrey leaves•

*Aubrey and Brennan try to talk Booth out of going to another poker game*
•Both are worried about him but he somehow gets them to let him go in

*Booth goes back to the poker game and plays with the same group as before*
•Booth is winning big again
*Team sort of watching him/game while still working the case*
*Hodgins tells Brennan that he hasn't mentioned murder like he promised*
•Booth promised he is only going in to find out more info on murder
•Would mention the murder and see how the players react
*Team find something that connects to one of the players*
          •Player was completely broke until he paid off a huge house payment 
          •May have paid it off with the 28k that was stolen from Dover

*Booth finally brings up Dover and how theirs a rumor he was murdered*
•Players are surprised but not the one that team now suspects killed Dover
*Booth turns his attention on suspect to see what he says about Dover*
*Suspect starts betting big amounts which means he's desperate to win*
              •He is completely broke and gambled away all his money
*Hodgins identifies the murder weapon and it leads back to suspect*

*Brennan texts Booth telling him to bring in suspect bc they have evidence*
•Booth starts to say something then stops as he focuses on game
*Screen shows Booth's cards and it appears he'll win big if he plays it*
*Booth stops to think and team watch from lab to see what he'll do*
*Booth could win 20k if he plays the hand so it's very tempting*

*Suspect goes "all in" and players + team wait to see what Booth will do*
*Booth stops to think while staring at the huge pile of poker chips*
*Brennan watches worried/concerned*
*Booth looks at his cards then the pile of poker chips one last time*
        •Doesn't play the hand to win
*Players are all shocked as Booth walks over and arrests suspect*
*Brennan smiles relieved as she sees Booth turned away from the game*
•Screen pans to the rest of the team and Aubrey who are smiling also

*Hodgins and Angela have Intern Jessica meet them for drinks*
             •Hodgins finished inventing something bc of her invention idea
*Made a sort of mat that doesn't break glass when it's dropped*
•Drops a wine glass and was able to pick it up bc it wasn't shattered
*Hodgins says he can make millions+ if he sells this invention*
             •Won't have to give it to the Jeffersonian bc he did it at home
             •Had to work from home bc Cam banned him from inventing in the lab

*Booth and Brennan home together as he cooks her dinner*
              •Pregnancy cravings made her want pancakes & broccoli with ketchup
*Booth and Brennan discuss telling Christine about the baby*
             •Brennan says they should wait
*Christine was listening and asks if she's gonna be a big sister*
*Booth tells Christine she's gonna be the best big sister to the new baby*
*Booth gets a call so he leaves to take it*
*Booth tells Christine to go to sleep because it's 11pm*
•Playfully comments on the bunny slippers she is wearing

       •Booth makes a bet for $200 on a sports game with his bookie
*Brennan has no idea about the bet*

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