Finding Sanctuary (ArmyxAloha...

By insanity_shows

15.5K 490 521

After the death of his parents, Aloha has been living with his grandparent but is slowly starting to enter a... More

What Comes
Down Below
Trace of Evidence
Ready For the Worst
Crying On The Inside
Take you with me
Tell me
Welcome Home
I Promised You
I'm Addicted to You
Cold War
Parts of Another
On our Own
For the Better
When We are Older
This is our Sanctuary

Is This Really It?

709 22 16
By insanity_shows

Army POV:

My heart is fluttering with each passing minute.
He has cold hands but I still like how perfect they are...I'm not saying they belong in mine but I love how he still keeps them there. I'm taking somewhere that I hope he enjoy and never forgets.
He has it rough- I know this but I'm not going to pressure him into telling me anything. He should feel like he can trust me on his own.

"Army? Where are we heading?" I look to my side and see him with that magnificent smile of I wish it stayed there forever- "Almost there." I advise while we walk through the crowd until finally we arrive at the destination. His eyes immediately go wide with excitement which gives me a warm feeling.

"...heh...the Ferris wheel..." he give a low gruff chuckle; staring at the tall piece of machinery.
"Do you..not want to go on?" I ask a little concerned if it's too much for him. He looks into my eyes and takes both of my hands walking me forward; with us standing in the line.

He comes closer and actually wraps his hands around my arm and cuddles close; with his head resting on my feels like he's getting comfortable...that good. "I had fun Army. Thank you." I want to reassure him that there could be more moments like these but that sounds like a promise and...I'm not sure if I'm able...

Finally it is our turn and settle in our sets as it takes us up with each one in line climbing on board. The wheel takes us round and round, and every time we reach the top; A glimmer shines in Aloha's beautiful eyes that mirror euphoria...I'm glad I can make him feel this way. I want to do everything I can to make him feel free.

In the patience that settles between us, Aloha quietly begins to utter a few thoughts that probably pondered through his head the entire time.
"You know you're right. About my grandparents and me using. I'm..not going to say what they do to me. All I can say is; that I don't want to go back. And that I'm trusting you, to give me sanctuary until I can afford something of my own...please."

I can tell he was afraid to speak of this with me.
His body still shakes even once he was done talking-
He's scared that I'll give up on him...I'll give him the sanctuary he needs. "You're welcomed any time at my home whenever you plan on leaving. It's yours also. Don't forget that..."

Him and I hold eye contact in the cold weather that surround us; making me shiver but I'm more interested in his eyes...before I could react on something a sudden sound took our attention to the ocean. A bright burst of light went off over the waters...before I can say what it was, Aloha happily informs- "FIREWORKS!! Army!! Fireworks!!!" He laughs with exhilaration while he leans forward wanting to see more. And more there were...

Colors fly up with a whistle and burst in the sky!
Definitely caught me off guard, but assuring..
He began to cheer and clap his hands..I don't know what it is about this party animal but he definitely knows how to get a party started. The people on the Ferris wheel begin to clap and cheer then it soon spreads across the boardwalk...

He can do a lot of things. And that's why I'm certain...I'm falling In love with him. The ride ends and it grew late. Aloha's tired and walks with a sluggish manner, leaning on me for support. So finally I pick him up and carry him out of the park and into our vehicle that waits for us.

He dozes off on my lap with his plushy in his grasp, snoring like it's no ones business. I gentle place my hand on his forehead and stroke my thumb there; soothing him until I feel his body relax.
"Army...I'm hungry." He suddenly wakes up with me ripping my hand away from his head, embarrassed how he woke up with me petting him-

"Nooooo place it back! It was nice..." He takes my hand and pats it down on his head, maneuvering it on his own until I finally caress his forehead.
"Hehe~ thanks. I'm still hungry~"
"I know-" He giggles showing a grin and snuggles against my body; making me become warm-

I continue caring for him until we arrive back into town. Since most of the shops are closed we enter the plaza that's located around our school and step out of the car to get what we want. Aloha was craving for something sweet so we enter the bakery I once visited on the day I gave Aloha a ride to school.

He choice a tiny chocolate pie while I picked three vanilla bean scones. "Can I have a taste!" He tries snatching my snack but I was lucky enough to block him. "Boo! You meany~" I walk ahead and place our pastries inside and open the door for Aloha but once I looked back toward him there's a person talking with him. What I witnessed next- I wish to never see again.

This person grips his wrist and tries dragging him away. "Get Away From Him." I vocalize with a sharp tone and step forward coming between them.
"Are you the idiot that's taking 'care' of this lazy fool!?" She wasn't kind with her choice of words and tries once again taking Aloha who begs and backs away; fighting.

"Get you Hands of him." I nearly yell; gathering a few eyes in our direction. She doesn't and sneers at me but I glare back showing that I'm refusing to give Aloha up. "You have no right, boy. You are not this sluts guardian! If you dare keep him away from me, you are kidnapping." She's right. I'm not his guardian...but I'm not giving him up!!

I reach over and take Alohas hand, holding it gently but with a tight grip. "That's not a nice thing to say about your grandson miss." She cackles; continuing to sneer at me. "He is though. I overheard that this little brat got on his knees for some cheap cocaine and alcohol!!" He what?! I force myself to stare at Aloha and can see that he avoids meeting my eyes..So it's true..oh god..who??

I become breathless in an instant; responding with nothing. She yanks him away once more; finally walking away with him...he becomes a silhouette as I watch him leave...who...Aloha...

I turn around and walk back to my car but something washes over me that makes me run-
Quickly I yank Aloha away from the grandmother and run away with him back to the car as we enter and speed away before she could have the chance to catch us...

I sit there; heart pounding as the world around becomes foggy but then suddenly feel this hard punch hit my arm. "IDIOT!!! WHY?? WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE ME!!!?? YOU FOOL!! STUPID!!! STUPID!!! STUPID!!!" I lean over and hug him
tight refusing his release. He continues hitting
my back and sob in my arms hyperventilating.

"Breathe, Aloha...breathe..." I rub his back with his painful cries filling the car-...I'm hurts knowing I almost left him- but it hurts him more that I walked away- he shakes in my arms and continues beating me and yelling. "I HATE YOU!!! WHY, WHY DID YOU COME BACK ?! YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT. I HATE YOU!!!"

"Aloha!!!" I scream his name making him stop.
Once the silence came, I wasn't sure what to say...what do I say? That I wouldn't leave you? Hell I almost did! I want to protect him!! I care. Even if he doesn't like me back...I still want to be least try...I hold him tight; rocking him back and forth until he settles down with the punches.

He's still hitting me..but they're minor.
Our ride was stressful but we make it back to the house. Aloha wouldn't get out of the car so I had to scoop him up and carry him inside. My driver carried in our items and then he left us.

Aloha went over to sit next to the fire and stare into it while he squeezes his plushie close. What do I do...that lady is probably calling someone to take Aloha away...I need to discuss this with him, so I cautiously walk over until he hears me approaching-

"Stupid Army. Idiot. Moron. Naive. Ignorant."
He talks until finally I had enough and grip his shoulders; forcing him to face me!
"What!? Did you want me to leave You??? Do you want to go back???" Aloha whimpers and shakes his head until he gives up and falls into my arms, crying much more which breaks my heart...

I don't fight anymore. I lay down letting him rest on my chest while he clutches onto his plushie.
"That's the last thing I want..." He plays with my shirt talking with a soft spoken tone until a sudden idea comes to mind- and it's crazy enough for him. "Aloha? How about you disappear?"


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