Haikyuu Imagines: Karasuno Ed...

By yesmydaveed

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Literally the title. Please read the guidelines before starting. Thank you loads for reading, my people. Cov... More

Haikyuu Segment: Guidelines
Tanaka: Sexy
Kageyama: Meat Buns
Asahi: Perfect
Sugawara: My Goddess
Tsukishima: Secret
Yamaguchi: If We Tried
Hinata: Mutual Reward
Nishinoya: The Bet
Tanaka: Senpai
Kageyama: Great King
Asahi: Forever
Sugawara: Any Less
Tsukishima: Shortcake
Yamaguchi: Everything
Daichi: Loved
Hinata: Teddy Bear
Nishinoya: Pizza Night
Tanaka: Sugar
Kageyama: Blueberry Stuff
Asahi: Baby Asahi
Sugawara: Make It Up
Tsukishima: Questions
Yamaguchi: Cinnamon Milk
Daichi: Insecure
Hinata: That's My Wife
Nishinoya: Joyride
Tanaka: Your Eyes

Daichi: Shoyu Ramen

302 3 10
By yesmydaveed

 You walked into your first class of the day just as the bell rung. This morning was a quiet one so far, and that didn't really bother you. When you had woken up, your mother had already left for work, so the house was pretty much empty besides you and your pets. Today was still a neutral day, because nothing especially good or bad had happened. You were waiting for someone to say something to ruin your day. 

 Outside of Karasuno's male volleyball team, you couldn't really say that you had any friends at your school. People there were just too intolerant of your personality, for some reason beyond your understanding. So instead, the teenagers in your school opted to bully you. They called you nasty names - nothing unusual - and every now and then, a classmate you didn't even know you had would surprise you by popping up in your contacts and texting you horrible things. You didn't really tell anyone about what they said or did. After all, your mother had enough of her own worries, and the boys had volleyball to think about. Not that it fazed you, what those kids said. Or you thought it didn't.

 Your teachers never suspected anything was the matter because of the way you dealt with things. You dealt with things by yourself. You always tried to keep a level head, and not let such stupid meaningless things get to you. But sometimes, it hurt, you know? Sometimes, you asked yourself what was the reason they had to say that stuff. And it was even sadder to know that they didn't have to say that stuff, or hurt you, or make you feel like any less than you are. 

 So, yes, high school came with its trials when you weren't around your Karasuno boys. Especially Daichi. You loved Daichi, and he had told you several times that he loved you more. Sometimes Daichi would just come over to your house after practice and the two of you would do anything imaginable together. You played video games on your console. You just sat there on your living room couch under a soft blanket and cuddled. You watched all types of movies. You hung out with your pets. Hell, you even baked cupcakes a few times. And you know what? They weren't half bad. You took them to the team's practice the day after. So, yes, being with Daichi was one of the only things that gave you peace of mind. But for now, you were destined to suffer through around 7 hours of petty teenagers and mundane teachers.

 You flumped down in your seat and began to take out all of your things for the upcoming lesson. As you looked up from your desk, you took note of a gaggle of girls conspicuously looking away from you and giggling like immature toddlers. You rolled your eyes. One of them came up to you with a hand masking her mischievous smile. 

 "Hey, Y/N," she began. You looked up at her.

 "Oh. Hi, Niko," you looked up with a bored expression on your face. She sat down on the chair in front of you.

 "How are you?" she continued.

 "I'm fine. How are you?" you had to be the better person.

 "Yeah, I'm good. You know, school sucks cause I can't be with my boyfriend, but you know," she shrugged, "But anyway, speaking of boyfriends, we heard that you have one of your own!"


 "You know! That you have a boyfriend!"

 "Oh. Right. Sorry, it just sounded like you were talking about an object," you kept your voice as monotonous as ever. Niko laughed way too hard (a fake laugh).

 "Yeah! Ha! Um, so, what's his name?"


 "Because, um, friends tell each other everything?" 

 "Oh. Ah hah. Funny."

 "Come on, Y/N! Spill!" she wasn't going to let this go. You sighed.

 "His name is Daichi," you kept it brief.

 "Is he hot?"

 "Look, Niko, what do you want?" 

 "I'm just asking! Is he, though?"

 "Niko, I don't feel comfortable talking about my boyfriend like he's an object, okay? He's a human being, like you and me. I love every part of him, so you won't get anywhere by asking me silly questions. I don't know, stalk him and form your own opinion on him, okay? Just leave me be," you suddenly defended Daichi. You felt it was unfair to gossip about him behind his back. Niko stood up, looking you up and down disapprovingly.

 "Whatever. We were just surprised that any guy on Earth would find something in a girl like you, and he's so obviously fake, so it's okay. You can keep playing pretend in your little brain, hoping that some guy - any guy - will ever think of you that way. Bye, Y/N," she spun around, heading to her laughing friends and reporting everything she had taken in. Maybe that's why people didn't approach you. Were you too defensive? 

 Soon, school was over, and yet Niko's words kept ringing throughout your head the entire day. You slammed your locker door closed after putting in your unneeded supplies and packing up your homework for tonight. 

 "Pretending in my little brain, my ass. Let's see where your brain gets you in your bleak, plastic future, Niko. You'll be some worn down teenage mother who can't afford to pay her bills. Bet your stupid boyfriend will leave you for some other stupid plastic tramp," you ranted under your breath. You facepalmed yourself. You didn't actually wish that on Niko. You couldn't wish that on anyone. "I don't actually mean that," you sighed with your eyes closed. You had to say it out loud for fear of obtaining bad karma. 

 You received a notification from your phone. You picked it up out of your pocket and checked who it was from. You opened it. Niko. Who gave Niko your number? More importantly: why? The message read: I bet your boyfriend is fake, bitch. Can't imagine anyone picking someone as ugly as you. You should stop being so fake and do something about your sad fucking life. You softly gasped. A huge part of you wanted to take back the apology you had just made. But a small part of you persisted that you shouldn't. You exhaled deeply, tears stinging at your eyes. You were meeting Daichi at practice today. That brought a wavering smile to your face. You felt sick. Well, no matter. You boarded your bike and headed hastily to the boys. Once you arrived, you didn't have it in you to bother to lock your bike, so you just let it sadly drop. Inside, you put your objects down and greeted everyone. Everyone smiled and waved your way. You sat down next to Kiyoko on the bench. Tears once more threatened to cascade down your cheeks. You rubbed your eyes furiously, swallowing repeatedly. Kiyoko looked over at you with a concerned look on her face. 

 "Hey, Y/N?" she placed a hand on your shoulder. You faced her with a breaking face. Tears were brimming in your eyes.

 "Yeah?" you said. She lifted your face up.

 "Hey, are you okay?"

 "Mhm," you nodded silently as the first few tears spilled out. You quickly wiped them away, looking back down at the floor. Kiyoko hugged you.

 "Oh my God, what happened?" she asked as she held you to her. You tried to stay silent but got that sick feeling in your stomach again. 

 "It's nothing," you squeaked out. 

 It wasn't the first time someone had texted you or said horrible things to you. Heck, people had told you to end your life once or twice. You didn't get it. You just didn't get it. What did you do? You told your mother once and she tried to call the police on the children, but you stopped her, insisting they didn't know what they were saying. Besides, the police couldn't make their words disappear. She always checked up on you, and you were always doing fine. Daichi knew that people teased you, but you hadn't told him about the other things they said. It was better that way. Now, you separated from Kiyoko and stood up. 

 "I have to go, now. Sorry, Kiyoko. Thanks," you smiled weakly at her. She held your arm, trying to keep you back. You looked at her with pursed lips, shaking your head.

 "Y/N. What happened?" she asked again faintly. 

 You just looked down at the polished floor. You heard the boys cheer and disband. Practice would be over soon. You came around three quarters of the way through anyway. Daichi would be over any second to go home and spend the rest of the evening with you; your mother was working later recently and Daichi loved spending time with you whenever he could so he was hanging out with you pretty much any day the two of you were free. Sometimes all the boys came over and all of you did something fun. Other days, the whole group went out to the cinema or to a nearby café. It was great. Your mother knew of your friends and faithful boyfriend, and she trusted them. But not today. You couldn't let them see you today. They would get too caught up and you would just be a nuisance. Daichi was walking closer to you and Kiyoko. You shot him a glance. He was smiling at you. Good. that meant he didn't know you were crying. You patted Kiyoko on the shoulder. You quickly picked up your items and headed towards the door.

 "Y/N! Wait up!" you heard Daichi call out after you. He stopped by Kiyoko.

 "She looked really upset. You should go after her," Kiyoko advised him. Now Daichi was worried for you.

 "What happened? Is she okay?" he was already putting his jacket on and picking up his bag. To answer his question, Kiyoko just shrugged her shoulders. Daichi nodded at her and waved goodbye to everyone else. You were already on your bike and had started pedalling slowly. You furiously wiped your eyes as you rode while gasping in breaths of air. 

 "Don't go after her, Daichi," you muttered to yourself, "She's a fake bitch according to Niko." You laughed at that. Damn it, your depressed self was rather funny. You heard the soft sound of running footsteps. Daichi.

 "Y/N! Don't go! I didn't even see you today! Please?!" he reached his arm out to you desperately. 

 You kept moving, and once you turned a corner, it seemed like you had lost him. You eventually made it back home. You parked your bike in your garage and made it to your room once you had locked the door on the inside. A note on the fridge told you that your mother left you some shoyu ramen in the fridge. That only made you cry more because it was Daichi's favourite food and you knew he would love nothing more than to sit there with you and eat shoyu ramen right now. You wanted that just as much as he did. You put your bag down and changed out of your uniform into your pyjamas. You sat at the desk in your mini office completing your homework for about twenty minutes before looking up at the clock. Five o'clock. You finished your homework, so dinner was all you really had left to do. You slumped miserably downstairs to the kitchen after washing your face. The doorbell rung. Was your mother home early? You hurried to open it. Daichi stood outside with his hands on his knees, panting heavily.

 "Daichi!" you didn't actually expect him to follow through with running after you literally the whole way home. He loved you more than you thought he did. 

 "Y/N," he managed in between breaths, "I tried to stop you - but you probably didn't hear me - or if you did - I don't know why you didn't stop." You couldn't help but scoff at his state. Upon seeing you laugh, Daichi's own smile grew tenfold. You moved aside to let him in. 

 "Oh my God, come in," you shut the door after him. He walked into your living room and set his bag down on the floor. The two of you sat on the couch, and you started fiddling nervously with your fingers.

 "What happened back there? Kiyoko said you were really upset. I haven't seen you today," he sounded sad at this last statement. He took one of your hands in his. 

 "I - it's nothing. I just didn't wanna worry anyone, so I headed back here. I'm sorry. I should've said something," you looked up at him apologetically.

 "That's not it at all. It was just all so sudden, you know? And besides, I was looking forward to spending time with you today, so I was excited during all of practice, but then you turned up and didn't even wait for me!" he smiled jokingly. You blushed, suddenly embarrassed at what you did. 

 "Yeah. Sorry. I didn't think you would follow me all the way back here."

 "Are you crazy? I would follow you to the ends of the earth, so your house is no big deal."

 "Daichi," you leaned forward to hug him. He never missed a beat, instantly hugging you back and nuzzling his face into your neck. 

 "So, what is it exactly that you didn't want me worrying about?" he mumbled into your neck. 

 "See? I knew you wouldn't let that go. It's why I had to leave. It's just - you know - stupid kids at school," you downplayed what had happened. Daichi looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. 

 "No it's not. I know you," he insisted.

 "Okay, then. Daichi, do you think I'm pretty?"


 "Do you find me attractive?"

 "Y/N, you are beautiful. What are you talking about?"

 "Well, this girl called Niko would like to disagree with you. Niko thinks I'm an ugly bitch who is undeserving of finding love. Niko also firmly believes that no guy would ever like me, so I'm just making sure," you hated the memory. Daichi looked angry. 

 "Niko is clearly not right in the head," Daichi assured you. You laughed. Daichi held your face in both of his hands.

 "Well, you're clearly biased," you said in a low voice.

 "No, I am not. Only mothers are biased when it comes to looks. But on a serious note, Niko is blatantly wrong. Why would you ever believe a girl as stupid as Niko? Niko, unlike me, hasn't taken the time to get lost in your eyes that match the stars with their lustre," Daichi started examining your eyes, "She hasn't looked at their colour or the way they twinkle when you're feeling happy or excited. Niko hasn't watched you simply be. Sometimes, and not in a creepy way but I'll stop if you want me to, whether we're all together or it's just me and you, I sit far enough away from you so I can just watch you do even the simplest of things. You are at your most beautiful when you're just being you. And then, Niko hasn't waited for you to smile so she can close her eyes right there and then and capture it in her head forever. That's what I do. I watch every second. Every moment. Did you know that you're so gorgeous when you're happy? I've memorised every part of you, because no way am I ever going to be able to pick one. I love you and every single part of you from the tip of your fingers to the edge of an eyelash. So please. Never, in your life, doubt my love for you ever again." 

 "I - you mean all of that?" you couldn't believe what Daichi had said. He smiled at you and nodded.

 "Of course I did. I love you, Y/N L/N," he placed his forehead against yours. 

 "I love you too, Daichi Sawamura," you mimicked him. He closed his eyes and kissed you on the lips. You leaned into the kiss. Once you separated, Daichi hugged you tightly.

 "Now come on. I'm hungry, and my eyes picked up on a note speaking of shoyu ramen," he stood up, lifting you up from the couch by the hand. 

 "You haven't eaten?" you walked into the kitchen with him following behind you.

 "No. Your mother's shoyu ramen is heavenly, how could I do such a thing?" 

 "Well, you didn't even know she was making it today," you opened the fridge and took out the pot of ramen. You placed it on the stove and started heating it while Daichi took out two bowls and cutlery. From the fridge, you also grabbed a carton of apple juice. Seeing this, Daichi grabbed two cups. 

 "And who said I didn't?" he mysteriously said.

 "I did," you sounded perplexed. Daichi wrapped his arms around your waist and twisted to meet your face. 

 "Point is, I love your mother's shoyu ramen and we're gonna eat it now," he kissed you on the forehead. You laughed and turned around to meet him fully. 

 "You're something else," you chuckled.  

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