In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid...

By aweshesugly

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As a new additon to the BAU team, you are happy that you get along with the team just fine. But you worry eve... More

Chapter 1 -And so it begins
Chapter 2 -First Case First
Chapter 3 -Butterflies
Chapter 4 - Feelings
Chapter 5 - Killer Cupid
Chapter 6 - Taken
Chapter 7 - Right where it hurts
Chapter 8 - Kiss Me
Chapter 9 - Cuddle Buddies
Chapter 10 - Calling the Shots
Chapter 11 - Boss of Me
Chapter 12 - Make You Mine
Chapter 13 - First Date
Chapter 14 - Possesive
Chapter 15 - Duty Calls
Chapter 16 - Family Business
Chapter 17 - Call Me
Chapter 18 - Spencer
Chapter 20 - Prisoner
Chapter 21 - Cutting Ties
Chapter 22 - Watched
Chapter 23 - Lost and Found
Chapter 24 - Karma
Chapter 25 - Betrayal
Chapter 26 - Partner in Crime
Chapter 27 - My Angel
Chapter 28 - Life and Death
Chapter 29 - After Life
Chapter 30 - Miss Me?
Chapter 31 - Irresistable
Chapter 32 - Unfortunate Events
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Birthday Boy
Chapter 35 - October Scorpios
Thank You💕/ Announcement👁👁

Chapter 19 - Court is Adjourned

1K 25 13
By aweshesugly

Hey y'all, these chapters are a bit boring because we know what happens i know but they are important to this story so im trying to get them done so we can get to the juicy part🙈 I hope you can be patient with me and are excited to know about y/ns past


You finally made it to the BAU. Spencer, Hotch, and you stepped out of the elevator, seeing the whole team was already waiting for Spencers return.

"Thank God" said JJ as she approched Reid and gave him a hug, feeling his handcuffed hands as she tried to get closer. She stepped back and gave him a warm smile. Garcia hugged him next, then Morgan, then Emily, and finally Rossi.

"Im sorry about the cuffs, its cause theres people around" said Emily with sad eyes.

"No worries, I understand" Reid responded as he backed up to be next to you.

"Thats not all" Emily continued. "I talked to the Bureau and since you weren't in the job while on your trip to Mexico, they said they cant help you with a legal team."

"What?" you answered angrily.

"So im on my own?" said Spencer sadly.

"Sadly..... yes."

You saw Spencers face of worry, a million thoughts surely running through his head.

"Dont worry Spence, we're gonna figure it out" you say in an attempt to calm him down.

He nods and you walk him over to the round table, wondering what the fuck you're gonna do now.

Spencers court date was finally here, you started to get ready and helped Spence out with his tie. He still doesn't remember what happened while he was in Mexico ,but to be fair he was drugged up and sleep deprived.You were worried about the mounting evidence against him, the Mexican police had found the murder weapon in the middle of the desert. They found Spencers blood on it. But you still had hope that he would be declared innocent.

"Y/N, what if I go to prison?"

"You wont go to prison" you answered as you finished up fixing his tie.

"But what if I do?" he asks once more, fear lacing his words.

"Then I will pay your bail or bust you out. Whatever it takes."

"I love you" he whispers at you while walk over to the mirror to put on your lip gloss.

You turn to him and give him a smile, "I love you more."

"Not possible" he says with a laugh.

You laugh too and walk over to him, "Listen babe, we'll get you out of this okay. I will make sure of it."

He nods and plants a loving kiss on your lips, making you blush.

"Okay loverboy, we gotta go"

You both make it to the courthouse, meeting up with Emily and Reids attorney she got for him. Her name was Fiona, and she took in Spencers case as a favor to Emily. You were very grateful for her, you knew she wanted Spencers name cleared as much as you did and she would surely put up a fight for it.

"How are we feeling Spencer?" said Fiona as you and Spencer walked up to them.

"I feel okay, a little nervous."

"Dont be, you'll be okay" she said and looked over at you. "Please tell him its gonna be fine."

You smile and look over at Spencer, "Its gonna be okay."

Emily walks over to all of you and hugs Spencer, "Guys, its time."

He nods and kisses you on the lips once more, making you never want to let him go.

"Lets do this" he whispers to you as you smile, watching him as he lets your arm go and walks into the court room.

You take in a deep breath and walk in right after him, you find a seat next to Garcia. She holds your hand as soon as you sit down, making you feel a bit better.

"Its all going to be okay" she whispers to you, noticing your shaky hands and legs.

"Its gonna be okay" you repeat to yourself, hoping she was right.

"All rise" said an officer as the judge came out of her chambers. You got up, still praying to the universe to help your man out. Spencer turned back to you, giving you a smile that made your heart skip a beat.

You smiled back, motioning for him to turn around and pay attention.

"We are all here for the United States vs Reid trial. Doctor Reid how do you plead" said the judge as you all sat back down.

"Not Guilty, your Honor."

"Very well."

The hearing had started, more and more evidence against Reid was coming out like hot bread. You grew nervous at the other lawyers rants about how justice needed to be served for Nadie and how if Reid wasnt imprisoned he would be a danger to society.

You didn't believe them of course, you knew Spencer would never do this. But that's the thing, you knew Spencer. The judge though, she didn't know a thing. All she knew was that Spencer was the last man to see Nadie and his blood was all over the weapon used to kill her.

After all the rants coming from both Fiona and the other lawyer who you still didn't know the name of, the judge came to a decision.

"Okay, ive heard enough" said the judge hitting her gable on her desk, making you flinch at the noise.

"With the evidence that has been presented to me today , I have made a decision regarding Doctor Spencer Reids case."

You begin to bite your lip, nervously chewing on it as you wait for her ruling. Morgan reached out for your hand and took it, squeezing it as he takes in a deep breath.

"Doctor Reid, I declare you guilty of Nadie Ramos murder and will await your next trial at the Virginia Correctional Facility. Court is adjourned."

Your ears started to ring at her words, you really thought he was gonna make it. Tears started building up in your eyes as two officers started to walk towards Spencer, handcuffs in hand.

"No" you whispered to yourself, wanting to scream at the top of your lungs but not being able to.

Spencer looks back at you, making you find your voice.

"NO NO, PLEASE. DONT GO!"you plead, tears falling as Morgan holds you back. You break out of his grip and walk towards Spencer. He does the same and goes to you, embracing you in a hug. You squeeze him tight, as if that would've stopped him from being taken.

"Y/N, I LOVE YOU!" yells out Spencer as he gets taken away by the officers, tears falling from his eyes.

"I love you more" you say with all you're strength, crying uncontrollably as he leaves your sight.

You felt so guilty, you promised to him that everything was gonna be okay. You told him not to worry, you even asked him what he wanted for dinner.

You looked up at Emily, tears filling up her eyes as well.

"I told him it was gonna be okay" you sobbed to her, she held you in her arms as you began to fall to your knees.

After what felt like an eternity of sobs, you all left the court room. Garcia volunteered to take you home and stay with you tonight.

You walked to her car and got inside, your eyes still red and puffy from all the crying you did. You honestly still felt like crying ,but didnt want to bother anyone else with your sadness.

"Spencer is the new man, isn't he?" Garcia asked as she looked at you, her mascara still running from her eyes.

"Yes" you breathed out and reached out for her, she hugged you back tightly.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you, we just wanted to be fun and sneak around" you cried into her shoulder.

"Its okay doll, hes gonna be okay" she said trying to comfort you.

She finally started to drive to your apartment, opening the door for you with the copy of your key you'd given her. You both walked in and sat on the couch, silently looking at the wall.

"You think the inmates will know hes a fed" you said breaking the silence, you had completely forgotten about that. He would be in danger, 24/7. He wouldn't have any friends, only enemies.

"Y/N, he'll be in protective custody. He'll be fine and out before you know it" she said still staring at the wall.

"Thats my only wish."


It has been a month since Spencers court date.

You wake up to an empty bed, feeling a split second of peace as you rub your eyes. Then it hits you, the man you love is behind bars for murder out of all things.

You get up and brush your teeth, you take your time as you begin to wash your face. You had been dreading going to work, it reminded you of Spencer.

It was like you couldn't live without him by your side. You couldnt go visit him yet ,so you would write him letters. Even if you could visit him, it wouldn't be the same. You were so used to seeing him, touching him every single day ,and in the blink of an eye he was taken away.

Not bothering with your hair or makeup, you decided to put on a black longsleeve and black trousers paired with some black heels. You put on your basic medium sized hoops and walked out the door.

You got to the BAU, your face still with the expression of sadness as you got to your desk.

"How you been doing mama?" said Morgan approaching your desk and sitting on it. He had noticed how much Spencers sentence really affected you, he also caught you crying in the middle of a case because you just simply missed Spencers fact of the day.

"I slept last night" you said with a smile, trying to fake a sense of strength. You lied though.

"Thats good, babygirl" he responded with a smile and continued. "I have a suprise for you."

"What is it?" You said raising your brow.

"How about you go ask Hotch."

"Umm, okay" you said confused and began to walk over to Hotchs office, jogging a bit so you could get there quicker.

You knocked twice on the already opened door to Hotchs office, making your way in with excitement.

"Yes, Agent Y/L/N" said Hotchner looking up at you from his huge pile of paperwork.

"Umm, Morgan told me you had a suprise for me" you answered with a laugh, feeling like you sounded like such a child.

"Oh, yes please come in."

You obliged and walked inside his office, sitting down on the chair in front of him.

"Sooooo, whats up?" you said putting your hands between your thighs, hoping the suprise was about Spencer.

"Y/N, we can finally go visit Spencer ,and you were voted to be the first one to go see him."

You laughed out of pure joy, getting up and walking over to Hotch. You gave him a hug and started to tear up a bit from the joy.

"Im sorry" you said backing away from him. "Im just very excited."

"No worries, we all are. But Agent, we had to tell the judge that this visit was for a cognitive interview to see if Reid remembers anything new about what happened that day. So, you would have to fit it into your personal visitation, got it."

"Yes sir, I understand. So, when can I see him. Please tell me today" you said with your hands in a praying position.

"No Y/N, not today. But you can go bright and early tomorrow" he answered with a smile.

"Okay. Okay, I can do that" you started to walk out of his office and turned around. "Hotch."

"Yes, Agent."

"Thank You. For letting me go first."

"Of course, you deserve the spot after all."

You nodded and made your way back to the bullpen, in just 24 hours you would be able to see your pretty boy. You were so excited that you daydreamed about it all day. But even with daydreaming about it, you wouldve never imagined what was gonna happen next.

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