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By nataliaalianovas

192K 6.2K 831

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5K 177 15
By nataliaalianovas


IT WAS BEFORE MR. HARRIS' class that Scott had told her about what Erica and Isaac were planning to do. They believed that Lydia was the Kanima, and they were going to test out that theory during the chemistry class, seeing as they were doing an experiment today. The three entered just as Isaac and Erica did. Scott and Stiles were quick to rush over to the strawberry blonde whilst Gwen took a seat beside Allison who had gave Scott a weird look.

"Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. . . And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity. So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments! Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or, in Stilinski's case, less than one." He then looked at Erica before saying, "Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with―︎" However he paused upon everyone raising their hands, well, almost everyone. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with McCall."

Allison exchanged a look with Gwen, but Gwen gave her a reassuring smile and squeeze on the shoulder. However that smile fell when Mr. Harris called her name. "Gwen, you'll start with Isaac." It was Allison's turn to give the female a reassuring smile along with a squeeze on the shoulder. The girl got up and made her way over to the male, sitting down and avoiding eye contact with him. As the experiment started, Isaac continued to glance at the girl.

"What? You're not going to talk to me?" Isaac asked.

"Can you blame me?" Gwen hissed, clenching her jaw and refusing to look at him. He frowned slightly and looked at her in slight disbelief.

He sighed, watching as the girl did the experiment. "We aren't the bad guys, Gwen. We're just trying to find out who the Kanima is and take care of it before it gets any worse."

"And you assume it's Lydia?" She quietly snapped. "Leave her alone. She's been through enough shit as it is. She doesn't need to deal with people trying to poison her."

"If she's immune, that's when we'll know whether or not its her." He told the girl. Gwen scoffed, shaking her head. That's when the bell was rung, and it was time for them to switch. She watched as Isaac stood up, moving onto the next table. And of course, Gwen had Erica next.

"You know what I can do." Gwen threatened. "I know where Derek and your little pack is staying. If you hurt her, I won't hesitate to come down there and rip your throats out."

"Even Isaac?" Erica asked, a smirking falling on her face as she watched the blonde clench her jaw.

"Yeah, even him." The girl snapped.

"He'll be heartbroken over that." She sighed, though she was clearly amused. "You know, what you two clearly have, it could work, if only you'd join us."

"You wish." She snarled.

"Gwen, you're an omega. You don't have a pack. Sooner or later, you'll die." Erica seemed to smile at the thought. Gwen snarled at the woman, and before she could say anything it was time to switch again. This time, she was with another of her classmates, offering a small smile to them before finishing the experiment.

"Time! If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal. Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it." Gwen picked up the crystal, offering it to her partner who shook his head, telling her she could have it. She was about to eat it when suddenly Scott called out Lydia's name.


"What?" She frowned.

He was quick to sit back in his seat upon noticing the entire class looking at him. "Nothing."


The group of four, Gwen, Scott, Stiles, and Allison were all quick to gather in a seperate room away from everyone.

"Derek's waiting outside for Lydia."

"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asked, looking at her boyfriend with raised eyebrows.

"If he thinks she's the Kanima, then yes―︎especially after what happened at the pool." Scott told her.

"It's not her." Stiles shook his head, refusing to believe it.

"Stiles, she didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened." Scott told his best friend with a sigh.

"No, it can't be her." Stiles denied.

"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her." Gwen told them. "So, either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her."

"Well, I really don't think he's gonna do anything here. Not at school." Scott informed them.

"What about after school? What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?" Allison questioned.

"By three o'clock?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"There could be something in the Bestiary." Allison told him.

"Oh, you mean the nine-hundred-page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." The boy sarcastically stated.

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it." Allison said.

"Uh, I can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her? But, if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?"

"Us." Gwen corrected. "You aren't the only one with fangs."

"Yeah, he's just the only one that doesn't turn into a giant seven foot tall wolf!" Stiles sarcastically commented.

"What does that mean?" Allison asked, ignoring Stiles and Gwen's bickering as she looked at Scott.

"That you can't heal like I do." He then looked at Allison before saying, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

She went through her bag before holding up her crossbow. "I can protect myself." Scott looked at the girl before glancing down and looking up at her once more. "What? Did something else happen?"

"I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously, if anything goes wrong, you call me, okay? I-I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can. We have until three." He looked at Gwen, sharing a silent conversation with her before she scoffed and nodded her head. She would stay with Stiles and Allison, but only because Lydia was her best friend and needed her help way more than Scott would.

"Ah, sorry." He handed Allison the crossbow back. "Sensitive trigger on that." With that Scott walked out.


Allison and Gwen stood there in front of their guidance counselor, Gwen with her arms crossed as Allison handed her the papers filled with a language none of them knew.

"Do you mind me asking where you got this? A book?"

"A family heirloom." Allison answered.

"Interesting family. I'm pretty familiar with most Romance languages, but this is a little out of my reach. . ."

"Can you give it a shot?" Gwen asked, quickly growing impatient and anxious.

"All right. Um, 'Kanima.' Do I have that right?"

"Yeah." The two girls nodded.

"'Like the wolf, its power is greatest at the moon's peak.' Huh. sounds like a werewolf. Oh, there's some words here I don't recognize. . ."

"Just try, please." Allison begged, growing impatient as well.

"Could I hold onto it for a bit?" Ms. Morell asked.

"Now is better, please."

"All right. Um, okay, 'Like the wolf, the Kanima is a social creature. But, where the wolf seeks a pack, the Kanima seeks a friend.'"

"A friend. What does that mean?" Allison mumbled, sharing a look with Gwen.

"Maybe it's lonely."

"Like a teenager." Gwen whispered, sharing a look with Allison before the two thanked the woman and quickly left. The quickly met up with Jackson, Stiles, and Lydia, quick to exit the library, but of course, Lydia had questions.

"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?"

"Because we're meeting up with somebody else." Stiles answered the strawberry blonde.

"Hmm. Well, why don't they just meet us in the library?" Lydia asked.

"Oh, that would have been a good idea. Too late."

"Okay, hold on―︎"

"Lydia, just shut up and walk." Jackson quickly cut her off, pushing her forward. They all quickly got in Stiles jeep except for Gwen who quickly got in her own vehicle and followed closely behind them.


They made it to Scott's house, and Gwen was quick to get out of her vehicle just as the other four were climbing out of Stiles'.

"If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?" Lydia questioned.

"He's meeting us here, I think. I hope."

"Thanks for doing this." Allison told Jackson.

"I needed to talk to her anyway." Jackson replied. The entered the house with Stiles closing the door and locking all three locks before checking out the window and turning around to see Lydia giving him a questioning look.

"Uh, there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood." He paused before grabbing a chair and placing it under the door knob, making Lydia raise an eyebrow. "And a murder. Yeah, it was bad." Gwen winced at the word murder, the body of her father flashing in her head. Immediately Stiles gave her an apologetic look.

"Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute." Jackson spoke, turning to walk away.

Lydia sighed. "Seriously? What is going on with everyone?" The girl huffed before following after him. Gwen kept an eye out, a huff falling from her lips when suddenly she saw them.

"Shit. Call Scott." She quickly told Allison. "They're here."

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