Fishy, fishy, fishy, come swi...

By ChloeHickson5

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This is a Sharkbaitshipping fan fiction. It will take place roughly a year after the anime ends, but will ass... More

Chapter 1: Demons
Chapter 2: You are not alone
Chapter 3: Happy
Chapter 4: These are my confessions
Chapter 6: Would anyone care?
Chapter 7: Be as you are
Chapter 8: How deep is your love?
Chapter 9: Jealous guy
Chapter 10: Half way to forever
Chapter 11: Beginning again
Chapter 12: Fallen angel
Chapter 13: Secrets and Lies
Chapter 14: Memories (part 1)
Chapter 15: Memories (part 2)
Chapter 16: Calm before the storm
Chapter 17: Whose side are you on?
Chapter 18: Barian world
Chapter 19: The Aether is coming.
Chapter 20: The truth a friend hides.
Chapter 21: It has begun
Chapter 22: An explanation.
Chapter 23: A drop in the ocean
Chapter 24: True face
Chapter 25: Deja vu
Epilogue: A glimpse of the coming future

Chapter 5: Secrets

212 6 11
By ChloeHickson5

A/N: Before we start, three things.

Please if you spot any mistakes, please point them out because I am a perfectionist and a stickler when it comes to the little details.

Next, a challenge, can you spot my chapter titling conventions for this book?

Finally, can you tell I studied a stage related topic? I just want to know.

Hope you enjoy. :)


"Yuma, are you ok?" Tori asked as her friend re-joined them backstage to help tune the instruments and set up the music stands so they didn't slow things down. What Yuma hadn't realised, was that he had this glassy eyed, wistful, type of look. It disappeared at Tori's words, as Yuma came back down to earth. The huge smile on his face though, that stayed.

"I'm fine." Yuma answered, "I'm better than fine, actually. Just having a really good day. Did I miss anything?"

Tori, Bronk and Caswell exchanged worried looks. Yuma seemed too happy to them. But Yuma wasn't ready to tell them what had just happened. Partly because he wasn't sure Shark was ready either, partly because he was worried about his friend's reaction and partly because he wanted to see how things went on Saturday.

"Are you sure?" Bronk asked.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling the flow." Yuma smiled as he plucked the 6th string on the guitar he was tuning, waiting for the tuner to flash the right note on its screen, "But seriously, have I missed anything."

"Well um..." Bronk began, surrendering his information quest, knowing that if something was really wrong Yuma would tell them eventually, "Mr Fabio, you know the drama teacher, looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel when Ray walked. He had a black eye for some reason." Yuma plucked the 6th string too hard and it snapped.

"Really?" Yuma said reaching for the guitar bag to retrieve a spare string and an Allen key, to start changing the string. Yuma was glad for the excuse to hide his face, because was unable to stop the guilty, yet satisfied look that appeared on his face. His tone, to his surprise, sounded mildly interested.

"Yeah, you could hear the yelling from over here." Caswell said. Yuma wasn't surprised that the sound carried well in the theatre, since they were designed that way, even though theirs was the largest in the district. Yuma didn't point this out, so as not to wound his friend's pride. Although he thought Caswell, being the brains of their group, should have already known this.

"Yeah, Ray wouldn't say how he'd gotten his black eye, but he definitely didn't have one in 6th period maths today." Tori said thoughtfully. "Wonder why?"

"If you want my opinion, someone must have punched him." Caswell said, "Must have been a girl if he won't say anything. Too proud." Yuma was just finishing replacing the string, trying really hard not to admit to giving Vector his black eye, since Caswell thought it was a girl. Instead he focused now on tuning the string he'd replaced.

"I can't see why any of the girls in this school would want to hurt Ray," Yuma said, joining in so as not too look guilty. Even though he was sure they would find out eventually, "they all believe his fun loving, innocent act."

"Yeah," Bronk agreed as he finished wiping the spit valve of his clarinet, "Yuma has a point."

"I think it must have been one of the Barians." Tori mused.

"Why?" Bronk asked, confused, "I thought they all stuck together."

"They do," Tori said, "but Rio told me last weekend, while we were shopping, that Ray still enjoys pranking them. Especially Shark. Also Duman, who we ran into coming out of a book store, told me that only a Barian or someone from Astral World can injure a Barian."

"Then that settles it." Caswell said smiling triumphantly, "Shark must have given Ray his black eye for taking a prank too far. It makes sense, since Shark has a short fuse."

"Yeah, Shark is a hot head." Yuma said unthinkingly as he set the now tuned guitar down and put the Allen key back in the guitar bag, "but he isn't violent." The others looked at Yuma suspiciously. Shit, Yuma thought, how do I get out of this?

"Yuma, Shark was a thug and a bully when we met him," Bronk pointed out, "push his buttons enough, of course he'll slip back into old habits."

"I'm just saying," Yuma said, trying to think quickly, "that it's just as likely Ray tripped over, or slipped over and landed on something that gave him his black eye. He's always acting like a clumsy idiot."

"Yuma have you had an argument with Ray?" Tori asked noting that Yuma's words were very carefully chosen.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about." Yuma said a little too fast. Tori scowled at him.

"Yuma, if you're finished," came Rio's voice from behind them, they all turned, "can I borrow you a moment." Bronk's face lit up like a Christmas tree faster then a firework exploded.

"Hi Rio." Bronk said loudly. Yuma couldn't help his amused smile. None of them could.

"Hi Bronk." Rio smiled. Bronk's brains turned to mush, as the world's cheesiest grin spread across his wide face, and he hugged the clarinet to his chest.

"Sure." Yuma said, following Rio away from the group with a wave, glad to get out his friends' crosshairs. Rio turned to face him, about half way towards the exit, and next to a wall.

"I just want to say, I'm so happy for you and Reginald." Rio suddenly beamed, throwing her arms around Yuma, not seeing Yuma's friends' heads poking around the stage curtain. Bronk couldn't have looked more jealous, even if he tried.

"We just kissed." Yuma said, gasping for air, "Rio, can't ... breathe ... sque....ezing ... too tight."

"Sorry." Rio said with a chuckle, releasing Yuma, who gasped air back into his lungs while rubbing his rib cage, "I just got a little carried away."

"You can say that again," Yuma quipped still rubbing his ribs, "I think my rib cage will be feeling that hug into next week."

"Also it looked a lot more than just a kiss, Yuma." Rio said smiling darkly, "It looked like a confession to me."

"So what if it was?" Yuma asked.

"That's not a denial, so I'm right!" Rio screeched excited, jumping up and down.

"God Rio," Yuma said looking and sounding out right alarmed, "can you say that any louder, I'm not sure they heard you in Spain."

"Relax, Yuma," Rio giggled, "I won't tell a soul. It's for you and Reginald to tell people when you are ready. Also, you sounded just like my brother. Too cute."

"Rio!" Yuma hissed embarrassed.

"Who sounds just like me?" came Shark's voice as he approached them.

"Yuma." Rio said, watching as the pair smiled softly at each other, "Because I was jumping up and down, screeching loudly about being right about you two confessing. Yuma told me if I was any louder, they would hear me in Spain. Or words to that effect."

"I would say that." Shark agreed with a laugh, "But only because you can be annoying, nosey and loud sometimes."

"Watch it, Reginald Kastle," Rio said a dangerous look in her eyes, "or I'll tell everyone one of your embarrassing secrets."

"Rio you said you wouldn't," Yuma exclaimed jumping to conclusions, "besides its not official yet. We haven't even gone out on a date yet."

"I said one of Reginald's secrets," Rio smiled amused at Yuma's panicking, "not yours. Something embarrassing, like the time..."

"Don't you dare, Rio." Shark interrupted her, a dangerous look now in his eyes.

"Besides that snog looked pretty official to me." Rio said back tacking at her brother's warning.

"Rio." Shark and Yuma hissed in unison. Rio smirked.

"Too cute," She said, "Are we all set to start rehearsal, Mr Fabio is getting very irritable."

"Yeah, but the tech boys are a little stuck with the music and lighting cues." Shark said, "Yuma, I hate to ask you, but since you've been so involved with the production process, could go up and guide them?"

"Sure." Yuma said, rushing off up to the tech booth the quick way. Rio and Shark started walking over to the stage and the other Barians.

"I swear if you..." Shark began, knowing his sister was a total gossip.

"I wouldn't, Reginald." Rio cut him off.

"But you are a total..." Shark started again.

"Not about something like this." Rio cut him off again as they reached their group, and signalled that they were ready to start.

"Fine." Shark said, as Alito started the opening to their piece. Vector was just taking his place on stage when Mizar and Duman pulled him aside. Shark shot them a questioning look.

"We need to talk about Yuma." Mizar stated. Shark continued to look puzzled.

"He's human." Duman stated. Shark was beginning to think Rio had already told them he and Yuma had kissed.

"So?" He hissed.

"He shouldn't have been able to," Duman started to explain, making Shark relax, "firstly, hurt Vector in any way at all, yet he landed two solid hits. Secondly, been able to out pace you and Vector, and thirdly, be strong enough that you needed help to restrain him. If you'll pardon the pun, I think there's something fishy about this, we can't explain it."

"Yeah we can." Shark said brushing it aside, listening for his cue, "He and Astral are two parts of a whole. They might share the same powers."

"That's what I thought too." Mizar said, "But Astral's powers, and therefore Yuma's when they Zexal morphed, were distinct from ours. Yuma only showed indomitable will when he wasn't Zexal morphed, which enhanced his stamina while duelling. Still does. Yuma should be incapable of such a display as he gave today."

Shark frowned. He had to admit they had a point. But Shark was sure Yuma wouldn't pose a threat to them, given the feelings they shared. But Shark then had a scary thought. What if this unidentified 'power' proved too much for Yuma and destroyed him or worse. Some information wouldn't hurt.

"Fine," Shark said, after he paused for thought, "look into it. After we are finished with this showcase. More information won't hurt." Duman and Mizar nodded as Shark heard his cue and left to enter the stage.

Shark found himself alone in the dressing room after the tech rehearsal. Alone, apart from Vector. Right now, just the thought of Vector was enough to make Shark's blood boil, and he kept giving Vector angry stares.

"Keep staring at me and people might think you have a crush on me." Vector sneered, as he moved very gingerly to put his school trousers back on, "Damnit Yuma, you lodged them up there pretty well, where'd you get that kind of strength?"

"As if I'd have a crush on a snake like you," Shark snapped with a smirk and a glare, "also you asked for what you got when you kissed Yuma like that without his permission."

"Doesn't mean he had to send my balls up to my scrotum." Vector complained, wincing as he shifted his weight.

"Touch him like that again without his permission," Shark said with a dark smirk, "and I'll kick your genitals so hard that people will think you're a woman."

"Jealous much." Vector sneered.

"Why would I be jealous of you?" Shark asked as he tied his tie.

"Because I kissed Yuma and you haven't." Vector answered with a triumphant smile. Shark stayed quite, not wanting Vector to find out yet. "It's obvious you like him Nasch."

"Shut up or I'll give you another Black eye." Shark threatened shouldering his bag and taking his jacket off the hook.

"And give your sister an even bigger job on Saturday, with the makeup, making me beautiful again." Vector teased evilly. Next thing he knew, Vector was covering his other in eye, glaring at Shark, who had just carried out his threat.

"I warned you." Shark said as he left, smiling with satisfaction. Although, Shark thought, he deserves a lot worse then a pair of black eyes for stealing what was Yuma's to give away.

Yuma was waiting by the school gates, tapping his foot. He was waiting for Shark. Yuma was not happy when Vector ran up to him, wincing with every movement. Ok so maybe he was a little happy that Vector had a second Black eye.

"You are the last person I want to talk to right now." Yuma snapped at Vector.

"Then don't talk, listen." Vector said sounding regretful, and continuing when Yuma didn't respond, "I shouldn't have kissed. Especially since I figured out you liked Shark, I just don't know why I did it. You were just defending yourself. Sorry Yuma."

"What you doing Panda eyes?" Came Shark's voice from behind Vector, who winced as he jumped with surprise.

"Apologising." Vector answer instantly kicking himself for answering to the insult, "Are we good, Yuma?"

"Not for a long time, and only if you never do it again." Yuma answered, "You ready Shark?"

"Yeah." Shark answered, leaving the school grounds, as a disappointed Vector watched them disappear around a corner. Once they were out of view of anyone they knew, Shark wrapped one arm around Yuma.

"I take it you gave Ray that other shiner." Yuma stated smiling at Shark's gesture, which he copied.

"He asked for it." Shark stated, "I take it you'll forgive him."

"Eventually." Yuma answered. Shark just giggled in awe of Yuma's forgiving heart.

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