Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.5K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

41 3 2
By anrilabuschagne24

"NickNak can I please, please practice on your face?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he frowns.

"Absolutely not Liv." He folds his arms and stares at the makeup and then at me.

"Come on, it's for cheerleading?" I whine and he rolls his eyes.

"Not happening." He raises his hand up in defense.

"Technically you owe me." I smile.

"For what exactly?" He sounds shocked.

"For the fact that you tripped me on the first day of the year and as an 8th grader I don't appreciate falling in front of all the good-looking seniors." I roll my eyes and he bursts out laughing.

"Man, that was hilarious. Jay and I laughed our asses off."

"You said you owed me one NickNak." I smirk and he stops laughing, "So this is the favor you owe me." I wink and he brushes his hand through his hair.

"I just got this leather jacket Liv. If you mess on it there's trouble." He rolls his eyes and he straightens his jacket.

"So kind NickNak." I motion him to sit and he slumps on the chair and I inspect his face. You can see he's starting to go through puberty now, his voice is already deeper and he's got a bit of stubble on his face already. The innocent NickNak is disappearing on me. I stare at the makeup on the table and he grabs my hand before the base meets his face.

"If you tell anyone about this you're dead meat." He narrows his eyes and smirks.

"Deal." I narrow my eyes and he releases my wrist from his grip and I start doing the makeup we were instructed to do for the cheerleading competition. I just made it into the team, I don't want to mess it up now.

"Liv. Have you made any other friends since we've started here at Everstone?" He asks with his eyes closed.

"Yeah, there is Elaina and Khloe." I smile and we all met at cheerleading. We're the only 3 juniors who got accepted.

"I don't like Khloe," Nick says and I roll my eyes.

"You don't like anyone NickNak." I retort and he opens his eyes.

"I like you." He says softly and I roll my eyes.

"That's because-."

"Olivia? Nick?" My dad walks in and we both stare at him and he has a smile on his face. He just got back from the work.

"Daddy." I smile and I hug him as Nick instantly grabs a makeup remover wipe and cleans the makeup off. There goes my masterpiece. 

"Sir." Nick shakes my dad's hand and he smiles at him.

"Got a bit of cheek stuff there Nicky." My dad jokingly says and I burst out laughing and Nick rubs the stuff off of his cheek. He slightly goes red and looks a bit irritated.

"Do I even want to know?" My dad raises his eyebrow.

"Hey dear." My mom walks into the dining room as well and hugs both Nick and me.

"Hi, Mrs. Bell." Nick hugs her and instantly our eyes go to the floor.

"Dad!" I shout and both mom and Nick bend over him and he is lying there not moving.

"Nick call 911." He grabs his phone out of his jacket and dials as I just stare at my dad on the floor and mom checking his pulse.

"Oliver." My mom shakes my dad and she checks his pulse again and exams him.

"They coming," Nick says softly.

"Hey, pa-." Dylan walks in and his eyes widen and he's also bleak.

"Mom wha-." 

"He's going to be fine." She says and she looks stressed and I can tell she's trying to be strong for us. I look at my dad's tall body lying there, lifeless and a tear escapes my eye and Nick squeezes my hand.

"Baby please wake up." I hear Nick's faint voice in my ear and his thumb wiping away a tear on my cheek. 

"She's going to wake up Nick. You need to relax." My mom's voice also meets my ears.

"I can't lose her. She's going to hate me." His voice cracks and I slowly open my eyes to see them hug.

"Ouch." I groan and he's instantly at my bedside and grabs my hand.

"Liv." His glossy grass-green eyes intently stare into mine. A tear escapes his duct as he lifts my hand up to his face and he kisses it. I sit up quite quickly.

"Nick. You weren't shot." My throat is hoarse and dry. I rub my finger on his stubbled face and I take a deep breath of relief and I start crying. I am so thankful that he wasn't shot. I sit up straight until a pain rushes to my leg.

"Ouch." I look at the bandage and I can barely feel my leg.

"Liv." Mom kisses my forehead, "I'll call Dr. Patterson." She kisses me again walks out. I stare at my leg again and yelp once more.

"Don't move so much, baby." Nick stands up, places a pillow behind my back, and lightly pushes me back, and tugs a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Nick, who got shot?" I say softly and he sits next to me again and he looks down and clears his throat.

"Aiden was shot." He stares into my eyes and my eyes widen.

"Wh-Wha-...How?" I say and I start crying again.

"He's fine Liv. He underwent heart surgery but he's in ICU recovering." He wipes the tears off my cheek.

"I hate it when you cry." He says in an undertone and I look down, "Liv, I know I need to explain everything to you and I will. I promise but you need to get some rest." He kisses my forehead and he isn't wrong, I do need to sleep.

"I love you." He says and he kisses me.

"I love you too." I kiss him back and I close my eyes. I hear a few voices enter my room.

"Is she okay?" My mom's voice sounds concerned.

"Yes, Mrs. Bell. Think she just needs more rest." Nick says softly.

"She's going to be fine right?" Dylan asks this time.

"Yes, she is." Dr. Patterson answers this time and I hear him flip through my chart.

"How's Aiden?" Nick asks and he seems really concerned.

"He's fine, he is awake. I need to go do my rounds anyway." Elaina says and walks out. It sounds like everyone leaves and the door shuts.

"Nick." My mom breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bell. This is all my fault." Nick whispers.

"I will lie to you if I say I'm not disappointed. This is the second time you have something to do with Olivia being in the hospital." 

"I ge-." 

"But Nick. I know you love her otherwise, you wouldn't have protected her and tried everything you can to prevent her from getting on that plane and I am really grateful for that."

"I know I've disappointed her time and time again and I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to her."

"She's been through a hell of a lot already Nick. Be careful with her heart, please." 

"I promise you, Mrs. Bell, I will tell her everything." 

"Thank you." I sense that they're hugging and she walks out and shuts the door again. I feel him sink his arms onto my bed as he sits next to me again and he grabs my hand.

"I love you, baby." He whispers and I feel safer than I have in a very long time. I fall into a deep sleep again.

"I'm sorry Dr. Bell but he'll be lucky if he makes it through the night. You guys need to say your goodbyes." The oncologist gives my mom a sympathetic smile and looks at my dad's chart again and my mom wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"Dylan. Liv. You need to go see your dad." All three of us head back into his room and he's lying there, pale and thin. My dad has never looked worse and my heart is broken. This is the type of sadness that you cannot even begin to describe. He's barely breathing and it's as if he's aged by fifty years in the span of two months.

"Mom I can't do this," Dylan says with tears in his eyes, and his voice breaks. Mom hugs him and I watch the two standing in front of dad as I hold his cold hand. Isn't it ironic how an oncologist got lung cancer? I stare at dad and his breathing is at a slow pace and tears form in my eyes again. It's amazing how there are still any tears left. 

"He loves you both and you know that." We all sit at his bed and mom gives me a slight smile.

"Yeah." I clear the tear away and Nick walks in and joins us and he sits next to me.

"Liv." Is all he says and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Is he in pain mom?" Dylan asks and my mom sighs.

"No, he isn't." We watch him and the only thing we can hear are the machines. Dylan rests his head on mom and Nick grabs my hand.

"I can't watch him die." I get up, clear my face and I walk out of the room. This is torture and I can't watch this.

"Liv you are going to be okay." Nick walks to me and he also looks like he's about to cry.

"Nick. He's my dad. I can-." I start tearing up again as I look into the room and mom and Dylan haven't moved.

"Yes you can and you know why?" He stops and he puts both his hands on my shoulders, "Because you're one of the strongest people I know and I know you can do this. No one knows why you and your family are going through this but you need to be strong and you are. I'll be there with you Liv." He hugs me and I cry into his shirt. Cannot believe he's taller than me. I grab his shirt as I cry into it and we just stand like that for a few minutes.

"Come on." We release and he grabs my hand and we make our way back into the room and we sit there with my mom and Dylan. He hasn't let go of my hand once and my other one holds onto Dad's cold hand and it feels like a lifetime until we hear the flatline from his heart monitor and he takes one final breath. Both mom and I burst into tears and Dylan comforts mom and Nick instantly place his arms around me and I bawl and it doesn't stop. The oncologist shuts the machines off and hugs my mom.

"I am so sorry." He says and we walk out of the room with my hand still clutching onto Nicks.

"Liv." He shakes my hand and as I open my eyes again he worriedly looks at me, "Are you okay." He wipes another tear from my eye and I sigh.

"Just a bad dream," I say softly and my throat is still sore.

"What was it about?" He says holding my hand again.

"Was more like a flashback of the hospital when my dad died." He looks down at the bed and he swallows hard.

"Always remember how strong you are." He whispers and he kisses me on the forehead.

"I want to say how much I appreciate the fact that you stayed with us that week and how you helped us." I swallow hard and I have a pit in my stomach.

"Always." He says and I smile. 

"You need to eat." He motions to the food on the table and pushes it towards me.

"I'm not really hungry." I stare at the fish and mash.

"You have to." He demands and I roll my eyes.

"I guess I have to so I can have the strength to kill you." I slightly smile, "Nick. You have to explain everything to me." 

"I will but Liv. Can I just ask one thing?" He looks serious.

"Yeah?" I study his worried face.

"Can we talk about this when you are out of the hospital? I just really want you to get a bit better first and then I promise, I will tell you everything." He looks worried and grabs my hand again. There's no point in arguing with him on this. I need to be open to listening to him.

"Okay." I give him a slight smile.

"Please eat." He motions to the food again and I roll my eyes. I take a bite into the mash until Dr. Patterson walks in again followed by my mom. Doesn't this just sound familiar?

"Hey, Olivia. How are you feeling?" He smiles at me and checks my chart again. 

"As good as it can be. How's Aiden" His face looks sad and I can see he's worried.

"Sleeping again." He masks his worry and looks at my leg.

"I need to get up don't I?" I look at Nick, then my mom, and then at Dr. Patterson.

"Unfortunately yes." He hands me the crutches and I turn to the side of the bed as I hang my left leg off first and I wince when I attempt to move my right one. The pain is really bad.

"Take your time." He says and Nick clenches his jaw.

"I shuffle until I manage to get my right leg hanging." Nick stands in front of me holding the crutches and he helps me up. Touching the floor is like heaven right now.

"Here." He hands me both the crutches and I use them as my support until I'm upright balancing on my left leg.

"Perfect. You will need them until your leg is strong enough, give it about 3 weeks. You can go home tomorrow and rest there." He marks something on my chart.

"Great. Can I go see Aiden?" I ask and everyone looks at me.

"Of course you can." Dr. Patterson smiles and then looks at Nick, "I'll get her a wheelchair and you can take her up." Nick nods and Dr. Patterson leaves.

"Mom." She walks towards me and kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you." She smiles and looks at Nick and then at me.

"Love you too." She looks at her beeper and excuses herself only for Dr. Patterson to bring a wheelchair in.

"He's in ICU, room 4." He gives me a genuine smile, nods at Nick, and walks out.

"Sit, I'll take you." Nick motions to the chair and I slowly sink down into it and Nick grabs the crutches and puts a blanket on me.

"Wait." I look down. Definitely need a bra.

"Do I have clothes here?" I look up at him and he smiles.

"Yeah." He nods.

"I need a bra," I say and my cheeks turn rosy.

"Okay." He walks towards the drawers and pulls one out and walks back to me and he undoes the strings at the top of the robe.

"Do you maybe want to shower first?" He asks softly and I smirk.

"You just want to see me naked." I wink and he runs his hand through his hair.

"Well, I won't complain." He winks and he rolls me into the bathroom and I look at the shower and then at the bath.

"I think maybe bathing is a better option." I point to the bath and he sits on the edge of it and taps the water in. I stare at him and his arm muscles flex as he opens the tap and he slowly places his fingers under the running water and we stare at the bath until it's filled.

"Do you want me to call a nurse or do you want me to stay?" He says softly and the room is silent again.

"Stay." I softly reply and he walks closer to me and removes the blanket and hangs it on the back of the wheelchair and then he slowly pulls the medical robe off of me and discards it in the bin and he kneels in front of me, looks at me and slowly places his warm, soft hands on the rim of the surgery undies. I try my best not to laugh. Those aren't sexy at all and it looks like a huge diaper. He continues to look at me and gently moves his hands to the sides of them and I push myself up in the chair and in one swift movement pulls them off being gentle when it comes to the plaster.

"You okay?" He asks focusing on the plaster and I get up and balance on my left leg and I hold onto his arm.

"Yes." I release my grip from his arm and I lean onto the railing of the bathtub until he clenches his hands around me, picks me up bridal style, and gently places me in the water making sure the plaster doesn't get wet. The warm water is amazing and it feels like my body is getting spurges of energy again. I lie in the bath and Nick sits on the edge of it staring at me. The longer he stares the more insecure I feel. 

"You're so beautiful Liv." He says softly and then someone clears their throat.

"Mr. Rhodes a word?" A nurse motions him outside of the bathroom and he rolls his eyes.

"You should have called me. You are not a nurse." The nurse points to me and then points her finger back at Nick who looks her up and down.

"I told you Patricia I am not leaving her side. Besides, she's fine and I know she'd much rather let me see her naked than a bunch of people she doesn't know." He replies cockily and she sneers. He's not wrong.

"Mr. Rhodes." She sighs and then she looks at me and then back at him.

"Just call me if she needs help," She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room and he walks back and sits on the side of the bath again smirking.

"You and Patricia seem close." I wink and he laughs.

"Please, she wishes." He winks. Man, I love this guy. 

"Nick." I run my hands on the surface of the water and the mood becomes serious again, "Can you please tell me how Aiden was the one that got shot?" I look up at him and then down at the water again.

"The three of us. Brad, myself, and Aiden were struggling to get the gun from him and I was on top of him, and the next thing I know the gun is pointed at me and it all happened so fast." Nick gulps and he looks a bit pale rethinking the events, "Anyways, Aiden pushed me out of the way just as the trigger was pulled and Aldus shot him instead of me." He says softly and I can just picture the scenario in my head.

"Aiden took a bullet for me and I will forever be grateful for that." He gives me a half-smile and leans his head against the wall.

"And then?" I motion him to continue.

"I'll tell you when you're out of the hospital tomorrow Liv. You need to finish bathing." He motions to the soap and I continue bathing. I need to know the whole story but I know I need to trust him on this one. I continue bathing and just stares at me and when I'm done, he helps me get out and places the towel around me and hands me the crutches.

"I can balance on my left leg, Nick." I give him a reassuring smile and I balance on it and Nick looks at me, "I'm not a cheerleader for no reason." I wink and I attempt to dry myself and I lose my balance and he instantly catches me.

"Yeah, a very uncoordinated cheerleader." He huffs and hands me the crutches. 

"How am I-." I look at the crutches and then at the towel that just fell to the ground.

"It's fine." Nick wraps the towel around me again and I feel so useless, "Let me do it." He whispers and I stand, leaning on the crutches as he brushes the towel over my entire body and he kneels in front of the wound and daps the towel on it really lightly, I wince and his eyes instantly meet mine. He gets up not breaking eye contact and he tugs a strand of hair behind my ear again and his fingers circle my jaw. He places his lips on mine and quickly pulls away looking at my naked body and wrapping the towel around me.

"Kiss me again," I demand, biting my lip and he frowns. 

"No." He clears his throat and kisses my cheek, "What do you want to wear baby?" He walks back into the room and I stand there trying to collect my thoughts.

"Liv?" He asks again.

"Anything." I smile and I stand in the doorway looking at him picking out underwear, pajama shorts, and one of my dad's t-shirts. He smirks as he places the lace black underwear I wore the night we had sex on top of the clothes pile and I bite my lip.

"You packed my bag didn't you." I look up from the clothes and he smirks. My mom definitely would not have packed laced bras for a hospital visit.

"Well." He winks. I look at the crutches again and then up at Nick.

"I feel like a kid." I roll my eyes and he shrugs.

"Liv you suck at balancing it's fine. I don't mind taking care of you. You're here because of me and I want to help you. I know you aren't useless but I want to take care of you and I want to be there for you." He kisses my forehead and he helps me get dressed. Definitely taking his time and it's as if we're doing this in slow motion.

"Bra." He says and I remove my hand from the crutches, balancing on my left leg, and in one swift movement the straps pass over my arms and he puts the bra in place and slowly runs his hands around to the back where the clips are and I start getting goosebumps. I smile a bit, he is enjoying this a bit too much if you ask me.

"Okay sit Liv." He motions to the wheelchair and I grab the shirt from the chest and I put it on. He hands me some deodorant and places the blanket over my legs again., "Ready to go?" 

"Yeap." I nod and he wheels me out of the room and we make our way to the ICU. 

"Sorry. We're here to see Aiden?" Nick politely smiles at the nurse at the front desk and she motions to room 4. I take a deep breath in and as we enter the room, everyone is around his bed.

"Aiden." I attempt to get up to hug him but Nick gently puts his hand on my shoulder reminding me to take it easy.

"Olivia." He says softly and a tear leaves my eye, he looks really pale his lips are a tad bit blue. It is quite cold in this room. I tug onto his other hand and I look up at Jane and she looks terrible.

"I'm glad you're okay," I say.

"You too." He gives me a slight smile.

"You look a bit better Liv." Collin speaks up and I look at him and then at Jess's stomach.

"Wow, Jess." My eyes widen a bit and she rubs her belly.

"Yeah, this baby can come out now." She rolls her eyes and she looks quite irritated. We all laugh and then the room is silent again until Nick clears his throat. He stands next to me and he and Aiden stare at each other and Nick reach his hand out to Aiden. Aiden looks at it, clenches his jaw for a split second, and shakes Nick's hand. A frim and strong handshake.

"Thank you," Nick says and Aiden nods and they break the handshake. This feud between them is finally finished and I couldn't be any happier.

"In all honesty though Aiden, how are you feeling?" I smile.

"I'm okay, still a bit weak but it'll take time. How's the leg?" He motions to my leg.

"Sore but it'll take time." I give him a small smile.

"Dad. Can I please get some MacDonalds?" Aiden looks behind our head and he and mom walk in, hand in hand.

"I don't think so. You need to stay health-." He stops his sentence as my mom squeezes his hand and gives him a look, "I'll organize something." He changes his tone and we all start laughing.

"Guys visiting hours are almost finished," Mom says and Dylan and Elaina also walk in, in their white coats. It feels weird knowing they work here but somehow, it suits them.

"My shift is also almost done so I'm going to head home soon too," Elaina says as she hugs everyone and gives me a long hug before she leaves.

"I finish in two hours," Dylan speaks up and walks out. 

"Yeah, I am still quite tired." Aiden looks at everyone.

"Yeah, we'll head out and see you guys tomorrow." Collin and Jess say their goodbyes and they leave.

"Liv, you need to get some rest too," My mom orders and kisses me on the forehead, and her and Dr. Patterson go back to work.

 "I'll take Liv back to her room." Nick smiles at Aiden and Jane, "Thanks again, man." Nick says and I wave and we head back to my room. 

"I'm glad he's okay," I whisper as he picks me up and helps me to bed again.

"Me too," Nick moves the covers over me and he kisses my forehead, and my stomach grumbles again.

"I told you, you needed to eat Liv." Nick frowns and looks at the empty table.

"I'll be back." He squeezes my hand and walks out of the door. I really need him to tell me what happened and what is Rhodes Incorporated?

"Liv," The room door slowly opens again and Dr. Patterson and Dylan walk in.

"Hey." I smile and they both look at me and Dr. Patterson clears his throat.

"I need to talk to you two." Dylan makes his way to my bed and we both look at each other and frown and this man looks really nervous. He rubs his hand behind his head, avoids eye contact once or twice, and clears his throat, "I need you both to know I really, really love your mom and I would do anything for her, and I love you two and Stormi just as much and, well.." He pauses, studies our faces, and continues, "I would like both of your blessings with regards to me marrying your mother." My eyes widen. "Now before you say anything. I know I will never be able to replace your father nor is that my intention but I do love your mother and I will do my utmost best to neve-."

"Yes." Dylan interrupts him and he has tears in his eyes, it's like he doesn't even need a second to process it. Dr. Patterson relaxes for a brief moment and his eyes are also glossy as he looks at me and my eyes are filled with tears as well. The way he looks at my mom, the way they cuddle on the sofa together, and the way he changed her and took the hurt away from my dad dying, how can I not say yes.

"Of course." I manage to say and he hugs both of us for a bit.

"I really do love both of you as well and I need you to know that." He swallows and we both smile at him.

"We know," Dylan says and he straightens up and both their beeper goes off.

"Excuse us." They both rush out and I'm left alone again for a few minutes.

"Man, I am glad I'm not a doctor. Their running around must be exhausting." Nick points to the door and he's carrying Starbucks and a plain brown paper bag but I smell MacDonalds. 

"Food," I say looking at the brown paper bag.

"That's all you care about." He rolls his eyes and I give him an innocent smile.

"Maybe." He moves the table towards me and he takes the large chips and nuggets out and places it in front of me, "See, this is why I love you." I point to the boxes and then I wink at Nick.

"Oh, is that the only reason." He winks and he sits next to me on the bed. I bite into the chicken nugget and the door opens again. 

"Mr. Rhodes." Nurse Patricia walks in and stands with her hands on her hips. Nick mumbles something under his breath and moves so that he's hiding the food boxes.

"Nurse Patricia." He mimics her and she walks towards us staring at the brown paper bag.

"I smelt that MacDonalds from a mile away and don't tell me that you bought sanitary pads as you told the nurse at reception. She looks quite mad and Nick stands up and smirks at her.

"Come on Patricia. I bought you a little something too." He takes a large box of fries out of the packet and hands it to her, smirking. She rolls her eyes and I try my best not to smile as she glares at us and then at the fries.

"You're good." She narrows her eyes at Nick and he sits back down next to me.

"I know." He winks and she takes a bite of the fries and heads out. 

"You're crazy." I laugh as the door closes and he takes a bite of his Big Mac.

"I know." He winks and I laugh when I see that he has a bit of sauce on the side of his lip and he frowns as I stare at it, "What?" He looks confused and I motion him closer to my face.

"You got a bit of," He comes closer until my lips can reach his and I lick the sauce off the side of his mouth and his Big Mac free hand instantly goes to my jawline and he moans a bit.

"Liv." He releases from the intensified kiss and I bite my lip again. 

"Eat." He motions to the food on the table and I take another nugget.

"Dr. Patterson is going to propose to mom," I say in between bites and Nick tilts his head.

"Interesting. They do make a good match." He shrugs and takes another bite of his food, "How do you feel about it Liv?" 

"I don't think she could've had it any perfecter." I smile.

"Perfecter, you say?" He raises his eyebrow and smirks.

"Yip perfecter," I assure him and I continue with my food.

"I need some sleep." I move a little motioning Nick to lie next to me and he gets in the bed with me and being as careful as possible as he puts another pillow under my leg and a blanket over us.

"I love you, baby." He whispers. I clutch onto his shirt and I bury my face into his Axe scented shirt and I love his heat radiating onto my face.

"I love you too," I whisper and he kisses my forehead and I instantly fall asleep.

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