Fishy, fishy, fishy, come swi...

By ChloeHickson5

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This is a Sharkbaitshipping fan fiction. It will take place roughly a year after the anime ends, but will ass... More

Chapter 1: Demons
Chapter 2: You are not alone
Chapter 3: Happy
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Would anyone care?
Chapter 7: Be as you are
Chapter 8: How deep is your love?
Chapter 9: Jealous guy
Chapter 10: Half way to forever
Chapter 11: Beginning again
Chapter 12: Fallen angel
Chapter 13: Secrets and Lies
Chapter 14: Memories (part 1)
Chapter 15: Memories (part 2)
Chapter 16: Calm before the storm
Chapter 17: Whose side are you on?
Chapter 18: Barian world
Chapter 19: The Aether is coming.
Chapter 20: The truth a friend hides.
Chapter 21: It has begun
Chapter 22: An explanation.
Chapter 23: A drop in the ocean
Chapter 24: True face
Chapter 25: Deja vu
Epilogue: A glimpse of the coming future

Chapter 4: These are my confessions

312 6 4
By ChloeHickson5

Over the two months leading up to the drama and music departments showcase performance, that was planned as away to show parents the talent with in the school, Tori was saddened to find out that Yuma had taken on the extra work of producing the music for the Barians performance, which meant spending more time with them, and attending their rehearsals as well, so he could play the music live for them, while he was recording the tracks after school with Vector. But she knew that Yuma, for some inexplicable reason, thought of them all as friends. Shark and Rio, she could understand, but the rest, especially Vector, confused her, and Yuma never turned down a friend's request for help.

Tori, Bronk and Caswell were also concerned, since Yuma's change of mood had happened so suddenly. They didn't want to say anything though. They didn't want to upset Yuma. But the trio weren't the only ones to notice that Yuma seemed happiest when he was near Shark. Nor how the two had grown closer, and that Shark was smiling when near Yuma as well. Rio and Vector had noticed too. While Rio was happy for both boys, Vector was less so. In fact he seemed more prone to bullying Bronk, Flip, Caswell and Kathy for their duelling.

"Are we sure Yuma won't become distant again?" Caswell asked, as they waited in the music room for Yuma, after school, two days before the showcase. "Depression is characterised by extreme highs and lows, and sudden changes in mood and temperament, you know."

"I think he is out of the woods. Thanks to Shark." Tori admitted reluctantly, wishing she'd been the one to have helped Yuma recover.

"You sure, Yuma's ok, and going to continue being ok?" Bronk asked.

"Yes, Yuma's is ok, and is staying that way." Yuma answered from the doorway, smiling, "Thanks for the concern guys. Now are we taking our instruments to the theatre or not? The tech rehearsal isn't going to wait for us you know." The quartet each picked up their instruments and carried them to the theatre. Bronk and Yuma had to make a second trip, to carry a keyboard between them, because Yuma had been told to prepare a solo set list as well since he had chosen to do a solo set and he want to do it  on the piano.

"You know," Bronk suddenly said, half way back to the theatre, "I'm glad you're happy Yuma, but sometimes I feel like you and I aren't as close as we used to be. Am I still you're best friend?"

"Of course." Yuma answered kindly, looking confused, "What's brought this on?"

"You seem to be talking to Shark a lot more." Bronk said, "I understand that he better understands your mixed up feelings for Astral, but maybe the old crew might get it more if you explained your loss and anger to us."

"I...I..." Yuma stammered, not sure how to answer, "It's just easier to talk to Shark about Astral is all. You guys don't have mixed feelings for him, Shark does. But I talk to you about other stuff. Besides I don't want to change how you remember Astral. That wouldn't be fair."

"That's nice and all Yuma, but I'm your best friend." Bronk said.

"Yeah, but I bet you don't tell me everything." Yuma pointed out, knowing Bronk had feelings for Rio that he only spoke to Tori and Kathy about. Bronk dropped the subject in defeat. After they had put their instruments in a convenient place back stage, Yuma left to find Shark or any of the Barians, to give them their music files.

Yuma found Vector in the dance studio, in costume, checking himself out in the mirror. Yuma thought he looked very full of himself. For once he agreed with everyone. Vector was arrogant. Vector saw Yuma in the mirror.

"Hi Yuma, everything ok?" Vector greeted him.

"Yeah, Ray. I was looking for one of you guys," Yuma said holding up a memory chip, "I have the music recording files and wanted to hand them off. Where are the others?"

"Changing rooms, drama kids are using this tech rehearsal an additional dress rehearsal." Vector replied putting to the dressing room doors that joined the changing rooms to the dance studio, and thus the theatre. The to boys could hear muffled voices coming from the men's changing room. Neither could make out what was being said.

"Do you have any ideas what that could be?" Yuma asked intrigued.

"Shark doesn't like his costume." Vector answered rolling his eyes, "I think Duman, Alito, Girag and Mizar are trying to coax him into wearing it."

"Yeah he said something about tights." Yuma recalled.

"Personally, I don't see his problem," Vector said, "it's not like he has to go on and show his torso." Vector gestured to himself smirking. 

"Ray, we both know you are enjoying being dressed like that." Yuma pointed out rolling his eyes.

"Caught me." Vector smiled, "But you have to admit, I look irresistible like this." Vector struck a pose.

"You look like an over confident idiot." Yuma answered, "But the costume looks well made. Rio has done a great job." Vector looked disappointed by Yuma's reaction. He started walking closer to him. Yuma wasn't sure he liked the look in Vector's eyes.

"I bet if Shark had asked you what he looked like in his costume, you'd compliment him." Vector said, as Yuma started moving in a large arch around Vector keep a bit of distance between them.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yuma asked as he hit the bar in front of the mirror wall of the studio, "Why single out Shark?"

"Because I see the way you both look at each other." Vector answered his tone coloured with jealousy and anger, "The glances you both have stolen at each other."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Yuma asked blushing as he got trapped in a corner.

"Everything." Vector said, and before any more words could be said Vector lent in and to Yuma's horror, kissed him. In the initial moments all Yuma could think about was how much he wished Shark was kissing him, then he was over taken by anger and planting his hands firmly on the bar, he violent, forced his knee into Vector's genitals. Vector stumbled away, cupping them, looking at Yuma's livid face with pained, confusion. Then without thinking Yuma kicked Vector across the studio. Vector winced at when his head hit the far wall.

"DON'T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, VECTOR!" Yuma bellowed, "WE ARE FRIENDS, NOTHING MORE!" Vector was still recovering from the shock of being punted across the room, not just by a human, but the human he considered his best and only friend, when Shark charged into the dance studio, followed by the other Barians.

"Yuma, please understand how I feel." Vector said, scared by the furry on Yuma's face. The others looked on unnoticed, confused and concerned, all in their full costumes.

"I understand, and I don't feel like that for you." Yuma hissed, "I never will, because you can't be trusted." Something snapped in Vector's head, and multiple things happened at once. Firstly, Vector launched himself at Barian speed at Yuma, which was followed by Yuma's perception of time slowing down as Shark tried to catch Vector before he could injure Yuma, but Shark had to jump out of the way as Yuma, impossibly slid between Vector's legs, catching one of them in his hand, sending Vector off balance. Vector didn't hit the floor, but he did head but the balance bar in front of the mirror wall, giving him a black eye.

Duman, Alito and Girag moved to hold Vector so he couldn't move, not focused on ending the conflict to be concerned with how or why Yuma was both fast enough to out manoeuvre and injure a Barian. Shark moved to hold Yuma away from Vector as he had gotten up and started moving over to where Vector was pinned.

"Shark, please let go," Yuma hissed, "Let me at the bastard." Shark was struggling to hold Yuma, so Rio and Mizar moved to help. Part of Shark liked that Yuma was cussing at Vector, but he was mostly concerned about what caused it.

"What did he do?" Shark asked softly.

"What makes you think I did something?" Vector shouted.

"Because I know you." Shark spat at Vector, "And I know Yuma, and he never gets this angry. Ever. What happened Yuma?"

"THAT FUCKING SNAKE KISSED ME!" Yuma bellowed. Shark went numb as Yuma's words bounced around his head.

"Get Vector out of here," Shark ordered Alito, Girag and Duman, "I'll deal with him later."

Vector struggled so much that Mizar and Rio had to leave the restraint of Yuma to Shark. Shark was shocked at the strength he had to use to hold Yuma in place, but was relieved when Vector was gone, and they were alone.

"Why didn't you let me ..." Yuma began.

"Because you'd regret it tomorrow." Shark answered before Yuma could finish, "Also, because this isn't you Yuma. Please take a deep breath and calm down. I'll deal with him later, promise."

Yuma did as Shark instructed him, and he felt calmer, and more then a little embarrassed. Shark let him go.

"Better?" Shark asked.

"A little." Yuma said, not wanting to look at Shark in the eyes after his display of rage.

"Ok, so tell me what happened." Shark said moving to stand in front of Yuma. Yuma told Shark everything that happened, apart from what he had been thinking. Yuma all the while didn't look at Shark, for fear of seeing anger in his blue eyes. 

"Go on, tell me I'm stupid," Yuma said tears in rolling over his cheeks, "that I over reacted." Yuma was surprised when Shark tentatively hugged him.

"I don't think that at all, Yuma." Shark said, "So, why the water works?"

"Because I'm scared that you'll stop being my friend, because I attacked a Barian." Yuma answered. Shark ended the hug, and holding Yuma gently by the shoulders and bending down and forcing Yuma to look in his eyes.

"I will spend a lifetime proving that I'm your friend and believe me," Shark said smiling warmly, "I don't think I know anyone who doesn't what to punch Vector into next week. Why were you in the dance studio any way?" Shark noticed that strange twinkle in Yuma's eyes again, that he'd seen so many times now. That twinkle that drove Shark crazy, making him want to tell Yuma how he felt. But he knew now was a bad time.

"So I could hand off the music for your piece to one of you guys." Yuma answered, still feeling like an idiot. Shark took the chip with a grateful smile.

"Thanks." Shark said as he turned to leave, the cloak of his costume flowing like an ocean behind him.

"Shark." Yuma called across the studio, red faced and looking nervous, wondering what would happen once he said what he had to say. Shark stopped in the door way and turned.

"Yes Yuma." Shark said with a smile.

"Vector pointed out that you sometimes look at me in a strange way." Yuma started, slightly fumbling his words as he played with his red tie, "Thinking back, especially these last two months, I have to agree with him. Sometimes you look at me in a strange way. A way that you save for me. A way I have only seen my parents look at each other."

Shark's smile vanished, to be replaced by a panicked look, on a canvas of white skin, as all the colour drained from his face. His thoughts became a mess. What was he going to say? Was it that obvious? Then the door he had pushed open closed and nudged him back into the room.

"Yuma, I can explain." Shark said in a strained voice. Yuma held up a finger, still fidgeting with his tie. Shark feel silent.

"Thing is, when I have seen you looking at me like that, it makes me happy," Yuma stated, slightly confusing Shark as Yuma smiled softly while looking at the floor, "in fact, my breath catches, my heart seems to flutter, and I feel this warmth. Then Vector also said that I look at you differently to everyone else. Just not in so many words. He seemed jealous." 

"Yuma what are you trying to say?" Shark asked fearful of the response, despite recognising that Yuma seemed to be explaining how he, Shark, made Yuma feel. Not really sure he was ready to know, and impatient for Yuma to stop beating about the bush.

"When Vector kissed me my first thought was..." Yuma trailed to a holt. Shark noticed his feet had carried him half the distance back to Yuma without his input. He also felt the atmosphere between them was like electricity. Yuma then seemed to chicken out and started to cross the room to leave. Shark gently caught Yuma's arm, seized by a need to know what Yuma had been about to say. Yuma stopped, and looked right into Shark's eyes, which shone with nervous curiosity. Yuma didn't try to break Shark's grip.

"Yuma, you can talk to me," Shark whispered, because they were so close as he too gazed into Yuma's eyes, "if you need to. Nothing you say could change our friendship. If you want it off your chest, say it."

"I ..." Yuma began, swallowing hard, "when Vector... it was my first kiss and..."

"And?" Shark prompted, moving the thumb which was on Yuma's arm in soothing circles.

"I wanted so badly for you to be the one kissing me, Shark." Yuma said, the words falling from his mouth in a rush, "Because I like you as more than a friend." Then it all made sense in Shark's head. That twinkle he'd been seeing in Yuma's eyes was love and affection. It explained why Yuma kept blushing in front of Shark, how he could get Yuma to open up. Shark felt like a fool for not seeing it, and for fearing what Yuma had been trying to say. Ok, so Yuma hadn't said the words 'I love you', but he most likely wasn't ready to. Shark closed his eyes and smiled, sighing with happiness and relief as he pulled Yuma into a hug.

"I'm sorry Yuma," Shark whispered still smiling, "but I lied, unknowingly, because that changes our friendship quiet a bit."

"What do you mean?" Yuma asked pulling out of the hung to look up at Shark in confusion. Shark smiled down at Yuma.

"Please, if you don't like it, push me away gently." Shark said, pulling Yuma close again, seized by courage he didn't think he had. Yuma didn't have time to voice his confusion, before Shark's lips touched his, tentatively. Yuma's eyes widened in surprise that passed quickly. For once Vector had been saying something with some truth to it, Yuma realised, uncertainty melting away as he closed his eyes and returned Shark's tentative kiss, causing it to deepen. Shark smiled into the kiss in spite of himself. They only broke apart when they heard Rio clear her throat from the door way.

"When you two are quiet finished." She smirked at the two embarrassed teens. Shark looked directly at his sister, a light blush coating his face, as Yuma became very interested in his brown school shoes.

"How long have you been standing there?" Shark asked glaring at his sister.

"Long enough." Rio smirked, a playful look in her eyes, "Since you two were staring into each others eyes." She added when her brother growled slightly.

"Is there a reason for you coming back here?" Shark asked.

"The people in the tech booth need our music, which they still haven't got it," Rio answered, "once they have that, they will be ready for our rehearsal. Vector said that Yuma had the music."

"I gave it to Shark." Yuma said, still fixated on his feet.

"I'll take it up and meet you in the theatre." Shark said.

"Oh one more thing." Rio said as she started to leave, a soft smile on her fair face, "It's about bloody time. You two have been driving me crazy."

"Rio!" Shark snapped as she ran from the room with a giggle. Shark started to leave again.

"Emperor Nasch," Yuma said with a small, nervous smile, Shark stopped and turned, "your costume is beautiful, but not as half as stunning as the man wearing it." Shark blinked at Yuma. He was flirting. Shark laughed softly. This caused Yuma to look angry, so he stormed across the room, only to be caught by Shark.

"Thank you." Shark said with a wink, "Also, I like you as more than a friend too, and if you want, we could maybe, I don't know, go see a movie on Saturday, before the showcase." Yuma blinked at Shark, then smiled.

"I'd like that." Yuma answered.

"Then its a date." Shark said, pecking Yuma on the forehead before rushing off to the tech guys, leaving Yuma beaming from ear to ear, feeling like he was on cloud 9.

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