Fishy, fishy, fishy, come swi...

By ChloeHickson5

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This is a Sharkbaitshipping fan fiction. It will take place roughly a year after the anime ends, but will ass... More

Chapter 1: Demons
Chapter 2: You are not alone
Chapter 4: These are my confessions
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Would anyone care?
Chapter 7: Be as you are
Chapter 8: How deep is your love?
Chapter 9: Jealous guy
Chapter 10: Half way to forever
Chapter 11: Beginning again
Chapter 12: Fallen angel
Chapter 13: Secrets and Lies
Chapter 14: Memories (part 1)
Chapter 15: Memories (part 2)
Chapter 16: Calm before the storm
Chapter 17: Whose side are you on?
Chapter 18: Barian world
Chapter 19: The Aether is coming.
Chapter 20: The truth a friend hides.
Chapter 21: It has begun
Chapter 22: An explanation.
Chapter 23: A drop in the ocean
Chapter 24: True face
Chapter 25: Deja vu
Epilogue: A glimpse of the coming future

Chapter 3: Happy

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By ChloeHickson5

Yuma walked into his small house with a smile on his face, clutching the memory chip that Shark had given him in his hand. He didn't know how long he had stood watching Shark walking down the street, he just knew it had been a few minutes after Shark had disappeared around the street corner, that Yuma had taken his key out and put it in the lock.

"I'm home." Yuma announced as he hung his jacket up and took off his shoes. He walked into the open plan living room and found his sister sat on the sofa, her gaze fixed on the wide screen TV. Yuma looked at it. She had the news on as was normal for Kari.

"You're late home." Kari stated, not removing her eyes from the news, "Detention again?"

"Why do you always think I'm late because of detention?" Yuma asked with an exasperated smile.

"Because..." Kari began her reply, but paused at her little brother's tone, "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" She instead asked looking at her brother with delighted surprised. He sounded happy, which was a welcome change from the depressed mess he had been for the last 12 months.

"Ha, ha, Kari." Yuma said sarcastically at his elder sister's question, "I just moved on is all."

"Mum, Dad, Grandma!" Kari shouted with a mocking smile and a teasing twinkle in her purple eyes, "There's something wrong with Yuma!" Yuma heard the thundering sound of three pairs of rushing feet coming down the stairs. Just seconds later an elderly woman, and a middle aged man and woman appeared at the foot of the stairs. 

"What's wrong with Yuma?" Yuma's father asked with concern, he had hair the same colour hair as Yuma's but his eyes were purple like Kari's.

"He's smiling and talking like a human being." Kari answered her patriarch. The three adults relaxed and smiled. Yuma's father walked over to him and looked at his scarlet eyes. Yuma felt uncomfortable.

"My god." Yuma's father said faking a fearful and concerned tone as he became very serious.

"What?" Yuma asked sounding panicked as he touched his face and hair with his empty hand.

"I am afraid that its terrible." Kazuma said his hand on his chin.

"What is?" Yuma asked, not noticing the females of his family shaking with suppressed laughter.

"You have a Kadibingo spirit again." Kazuma smiled at Yuma, who began laughing at his dad's joke as his light haired, scarlet eyed mother rushed over and hugged him.

"It's good  to see you smile again, Yuma." She said in Yuma's ear, before releasing him.

Yuma sat a while with his family, and excused himself after they had eaten their dinner, Yuma's Grandma had made Yuma's favourite foods to celebrate Yuma's finally improved mood. He went through his evening routine, thoughts on Shark and the chip he had given him. He was curious what was on it. He gave in. He just had to know what was on the chip. 

Yuma took his duel gazer off of his desk, and placed the memory chip in the small sd card reader it had, and hooked it neatly over his ear. The AR software mixed with reality before Yuma's eyes, making his left eye appear green. Yuma saw the file that was on the chip and activated it.

Text appeared before Yuma that read:

For a good friend in need.

Next to the text was an emoji of a shark. Yuma smiled. Then the text faded, and was replaced with a slide show of images from when Yuma and Shark first met. They appeared around him, so Yuma was stood among his memories. The images changed retracing events up until Astral left. The images were accompanied by soft cheerful music. Then the music changed to an old pop song, You are not alone by Michael Jackson, as the images showed the depressed Yuma, and how his friends, Shark and the Barians in particular, had always stood by him, there to pick him back up. To support him. Then the images stopped, but the song hadn't finished. Then a small chibi appeared, that looked like Shark. A speech bubble appeared and text scrolled through it that read:

You might feel alone, but you aren't Yuma. You never have been or ever will be. Remember that you can talk to all of us. Astral might not be here, but he is with you in your memories. Treasure them, as you treasure your friendships.

The display ended and removing his duel gazer, Yuma realised he was crying for the second time today. But these were tears of happiness and gratitude. Yuma made a mental note to ask Shark when he had made it, and thank him for it when he saw him tomorrow. Then he climbed into the bed in his room, which he'd moved into, because the memories of Astral haunted the attic, and caused him too much pain to remain in there, and settled into a dreamless sleep.

Shark was walking down the streets in front of his Mansion the following morning, a frown etched onto his face. Walking next to him was the orange haired Vector. This was why he was in a bad mood. He didn't like Vector, let alone trust him. None of the Barians did. But Vector was as much one of them, and as much a victim as anyone of them, that they couldn't shut him out. Plus, if shit started hitting the fan, Vector's unpredictability would be useful. Didn't mean Shark had to forgive Vector for two wars, killing his sister thrice and attempting to kill him three times and succeeding once. The reason for Vector insisting on walking with Shark, was because Shark was purposely walking, so he could wait for Yuma; who Shark had told the other Barians, had recovered his smile. Shark would have preferred to be alone with Yuma.

Vector was an excited ball of energy. Unable to walk in a straight line it seemed. If Shark didn't know any better, Vector could have been drunk. He wasn't. Shark wished he was. It would certainly make Vector more bearable.

"Why don't we take this short cut?" Vector suggested, a huge grin on his face, as he pointed to an alley.

"No, we are not taking the 'Ray way', for the 100th time." Shark sighed, "It always leads to pain, and running." Shark wasn't going to say he didn't want to be down an alley with Vector.

"Who told you that?" Vector asked, smiling Ray's smile.

"No one." Shark answered, "I've just seen how roughed up and out of breath you and Yuma were when you two have taken the 'Ray way' in the past. I'm not so naïve as to go the 'Ray way' after that." Shark didn't want to call Yuma stupid, because he wasn't, he was, back then, naïve and trusting, but never stupid.

Shark was some what relieved when they reached Yuma's house. He decided to knock on the door to see if he had left yet. Vector was waiting, lent casually on the wall next to the gate, pouting as he followed Shark's instructions. Shark wasn't left waiting anymore then a couple of minutes when a woman with light hair, scarlet eyes and a kind face answered the door. This must have been Yuma's mother.

"Can I help you?" she asked brightly.

"Hi, Mrs Tsukumo," Shark replied wondering why he was being so formal, "I'm Shark. One of Yuma's friends. I was wondering if he's left for school yet. You see I was wondering if he was alright after he got home yesterday, because he was really upset."

"So you're Shark?" Mrs Tsukumo smiled, "You can call me Mira. No, Yuma's just getting ready to leave, do you and your friend want to come in and wait for him?"

"Um, sure." Shark said, whistling to get Vector's attention and indicated for him to come in with him. 

"Hi Shark," Kari greeted Shark when she saw him waiting by the front door, then scowled at Vector.

"Hi Kari." Shark smiled. "Mira, this is Ray." Shark pointed at Vector, who put on a smile so big that his eyes classed. Shark had to fight really hard to not punch him. 

"You don't have to keep your cover here, Nasch." Mira said, "I understand why you are, but don't forget Kazuma wasn't the only one trapped in Astral World. I was there too. I know who you all are. Also Vector, if I ever find out that you've hurt my son, you will have me to deal with." Shark smirked, as Vector looked dumb founded.

"I would never." Vector said, and Shark actually believed him, "Not ever again. Yuma showed me kindness when I deserved none. That unconditional friendship showed me a better way. I owe it to Yuma, to stand in his corner."

"Also Mira," Shark said, "I really do prefer to be called Shark. Nasch is my dark past, and I would like to keep it there. As would my fellow Barians."

"Of course Shark, sweetie." Mira smiled at Shark. Shark blushed. Her smile looked just like Yuma's, and met her eyes just like Yuma's did.

"You know, I can see where Yuma gets his kindness, and his eyes and smile from." Shark said unthinkingly, revealing how much he truly noticed Yuma's features and traits. He blushed scarlet when he heard Vector snort a laugh next to him, and started playing with his bag strap, cussing in his head.

"Thank you Shark, that's very nice of you to say." Mira said, glaring at Vector, "You are very kind, unlike some people." Shark then noticed that Kari was shaking, with what could only be laughter. Hurry up, Yuma, Shark thought desperately.

"Yuma!" Mira called up the staircase, which surprised Shark and Vector, "You have some friends waiting for you!"

"Coming!" came Yuma's voice, which was followed by rushed footsteps.

"Shark, I'd like to thank you for helping my son." Mira said as Yuma appeared at the top of the stairs, and descended them.

"I wasn't the only one." Shark said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Shark, Ray," Yuma greeted looking and sounding confused, "there isn't anything bad happening is there?"

"No, I was ... um... I just wanted to make sure you were ok," Shark said cussing at his stammering, "and to see if you wanted to walk with us to school."

"Sure." Yuma said, blushing, "To both that is. But we aren't going the 'Ray way'. I still have the scars from last year."

"No fair Yuma." Vector pouted, "Don't be like Nasch. He likes sucking the fun out walking to school too."

"I'm not dumb enough to ad to them, more then I already have." Yuma stated as he took his jacket off of its hook and folding it over his arm, "See you later mom, Kari." Kari could only manage a red faced wave. 

"Try not to be late today." Mira said as she pulled her son in for a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Mom." Yuma growled flushing redder with embarrassment, wiping his cheek with his free hand, glaring at Vector who had started laughing again, "Come on." Yuma opened the door.

Five minutes later they were just crossing the road to walk along the river when Vector, who had finally stopped laughing, started staring at Shark.

"If you want to stare, take a photo Vector." Shark growled.

"Maybe I don't want to take a photo." Vector smirked.

"Then why are you staring at me?" Shark asked with a scowl.

"I don't think I've seen anyone make as big a fool of themselves," Vector answered with a chuckle, "or laughed so hard." It was unfortunate that the trio were passing a bus stop, since Shark grabbed Vector by the front of his uniform and pinned him to it, with a thudding sound, and enough force to crack the Perspex. Vector winced in pain.

"Shark!" Yuma exclaimed in shock.

"Shut up, you heartless, sick minded, mother fucker!" Shark hissed his eyes glowing with rage, "You are lucky to be alive." 

"You shouldn't have said that Yuma has his mother's smile and eyes." Vector sneered, smirking evilly, "You are just asking to be mocked." Yuma looked at Shark and blushed.

"You really should show me more respect." Shark snapped.

"Or what, shark boy?" Vector snarked.

"Ray, stop it." Yuma said, "It's not funny. Please Shark let him go." The two looked at Yuma, whose face was flushed, but he looked serious.

"Ok." Vector said, "I'll stop, but I won't apologise." Shark let go, very reluctantly. He had hoped to get one good punch in.

"Not a word to anyone." Shark told Vector, a dangerous look in his eyes. Yuma noted this.

"Ray, I think you should go on ahead." Yuma said making it clear he didn't want walk with him anymore today, "I need to talk to Shark any way." Vector nodded at Yuma, and walked off, throwing Shark a glare. When they thought that Vector was far enough away, Yuma and Shark started walking again. The silence between the two became awkward, but neither boy knew what to say.

"So what did you say to my mom anyway?" Yuma asked, as the silence finally became too much for him and he was curious. Shark blushed.

"You won't laugh, will you, it just sort of came out." Shark said, not looking at Yuma.

"Of course not." Yuma assured Shark.

"Well she smiled, and it reminded me of you," Shark explained each word tumbling out faster than the last, "then I said 'I can see where Yuma gets his kindness, and his eyes and smile from'. She thought it was sweet." Shark closed his eyes, waiting for laughter that didn't come.

"What made you say that?" Yuma asked instead, a shade of red that a tomato would be proud of.

"I don't know." Shark lied, hating himself. He wasn't ready to tell Yuma, that he though he might have feelings for him.

"Well, Ray shouldn't have taken the piss." Yuma stated to Shark's surprise and relief.

"So you wanted to talk to me." Shark prompted, as the school loomed like a prison before them.

"I watched the chip, out of curiosity." Yuma explained, "It was beautiful. Thank you, but when did you make it?"

"Yesterday." Shark answered smiling, feeling bashful, "In detention. I just thought it would be helpful, and I couldn't sit in silence and do nothing." They had stopped outside of the gates, and the bell for the start of lessons had just rung.

"If it weren't for you Shark," Yuma said looking him in the eye, a hand on Shark's arm, "I don't think I would have found away to be happy again. I'm glad we met and I don't think I would have done anything differently if I could change any of it. Because the reward of a friend like you, who never gave up on me when I needed him most, is worth the hell we were all put through, because you make me happy." Shark thought he saw a strange twinkle in Yuma's eyes that he couldn't name. He would have put more thought into it, if his mind wasn't screaming happily about Yuma's hand on his elbow. Yuma then turned and ran to his first class. Shark watched him, holding his elbow, where Yuma had held it, smiling. Then the late bell rang.

"Shit!" Shark exclaimed as he rushed off to his first class too.

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