Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

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Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
29: His Truth
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

44: Handling Business

718 31 4
By emmanesiadior

Gianna sat at the table with a bowl of fruit salad and a glass of water in front of her which she consumed while replying to texts from Francesca, Adriano and Calogero. She'd woken up a lot earlier than she would've liked on the account of Devonte who had to leave the house with the rest of the boys (except Jordan obviously) by seven and was exhausted but couldn't get herself back to sleep. He'd kept her up most of the night with his tongue and finger work. It was relentless but she wasn't complaining - he took care of her body in every way and catered to her every desire.

But the two of them weren't the only ones who'd been kept up.

"Girl do you see these bags under my eyes? I look like I've been through a war zone, have four kids and am going through a divorce!"

Gianna looked up at Maria who'd just walked into the room ranting off to her.

"You can be really dramatic sometimes Ria."

"Dramatic? Oh honey don't get me started on dramatic little miss 'baby don't stop, yes daddy, suck it harder.' Bloody freak."

Gia gasped and dropped her fork. "Oh my god, you heard us?!"

"Bitch who didn't hear y'all nasty asses?" Alexis said while walking into the dining room with Elena and Constance. "That room isn't soundproof like the one back home."

"Mmmm our little innocent girl isn't as innocent as she lets on." Constance smirked.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Kill me please somebody."

"Don't be embarrassed girl, at least someone's getting their freak on. If I had a man lord knows I'd be jumping on that everyday!" Maria said with a laugh.

"Alright that's enough y'all, she's turning into a tomato."

And indeed she was. Her cheeks had gone bright red and she was fighting the urge to crawl into a hole and never come back out. The girls all signed but agreed to drop it since they all got down at some point and the same thing had happened to them before. Gianna left out a breath of relief and mouthed a 'thank you' to Elena who simple smiled in return; they weren't best friends for nothing.

"Good morning y'all."

Everyone's attention turned to Angelica who was entering the room with Jordan in his wheelchair. The girl was only too happy to be that person for Jordan, the one that was helping him heal and get back to his old self. She loved him a lot so it was no big deal.

"You two are so cute together."

Jordan chuckled. "Thanks Chunks. It's definitely all her though."

"Wait, wait. Let me get a picture!"

Once Alexis had snapped not just one picture but many, everyone sat at the dining table and started dishing themselves breakfast. A chef had come by earlier and prepared everything, putting it in trays to keep it warm for everyone. There was a huge spread and everyone got stuck in..well, all except Gianna who was quite happy simply eating fruit.

Everyone made small talk as they ate, although it was mostly Alexis answering the many questions each person had about the baby and her move to Italy which would happen not too long after Mateo and Vittoria's wedding. As they were finishing up, the front door opened and the sound of the guys' voice filtered through to the kitchen and dining room.

Not too long after that Devonte appeared. His eyes scanned the room for a moment before they landed on Gianna. He smiled and made his way over to her. She stood up and allowed him to sit before taking her place on his lap. His arms were immediately around her waist. The two shared several kisses before turning their attention to everyone else who was already looking at them.

"What are you motherfuckers looking at? You haven't seen anyone kiss before or something? Damn."

Alexis smirked. "Oh it's not that, trust me."

"Baby," Gia whispered in Von's ear "they heard us last night."

"I told you to be quiet."

"Aye!" Black called out. "What're you over there whispering about?"

Of course he already knew what it would've been but just like the stirrer he could be, he wanted one of them to openly say it.

"Mind ya business De'Shawn." Devonte shot back. "Matter of fact, I don't wanna hear none of y'all saying shit or I'll send you back to New York without hesitation."

Silence fell upon everyone. The boss has spoken.

Gianna hid her face in the crook of his neck, hiding the smile that had appeared on her face. Her man had so much power and authority and it was madly attractive. Devonte chuckled and kissed her cheek before looking at everyone else once again.

"Business is done for the day until tonight so the day is free to do whatever. We wanted to leave it up to you girls."

"I just wanted to go sightseeing to be honest, before everything gets crazy." Elena said with a shrug.

"I could be down for that. I've never had the chance to explore the city and at least this way Jordan can come with us."

Devonte nodded. "Y'all down for that?"

"I am." Alexis said with a smile. "We can come back here and swim later too."

"Sounds like a plan then. Let's go get ready."

Within the hour they had all piled into the big sprinter van that was in the garage and were on their way to see all the things that Miami had to offer. 

_ _ _

Gianna Romano

After a day of exploring Miami, I was exhausted like everyone else. Devonte, Black, Nas and Andre all had a quick nap before they got freshened up and left to execute their plan. That's when everyone else also retreated to their bedrooms. Now it's going on eleven and I'm wide awake. It was probably not a great idea to fall asleep at seven because now here I am up by myself. Devonte isn't here to keep me company and I'm sure the rest of the girls and Jordan are sleeping because it's silent.

I huffed in frustration and rolled over to grab my phone off the bedside table but instantly froze when I heard something come from downstairs. I remained still and sure enough, I heard it again. It sounded like someone rummaging through the kitchen but it wasn't that someone looking for something to eat sound. It was that extra bit suspicious, especially with the pauses happening.

I hopped out of bed and made my way over to Devonte's suitcase. Opening it up I rummaged through and finally found what I was looking for - his pistol. I took the safety off before tiptoeing out of the room and heading downstairs. All the lights were still off which was another red flag. I stepped into the kitchen, flicking the lights on and holding the gun up in front of me.

"Gianna what the hell?!"

My heart stopped beating so fast and a feeling of relief washed over me when my eyes settled on Elena but confusion soon kicked in when I looked at the unknown man who had his arms wrapped around her waist while he stood in between her legs while she sat on the counter top. I lowered the gun and put the safety back on.

"I'm sorry, I thought someone had broken in or something. What is going on and who is he?" I questioned.

Elena sighed and hopped off the counter. She fixed her shirt as did her friend before they both turned to face me.

"I really didn't want it to come out like this at all." She said softly. "This is Tobias and we've been seeing each other for a few months now."

"Wait what?"

"He lives in Atlanta but he travels all over for business. We met online just before we came here for college and a month after that he came to New York for business, so we met in person. He's on business here at the moment as well and I wanted to see him, so I got him to come here."

"Elena why didn't you just say something? You know I wouldn't have judged you. Shit I haven't seen you with someone for a long time."

"You know how my brothers are. Just like how you are with your papa, I'm the same with them. Plus I just wanted to be lowkey with Tobi."

I sighed. "I get it, just be careful next time. I don't want to walk in on anyone having sex. It's bad enough people heard Von and I last night."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I said with a laugh. "It's nice to meet you Tobias. I am Gianna. Don't break my friends heart otherwise I'll break you."

The man laughed and shook his head. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Well I'm going back to bed. Use protection Lena." I said before taking off to my room.

_ _ _

Devonte Wilson

It's just me and the boys tonight - Andre, Black and Nas. I have men on standby just in case and I have our getaway driver but apart from that, it'll only be the four of us. Our mission I planned to be quick - in and out of that building. We get who we came for and then it's done. When we go back to New York we'll handle business properly and finish off any loose ends before we're set to go to Italy. Then it's back to our usual business.

"Strap up. Extra guns in your belts, bullet proof vests on. We go in smart, we get in, we get out. The others will take care of the cleanup and the Ricci family have guaranteed that all cameras will be down."

"How the fuck did you manage that?"

I shrugged. "I spoke with my father in law."

"Oh, it's like that?" Andre asked with a cheeky smirk.

"You putting ring on that bro?"

"I've been thinking about marriage since I really got to know Gianna and that's a fucking foreign thought to me but I'm not opposed to it. She's different."

Nasir chuckled. "She's gotta be if you're talking marriage Mr I don't do relationships."

"Yeah, yeah. That's enough about me. Y'all ready to go?"

"Don't think we won't revisit this subject but let's go. I'm ready to go hunting."

I nodded my head and pulled my ski mask over my head. The four of us quietly made our way through the back of the complex and to the elevator that took us straight to the penthouse suite. Just like Moneice had said, there were two armed guards waiting outside the door. I gave the signal to Black and Andre who fired their silenced pistols at the exact same time, killing both of the fuckers instantly.

Paybacks a bitch.

Andre managed to find the key on one of their bodies and unlocked the door for us. Amateurs. Who leaves their key with their guards? I took the lead and entered the house. The boys followed behind - guns drawn and ready to shoot. We're walking into the unknown here. We don't know exactly how many dudes are in here but we know for sure there are people in here. Lucky for us this place isn't too big.

We cleared downstairs within minutes.

The house was silent until we started hearing moaning coming from upstairs. The four of us stared at each other.

"Don't tell me we came in here when this motherfucker is getting busy, I do not wanna see some old ass dick." Black grumbled.

"I don't wanna see that shit either but we have a mission to complete. Let's move."

They followed my lead as we crept up the stairs. Black and Andre cleared every room until we came to the last one, at the very end of the hall. I nodded at Nas before he walked straight up to the door and kicked it open. We stormed in with our guns up.

Demario quickly got off the bed holding the sheets around his waist. The woman who was on the bed screamed and tried to cover herself up. I kept my eyes on the woman beater while I moved closer to the closet. I quickly pulled a shirt from one of the racks and tossed it at the girl.

"Cover yourself and shut the fuck up. You won't get hurt if you do as I say, do you understand?"


"Good." My attention turned to Demario as I aimed my gun at his head. "You're one arrogant piece of shit, you know that? You messed with the wrong fucking person and today you're gonna pay."

"W-What are you talking about?!"

"Now you wanna act stupid? That makes you even more of a weak little bitch. You think beating on a woman is okay? I'll make sure you never do it again. You got my mama hooked on drugs and you continuously beat her! For what? Huh? That's not fucking love motherfucker!"


I fired a single shot that went straight into his shoulder, sending him falling to the floor as he cried out in pain.

"Get up! Get up like the man you claim to be! Come on!"


I fired another shot into his opposite shoulder. He cried out again, this time louder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please man-"

"You're begging? Don't do that shit now. Moneice begged. My mom begged. Countless other woman probably begged too and you think I'm about to go easy on you? Fuck no."

I scowled and walked right up to him, sending a hard kick to his dick. Once again he cried out like a little bitch which made me chuckle before I bent down beside him and pressed the barrel of my gun to his head.

"You'll never out your hands on any woman ever again. Rot in hell motherfucker."


Blood pooled around his head as his body became lifeless. That'll teach him for laying his hands on my mother. Never again.

I turned to the woman who was a sobbing mess. She was absolutely petrified. I'm not about to kill her though, she's innocent, even after everything she's seen. I sighed and motioned for her to come closer since she was standing in the corner of the room furtherest away from the four of us. She was hesitant at first but eventually slowly walked over to me.

"Are you involved with him?" I asked and motioned to Demario's lifeless body.

She shook her head. "No..h-he payed me for sex. I'm an escort."

"Are you an escort because you want to be or?"

She shook her head again. "No. I h-have no other choice. M-My mom is sick, I have younger siblings to take care of. I-I never wanted to be what I am."

"Boss we need to-"

"Zip it Andre." I snapped before turning to the woman. "How do you feel about working for me?"

"Doing what?"

"Counting. Intel. You wouldn't have to sell your body at all and you'd make a lot more than you're doing now."

" in Miami?"

"Miami. Atlanta. New York. You choose."


I nodded and looked at Nas. "You know what to do with her. Black, Andre lets go. I'll send the cleaning crew in."




Questions + Responses:

A little morning after embarrassment for Gia 😅

Elena's got a boo..

Devonte's been thinking about marriage..

They went after Demario..the man didn't last long 🤣

Him recruiting the girl? 

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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