His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Re...

By TomRiddlesWand1926

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Muggleborn witch Y/N Y/L/N is a fifth-year Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts. Meeting new people and finding out... More

Back Again
Cold Hands
The future
Harry Freaking Potter
Authors Note
Giving Back
Chapter 13
Truth Or Dare
Room of hidden things
Chapter 18
chapter 19


4.6K 119 72
By TomRiddlesWand1926

When classes ended you headed to your dorm fast so you wouldnt be late to detention and probably get more detention for being late . You rushed open inside your dorm without knocking witnessing your roommate and her boyfriend in a rather intimate moment.
You ran out of the room in shock. You heard footsteps coming towards the door. Suzy opened the door and looked at you with an embarrassed face.
"Suzy Im so so sorry I should have knocked" you said.

"No its my fault I should have locked the door" she said.

"I'll make sure to knock next time" you said.

"Oh jeez! Im really sorry suzy but I have to go in the dorm real quick I have detention and I cant be late" you said.

"Sure go ahead"

You ran inside the dorm grabbing materials and your journal so detention wouldnt be that boring. You walked towards and looked back at Suzy and her boyfriend.

"Well I hope you guys have a good time and please for my sake clean up, bye now" you said with a smirk. While walking out the dorm into the common room then heading out towards Professors Snapes room. To your surprise you weren't alone. Two other students were in detention as well, Harry Potter and some other Gryffindor student you didn't know. You sat down next to Harry since he was the only person in here you knew.

"There will be no talking while im here, you will not touch anything unless I say so, and If I see anything has gone missing all of you will have a weeks detention. Is that clear?" Professor Snape said. You shook your head in agreement as well as Harry and the other Gryffindor student. You sat down in silence while Professor Snape was eyeing down everyone until Professor Snape walked over to the three of you.

"I will be leaving now, while I am gone clean the cauldrons and anything else you can find. Once you are done with that I want you to sit down and contemplate your actions and why you received detention. When I come back you shall leave" Professor Snape said while walking over to the door and leaving. You looked over at Harry smiling awkwardly.

"So what did you do you do to get detention Potter?"

"Nothing the man hates me its like his life goal" Harry said. You laughed at his comment and said

"Well I guess we should start working now". You looked over at the other Gryffindor student and said "Hey kid are you gonna help us?". The Gryffindor student nodded and walked over to you and Harry helping out.

"So Y\N what did you do to end up here?"

"I may or may have not made some rather "Rude" comments about Professors personality and his face" you said some what proudly.

"Well at least you actually did something to offend him" Harry said.

"True" you said with a smile.

"Harry I know this might be a rather odd question to ask but is your mother muggle born?" you asked.

"Yes she is why do you ask? You'r not one of those people who dislikes muggles borns right?" Harry asked.

"No of course not that would be rather hypocritical of myself" you said with a laugh.

"Oh your muggle born?" Harry asked.

"Yup Im the only witch in my family at the moment" you said.

"What do your parents work as in the muggle world?"

"Well my mother is a teacher in high school and my father works as a Sales men. What about your parents Harry? you said.

"My parents are Aurors" Harry said.

A/N Since this is an alternative universe Harry's parents are alive
since Voldemort doesn't exist yet.

"Wow that sounds like an interesting life your parents have. Do you have an idea what you might want work in when your older?" You asked.

"Not exactly at the moment but I do love quidditch but I guess working at the ministry of magic wouldn't be so bad. How about you Y/N?" Harry asked.

"To be honest I dont really know what I would want to be in the future, I dont really like a lot of subjects in school expect care of magical creatures. But who knows I mean the future is an unpredictable thing" you said.

Harry and You talked on and on about the most random subjects just to spare time. His company was quite enjoyable even though you had just met him he was quite a fun person to be around even though he had a big ego his presence was enlightening. Out of nowhere a someone knocked on the door then walking right in.

"Professor Snape?" A voice spoke out.

"Hes not here at the moment" you said with your back turned.

"Do any of you know when he will return" the voice asked.

"No so you should probably leave before he returns" you said.

"If I may ask why are you all in here for" the voice asked.

"Detention. May you leave now so we all dont get more detention?" you said.

"I dont think Professor Snape will mind if I keep an eye on you all" the voice said.

"No I think I speak for all of us and we politely decline." you said when you turned around and saw Tom standing there.

"Oh you" you said an annoyed voice. You looked at Harry and rolled your eyes.

"Hello Mudblood" Tom said.

"Dont talk to her like that" Harry said.

"Its alright Harry your just indulging him" you said.

"Your a fool for talking to someone like her Potter" Tom said.

"Oh just shut it Tom your hatred against muggle borns has gotten old to be honest" you said in enthusiasm. Harry looked at you trying not to laugh.

"Its just begun Y/N, as for you Potter I suggest you start hanging out with people who are more like you" Tom said while walking out of the classroom.

Harry looked at you and said "Is this how he talks to you?" Harry asked.

"Well I mean his words don't really affect me" you said.

"I'm glad that it doesnt Y/N" he said looking at you with an innocent smile.

You and Harry sat down talking till Snape came back.

"As promised you all shall leave" he said glaring the three of you down as you walked out of his classroom.

"It was good talking to you Harry oh by the way tell me when your next quidditch match is so I can come see you play" you said.

" Will do, it was nice spending time with you too Y/N" Harry said walking backwards almost falling.

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