True Colors: A Rexsoka Story

By cinderwing64

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(Book 1) What if Ahsoka was found out she was pregnant right after the events of Victory and Death? Fast forw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

411 10 7
By cinderwing64

"You know," Jax commented. "It's been a while since it's been just us."

"Jax, for over ten years, it was just us," Ahsoka replied.

"I know," Jax said with a sigh. "But things are different now."

Ahsoka shut her eyes. She tried not to think about taking Jax with her to Malachor. "Yeah," she agreed.

"You good?" Jax asked.

"I'm still on edge," Ahsoka admitted. "I'm not sure you should come to Malachor with us."

"Ezra's going!" Jax exclaimed. "And I have to go!"

"I know, Jax," Ahsoka said. "But you know me. I don't want you getting hurt."

"What about you?" Jax retorted, crossing his arms.

"I can take care of myself, Jax," Ahsoka said. "But I remember when I was your age. I was barely a Padawan and was sent into battle and watched my entire squadron die!"

Jax flinched.

"And I don't want that to happen to you!"Ahsoka continued.

"Mom," Jax said. "My entire life is dangerous. And you know it. We'll be there for each other. You watch my back and I watch yours. Like it's always been."

"Alright," Ahsoka agreed, smiling.

"So, we've got a few more hours in hyperspace," Jax said, spinning in the co-pilot's seat. "What should we do?"

"Let's practice your combat," Ahsoka said with a smile.


The ship jumped out of hyperspace, and Ahsoka and Jax were drenched in sweat.

"We're here," Ahsoka said breathlessly. "Go take a shower and we'll leave."

Jax nodded and walked to the refresher in the ship, and Ahsoka went to another one. She changed back into her clothes and met Jax outside the ship.

"Fulcrum," Captain Antilles greeted her. "And Jackson. Please, follow me. I'll take you to the Senator."

"Thank you, Captain," Ahsoka said formally, following the man into Bail's palace.

"Ahsoka!" Bail exclaimed, a warm smile on his face.

"Hello, Bail," Ahsoka replied, her tone holding the same warmth, just not as loud.

"Hi," Jax said shyly with a small wave. Jax, even after so many years, was nervous around the senator.

"Jax, good to see you," Bail said. "Now, you're probably wondering why I brought you two here."

"Yes, I'm quite curious," Ahsoka said.

"First off, it's been too long," Bail said. "I know how much you and Jax enjoy Alderaan, so I decided you needed a rest. Secondly, I'd like to talk to you." His tone became serious. "About Leia."

Ahsoka arched her eyebrows. "What about her?"

"We cannot discuss it here," Bail said. "Please, come to my office."

So, they followed the senator to his office, the blinds closed and the door shut.

"What I say here cannot leave this room," Bail said sternly.

"What is it?" Ahsoka asked.

"I think Leia is Force-Sensitive," Bail said.

"Why?" Ahsoka said.

"She can sense danger," Bail started. "And she can see what I'm feeling when even Breha can't."

"Can she lift things?" Jax asked.

"Probably," Bail admitted. "But not that I've seen."

"What should we do about it?" Ahsoka asked.

"For now, keep it secret," Bail said. "But, Ahsoka, I want you to train her."

"Why?" Ahsoka asked. "If you want her to be a Jedi, you know I can't do that."

"No, Ahsoka," Bail said. "I want you to have her be like you. I saw the faults with the Jedi, just as you did. You are what she wants to be. She looks up to you. And I want that for her."

Ahsoka stared at Bail, speechless. "Why?" she asked softly. "Why do you want her to be like me?"

Jax sighed. "Mom, for as low as you think of yourself and how selfless you are, you are a great person. I want to be like you, as does Ezra. And Leia does, too. She deserves to be taught by you."

"Jax is right," Bail agreed. "You don't have to train her now, but the offer is up."

"I--I'll think about it," Ahsoka stammered. "Thank you, Bail."

"Are you able to stay for a meal?" Bail asked.

Ahsoka shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Jax and I--we've got a mission."

"Where to?" Bail asked, obviously curious.

"Malachor," Ahsoka replied, trying to keep her anxiousness from creeping into her voice.

"Isn't that a legend?" Bail said.

"It's a real place," Ahsoka replied. "But no one knows why it's so mysterious."

"I assume you have a suspicion?" Bail questioned.

"I do," Ahsoka admitted.

"Wait, you do?" Jax asked. "What?"

"I believe it's a sacred place to the Sith," Ahsoka replied. "It only makes sense. If you want to defeat your enemy, you must know how they fight. And what they believe."

Jax shrugged. "Makes sense."

"And you're going there to stop the Empire?" Bail asked.

"Well, Master Yoda gave us a message," Jax admitted.

"So you know he's alive," Bail muttered.

"You know he's alive?" Ahsoka asked in shock.

"I do," Bail replied, his face expressionless. "He was with me when Padme died."

"How did Padme die?" Ahsoka asked. "I was told it was secret information."

"Childbirth," Bail replied, a sad tone creeping into his voice. "The child died with her."

"Oh," Ahsoka said.

"I know you were close," Bail said gently.

Ahsoka rubbed her temples with the heel of her hand. "I know. But--sometimes, I think, if I had stayed..." she trailed off.

"What?" Jax asked.

"I could have stopped it all," Ahsoka said softly. "The Empire, Order 66, everything. Anakin... dying," she lied. "And Padme dying as well. The same with so many others."

"Ahsoka, you can't know that," Bail said.

"I'm sorry, Bail," Ahsoka said with a forced smile. "I've just been in my head a lot."

"No need to apologize, Ahsoka," Bail said, putting a hand in front of him. "You've been through a lot. It's understandable."

"We'd best be going," Ahsoka said. "Thank you for having us, Senator."

"Would you like to see Leia before you go?" Bail asked. "She hasn't stopped talking about you."

Ahsoka shrugged, a smile forming on her face. "What harm can it do?"

Bail pulled a holoprojector out of his pocket. "Leia!" he said. "Can you come to my office?"

"Of course, Father," Leia said. "Why?"

"Fulcrum is here," Bail said with a grin.

Leia's face immediately lit up. "Really? I'll be there in a minute!"

The connection ended, and Ahsoka crossed her arms, tapping her foot while they waited. Bail's palace was huge, so it made sense that it would take Leia some time to get to Bail's office.

And when she did, she almost knocked Ahsoka over with a hug.

"'Soka!" Leia exclaimed. She stepped back. "I'm so glad to see you."

"You as well, Princess," Ahsoka said.

"And Jax," Leia said with a smile. "You look different."

"My hair is unbelievably long," Jax replied, running a finger through it.

"You really need to cut it, young one," Leia said with a teasing grin.

Jax groaned. "Leia, you're only nine months older than me!"

"Tsk, tsk," Leia said. "I can't hear you. My old ears can't listen to people being sore losers."

"Mom, can we leave?" Jax asked.

Ahsoka smiled. "If you want."

"Wait, you're leaving?" Leia asked. "Already?"

"We've got a mission," Ahsoka said apologetically. "Sorry, Leia."

"It's okay," Leia said. "What kind of mission? The regular?"

Ahsoka pursed her lips. "Ah--no, Princess. It's quite a dangerous one. Jedi stuff."

Leia looked at Ahsoka worriedly. "You'll be okay, right? Both of you?"

Jax's eyes flashed with guilt and fear. "Yeah, Leia," Jax said. "You're like my sister. I wouldn't leave you hanging."

"Two halves of a whole idiot, right?" Leia said.

Jax smiled. "Yep."

"And you come back, too, 'Soka," Leia ordered.

"I hope to," Ahsoka said with a worried smile.

"Ahsoka," Leia said. Ahsoka knew she was worried. She rarely used Ahsoka's full name. "You're not going to come back, are you?" "It's more dangerous," Leia finished.

"We're planning on seeing Vader there," Jax said.

Bail gasped. "Ahsoka--"

"Bail," Ahsoka said sternly. "We can talk later."

Bail nodded. "Children, leave for a moment, alright?"

Jax and Leia shared a glance, shrugged, and then left.

"Do you know who's under the mask?" Ahsoka asked, her voice on edge.

"I know it's a Jedi," Bail said slowly.

"Bail, tell me if it's Anakin or not," Ahsoka said. She had to know.

"I--" Bail hesitated. "I don't know." He was obviously lying.

"Bail," Ahsoka said. Something wasn't adding up. "There's something missing here. Padme died in childbirth. She and Anakin had a relationship, that was obvious. The child died, but you and Breha adopted Leia at just the same time. And Leia's Force-Sensitive."

Bail gave Ahsoka a bittersweet smile. "You figured it out."

"So Leia is Anakin's daughter," Ahsoka realized. Her gaze softened. "She looks just like Padme."

"I know," Bail said. "I need to go," Ahsoka said, taking a deep breath. She had to know if Vader was Anakin. She walked out of Bail's office, where Leia and Jax were there, trying to eavesdrop.

"Jax, we're leaving," Ahsoka said, waving a hand.

Jax gave Leia a few last words, and the two of them quickly walked to Ahsoka's ship.

"Did you and Bail fight?" Jax asked as the ship jumped to hyperspace.

"No," Ahsoka said, rubbing her forehead. "I just realized something."

"About Leia," Jax guessed.

"Kind of," Ahsoka muttered. "I need to meditate. Get me when we get to Atollon."

After meditating for about half an hour, Ahsoka heard her comlink beep. She answered it, and Agent Kallus came into view.

"What do you want?" Ahsoka said cooly.

"Who are you talking to, Mom?" Jax said, walking into the room. "Wait, is that Kallus?"

"Yes," Kallus said. "I come with a request."

"Go ahead," Ahsoka said slowly.

"I want to join the Rebellion," Kallus said in a hushed tone. "But I could be more use still getting information from the ISB. Let me be a Fulcrum."

"How do I know you're loyal?" Ahsoka asked.

"Look, I know I've done some bad things," Kallus said. He took a breath. "Really bad things. But you'll have to trust me."

"I think he's telling the truth," Jax said.

"The kid believes me," Kallus said.

"That's not always the best," Ahsoka said.

"Hey!" Jax protested.

"Be quiet right now," Ahsoka said sternly.

"Yes, Mom," Jax grumbled.

"Now, if I find out you're not loyal, you're dead," Ahsoka said. "But I sense you're telling the truth. I'll send you the Fulcrum frequency and all of the data Fulcrum and I have right now."

"So there's another one?" Kallus asked.

Ahsoka nodded. "Yes. Including you, there are three of us. Keep it that way."

Kallus nodded. "Thank you, Fulcrum." he turned his head. "I need to go." Then he hung up.

Ahsoka stood up from her meditative stance and stretched her legs. "I need to call Bail. Get me if anything goes wrong."

Jax nodded. He left the room. "I'll be in the cockpit."

Ahsoka nodded. She picked up a holo-transmitter and called Bail. "Long time no see." Bail said.

Ahsoka smiled with a shake of her head. "Well, I just got a call."


"ISB Agent Kallus," Ahsoka replied. "I've recruited him as a Fulcrum."

Bail paused. "Is that wise?"

"I sensed he was telling the truth," Ahsoka responded. "And he'll be more useful to us still with the Empire than us. He's ISB. He gets all the top-secret information."

"So if he's loyal," Bail started.

"He may be our best bet," Ahsoka finished.

"Thank you, Ahsoka," Bail said. "Be safe on your mission."

"I try," Ahsoka said with a worried smile.

Bail bowed his head and then ended the transmission.

Ahsoka sat back down, crossing her legs and letting the Force surround her.

And after what seemed like no time at all, Jax came in, announcing that he had landed the ship on Atollon.

Ahsoka took a deep breath, not feeling any more relaxed.

"Thanks, Jax," Ahsoka said. "You go find Kanan."

"Mom, can I talk to you real quick?" Jax asked. He sounded nervous, and... scared, almost.

"Yeah, Jax," Ahsoka said. She grabbed him by his shoulder and led him away from the ship.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice soft.

"Mom, when I had my vision at the Jedi Temple, I saw something," Jax said. He shut his eyes, as though he was blinking back tears.

"What did you see?" Ahsoka asked. Jax rarely got upset. Whatever he saw, it scared him.

"Mom, you were dead," Jax said, his voice breaking. Tears streamed down his face. "You were dead, and Vader killed you."

"Jax," Ahsoka said. "Visions don't always happen. You need to know that. I won't leave you. Ever. And I'm going to come back, I promise. We'll see each other again."

Jax grabbed Ahsoka in a hug, his face still wet from tears. Ahsoka hugged him back, resting her head on his.

Rex came up to then a few moments later. "Hey, Kanan is getting the Phantom ready. Call me later, okay?"

Ahsoka let go of Jax. "I will." she paused. "Go find Kanan. Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"When have I done anything stupid?" Jax asked with a smug grin.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," Ahsoka said with an eye roll.

"Is Jax okay?" Rex asked. "He doesn't seem like the type to cry a lot."

Ahsoka pursed her lips. She couldn't tell Rex she had just been given a death sentence. "He's just worried," she lied. "He's never done something this big before."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Rex asked, putting his hands on Ahsoka's shoulders.

Ahsoka put a hand on Rex's arm. "Do you want me to be honest?"

"That bad, huh?" Rex said with a pained smile.

"Yes," Ahsoka said softly. "Rex, I'm scared." She had rarely said those words aloud. Ahsoka didn't reply. She couldn't bring herself to. So she broke the hug and quickly kissed Rex. "I'm going to clear my head before we leave."

Rex nodded. "Remember to call me."

Ahsoka gave him one last nod and then walked into the wilderness of Atollon, clearing her mind and giving her worries to the wind.

She was quite tense about going to Malachor. She had a bad feeling about it. And she was sure she would face Vader. And she definitely wasn't ready to do that. Plus, hearing more about Jax's vision was putting her on edge.

She avoided the spiders and found out that if she kept her distance, the spiders wouldn't bother her.

After wandering, she felt a strong Force presence, one she didn't recognize.

And then she found it. "Who's there?" a loud voice boomed.

"Fulcrum," Ahsoka replied. She didn't know if she could trust whoever this was.

Then, a large creature turned around, one Ahsoka didn't recognize.

"Ah, you lie," It said. "Now, what is your name?"

"Ahsoka Tano," Ahsoka replied. Its presence was as strong as Master Yoda's. "Former Jedi."

"Former?" The thing repeated.

"Who are you?" Ahsoka said defensively. She didn't want this thing to know about her past.

"I?" it said. "I am the Bendu. The balance of the Force."

"I see," Ahsoka said slowly. They used the Light and Dark side, presumably.

"I sense conflict," Bendu said.

"I'm conflicted, yes," Ahsoka said.

"You are going somewhere very dangerous," Bendu said. "And you are protective. Of a boy."

"Two, actually," Ahsoka corrected him. "My son, and a friend of mine's student." Why was she telling him this?

"Both are strong in the Force," Bendu commented.

"Yes," Ahsoka said.

"Are you afraid, Ahsoka Tano?" Bendu asked.

"Yes," Ahsoka admitted.

"And the shadow of someone close haunts you as well," Bendu said.

"It's not him," Ahsoka said defiantly.

"Are you sure?"

Ahsoka sighed. "No," she said quietly, the first time admitting it aloud.

"Are you prepared for this confrontation, then?" The Bendu asked, tilting his head.

"I have to know the truth," Ahsoka said determinedly.

"So be it," Bendu replied, a hint of anger in his voice. "But understand this. Much will change as a result of this encounter, including you."

"Isn't that true of all things, as time advances?" Ahsoka asked. Kriff, she sounded like a Jedi. If he's going to be vague, then I will, too, she thought. Even if I sound like a Jedi.

"My dear, when I say change, I mean death."

Ahsoka's heart dropped. Was Jax's vision right? No, it couldn't be. She couldn't do that to her family, both biological and not.

"So will I die?" Ahsoka finally choked out.

"Will you?" The Bendu retorted. "I didn't know that. Goodbye then, Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi Knight."

The Bendu disappeared.

Ahsoka couldn't move. Was she going to die? First, Jax had told her he had seen her dead, and now this mysterious thing that didn't have any connection to her also said that she would die. So was she really? She knew visions were sometimes dreams, but she was getting more and more sure that she would die.

In summary, her walk had done the exact opposite of what she had intended to do.

So, with a heavy heart, she went to her ship and sat there, contemplating what would happen. And, she made a recording. She owed it to Jax and Rex if she did die. And, finally, Ahsoka left and saw Morai circling above.

"Morai!" Ahsoka exclaimed. She held out her arm, and her friend landed on it. She rubbed under her beak as she hooted.

"Hey, I'll be okay," Ahsoka said. "But you'll watch over them for me, alright?" Jax and Morai had always gotten along really well. And Morai was protective of the boy.

Morai hooted again.

"Morai, I don't know if I'll make it through this," Ahsoka said sadly. "You've saved me before, and that's a debt I can never repay. But if the Force wills it, then this is where my path will end. You know that."

Morai didn't reply, she just flew off.

Ahsoka decided to find Ezra. She was sure the boy wasn't with Kanan at the moment.

And find Ezra, she did.

Ezra was laying on the ground, and Morai was circling above them.

She went over to Ezra and looked down at him.

"Ahsoka!" He exclaimed and stood up.

"I see the base is coming along nicely," Ahsoka commented.

"Yeah." Ezra agreed. "These creatures almost ruined it, though. No matter what I do, I can't seem to connect with them!"

Ahsoka looked over at one of the spiders, and Ezra followed her gaze. The spider scurried away. "From my experience, just when you think you understand the Force, you find out how little you actually know."

"I don't think I ever understood the Force to begin with," Ezra said.

Ahsoka smiled. "We should get going." She walked towards the Phantom, which was landed next to the Ghost, with Kanan and Jax standing next to it, talking. Ezra staggered for a minute, and then followed Ahsoka to the ship.

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