True Colors: A Rexsoka Story

By cinderwing64

11.2K 221 94

(Book 1) What if Ahsoka was found out she was pregnant right after the events of Victory and Death? Fast forw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

424 10 7
By cinderwing64

A/N: This chapter is just 'how many Clone Wars characters can I cram into one chapter' but the ship becomes important later.

A few weeks later, Jax came into her and Rex's room super early in the morning. Ahsoka had been exhausted from all of the missions she had been going on, and she didn't like how little she saw Jax and Rex. She was surprised that Jax was awake so early from how busy they were.

"Hey, mom," Jax said. "Commander Sato says he has a mission for us. I don't know why he needs us this early, though."

Ahsoka groaned. She was still super tired. She sat up, and Rex looked up from where he was sleeping. "Hey, 'Soka," He sat up next to Ahsoka. "Hey, Jax. What are you doing here so early?"

"Commander a Sato has a mission for us. He needs us in the briefing room." Jax replied.

"This early?" Rex said.

"Apparently," Jax said.

"Okay, we're coming," Ahsoka said. She quickly changed out of her pajamas (which was just a shirt and a pair of pants) and she followed Jax to the briefing room, Rex by her side.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice." Commander Sato said as they walked in.

"No problem," Ahsoka said. "What's the mission?"

"We have two recruits for the rebellion, but their hyperspace broke while they were traveling. I need you to go and get them. Where they are at is guarded by the Empire, so we can't get in. We hope that a smaller group would have a better chance to get by. We don't have a ship big enough to hold them, though. Do any of you have a ship by any chance?" He asked.

"Technically, I do," Ahsoka said. "But it's on a different planet."

"What planet?" Commander Sato asked.

Ahsoka glanced at Rex. "Mandalore,"

"Why would you have a ship on Mandalore of all planets?" Commander Sato said.

"I helped their people a while ago," Ahsoka said. "And they gifted me with a ship. I told one of their leaders that I would come back for it, but that just never happened." She had technically used the ship before, but it had been over five years. So she had kept it on Mandalore. There was no need for her to have it then. Now, there was. Plus, she knew the Rebellion could benefit from such an advanced ship, though it was so old.

"We'll set course for Mandalore, and then you can get your ship," Commander Sato said.

"Thank you," Ahsoka replied. They quickly got to Mandalore, and the command ship landed there and dropped them off on a landing platform. She was greeted by a Mandalorian with a Night Owl symbol on a shoulder piece.

Ahsoka smiled. "Hello, soldier. My name is Ahsoka Tano. I ask to see Bo-Katan Kryze."

She nodded, recognizing her name, and the Mandalorian led her to an underground area in the sewers, where it opened up into a giant building that was quite nice, and well hidden.

"Bo-Katan will be coming shortly," The Mandalorian said. She walked off, and the three of them stood there awkwardly.

A few minutes later, Bo-Katan walked out. "Ahsoka?" She asked, confused.

"Yes," Ahsoka replied. "I'm here."

"Why?" Bo-Katan asked.

"I need your help," Ahsoka confessed. "I need a ship, and I'd like to also ask for safe passage in Mandalore. You see, I'm a part of the Rebellion, and I need a ship that can hold multiple people, and I also would like to ask for safe passage for us in Mandalore."

"Well, I can give you a ship," Bo-Katan replied. "But I don't rule Mandalore. Not since the Empire took over, about a week after you left. The Saxon Clan is ruling Mandalore with the Empire. We can't take them on."

"Oh," Ahsoka said. "Thank you. It is good to see you again, and the ship will be a great asset to our cause."

"It's good to see you, too," Bo-Katan said. "Who are your colleagues here?" She asked. "One of them looks like a clone."

"Yes," Ahsoka said. "This is Rex. He helped during the Siege."

"Oh, yes. I remember," Bo-Katan said. "Good to see you again. It's been a while."

"Good to see you, too," Rex said.

"And this is Jackson. He's mine and Rex's son." Ahsoka said.

"You have a son?" Bo asked.

"Yes," Ahsoka replied.

"That's... mildly surprising," Bo-Katan replied. "It's an honor to have you all here. Would you like to stay for a meal?" She asked.

"We would love to, but to be honest, we're in quite a rush," Ahsoka responded. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Bo-Katan said. "I'll take you to your ship. I had some friends of mine who are artists who added some decorations. It's your ship that you said that you would come back for. But then the Empire took over, and we all got busy."

"I have a friend who's good at art," Ahsoka said. "She's a Mandalorian too."

"Really?" Bo-Katan asked. "What's her name?"

"Sabine Wren," Ahsoka replied.

"That's Ursa's daughter," Bo-Katan realized.

"Really?" Ahsoka asked. She remembered Ursa during the Siege. She was a good friend of Bo-Katan.

"Yeah. Ursa's husband did the art." Bo-Katan said.

"Well, if it's anything like Sabine's, I'm sure it will be great. Thanks for keeping the ship, too. It means a lot." Ahsoka replied.

"Ahsoka, you're a hero to so many people here," Bo-Katan said. "It's no big deal. You freed my people from Maul, and I owe you my life."

"I did what needed to be done," Ahsoka said. They had approached the ship.

"Wow," Jax said, gazing at the ship. "This is awesome. Mom, this is your ship?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka said.

"If we had this year's ago, we could have done so much!" Jax said.

"I know," Ahsoka said. "But it wasn't safe at the time."

"Well, it was good seeing you," Bo-Katan said. "You should call me later. The Nite Owls could help you with your rebellion. We could team up against the Empire."

"Just like old times," Ahsoka said with a half-smile.

"Like old times," Bo-Katan repeated.

"Bye, Bo-Katan," Ahsoka said. She held her hand out.

Bo-Katan took it. "Goodbye, Ahsoka Tano."

Ahsoka smiled. She let go and walked into the ship. It was nice, nicer than the old Republic ships that she used to fly when she was a Jedi.

She started the engines and flew out of the planet's atmosphere. She put in the hyperspace coordinates and they went into lightspeed.

They came out of hyperspace and saw Coruscant in front of them, and a small transport in front of them. There was an Imperial star destroyer on her scope, so Ahsoka knew that this job wasn't going to be easy.

She sent out a transmission using the Fulcrum signal, and the people responded.

"This is Fulcrum," Ahsoka said. "We've come to help."

"Thank you." The voice responded. It sounded oddly familiar. "You may dock with our ship."

"We will be there shortly," Ahsoka said and disconnected the call.

She docked the ship, and then boarded the transport. "Jax, Rex," she said. "Be alert. On missions like this, we can never be sure if it's a trap."

They nodded and followed Ahsoka. Ahsoka walked into the cockpit and was surprised to see two familiar faces, faces she hadn't seen in years.

"Trace?" Ahsoka asked. "Rafa?"

"Ahsoka?" Trace asked. Yep, it was Trace. "You're Fulcrum?" She asked.

"Yes, I am," Ahsoka said. "I'm surprised you're joining the Rebellion."

"Eh," Rafa said, waving a hand. "It was more of Trace's doing. The Empire has made it almost impossible to live in Coruscant."

"The lower levels of Coruscant are crawling with stormtroopers." Trace added. "Everything costs much more now, so it's harder to get credits. This is what we needed to do to live, to be honest. And I'd like to be in the stars all the time. Sticking it to the Empire is just a bonus."

"The Rebellion's great," Ahsoka said. "And it will be fun to have familiar faces around. Here, come to my ship."

They walked back to Ahsoka's new ship, and Rafa looked at Ahsoka. "Who's with you? Looks like an old guy and a person with face tattoos."

Ahsoka glared at Rafa. "This is Rex. He's a clone. He ages twice as fast, but he's technically younger than me."

"A clone?" Trace asked. "I thought all of them were dead." "Most of them are," Rex responded. "But I never joined the Empire. And some of us are still alive. The Empire retired all of us."

"Who's the other guy?" Trace asked.

"This is Jackson," Ahsoka said. "Mine and Rex's son."

"Really?" Rafa asked. "That's what the face tattoos are?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said. "Rexter here is his father."

"You never told me you had a son." Trace said, crossing her arms.

"That's because I didn't," Ahsoka said. "At the time, at least."

"Ah." Trace said. "Let's get out of here," she said.

Ahsoka nodded. She sent a transmission to Commander Sato. "This is Fulcrum," she said. "I've got the recruits."

"Great job, Fulcrum." Commander Sato replied. "We now have an established base. We are sending coordinates now." the transmission ended, and Jax went to the dash where a message had popped up.

"Here are your coordinates," he said. "Let's make the jump."

"Well, we have a base now," Rex said. "That's good news."

"It is." Ahsoka agreed. "But Jax and I will be leaving soon."

"Yeah," Jax said. "Wait, we're going when we get back?" Bail had contacted Ahsoka while in hyperspace, and she and Jax were going to Alderaan, and then Malachor.

"No, Jax," Ahsoka said with a sigh. "Do you remember anything I've told you? You and I are going to Alderaan, and when we get back, we're leaving."

"Oh, yeah, now I do," Jax said.

"Jax," Rex said, exasperated. "You are a danger to this galaxy."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Jax said with a grin.

"What do you mean by you're leaving?" Trace asked. "Another mission?"

"Kind of," Ahsoka replied. "This one is for Jedi only. It's dangerous."

"I thought you said that you weren't a Jedi anymore," Rafa said.

"I'm not," Ahsoka replied slowly. "But Jax and I are going with a Jedi and his student, and we use the Force."

"The what?" Trace asked.

"The Force," Ahsoka said. "It's pretty much the ability I have to do this," she said. She took her hand and levitated Rex off the ground.

He groaned. "Not again," he said.

"That's so cool." Trace said. "What else can you do? I've always wanted to see what a Jedi could do. Last time we never really got the chance to ask."

"Well, we have these things called lightsabers," Ahsoka said. "I use two, and they're white." she ignited one of them, and Trace was gaping at it.

"That's cool," Rafa said. "I guess."

"Can you do this?" Jax asked, and he did a handstand and lifted Ahsoka off the ground.

"Jackson Tano." Ahsoka threatened. "Put me down."

"No," Jax said.

"Jackson Tano, I will take your lightsabers away."

"Please don't," Jax whispered, and he put Ahsoka back on the ground.

Rex laughed.

They lurched out of hyperspace to a planet that Ahsoka didn't recognize. Ahsoka hopped into the pilot's seat and brought them to the ground.

"Ahsoka, I didn't know you could fly." Trace commented.

"I was trained by the best," Ahsoka said.

"Anakin was the best pilot," Rex said.

"Who was Anakin?" Rafa asked.

"He was my Jedi master," Ahsoka said. "The one who taught me everything. He was a brother to me."

"What happened to him?" Trace asked.

"I don't know," Ahsoka responded. "As far as I know, he's dead." Unless he's who I think he is, Ahsoka thought.

"I'm sorry." Trace responded.

Ahsoka landed the ship on the ground, and they all walked out. "Rex, take these two to Commander Sato. Jax, let's take this new ship to Alderaan."

"Sweet!" Jax exclaimed. He ran back into the ship, and Ahsoka followed him.

She flew out of Atollon and jumped to hyperspace.

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