A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x...

由 sweet_peaches_12

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(Y/N) Weasley falls for a certain professor at Hogwarts. WARNING: ~ SMUT ~ SWEARING ~ AGE GAP Key for the... 更多

~ Prologue ~
~• CHAPTER 3 •~
~•CHAPTER 10•~
~•CHAPTER 11•~
~••CHAPTER 12••~
~••CHAPTER 13••~
A/N: Tragic News
~•CHAPTER 14•~
~• CHAPTER 15 •~
~••CHAPTER 16••~
~• CHAPTER 17 •~
~ Chapter 18 ~
A/N's: Sorry
~Chapter 19~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ * Chapter 22 * ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~


12.5K 276 311
由 sweet_peaches_12

*Your POV*

I wake to the sun shining in my eyes blinding me. I groan and turn away from the window and look at the clock on the bedside table. It's 6:30, I sigh and force myself out of bed walking to the bathroom to take a shower. I get washed and had back into my room finding something to wear for the first day.

*Your Outfit*

I got dressed and start getting ready and more nervous as time went on. I walk out of my room and hear a knock at my door. I quickly walk over and opened it to see Remus smiling back at me.


"Good morning." I smile back.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Oh yes." I lock the door and we start to walk to the hall. We walked down the hall as I look around remembering my time here. "It never changes does it, I always think maybe there would be something new but there never is." I laugh thinking to myself out loud. Remus laughs softly and nods.

"I always thought that at school, but it never did. I never want it to change it makes it feel like home in a strange way." I nod. We walk into the hall. It was sort of empty only a few students in there and other staff eating and talking about the new term.

We both sat door. Remus pours a cup of coffee and hands it to me, I take it. thankfully"I needed it this morning." Remus laughs and sips his own.

"You're not the only one." We both laugh and start eating.

Gradually the hall starts to fill with a mixture of tried and excited students, the hall gets louder with chatter. I look down at my Ginny who was smiling back at me, I wave at her she smiles and mouths 'Good luck'. I nod and look back up to the end of the hall to see Snape stalking towards the staff table. He sits down in the empty seat next to Remus and starts to eat quickly. Remus turns towards me and smirks.

"Good morin' Severus. Sleep well?"

"Fine, Remus. You?" He says in a mumble.

"Perfectly well thank you." I laugh quietly at Remus. Snape shoots me a harsh glare and turns back to his breakfast.

"Good luck today, you'll need it. Both of you." We both nod and look at each confused. Snape finished his breakfast and stood up abruptly. "Miss Weasley I sure hope you've spoken to your brothers warning them about their behaviour for this year."

"Well, I don't think that's my job. They're perfectly fine with other people, maybe it's just you." Remus chokes on his coffee and hides his laughs. Snape lifts his eyebrow and glares down at me.

"Well, we don't want to embarrass the family on the first day do we now."

"Oh I don't think that's an issue," I say sarcastically. Snape scoffs and walks away with his robes flaring around him.

"Well, he was pleasant this morning." He laughs and turns towards me.

"Yes very." We both laugh and finish our breakfasts. We stood up and walk out of the hall. I see Fred and George with some friends sitting on a window ledge.

"Good luck today, squirt." They both laugh at the nickname that Mum and Dad gave me because I was the smallest in the family. I roll my eyes and look back at them.

"Thank you, surprised Mum hasn't sent you a howler yet."

"There's time yet." He says while Remus and I walk away from them.

"So squirt, that's an interesting name." He laughs as I blush.

"It's a nickname my parents gave me. I'm the smallest out of all of us so it just stuck."

"Well, that's interesting." He laughs as he brushes his hand through his fingers.

'His hair looks so soft, I wish I could do that... NO snap out of it, you don't even know him.' I sigh and continue walking to the classrooms. The classrooms were close to each other. Remus' was further up the stairs than mine. We got to my door. He opens it for me and walks in.

"Interesting." He says walking up to the old gramophone on the corner. "My parents had one of these in their loft." He spots the records next to it and picks them up. "Are these yours?" I nod and pick one up and place it on the gramophone.

"Yes, I've always liked muggle music. My Dad gets me them when he can afford them." He nods and flicks through them.

"You have good taste." He says putting them back down and smiling. "Maybe we could listen to them sometime." I smile and nod.

"That would be nice," I say while setting up for my first class. Remus looks at his watch and turns to me.

"I need to go, I'll see you later then. You're helping me later right." He moves closer to me.

"Oh, yes I only have two classes this morning. I think you'll get sick of me by the end of the day." I laugh feeling flushed as he steps even closer.

"I doubt that... I'll see you later then." He leans in placing a light kiss on my cheek again and pulls back. I blush and swallowed hard not knowing what to say. He laughs and turns to see students walking into the classroom. He walks away. "I'll see you later." He winks and walks out the door.

I calm myself down and start to play the music lightly in the background. I walk back to my desk and sit down on top of it. I face the students and see it in Ron's class. He had his head down not wanting to look at me. I shrug and start to speak.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm your professor for this year. Now I know many of you may find this subject pointless and I can see why. But I think the ways of teaching this subject can be wrong, I don't think it's all about notes and continuous writing like Professor Burbage use to teach you like. Even though she's a great professor I believe you should have some fun in at least one class." I see a hand go up from a student in the back with platinum blonde hair.

"So why teach it? It sounds more pointless now that you've explained it." I roll my eyes as I hand the books for this year to them.

"Well, Mr Malfoy is it." He nods with a sly grin. "I believe in modern ways of teaching. Yes, there will be homework and some writing, but I want you lot to understand that muggles can be interesting. I agree some areas of muggles can be dull but at the same time, there are many interesting aspects. That's was helped me lead to the topic of this first couple of lessons." I pull the gramophone from the side and leaned on it. "Now who can tell me what this is." Hermoine puts her hand up. "Yes Miss Granger." so many interesting aspects

"Well, professor it's a gramophone, different from the wizarding one. They play black discs called records or also called vinyl. But due to modern changes they are coming out of fashion and being replaced with things like cassettes and CDs."

"Your right. 10 points to Gryffindor." I hear some people clap and softly cheer. I smile and continue talking. "Sadly miss granger is correct these are coming out of fashion, but in my personal opinion, these are the best way of listening to music. Now I am going to play a few songs from you know and I want you to feel the music. Hear how it sounds and what it means to you." I say turning it up and placing a silencing charm on the windows and door.

I play the first song, Queen Bohemian Rhapsody. I see some students smile and start to write. As the music builds up I can see some students start moving to the music. I smile and felt like I could do this. The song ends and I turn to them.

"Now how did that make you feel, remember nothing is the wrong answer." I turn and see a boy put his hand up. "Yes Mr, Finnigan is it. What did you think?"

"I liked it, I don't know it made me feel like dancing."

"Yes, actually movement and dancing. Sadly today I didn't plan dancing but later this week there will be more practical stuff, good. Anything else?"

"Yes, the song lyrics were depressing but made you want to dance why is that?" Hermione says. 

"Some music will do that. For example, the song I'm playing now is doing the same. A great example of this is a band called The Smiths. They would write quite happy and joyful melodies but then would write miserable and nesh lyrics to their songs. It's quite funny actually. Here's one, it's called Panic. Just listen to the lyrics and hear what he's singing." They all listened and seem interested I saw Ron look up and smile at me. I smile back, it gave me a little more confidence that I wasn't embarrassing him.

The class carried on when it ended a few students talked to me a little about the small homework I set. That's when I hear Draco and his friends laugh and say how useless this class was. I sigh and rolled my eyes. Ron came behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"Don't listen to them, you did well."

"Thanks, Ron, sorry if I embarrassed you. I know it's embarrassing for you to have your sister here."

"No, I'm sorry. Can't be as embarrassing as mum's howlers." We laugh and pat his shoulder.

"You best go to your next class."

"Alright, see ya."

"Yeah, bye." I see him walk off with Hermione and Harry. That is when the next class starts. I smile and welcome them.

*Remus' - POV*

I was halfway through my third class of the day when the door opens slowly. I see Y/N standing in the doorway holding onto a book. I smile and carry on talking.

"Now I know it's nerve-racking for your first day, but none of you should be okay now let's practice that spell again. Now repeat after me Flipendo." The class repeats it back I smile. "Brilliant now as you can see the desk has been pushed back and is safe, but I will demonstrate to you. Miss Weasley can you come and stand opposite me." She walks over to me. I wink and whisper in her ear. "I'm not going to be harsh but you know... "

"You don't have to worry professor." She smiles and walks back into place.

"Now when you're in a situation like this you will both be shout different spells, however today we will only use one. Now I will show you how to defend the spell as well as how it works. Ready Miss Weasley."

"Of course professor." We both brought out wands up and bowed. Y/N shouts the spell quickly before I could defend it. I fall back and land hard on the ground. Y/N runs to me and helps me up. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I thought you were ready." I laugh and stood back up.

"It's fine, you did well there." She smiles and stands up as well. "Now as you can see Miss Weasley brilliantly demonstrated how to use the spell, now I will show you how to defend the spell. Ready Miss Weasley."

"Yes, professor." She says while getting ready again. "Flipendo." I defended the spell. The class clapped and starts to do the work. Y/N and I walk and talk helping out occasionally. 

The class ended. Y/N helps me tidy up."So how did your lessons go today?"

"They went great, besides Malfoy's son. But other than that it was good. So how have yours been?" I nod.

"Good, I was excepting it to go worse than it was." She smiles at me and asks me as we walk out of the room. I lock it and walk with her.

"Have you got any more class today?"

"No, I don't think so. I'm glad I'm really tired."I laugh.

"Why didn't you sleep well?" She looks up at me with concern. I panic a little I wanted to tell her but the truth would scare her away.

"Yeah, I don't sleep well in unusual places." I lie through my teeth.

"yeah, I get it. If you ever have trouble sleeping or want to talk I'm always awake, I'm here." She places her hand on my arm and smiles.

"Thank you," I say as I pet her hand. Her hand was so small compared to mine. Smile at me thinking about her hands in mine. "So what are you thinking about doing for the rest of the day." She sighs.

"I don't know really. Maybe plan tomorrow or maybe relax, more than likely relax."

"Same. We could go to my office after lunch. I have chocolate."

"That would be nice." We got to the hall and ate our lunch.

We got back to my office and we sit down on the sofa in the corner with two glasses of butterbeer and a box of chocolates in the middle of us. We laugh and talk. We keep on stealing glances at each other. 'She's so beautiful, look at her. I want to kiss her but it's too soon I don't even know if she has a husband or a partner.' That's when Y/N said something surprising when we spoke about school life.

"I never really had a social life mainly studying or reading. I didn't have many friends the only proper friends I had were my other brothers who were there when I was. But they had their friends so most of the time I was alone. I didn't mind though people left me alone and I was fine." She smiles shyly at me.

"So you never have like boyfriends or anything?" She laughs.

"No, sure I liked them but they never like me. It's fine though. What about you?"

"Hmm, oh no relationship no, not really. Mainly those stupid ones you have for a week and then forget about them. My friends would try and set me up but it never worked out." I shrug.

"So... your not married or are you in a relationship." 'Why are you interested? God, I wish I was that confident to say that.' I just laugh and shook my head.

"No... single. Are you with anyone?" She put her head down and sighs.

"No, I was but you know things happen." I saw she was getting uncomfortable. "But that's for another time." She smiles and finishes her drink, I look over at the clock and see it was almost dinner.

"I think we should go. Dinner is almost ready." She nods and we walk back to the hall. We eat our dinners and we carried on talking. That's when McGonagall starts talking to us.

 I nod.

"Great, the kids are good. Some not very well trained." Minerva laughs.

"Ah. Yes well, we're glad to have a proper teacher teaching them." I nod and laugh. She looks over at Y/N. "How was your day, dear?"

"Better than excepted, professor." Minerva laughs and smiles at her.

"Good, also you don't have to call me Professor dear. Just call me Minerva."

"Okay." She blushes. 'God she's so adorable when she blushes.' I smile at her and Minerva smiles back at me making eyes 'subtly' to Y/N. I shook my head and laugh.

*Your - POV*

We finish dinner, and Remus walks me back to my room.

"I didn't see Snape tonight." Remus shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe in a bad mood." I laugh. We walk up the stairs to the rooms. "Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight," I whisper giving him a small wave, he smiles and shuts his door. I shut mine behind me and headed to bed.


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