Groovy Baby ~That 70s show St...

By kittycat2e

375K 7.5K 590

Lana Forman the twin sister of Eric Forman has always been a trouble maker. She her dad's and her mother's ab... More

The Gang
One {1976}


4.3K 99 4
By kittycat2e



Lana was still at the kitchen table with her mom and dad. Eric was in bed still missing Donna. She was honestly getting worried about him, he hasn't eaten or left his bed in a long time.

"Hey, Mrs. Forman. Hey, Red." Hyde said coming through the door with Kelso and Fez. He leaned down a gave Lana a kiss on the head.

 Hyde stood behind Lana's chair, and Fez was in between her and kitty. Kelso sat down and made himself a plate

"Hello, boys. You're up bright and early this morning." Kitty cheerfully responded 

"Yeah. We're going to Funland!" Kelso said excitedly, "It's super fun!"

"Oh, Red, remember how we used to take Eric and Lana there when they were little?" Kitty reminisced, 

"Remember how I used to get on the roller-coaster with them...and then,just before we took off, I'd jump out and wave good-bye?" Red reminded in a happy voice, "Boy, did they scream."

"And that's why I'm afraid of roller coasters" Lana said with a fake smile

"Well, it sounds like fun." Kitty said 

"Super fun!" Kelso exclaimed getting more food, "And we figured Eric could use some fun, you know, since he and Donna broke up."


"Broke up?"

"Yeah, I heard Donna dumped his ass." Hyde said with no empathy, Lana hit his chest lightly to get him to stop telling their parents Eric's business.

"That's funny. I heard Eric was the one who dumped Donna." Fez said, everyone laughed off that idea knowing eric would never break up with Donna.


Lana and the guys went up to Eric's room to try and get him out of bed. Eric was curled up in a ball underneath  his blanket. Lana went so bad for him, she really hope he decided to go with them to fun land.

"Come on, Forman. Get out of bed." Hyde said not caring at all

"Yes, we have to go to Funland before all the fun is gone." Fez added doing a little hand wave

"I'm not going." Eric mumbled from under the blanket

Everyone was quiet for a moment. Hyde and Kelso looked at each other, then pulled Eric by his feet. they pulled him fully off the bed before let him drop to the floor with a thump.

Eric got up and crawled right back on the bed with the blanket on. And layed back down in his ball of sadness.

"Geez." Lana mumbled it was worse than she thought

"Forman, man, snap out of it. So you had one of the hottest chicks in Point Place and you blew it,Could be worse, "Hyde said with a chuckle, "No, it couldn't."

Lana punched Hyde in the shoulder before turing her attention to her brother. "Eric, it's not all bad.Think about Bob being your father-in-law, "Kelso pointed out, "That guy'd be in all your wedding pictures..."

"Guys, I don't want to talk about Donna..." Eric said blankly, "and I don't want to go to Funland."

"Fine. If you're not going with us, we'll stay here with you." Lana said sitting on the floor in front of Eric. She leaned her back against his bed

"We're not going to Funland?" Kelso whined, making Lana glare at him and Hyde punch him in the shoulder.

The guys all sat on the bed around Eric. Fez started reaching for a toy but Eric stopped him. "Don't... touch the G.I.Joes." Eric threatned

"Hey, Eric, did you-" Lana started but Eric covered her mouth with his hand

"Hey, Sis, can we not talk? Thanks." Eric said finally taking his hand off her mouth. 

Lana had enough of him. SHe knew he was hurting but they were trying to help and he was just being a jerk.

"Fine," Lana said getting up, "We're going to Funland." The guys all got up and started following her out the room.

"Good. Go." Eric said not caring

"You know what?" Fez said turing around, "I'm glad you are not going to Funland...because you will suck the fun right out of it. And then-And then it would just be called ''Landland.''

Fez walked out of the room and walked back in agin

"I'm sorry. I'll get you a candy apple, okay?" Fez apologized before running out to catch up with the others.


The gang minus Eric and Donna were finally at Funland. Lana was wearing a jean skirt and a long sleeves baseball tee with blue on the sleeves. She also had on a white braided belt, and white sneakers. She had her hair down with braids on either side.

Lana felt bad about leaving Eric but there wasn't anything she could do if he wasn't ready it talk about it. 

She loved Funland, except for the roller coasters. SHe still hadn't gotten over her fear of them since she was a child. But she was still excited for the games, food, and hangout outside of her basement for once.

"Okay, Michael, we have to stay together," Jackie reminded him, "Every time we come here you get lost."

"Damn,Jackie, there's fun around every corner." Kelso explained as if that was an excuse

"Michael, what are the rules?"

"Uh, no hitting you from behind with the bumper cars." Kelso nodded

"And?" Lana asked

" riding the goats at the petting zoo." Kelso said after a moment of thought

"And?" Jackie asked. Kelso stood there for a few seconds and couldn't think of the most important rule

"We have to stay together, Michael!" Jackie yelled

"Fine!" Kelso groaned

"Balloons!" Kelso said seeing some walk by

"Stay!" Jackie yelled at him like a child.

Lana was not in the mood to babysit Kelso and walkover to Hyde and Fez. A guy in a dog costum came running over and almost knocked Lana down by accident.Hyde pulled her closer to him and was staring daggers into the guy through his sunglasses.

"Hey there, kids!" The guy said in a goofy voice putting his hand on Fez and Hydes shoulders. "I'm Woofy, the Funland Dog, and I'm here to make sure that you have fun, fun, fun!" he said  patting the top of Hyde's head every time he said fun

"Touch me like that're gonna eat your Alpo through a straw, straw, straw!" Hyde threatend

"Oh. Okeydokey," THe guy said still in character, "Well, I'm going down to the saloon to look for the guy who shot my paw." He then laughed and howled walking away

"Wow two whole minutes before you threaten someone," Lana said turning to Hyde, "That has to be a new record."

"Oh, my God! That was Woofy, and he talked to us!" Fez sais astonished 

"Ok Guys, we gotta pick a place to meet in case we split up." Jackie said

"How about the corner of Fun Street and Fun Boulevard?" Lana suggested pointing to the signs, everyone nodded.

"Yeah I mean, that should be easy enough for even Michael to remember." Jackie said turning to Kelso, but he already took off, "Michael?Great. Now we'll never find him."

"Sure we will. All we have to do is show people his picture, and they'll help us find him." Fez said taking out his wallet

"You have a picture of Kelso in your wallet?" Lana questioned

"Of course. I carry pictures of all my friends." Fez said showing all the pictures he had of the gang

"Aww Fezzie" Lana gused at how sweet her friend was

"You're friends with Nipsey Russell?" Jackie asked pointing to the picture of the celebrity 

"I want to be." Fex shrugged 


The look for Kelso continued, Fez was going around showing the picture of Kelso to everyone. He was currently trying to ask a mime for help. Lana was getting a laugh out of it.

Hyde came running up to the two of them with something in his hand, "Hey! Guys, check it out." he said holding up a t-shirt

''Fun University.'' Lana read the sweatshirt

 "Now check out the back." Hyde said turning it around

''F.U.'' Fez read out the letters on the back. Lana laughed along while Fez looked confused, "I don't get it."

"F.U., man." Hyde said hoping Fez would get it.

"Fez...F.U." Lana said trying to help Fez see the very obvious joke

"Oh, right. Fu.'' Fez said still not getting the joke, "That's a good one. That's a good one."

"I tried to look for Michael, but I can't see over the crowd," Jackie said exhausted, "I wish Donna was here. She's a giant."

"Don't remind me, "Fez sighed, "I asked her and asked her and asked her to come, and she just kept saying...Get out of my bathroom, Fez!''

"Well, we still have to find Michael. What time is it?" Lana asked All of a sudden the same guy in the dog costume came from behind them.

"Did someone ask what time it is?" He asked in the same silly voice, "Why, here in Funland, it's always Fun o'clock!''

All of a sudden a Barbershop Quartet starts to sing a song, "Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! It's always fun o'clock in funland-"

Hyde grabbed Lana's hand and started walking away with Jackie and Fez following. "Yeah, yeah, thanks a lot, you morons." Hyde yelled at the singers. They quickly stop singing.


Hyde dragged Lana and Fez to the biggest ride in Funland. Lana had no intention of getting on it, but the line was long and she figure she wait with them. 

"Shouldn't we be helping Jackie look for kelso?" Lana asked looking up at Hyde. He had his arm around her shoulders.

"No, he'll be fine. He gets lost all the time" Hyde shrugged. 

"Next in line" The attendee said as the other passengers finished with their ride got off. Lana was about to go under the rope and start her huge flight of stairs to the bottom when Hyde grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ride with her.

"Steven No! No! No!" Lana shrieked trying to pull away, but Hyde wouldn't let her. She got stuck between Fez and Hyde and they buckled her into the seat.

"Lana, look at me" Hyde said grabbing her face to get her to face him, "You're going to be fine. I promise you"

"Steven I can't do this" Lana said her hands shaking in fear.

"Keep your arms and legs inside at all times and enjoy the ride" The attendant said as the ride began to go.

"I don't think you have a choice now" Fez pointed out

It start off in the slow incline to the highest point of the ride. Lana was holding onto Hyde's hand for dear life, her eyes shut in fear. 

"Lana open your eyes" Hyde said, She sighed and opened her eyes to look at his, "Just try to relax"

She nodded and turned forward to face the drop, just as she was getting use to the high the ride dropped down at high speeds. Lana shrieked and screamed in fear but was also having the time of her life. 

The ride did a bunch of twisted and turns and had a huge loop in the middle. And it was over very quickly. The got off of the ride and made their way to the streets of Funland.

"Oh my god that was amazing! Can we go on more rides!" Lana yelled like a child.

"Yeah we can" Hyde smiled taking her hand and the three of them went off to go on more rides.


The three of them did basically every ride at Funland. Then they did all the carnival games and got food. Hyde won Lana a brown stuff bear at one of the games. And Fez had on a dog hat. They even got Jackie a princess tiara but she still wasn't happy.

"I can't believe you three," Jackie scolded, "Poor Michael is lost, and all you've done is gone on rides and have fun. 

Just then the Funland Princess walked by and jackie gasped. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! The Funland Princess!" She yelled getting up and following her.

"The Funland Princess? I haven't been on that ride yet." Hyde joked, 

"oh that was just too easy" Lana said rolling her eyes. They all got up and followed to where Jackie went, which was in the same direction as the lost and found.

In the lost and found Kelso sat eating a snow cone. "So, I figured this is the lost and found and I lost my friends... so they're bound to show up here sooner or later. Right?" Kelso asked two little boy that were there with him, "I miss my friends."

''I miss my friends.'' they boy on the left of him mocked

"What?" Kelso asked

''What?'' The same one mocked

"Stop it." Kelso yelled

''Stop it.'' 

"Stop copying me!"

 ''Stop copying me!'' THe boy continued

"I'm stupid." Kelso tries to trick him

"You're stupid." The boy says with a smile

"Damn it!" 


The group was still looking for Kelso and they just finished checking the house of mirrors. "That was the House of Mirrors?" Jackie asked, "I have more mirrors than that in my purse."

"Why is everyone leaving?" Fez asked looking around

"Oh, my God. What time is it?" Jackie asked freaking out grabbing onto Lana's arm

"Did someone ask what time it is?" The dog guy said running up to them

"Yeah, we know. It's fun o'clock. Get killed" Hyde snapped at the worker

"No, it's closing time, kids. Time for you to go." He said pushing the boys to the exit and the girls followed them

"But, Woofy, we still haven't found our friend." Fez explained nicely 

"Yeah? Well, golly gee, that's just too-" The guy tried to stay in character but just gave up, "Come on! Get out!" 

"Except for you two!" The guy said barking and grabbing Lana and Jackie.

The guy just laughed as Jackie screamed slightly and Lana pushed him off of them, and they got behind Hyde and Fez.

Hyde simply took on step towards the guy and he ran away. He walked over to Lana and wrapped his arm around her protectively 

"All right. Let's go." Hyde said annoyed 

"What about Michael?" Lana reminded him

"Look, there's been lost dogs who've traveled hundreds of miles... to be reunited with their families." Hyde started to explain, "Now, Kelso is not as smart as that...but I'm sure he can make it the 12 miles back to Forman's."


Kelso ended up getting a ride home from Mrs. Anderson down the street. And Eric was slowly but surely feeling better after Red helped him. Lana and Hyde were playing a game of basketball in the driveway.

Lana was dribbling the ball and Hyde was trying to block. Lana ended up getting around Him and was about to make a Layup when Hyde grabbed her waist and lifted her up.

"Hyde put me down" Lana laughed loudly, as Hyde spun her around in the air. He finally put her down and she was all fluttered and slightly dizzy.

"Hey thank you for today" Lana said sincerely 

Hyde looked at her confused, "For what?"

"For making me go on the roller coaster," Lana clarified, "I never would have done if it wasn't for you. And I just wanted to say thanks"

Hyde smiled at Lana and gave her a kissed, "You're welcome"

"Now however I'm gonna have to kick your ass in basketball" Hyde say grabbing the ball form her and resuming their game.

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