Finding Sanctuary (ArmyxAloha...

By insanity_shows

15.6K 490 521

After the death of his parents, Aloha has been living with his grandparent but is slowly starting to enter a... More

What Comes
Down Below
Trace of Evidence
Ready For the Worst
Crying On The Inside
Take you with me
Welcome Home
Is This Really It?
I Promised You
I'm Addicted to You
Cold War
Parts of Another
On our Own
For the Better
When We are Older
This is our Sanctuary

Tell me

669 26 10
By insanity_shows

Aloha POV:

Sometimes, I have these incredible dreams that feel real. The sense it gives and touch I can grip and hold. Sometimes these are my memories..other times I'm not so lucky. Being in that home for ages has really-
It hasn't been fun. In times when I feel low, memories from my past seem to be unlocked
and seen like a film.

But when I feel absolutely nothing at all...

All I hear are sounds of repeated words in a pitch dark room that grow louder and louder; until.
I awake-

"Eh!" That's what I dreamed about. Nothing but total darkness with horrible words being said over and over. I settle myself up and take in a long sighting of this beautiful wide area living room.
I can't seem to remember why I'm here...Still amazed I stand up and walk over to this patio that has a breathtaking view of the forest..

Fog lingers with the trees; as there tops barley poke through. It's a gloomy day, but I find this rather peaceful until I hear my stomach rumble; I'm starting to get hungry and can't remember where I am so I look around this massive apartment;
praying there must be something good.

I honestly should be more worried but if this is heaven and I died than it's okay. I only want some food. I peek around corners when I then get a smell of something sweet and flavorful. I need no directions to tell me where to go, I have my nose.

Turning a corner I enter this dinning room section and finally see the kitchen. I walk in to only see Army standing at the stove making something that smells amazing! He notices that I'm here and turns to greet with his perfect smile. "You're finally awake. I hope you slept well." He's honestly too kind...

With a skimmer I walk and notice the wide spread of fresh food on the table that makes my mouth water with hunger. Army must have seen my expression because he than gives a chuckle and fills a bowl
with what seems and smells to be oatmeal...

"...You're offering me a serving..?" How can he do life I've been eating nothing but scraps of food or second hand embarrassment offerings from my friends or others I had to beg. None knew what's been happening....and then this guy shows up and offers me..

"Yeah. Go ahead. Help yourself to anything you like." Army goes back to the stove as I stand; and with an unsure step I make myself sit and stare at heaven itself that's placed in a bowl. "'t you going to join." Why would you ask that! Why would I ask that? He's not a friend but I do feel guilty that he's working and I'm eating his food that he prepared.

"Yeah." He gives his welcoming smile that irritates me but this time...some reason I saw warmth to his smile that made me want to stare at it more...He sits on the other end of the table and serves himself. Finally I feel like I can take a bite, so I do and once I did; I unlocked a treasured memory.

"Mom..." I weaken my voice remembering how she would normally make this treat when I'm sick or when there's a chilly day. "This is great..." My voice cracks with a smile showing across my face when I feel my eyes begin to water and slide down my cheeks. I'm crying in front of someone I hardly know- he must think I'm weird...but I don't care.

"...I'm glad you think so." He speaks with a delicate tone softening the mood....After some time of stuffing my face, we managed to finish all the food Army prepared. And when I saw 'we' I actually mean me. I haven't eaten anything like that since I was just a young kid without a clue of what the world can do.

While Army cleans the dishes I walk back to the balcony and stare out into the misty's so pretty; soft and heaven like...I look down and notice that the house is far up on this hill...

...That's right. The night at the party...I was so close to ending myself...but...was it him that pulled me back over. I rather forget everything that happened that night...forget it all! Forget them!!
"Aloha." His gentle hand gets placed on my shoulder; calming me down with one quick touch...

I quiver from the harmful memory. When I felt his hand I somehow knew that I'm all right...I can trust him. If I would fall he'd catch me...This was only a thought, I never knew I would actually fall into his arms. When I did...he caught me and held me tight with worry...stupid...

"I have you. Are you okay?" Him and I settle down on the ground with me still in his arms. He holds me close like I'm his...I don't mind; he's rather warm for such a cold day...hold me remind me of the good times..."why are you warm..." I bring him closer and listen to his heart beat thump with a rhythm.

While we rest in our silence it soon had to be broke by him speaking. "...Aloha. I want to say sorry for what I did...back at the hotel...It- you weren't in your right mind...even if you say you are, I know that's not-"

"Okay...I'm also sorry. I shouldn't have tried to seduce you..that was inappropriate.." I don't think he knows about anything else from last night, but I want his word if he's the one that saved me.

"Army? We're you at the party?" I feel his heart rate increase as he mutters up the courage to tell me.
"..I was. But I was only there for a short period in hopes to find you and talk about something." If it's a confession of love, I don't want to hear it. "'s about those marks...Aloha. Is someone..hitting
you?" That's when I turn to my panic mode and escape from his grasp-


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