F**k You

By INeedHolyWaterOopss

306K 11K 5.4K

Yoongi mafia AU FF (meant to be funny/cringey and less serious) As always with my stories there is smut ther... More

am I still pretty
Glad you stayed?
My car
I'm okay
Sneaking out
Doing the world a favor
I see a litte bit more in you
Home Sweet Home
The Promise
It'll be okay
It's in their hands now
She's on drugs
Getting information
waste of skin
Hope 2
New bitch
Idle hands
I know nothing
Be Safe
Time for change

Love of my life

28K 535 722
By INeedHolyWaterOopss

"I can't believe it took me so long to confess..I love you so much Ally" 
"I love you too" I smiled as he cupped my cheek and tilted my head, our lips danced together as the rain started pouring down..he spun me around as our bodies formed one under the rainy skies..

"Hey Ally" 
I jumped, the man I was literally just daydreaming about pulled me out of my embarrassing thoughts, I felt my face get hot

"Hey" I said softly and continued wiping the counter, I almost forgot I was at work. 

"Quick question..would you mind covering my shift tomorrow?" 

"Oh.." I have plans with Gia tomorrow..I'm sure she'll understand, it's for the love of my life anyways.."sure" I smiled 

"Thanks Ally! You're the best" he cheesed and fist bumped me. 

He touched me. 
Holy shit. 
I watched him walk away from me, he told our manager that I agreed to take his shift. 

"Ally you promised me you'd come tomorrow" Gia whined as I drove home, I had her connected to the bluetooth in my car 

"I know..but you know how I feel about Tod"
"Is he really more important than your best friend though?"
"No! Absolutely not! Look, I'm happy for you and Namjoon, I really really am..and I want to be there but I couldn't say no" 
"Fine" she huffed "you better not miss another one" 
"I won't, I swear!" 
"Okay.. I love you! Be safe"
"I love you too" 
We ended the call and I continued driving home. 

Namjoon and Gia. 

A match made in heaven. 

It's sickening how cute they are together.

Gia and I have been best friends since kindergarten, she was always a wild child..until we started college and she met Namjoon. The foreign exchange student from South Korea, I had never seen Gia so in love before.

They clicked instantly, it was funny to watch, I bumped into him and dropped my book on his feet making him trip, we fumbled to grab our stuff and then he introduced himself and asked for my help finding his class, I agreed and apologized a million times over because I felt so bad. Right before we made it to his class Gia called my name, Namjoon and I both turned to face her and as soon they locked eyes she turned bright red and face planted. 

They've been inseparable ever since. 
It took a year for Namjoon to man up and confess his feelings to her, now they've been together for two years. 
Tomorrow is their beginning of summer barbeque, they want to make it an annual thing now that they have their own home. 

And I'm missing the first one. 


Namjoon's friends and family were coming too, I haven't had a chance to meet them yet and they've all been in town for two days already, but work is kicking my ass. Gia has met all of them and gave me the basic rundown of their personalities and everything else she could possibly gossip about. 
They seem fun. 

I put my car in park and walked into my empty apartment, I threw my bag down onto the floor and grabbed a beer out of the fridge

"Bill, bill, bill, junk, bill.." I mumbled to myself as I flipped through my mail, I finished my beer and got a shower before going to my room, once my head hit the pillow I crashed. I woke up in the morning to my phone ringing 

Boss man
"Hey Ally, I know you're covering Tod today but I changed the shift. I need you to come in as soon as you can and work until three"
Yessssss I can still go see Gia! 
"Okay, no problem. I'll be right there"

We ended the call and I got out of bed and threw on my uniform. I packed an outfit to change into for the barbeque and sent a quick text to Gia to let her know I could still make it to the party and then drove to work. I made it to work right before opening.
Eight to three..you got this..

"I can't do this anymore" I sighed as I made my way into the kitchen 

"On the plus side it's time for you to clock out" my co worker Sam smiled 

"Thank god!" I let out with a laugh, I clocked out and grabbed my outfit, I ran to the bathroom and got changed. I put on a pink romper with spaghetti straps, let my long black hair down and it stayed wavy from keeping it in a bun all day, and then I fixed my makeup. I put my lipstick on and smiled, I couldn't wait to get to the barbeque and meet everyone. 

I pulled up to Gia's house blasting my music and singing along in my own little world
"Girl pardon me I don't mean to be rude, but I got some paper wanna spend it on you" 
I kept singing along to Jay Park until I felt eyes burning into the side of my head, I turned my head and was caught off guard by an extremely good looking man staring at me. 

He looked amused, but extremely intimidating.

He was wearing an all black suit, a black button down tucked into his pants with the top three buttons undone showing off his collar bones and just a peek at some ink on his skin.

His skin was pale, much paler than I had expected from someone from Korea, and he looked way too serious, but his face looked sculpted to perfection 

He almost took my breath away with how perfect and intimidating he looked. 

He was sitting on the front steps and vaping, I didn't even see him there when I pulled up. 

I rolled up my windows and killed the engine. I mustered up all of my courage trying to push away my anxiety this man was giving me and got out of the car 
"Hello" I smiled

He nodded at me and I walked past him up the stairs and into the house 

"Gia?" I called out 

"They're out back" I jumped not expecting the stranger to be directly behind me

"Oh..uh thanks" I smiled and walked through the house and out the back door 

"Ally!" Gia squealed as she ran to me, she jumped up and held onto me like a koala making me laugh as we spun around "I was so happy when you said you could come!" 

"Me too!" I cheesed as she unwrapped her legs from my waist and I put her on her feet

"Hey Ally" Namjoon smiled as he hugged me 

"Hey Joonie" I smiled and hugged his waist 

"I missed you" he smiled 

"I missed you too!" He released me from the hug

"Let me introduce you to my friends" he said with a smile, he was wearing an oversized shirt and basketball shorts but all of his friends were wearing suits, it looked like a professional business meeting taking place poolside.

My posture stiffened as I tried to hide behind Namjoon, it wasn't hard to do considering how skinny and short I am, he let out a chuckle 
"Relax Ally, they won't bite"

"Unless you want us to" one of them spoke up, he had ink all over his hands and it looked as if it went up his arm

"Jungkook don't be an ass" Namjoon said as he rolled his eyes "that's Kookie, or Jungkook" 

"Nice to meet you" he winked and smiled 

"Nice to meet you too" I smiled and felt my face get hot

"This is Tae" he pointed to the man next to Jungkook, the man looked up and smiled wide at me, he looked super sexy until he smiled. It made him look so innocent and almost child like. 

"Hey Ally, it's nice to meet you. Gia and Joonie have told us all about you" he stood up and hugged me catching me off guard as my head hit his chest, I also wasn't expecting his voice to be so deep and calming

"It's nice to meet you too" I smiled and hugged him back, he released me and sat back down 

"This is Hoseok, we also call him Hope or Hobi depending on the day" Namjoon said with a chuckle, Hoseok jumped right up 

"I'm so excited to meet you! I've heard so much about you!" He hugged me tightly, he was definitely a ball of energy...but something about his demeanor told me he wasn't always rainbows and sunshine. 

"It's nice to meet you too Hobi" I smiled and returned his hug he cooed at me when I said his nickname, and then he let me go 

"This is Jimin"

Holy lips.. 
God damn. 

"Hey Ally" he smiled wide as his eyes disappeared..his voice was almost enchanting, I felt flush all over again 

"Hi, it's nice to meet you"

"It's lovely meeting you too" he winked with his smile 

Oh god he's a flirt. 

"This is Jin, he's the oldest" 

"And the most handsome" Jin joked making me giggle 

"Nice to meet you" I smiled 

"Nice meeting you too Ally" he smiled

"And this guy over here is Yoongi, I see you've met" 

"We did" I nodded "nice to meet you Yoongi" I smiled

"Nice to meet you too Ally" he smiled 
Even with a smile on his face..something about this man just didn't seem right. 

"Food is done, and you know where everything is so just help yourself okay?" Namjoon said 

"Thanks Joonie" I smiled up at him 

"Can I have my best friend back now?" Gia whined making me giggle 

"Yes baby, I'm all yours" I smiled "now feed me before I eat your fingers"
We both giggled as she handed me a plate 

"Joonie and Yoongi cooked on the grill, there's ribs, barbeque chicken, corn on the cob, baked beans, plain grilled chicken, and some flounder" 

"Mmmm god I'm gonna drool and stuff it all in my face" I laughed making her snort as she laughed really hard 
Yoongi mumbled something to Namjoon making them both chuckle 

"What are you two goofballs laughing at?" Gia asked with a playful glare, Yoongi took a hit off of his vape pen and shrugged his shoulders "ask your man" he said and walked off to go sit next to Jimin, Gia rolled her eyes and continued to load food onto my plate. I grabbed a beer and sat down next to Jungkook since there wasn't another open seat, I sat my beer in the cup holder of my chair and sat back with my food 

"So what do you do Ally?" Jungkook asked me as he grabbed my beer and twisted the cap off before sitting it back in the cup holder, I swallowed my food that was in my mouth and took a sip of my beer "thanks, I work at a restaurant..not anything fancy, you?"

"Ah, nothing like working with the public right?" He chuckled "I also work in customer service" 

"Really? You guys all look too professional to just be in customer service" I chuckled and shoved another forkful of food into my mouth 

"We just have really really wealthy clients" he smirked and sipped his beer 

"Oh, makes sense" I nodded as I continued to eat "why suits at a barbeque though?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders 

"We're always working. Even when we're not" 

I sipped my beer and furrowed my eyebrows 

"Don't think too much about it sweetheart" he smiled and winked at me

"Kook.." Yoongi caught his attention and started speaking korean so I couldn't understand, when he was finished Jungkook turned to me 

"Sorry baby, I have to run inside for a second..I'll be right back" he winked and walked away

"Ummm..okay?" I rolled my eyes at the nickname and went back to eating my food, Gia stole the seat Jungkook had been sitting in 

"So how was work? How's Tod?" She asked with a wide smile 

"Work was okay..busy as usual. And no update on the Tod situation yet" I rolled my eyes 

"His loss honestly, have you even asked him out though?"

"No, not yet" I pouted and she giggled a little 

"Grow some balls girl! Ask him out!" 

"I will" I threw my head back and laughed, I took a sip of my beer and felt Yoongi staring at me again, I locked eyes with him and he sent me a wink and a smirk. I smiled. I have no idea why I did that..or why I winked back. 

I internally facepalmed and sipped my beer again, this time finishing it. 
Jungkook stepped out of the house and after whispering something to Namjoon, he whispered something to Yoongi. Yoongi nodded and walked into the house, he looked back at Gia and gave her a nod before he locked eyes with me. 

"Hey Ally.." Gia said shyly

"Yes love?"

"I hate to kick you out..but I have to" she pouted 

"Aww why? What's wrong?" 

"Namjoon has to go to the office with the guys and I have to go with them" she pouted 

"Aww okay lovie. I love you! Thanks for feeding me I guess" I giggled making her laugh, it didn't sound like her real laugh though..I tried not to overthink it, but I couldn't help it. 

Something felt way too off. 

I stood up and threw away my trash, I walked into the house followed by Gia while all seven of the men were standing in the living room talking amongst themselves. Namjoon had changed into a suit and slicked his hair back with gel, he smiled and hugged me
"Thanks for coming Ally, I'm sorry work called" 

"That's okay Joonie" I smiled "I love you, I'll see ya later" 

"Love you too" he smiled and squeezed me before letting go, Gia squeezed me and picked me up spinning me around making me laugh while I koala hugged her

"I love you!" She squealed making me laugh 

"I love you too goofball, now let me go" 
She dropped me and my ass hit the floor making me laugh harder, the guys all laughed as Jimin offered me his hand and pulled me off the floor
"I'm so sorry!" Gia said through her laughter 

"It's okay, I'll go ice my ass" I joked

"thanks for the help" I smiled at Jimin 

"Any time sweetheart" he winked 

"Alright" I clapped my hands "see y'all later! Nice meeting you guys! Have fun at work" 

They all yelled their goodbyes as I got out of the house and into my car. 

I sat in my car for a minute after starting up the engine, Jay Park came back on and I started to sing along as I rolled down my windows, I waved at everyone as they walked out of the house and I drove off. I decided to stop at the bar around the corner from my house to grab a beer and eat some more since my dinner was so rushed at Gia's house. 

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